The Picture Postcard as Art: Images from the Golden Era (#85MG) Closed Auction Info Advanced search ▼ Items per page 102550100100 Sort by DefaultTime LeftLot#Lot NameNewestHighest PriceLowest PriceBidsViewsDefaultDefaultTime LeftLot#Lot NameNewestHighest PriceLowest PriceBidsViews Filter By Categories Category match ANY of the aboveALL of the aboveANY of the aboveANY of the aboveALL of the above Featured Exclude closed lots Price Lot Number Results: Viewing items 701-800 of 1138. Previous|1...56789101112|Next123456789101112 View Lot 701 STRAITS SETTLEMENTS: Interesting group reflecting Colonial infrastructure with roads, bridges, churches, public buildings etc, includes usages to Guernsey, Indo-China & Italy, two with 'PS/&Co' perfin, generally fine to very fine. A good lot. (34) Symbolc View details Estimate$600Price Realized$850StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 702 STRAITS SETTLEMENTS: The contrasting lot illustrating Malay culture with houses on stilts, boats, native shop & police station, a few grand buildings, etc, two to Indo-China, one with 'PS/&Co' perfin, generally fine to very fine. (33) Symbolc View details Estimate$350Price Realized$600StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 703 STRAITS SETTLEMENTS: People & Occupations including rubber tappers, street vendors & entertainers, coolies, shipbuilding, etc, also "Chinese Opium Smokers" & "Chinese Funeral", one of 1912 with fine 'SINGAPORE/RAFFLES HOTEL' cds & one of 1909 with 'PS/&Co' perfin, usages to Italy & Australia x2 (one with German 10pf tied by Deutsche Seepost cds), condition variable but generally fine to very fine. A terrific lot. (31) Symbolc View details Estimate$600Price Realized$1,000StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 704 STRAITS SETTLEMENTS: Group with captions in French x21, German x2 or Dutch x2, postmarks include French hexagonal 'MARSEILLE A YOKOHAMA/No 4' x3, '...No 9' and circular '...No 1' and 'YOKOHAMA A MARSEILLE No (?)' datestamps, generally fine to very fine. (29) Symbolc View details Estimate$600StatusUnsold Lot 705 STRAITS SETTLEMENTS: PENANG: Seven with undivided backs, local producers Pritchard & Co, Federal Rubber Stamp Co, Mahmed Esoof, Co-operative Agency, S M Manicum etc, several real photo types, generally fine to very fine. (23) SymbolC View details Estimate$500Price Realized$500StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 706 MALAY STATES: Attractive group including Elephants in Kuala Kangsar, "The Wild People of Perak" (with 'BMC' perfin, corner faults), "Gold Mine in Pahang" x2 (one unused), "Une Mine de Zinc" x2 (different editions), "Market Ipoh" etc, also real photo types including Sakai People of Perak x3, etc, generally fine to very fine. (23) Symbolc View details Estimate$500Price Realized$750StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 707 MALAY STATES: 1928 Nakajima & Co "Malay Girls" & "Malay Dancers" both to Singapore with Trengganu stamps tied to the view-sides by bilingual '.../KEMAMAN' datestamp, age-stained on the message-sides. ( ) SymbolcGradeb View details Estimate$180StatusUnsold Lot 708 MALAY STATES: TRENGGANU: 1920s real photo Card of "Connaught-Drive" (Singapore) with Trengganu 2c green tied to the view-side by indistinct Trengganu cds, to "Malakal/Sudan/Africa" with message about exchanging postCards, minor blemishes. SymbolcGradeb View details Estimate$200StatusUnsold Lot 709 LABUAN: Unused selection including "Native trading boats", "Government offices, Victoria", "Victoria Harbour", "Coolies discharging Coal", etc, a few with Undivided Backs, some minor defects but generally fine unused. A very scarce group. (9) SymbolcGradea/b View details Estimate$450StatusUnsold Lot 710 NORTH BORNEO: Attractive selection including "Type of native bridge", "Picturesque Buli Sim Sim", "Sandakan Lawn Tennis Court and Behn Meyer Office", "Sandakan, Post and Telegraph Office", "Native Houses on [sic] Trees", etc; also SARAWAK "Coal Ship alongside the Sarawak Government Wharf", real photo Pepper Industry x6 (plain backs, superb unused), & a QSL (ham radio) Card; condition variable but generally fine. (24) Symbolc View details Estimate$800StatusUnsold Lot 711 Attractive bundle of mostly better Cards with many Undivided Backs including "Chapel of bones..." (used at 'GIBRALTAR'), gorgeous chromolitho "Marsamuscetto Landing Stage" & another multi-view printed in Italy, a range of real photo types (some with plain backs) including Chooks being Rounded-Up (may be Italian), also costumes, occupations, transport, a few artist Cards, etc (55); plus Gibraltar x5 including a 1920 "silk"; condition variable but generally fine to very fine unused. Ex Keith Harri Symbolc View details Estimate$250Price Realized$190StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 712 Large album with superior group including Aden x75; Egypt x45 mostly of Suez or the Canal; and Turkey x29; mostly unused & generally good to very fine. Ex Aldo Paladin. (150) Symbolc View details Estimate$800StatusUnsold Lot 713 Mostly 1950s Cards from Aden & Egypt including many real photo types, generally very fine unused. (100+) Symbolc View details Estimate$75StatusUnsold Lot 714 Arabian/Persian Gulf selections from Iraq x33 including seven with Undivided Backs, nice range of Tuck/Kerim Cards with some British Occupation content including "Wreck of the Ekbatana...", etc; Persia/Iran x18 with a few UBs & real photo types; and Fernandez "Muscat Streets"; condition variable but many are fine to very fine. Ex Keith Harrison. (52) Symbolc View details Estimate$400Price Realized$650StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 715 ADEN: Attractive bundle with Undivided Backs x13, local producers including Double Anchor Society, MS Lehem & Co, A Abassi, Anglo-Italian Grocery Store & JM Judah, a group of real photos including by Pallonjee Dinshaw & Co x6, noted 1903 to GB with Austrian stamp not recognised so taxed, condition variable but generally fine to very fine & mostly unused. Ex Keith Harrison. (41) Symbolc View details Estimate$200StatusUnsold Lot 716 Attractive selections from Dutch Indies x31 with many real photo types including Native Dancers; Curacao x15; & Dutch Guiana (goldmining); mostly unused & generally fine to very fine. Ex Keith Harrison. (47) Symbolc View details Estimate$150Price Realized$240StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 717 DUTCH EAST INDIES: Attractive group mostly from Java including advertising Card for Hotel Simpang (Soerabaja), plus a few Sumatra & Celebes x2, a few unused, ten to Australia, condition variable. (23) Symbolc View details Estimate$250Price Realized$280StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 718 GERMAN PERIOD: Attractive group with three Gruss aus types & a beautiful chromolitho with two views, "Schutztruppe in Kaiser Wilhelmland", "Eingeborene von Bogadjim", Mission Cards with English captions x8, etc, condition generally fine to very fine used or unused. Ex Bronte Watts. A very good lot. (21) Symbolc View details Estimate$500Price Realized$800StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 719 - 1898 10pf Postal Cards overprinted 'Deutsch-/Neu-Guinea' with artist views "Gruss aus Neu-Guinea" or "Gruss aus Stephansort", postally used to Germany with cds of 'HERBERTSHOHE' or 'STEPHANSORT', bumped corners. (2) SymbolpsGradea- View details Estimate$100Price Realized$200StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 720 AUSTRALIAN OCCUPATION OF GERMAN NEW GUINEA: 1914 real photo of Australian soldiers being reviewed, unused, & a photograph of native troops undergoing bayonet practice, minor blemishes. Ex Bronte Watts. (2) SymbolcGradeb View details Estimate$150Price Realized$260StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 721 Real photo group including three natives, horse riding x2, large building, French ceremony, native canoe and two others, various stamps cancelled on view side but unused. Very scarce. (9) Symbolc View details Estimate$600StatusUnsold Lot 722 Superior group with Maori studies x8 including heavily tattooed chiefs & a beautiful real photo "On the Wanganui River" (superb), mourning Card for Richard Seddon (superb), Exhibition Cards for Christchurch x4 & Dunedin, real photo "The Mountaineer Leaving Queenstown", and a few others, condition variable but most are very fine to superb, Ex Bronte Watts. (18) SymbolcGradea+/b View details Estimate$200Price Realized$150StatusSold Lot 723 Wide-ranging collection with good sections of Auckland, Christchurch, Dunedin, Nelson & Wellington plus many smaller towns, numerous real photo Cards with some of exceptional photographic quality including by Tanner Bros and Frank Duncan, many fine topographicals including several tram Cards, also "Kauri Gum Diggers" (!) and Department of Tourist & Health Resorts chromolithos x14 (a couple duplicated), etc, condition variable but many are fine to superb; also 1906 Christchurch Exhibition labels Symbolc* View details Estimate$500Price Realized$1,200StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 724 Attractive single-volume collection with many better Cards including small towns, Napier Before & After the Earthquake, Stewart Island x4 (superb unused), Cowboys (!), "Basin Reserve, Wellington" with Cricket Match in Progress, "Boar Shooting in the Waikato", etc, also Maori subjects x26 - one franked with Christchurch 1d - including Hakas, "The Canoe Poi, Ruatoki", real photo multi-view "With the Maori - Tena-Koe", etc, mostly unused, also "18 Photographic Views of Wellington" (245x190mm, cove Symbolc View details Estimate$500Price Realized$1,000StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 725 1907 R Reid real photos captioned "Kiss Georgie" of Auckland identity the dwarf Georgie Lett, as a newspaper boy (his day job, corner bend), cycling, a-courting & in a child's swing, the last used at Auckland in 1911, another used under cover; also five uncredited Cards of Georgie & a tall companion dressed as a woman x2 & as a pious anti-gambling preacher x3, very fine to superb unused. (9) SymbolcGradea/b View details Estimate$200StatusUnsold Lot 726 1909-10 (c.) Amy Bock Cards comprising three real photos, Patillo Bridal Photographer (Dunedin) photos x2 listing five aliases including Percy Carol Redwood "The Female Bridegroom", and Universal (Dunedin) caricature & two comic Cards of the same subject but with different captions, mostly fine to very fine. [Tasmanian born Amy Maud Bock lived most of her life in New Zealand where she was jailed several times for larceny & fraud. In 1905 she assumed the guise of wealthy sheep farmer Percival Red SymbolcGradea/b View details Estimate$200StatusUnsold Lot 727 1910 (c. ?) real photos inscribed on the reverse "£2000 worth of whalebone from the Campbell Islands drying in Picton..." and "Herrings stranded on the beach at Picton", a few faults. (2) SymbolcGradec View details Estimate$175Price Realized$360StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 728 1916 (c.) "Public Bodies & Children's Princess No 3" to raise funds for wounded soldiers, unused. Rare. SymbolcGradea View details Estimate$100Price Realized$75StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 729 1931 Hawke's Bay Earthquake eleven real photo Cards of the devastation, one with Miss Faulknor imprint, others with plain backs (one with Beck's Pharmacy Napier backstamp), very fine to superb unused; also eleven pre-earthquake views including five real photos, fine to very fine. Ex DB McFarlane. [Exceptional social history. At least 256 people died in what was New Zealand's deadliest earthquake. The consequent fires destroyed all of central Napier, the subsequent re-building creating what is to SymbolcGradea+/b View details Estimate$400Price Realized$600StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 730 ENTERTAINMENT: "The Westwood Family from Foxton New Zealand" featuring Wilfred, aged 11. weighing in at an impressive 21st 4Lb & his literally big sister Ruby, aged 13, all 17st 4Lb of her!, and separate Cards of these two heifers inflicting metal fatigue on an enormous tricycle, unused. Good grief! Ex Keith Harrison. (3) SymbolcGradea/a- View details Estimate$100StatusUnsold Lot 731 HUMOUR: 1909 Universal (Dunedin) comic "(Air) Ships that Pass in the Night", creased & a little soiled, unused; & "Airships in Various Forms", used at 'MATAURA' in 1912. [Dunedin "Evening Post" of 29/7/1909: "The airship mystery is exciting tremendous interest...It was a bright light...with a dark body attached..."] (2) SymbolcGradeb/a View details Estimate$100StatusUnsold Lot 732 HUMOUR: World War I Mence & O'Halloran Scenes at Trentham Military Camp x11 & similar by Charles ("Buck") Buchan x5 (plain backs) lampooning Camp medical procedures, dentistry, food, Army boots etc; also 1915 real photo of Trentham Camp; condition variable but generally fine, all but one are unused. (17) SymbolcGradea-/b View details Estimate$200StatusUnsold Lot 733 HUMOUR: World War I NZ Observer "The Free Lance/The Bully of Europe - Kaiser Bill Runs A-Mok", "Stirred to Action" (British Lion Attacking German Raven), "Meddlesome Willy" & "Come Out" (British Bulldog Barking at German Rat in a Bottle), and similar Laidlaw Leeds "What Will He Do with It?" (Bulldog with 'GERMANY' Sausage in his mouth), a couple with minor spotting, unused. A rare quintet. [The artist "Blo" was William Blomfield] (5) SymbolcGradea/b View details Estimate$400StatusUnsold Lot 734 MILITARY - WORLD WAR I: Group with three real photos of Camps in NZ (one with lengthy message headed "Tanherenikau Rest/11 12 16"), cartoon types by Mence & O'Halloran x4 (plus one duplicate), Buchan x3, NZ YMCA "Our Little Gray Home at the Base" & NZ Free Lance Post Card with illiterate message from the addressee's father (?); and three others, condition variable unused or used. (16) Symbolc View details Estimate$250StatusUnsold Lot 735 MILITARY Brett Printing Co "The King's Message...New Zealand's Reply", Daily Mail "Anzacs in France - A Brawny Maori Butcher", BB London lovely embossed Card "To One of the Anzacs...", all unused; and five different postCard-size Christmas Cards from the Troops; a few minor problems. (8) SymbolcGradea/b View details Estimate$100StatusUnsold Lot 736 MILITARY WORLD WAR II: mid-1941 NZ Govt Copyright artist Cards by Captain Peter McIntyre "Kiwi", "Maadi Camp", "The Long Range Desert Patrol", "The Landing - Crete", "Galatos" & "Dressing Station - Maleme" (both towns on Crete), "Barge from Crete" (landing craft with an improvised sail) & "Return from Crete", some tonespotting mostly on the address sides, unused; also contemporary photographs of "...Keep Your Mouth Shut" poster by McIntyre & of a similar poster by Kim Stoddart (creased). [Peter Symbolc View details Estimate$350StatusUnsold Lot 737 MAORI: Artist Cards by Horatio Gordon Robley ("GR") three of a Maori warrior with slightly different inscriptions (two for Iles of Rotorua, plus a fourth version used on an Iles Kodak Store advertising envelope with a couple of minor repaired tears) and a different horizontal design, all unused; plus Wellington Museum real photo "Fine Specimen Maori Carving" addressed to "Major-General H Gordon Robley" in London. [Major-General Horatio Gordon Robley saw service in New Zealand during the Maori Wa SymbolcGradea/a- View details Estimate$280StatusUnsold Lot 738 MAORI: Lovely group with real photos x7 including portraits, greeting (rubbing noses) & "Children Jumping from Bridge for Pennies", also "Wharepuni at Otokou", "Maoridom" (array of artefacts; addressed to Maj-Gen Robley in London), "The Maoris/Living Races of the World" nine coloured vignettes, "Whaaru (Leader of Hursthouse rescue party)...", etc, generally fine to very fine. Ex DB McFarlane. [In March 1883, surveyor Charles Hursthouse & his staff were kidnapped by Maori who objected to the Main SymbolcGradea/b View details Estimate$400Price Realized$300StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 739 MAORI: original drawing on a postCard of a female mokomokai by HG Robley & initialled "GR", unused. Unique & culturally important. [Robley became an avid student of Maori culture & acquired the extraordinary number of 35 mokomokai (the heads of heavily tatooed Maori - moko - that were severed after death & treated for preservation). Also an original drawing of a Tiki & other artefacts on a postCard, probably by Robley but not initialled or signed] (2) SymbolcGradea View details Estimate$500StatusUnsold Lot 740 MAORI: Frank Duncan (Auckland) real photo of HG Robley's portrait of 'Tomika Te Mutu, Tatooed Maori Chief' initialled "GR", a couple of minor surface defects that are not immediately apparent. A really superb portrait & a wonderful study of moko. SymbolcGradea- View details Estimate$200StatusUnsold Lot 741 MAORI: c.1905 undivided back "Guide Maggie, Rotorua", autographed across the photograph, used in 1906 from 'WHAKAREWAWERA' (Maggie's home; the PO opened 5/3/1906) & taxed. [Makareti Papakura was one of the most popular guides in the Rotorua District. She wrote "Guide to the Hot Lakes District" & formed a Maori performance troupe that toured NSW & England, where she later settled. In 1926 she enrolled in a Bachelor of Science degree in Anthropology at Oxford University. Her thesis, published afte SymbolcGradea- View details Estimate$200StatusUnsold Lot 742 MAORI: Paterson's Series divided back "Guide Maggie, Rotorua", autographed & dated 17.4.09 across the photo, unused. SymbolcGradea View details Estimate$200StatusUnsold Lot 743 MAORI: Paterson's Series (no imprint) divided back "Guide Maggie, Rotorua" in Maori dress, facsimile signature, unused. [Most photos of Maggie Papakura show her with the head-scarf she wore as a guide] SymbolcGradea View details Estimate$150StatusUnsold Lot 744 SPORT - RUGBY: 1904 Artist Card by E Frederick Hiscocks "Britain v New Zealand/After the Game/The Lion - Phew!!" commemorating the defeat of the English Team, to the USA, repaired tear at the top. [Examples have been offered for up to $600] SymbolcGrade(b) View details Estimate$100Price Realized$160StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 745 SPORT 1905 "New Zealand Football Team" British Cards 1) GWSM with caption plus extensive Fixture & Player Statistics occupying 75% of the address side, used in GB with ½d tied by 'EAST ISLEY' cds, a bit aged; 2) Philco real-photo type, appears to have been in a rugby scrum, used at 'PONTYPRIDD' (Wales) on DE2/05; 3) Senior & Co (Bristol) black & white with names of the uniformed players, stamp neatly removed otherwise fine; & 4) Millar & Lang coloured team photo again with players' names, light SymbolcGradea-/c View details Estimate$250StatusUnsold Lot 746 TRAMS: 1920s real photos "The Most Southern Electric Car in the World Invercargill NZ" & Lyall Bay tram (Rongotai-Wellington), unused. Rare. (2) SymbolcGradea/a- View details Estimate$150Price Realized$120StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 747 Real photo types x15 with several of convict buildings including "Quality Row Kingston" & "South Coast", also seascapes, Guest House, "Cascades Jetty", "Mission Chapel" (St Barnabas) x2, "Buildings, Whaling Station" & a fully-laden wagon, plus Kerry "Head of a Cow Whale", & small photographs x11, generally fine to very fine unused, Popular material. Ex rryan. (27 items) Symbolc View details Estimate$500Price Realized$1,600StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 748 1920 (c. ?) real photo "Dewville and Golf Links Kingston" (horse race on the golf course!, with convict-era buildings at left), unused. Superb! Ex Bob Young. SymbolcGradea+ View details Estimate$100Price Realized$180StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 749 Universities Mission to Central Africa Cards with black & white photos x11, black & white "linocuts" x4, coloured artist Cards x26 & others x7, a few are duplicates, two are captioned "Zanzibar", generally fine to very fine unused or used. Ex Derek Pocock. (48) Symbolc View details Estimate$400Price Realized$360StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 750 New Guinea Mission "Our Whaleboat", London Missionary Society "Models of Saguane Church and Tree Hut", "Wamira Mission School, New Guinea", real photo "Port Moresby" endorsed on the address side "Fernberg/Govt House/1 Jan 10" & signed "JA Musgrave" (the Government Secretary), Valentine's "A Chief's House", coloured Dutch Card "Papoea-Dorp bij Port Moresby", and a PPC-size photo of native boys apple-bobbing, most are unused. (7) SymbolcGradea/b View details Estimate$200StatusUnsold Lot 751 Attractive group with a few Port Moresby views & Lakatois, also native villagers, flag raising, etc, several are real photo types, also a portrait of "Steve Son of Oala" (closed tear) used for the 1932 Pictorials 1d, condition generally fine to very fine used or unused. Ex Bronte Watts. (18) Symbolc View details Estimate$350Price Realized$550StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 752 Attractive bundle of French Missionary Cards mostly Sacred Heart Fathers on Yule Island, a couple of duplicates, some minor blemishes but generally fine to very fine unused. (24) SymbolcGradea/b View details Estimate$300StatusUnsold Lot 753 Undivided Backs x2 and Divided Backs x8, all postally used to Western Australia (mostly) or NSW with overprints on USA or Philippines 4c, one with 2c only with superb tax marks and NSW 1d postage due, fine to very fine. (10) Symbolc View details Estimate$400StatusUnsold Lot 754 Group mostly of Warsaw but also Cracow, Lodz, Lwow & Tatra Mountains, several Undivided Backs & a few real photo types, attractive artist Cards mostly of Regional Costumes & Musicians, good postal history/postmark content including five with Russian stamps/postmarks & others with Austrian or Polish stamps & postmarks, many unused including National Commission for Protection of Nature in Poland set of 12 & historical "Panorama Raclawic" set of 12, condition variable but generally fine to very fin Symbolc View details Estimate$500Price Realized$700StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 755 Box with Undivided Backs including attractive topographicals, some real photo types, artist Cards mostly of Regional Costumes, etc, mostly unused but some postmark interest, condition variable but generally fine to very fine. Ex Keith Harrison. (62) Symbolc View details Estimate$300StatusUnsold Lot 756 COLONIES: Good lot from Angola x17 including "Rescued Slave Girls" & British Mission Hospital at Chilona group; Azores x16 plus "Souvenir of St Michael's" wallet with 10 Cards; Cape Verde x15 including excellent indigenous subjects; Goa x16 including 400th Anniversary x2; Macau x5; Madeira x49 including Undivided Backs postally used; and Mozambique x13 with good postal history/postmark content; condition variable but generally fine to very fine. A very good lot. Ex Keith Harrison. (140 approx) Symbolc View details Estimate$500StatusUnsold Lot 757 Bulawayo group for local publishers Smart & Copley x4, Preece & Harrison, Bulawayo News Agency & Geo Brown, two with small portrait and "Rhodesia - Our Dr Jim" at upper right, subjects include "Funeral Cortege of Cecil John Rhodes Passing Grand Hotel" (minor split at base), "In room marked X the Jamieson raid was planned", real photo "Bulawayo Club and Rhodes Statue" etc, several postally used including two with 1d Double Heads, condition varied but generally fine to very fine. [See also Lots 22 Symbolc View details Estimate$350StatusUnsold Lot 758 Attractive group with native studies, "Zigua Village", "General view Gaika Mine"', "Manica Road Salisbury", "Mid day halt en route" and Victoria Falls x5, several are real photo types, one with 'RHODESIA' overprinted 1d and two with Double Heads 1d, good to very fine, seven are unused. (15) Symbolc View details Estimate$350StatusUnsold Lot 759 1913 real photo of three automobiles parked by Rhodes' statue in Bulawayo, to GB with 1d Admiral and message "A souvenir of the arrival of the Cape to Cairo motor expedition...", minor bend at upper left. SymbolcGradeb View details Estimate$150StatusUnsold Lot 760 Box with many better Cards including Undivided Backs & real photo types, mostly of Bucharest but also Braila, Constanta, Galati & Sinaia, mostly unused but good postal history/postmark content, condition variable but generally fine to very fine. Ex Keith Harrison. (100+) Symbolc View details Estimate$250Price Realized$280StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 761 Mounted collection of mostly better subjects with some beautiful Cards including many artist Cards of costumes etc, many outstanding buildings, a few military etc, also early Soviet period propaganda Cards x9 & 1903 British anti-Russia propaganda, condition variable but generally fine to very fine. Ex Bronte Watts. (110 approx) Symbolc View details Estimate$400Price Realized$950StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 762 Undivided Backs x16 (one to Gibraltar) and Divided Backs x20, mostly views of St Petersburg (Including Tuck's Oilette x6, very fine unused) or Moscow, generally fine to very fine unused or used. (36) Symbolc View details Estimate$400Price Realized$400StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 763 Box of Moscow & St Petersburg - a couple with 'Petrograd' Overprints - with many Undivided Backs & numerous popular subjects including Churches (some interiors) & Palaces, Bridges, Horse-Drawn Vehicles & Trams etc, some real photo types, lots of postal history/postmark content, condition variable but many are fine to very fine. A very attractive lot. Ex Keith Harrison. (120+) Symbolc View details Estimate$300Price Realized$700StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 764 Box of topographicals from all over Russia including Baltics, Urals, Volga, Caspian & Siberian views - but no Moscow or St Petersburg - with many Undivided Backs & an excellent array of better subjects, some postal history/postmark interest but most are unused, condition variable but generally fine to very fine. Ex Keith Harrison. (160 approx) Symbolc View details Estimate$500Price Realized$1,200StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 765 Regional selections from Vladivostok x16 plus WWI with English/Japanese captions x6, Crimea x31 plus Odessa booklet of 7 Cards (rather aged), Archangel x41 including several real photo types, Caucusus x22, Siberia x9, Tiflis x12 & an unidentified town (long name, starting with 'B') x31, some Undivided Backs & an excellent array of better subjects, some postal history/postmark interest but most are unused, condition variable but generally fine to very fine. Ex Keith Harrison. (174) Symbolc View details Estimate$500Price Realized$1,400StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 766 Box of chromolithographs mostly "Gruss aus" multi-view Cards including a few unusual types and for Baltic cities Embachstadt (Estonia), Reval x5 & Riga x5, also Varsovie (Warsaw), some with Cyrillic Inscriptions including for Odessa x2, mostly 1897-1900 usages with some postmark/postal history interest, several are unused including 1899 Alexander Pushkin Bicentennial Card, generally fine to very fine. A beautiful lot. Ex Keith Harrison. (29) Symbolc View details Estimate$500Price Realized$600StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 767 CRIMEA: Views of Odessa by Stengel & Co x11, COFO & one other, all with Undivided Backs, condition varied, one unused, others all to Great Britain with various postmarks. (12) Symbolc View details Estimate$250StatusUnsold Lot 768 ARTIST CardS: Stimulating array by numerous artists, many based on the Western tradition but a large number are distinctively Russian/Slavic including several gorgeous Art Nouveau types, many Undivided Backs noted, condition variable but generally fine to very fine & mostly unused. A delightful lot. Ex Keith Harrison. (150 approx) Symbolc View details Estimate$400Price Realized$1,100StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 769 COSTUMES: Terrific collection illustrating the Russian way of life and a vast array of regional costumes, also occupations, military uniforms, etc, many from remote regions including an excellent Far North group x9 & other ethnic minorities including from Central Asia, also 20+ Actors & Actresses, a high number of Undivided Backs noted, many attractive artist Cards, generally fine to very fine & mostly unused. Ex Keith Harrison. (150+) Symbolc View details Estimate$400Price Realized$1,000StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 770 Album with attractive Cards from Iceland, Denmark, Finland, Norway & Sweden, & a few covers, lots of postmark interest, condition variable but many are fine to very fine. Ex "Cartophile". (150 approx) Symbolc View details Estimate$100Price Realized$75StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 771 DENMARK: Packet of mostly topographicals including some Undivided Backs & real photo types, many unused; Faeroes x4 including Beached Whales being Dismembered; and Iceland x21 mostly Mountains & Geysers plus 1929 National Costume with message in Esperanto; generally fine to very fine. Ex Keith Harrison. (47) Symbolc View details Estimate$175StatusUnsold Lot 772 FINLAND: 1917 Anti-Bolshevik Uprising real photo Cards of Tampere 1) Burnt-out Buildings & a Body in the Foreground, tonespots on the reverse; 2) Town Square with Dead Bolshevik; and 3) About Thirty Dead Bolsheviks, eye-witness comments on the reverse include "...There is no fear of any further trouble of this description in Finland" & "These photographs are very rare so you must keep them" otherwise unused. Outstanding socio-political history. Ex Keith Harrison. SymbolcGradea/b View details Estimate$300StatusUnsold Lot 773 NORWAY: Box with many Undivided Backs, some chromolithos including four with 'Use Mustad's Horsenails and Frostnails' Advertising on the address side, many real photo types, only a few of Christiania/Oslo, many of Bergen & Fjordland, a few of Lappland & Reindeer, good postal history/postmarks content including 1909 'FJORDENES POSTEXE/ A ' & 1912 'HARDANGER-SONDHORDLANDS POSTEKSP/ H ' cds, condition variable but generally fine to very fine with many unused. Ex Keith Harrison. (160 approx) Symbolc View details Estimate$400Price Realized$600StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 774 SWEDEN: Box with numerous Undivided Backs including many of Regional Costumes, attractive topographicals including many real photo types, the flimsiest Card in the entire collection!, etc, mostly unused but some postmark interest including TPOs, condition variable but generally fine to very fine & many are superb. Ex Keith Harrison. (93) Symbolc View details Estimate$300StatusUnsold Lot 775 Bundle of mostly undivided backs with Lisk-Carew Brothers upper case captions x9 including "Women Washing Clothes", "Ant Hill", "Susans Bay" (boats stranded at low tide), "Wilberforce Barracks" and "Threshing Rice", Lisk-Carew lower case captions x6 include "Palm Oil Making", "Dancing Girls", "Westmoreland Street" and "Artillery carrying armament", also UMCA "Washing day at Magila" and Johnston & Sons "Threshing Huts for Rice", unused or used under cover, generally fine to very fine. [See also Symbolc View details Estimate$175StatusUnsold Lot 776 Bundle of interesting subjects including "Kafir hut under construction", "Armoured train", "Native policemen (Natal)", "Country club golf links, Durban", Diamond Mines x3, real photo types including open-air magistrates court, etc, most are fine to very fine, mostly unused plus two used in Rhodesia with 1d Double Heads. (37) Symbolc View details Estimate$500StatusUnsold Lot 777 Album with some better Cards including "Eureka City - De Kaap Goldfields", advertising Card for "Grand Hotel, Cape Town" & a few real photo types, condition variable. (110 approx) Symbolc View details Estimate$100StatusUnsold Lot 778 Attractive collection with many Undivided Backs & real photo types, a couple of Boer War Cards, many Zulu subjects including some frightening topless portraits, some postmark interest, condition variable but generally fine to very fine. Ex Keith Harrison. (200 approx) Symbolc View details Estimate$400Price Realized$75StatusSold Lot 779 Mostly pre-1910 group including Mining, Zulus, Lighthouse, Boer War, etc, many Undivided Backs including 1901 Links of Empire for Royal Visit, 3-panel panorama of Cape Town, etc, some postmark interest & destinations including Australia, New Zealand, Fiji, Mauritius, Wales & South West Africa (1900 'SWAPKOMUND' arrival datestamp), condition variable. (34) Symbolc View details Estimate$400StatusUnsold Lot 780 MISSIONARIES: French Catholic Missionnaires SymbolcGradeb/a+ View details Estimate$750StatusUnsold Lot 781 Attractive batch with Undivided Backs including an unusual embossed group of 6 used in 1901, topographicals including Moorish buildings, Majorca wallet of 20 coloured scenes & a couple from Andorra (one postally used in Andorra in 1950), attractive artist Cards etc, 22 used at 'GIBRALTAR' with QV to KGV stamps; also Canary Islands x7 (two used at Gibraltar) & Spanish Morocco x28 with a nice group of real photo types, mostly unused; condition variable but most are fine to very fine unused or used Symbolc View details Estimate$400StatusUnsold Lot 782 Wide-ranging array with many Undivided Backs including some chromolithos, mountains of Mountains but also Railways/Feniculas, Regional Costumes, Daily Life, Hotels including advertising types, Postal Services etc, many attractive artist Cards, postal history/postmark content including Hotel Cachets, condition variable but generally fine to very fine with many unused. Ex Keith Harrison. (300 approx) Symbolc View details Estimate$400Price Realized$300StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 783 Box of mostly pre-World War II real photo Cards of cities & towns, alpine regions including many snow scenes, 1910 Floods in Lucerne, Regional Costumes, etc, some postmark interest & hotel cachets, many are unused, generally very fine to superb. Ex Keith Harrison. (200 approx) SymbolcGradea/a+ View details Estimate$200Price Realized$150StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 784 Undivided Backs x3 and Divided Backs x3 including montage of 13 small photos, "Wild Elephants entering the Kraal", "Tame Elephants removing wounded and killed Elephants", "Ploughing ceremony", "Royal Palace" (spotting) and real photo of Phuket fishing boat, four have faults on address side. Vendor states "Rare". (6) Symbolc View details Estimate$750StatusUnsold Lot 785 Attractive selection including Undivided Backs x5, others including "Royal State Barge to Wat Arun", "The Yao People", "Petchaburi Grand Cave", "Laos Girls at work, Siam", "Mahanak Canal Scene" & several superb unused real photo types, condition variable. (36) Symbolc View details Estimate$850StatusUnsold Lot 786 Four early real photo types (one to Egypt redirected to London then back to Sudan!), 1925 J Martin Card with two views to New Caledonia, cancelled at Nukualofa x2, Haapai or Vavau x2, one with minor toning otherwise fine to very fine. Very scarce items. (5) SymbolcGradea/b View details Estimate$500StatusUnsold Lot 787 Penny postal Cards with multicoloured view "A Native Village", black & white views "The Palace Chapel" & "Presentation of Kava", and sepia views "Beach at Haapai" & "Ovava: Captain Cook Tree", postally used to New Zealand x3, NSW or Tasmania, fine to very fine. A very scarce and desirable group. (5) SymbolpsGradea/b View details Estimate$500StatusUnsold Lot 788 1899 Three-quarter view "Neiafu Vavau Friendly Islands" to Victoria with Pictorials 1d tied by 'NUKUALOFA/28JE99/TONGA' cds. Rare this early. SymbolcGradea View details Estimate$150StatusUnsold Lot 789 Wide-ranging collection mostly of Constantinople - two with 'ISTANBUL' Overprints in red - but including many from Smyrna, some Salonika & other places, many palaces & mosques including interiors & Faith Press Saint Sophia set of 6 in original packet, many cultural images, costumes, camel trains etc, mostly unused but with some used including from British & German Post Offices in the Levant, condition variable but generally fine to very fine. Ex Keith Harrison. (100 approx) Symbolc View details Estimate$350Price Realized$270StatusSold Lot 790 Wide-ranging collection with public buildings, hotels, manufacturers, patriotics including Betsy Ross x3, giant trees, railways, advertising Cards, etc, condition variable but generally fine to very fine. Ex Bronte Watts. (200 approx) Symbolc View details Estimate$300StatusUnsold Lot 791 Album with many attractive Cards & some "linens", postmark potential, condition variable but many are fine to very fine. Ex "Cartophile". (150 approx) Symbolc View details Estimate$75Price Realized$60StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 792 Box with some Undivided Backs & numerous better subjects including advertising Cards for Hotels, Disasters, unusual Niagara Falls views, real photo of Cleveland's Mail Tram, Crocker art Cards for Yosemite National Park x9 (mostly superb unused), American Indians x13 including Undivided Backs with glitter x6, etc, many from major cities but many from smaller States including Montana, Rhode Island, Vermont & Washington, also Washington DC x4 (three to Malta), Hawaii x12 & Virgin Islands real photo Symbolc View details Estimate$400Price Realized$420StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 793 GLAMOUR: Collection of mostly pre-World War I artist Cards predominantly for Reinthal & Newman x230 approximately the majority by Harrison Fisher x100 approx (Cat £10 each), Philip Boileau x60 approx (£10 each) & F Earl Christy x40 approx (£6 each); also for Edward Gross Co by Elsie Catherine Fidler x2 (£8), Alice Luella Fidler x8 (£8) & Pearle Fidler LeMunyan x15 (£6); others for various publishers; some very minor duplication, mostly unused & generally fine to very fine. Ex Keith Harrison. [S Symbolc View details Estimate$500Price Realized$1,600StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 794 GLAMOUR: Romance Cards by "DWIG" with Stylish Ladies & Messages in Mirror-Writing set of 12 with embossing & gold highlights, unused. Unusual, gorgeous and superb! Ex Keith Harrison. (12) SymbolcGradea+ View details Estimate$250Price Realized$190StatusSold Lot 795 HOSPITALS: Wide-ranging collection in a weird album - you need to view it! - of mostly major facilities in key States but also representation from Alabama, Connecticut, Kansas, Louisiana, Montana, Nebraska, South Dakota, Utah & Washington State, noted Military & Veterans' Hospitals, "Boston Floating Hospital", "Chippewa Indian Hospital" & "Epileptic Colony at Abilene", lots of "linens" but also some excellent real photo types, condition variable but generally fine to very fine. Ex Derek Pocock. Symbolc View details Estimate$300Price Realized$230StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 796 Extensive array including from Bosnia, Croatia, Montenegro & Serbia many with Cyrillic captions, strong Dubrovnik/Dalmatia Coast including a wallet with ten coloured views, also major cities & small towns plus rural alpine & coastal scenes, some Undivided Backs including Serbian 1898 usages x4 and 100+ real photo types, also artist Cards including Regional Costumes, mostly unused but many with Austrian or early Yugoslav stamps & bilingual postmarks, condition variable but generally fine to very Symbolc View details Estimate$600Price Realized$900StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 801 c1876-79 R.C.Brown & Co. New York (Capadura Cigars) "Cartoon Cards", complete set [5]. One with repaired corner, others G/VG. {Issued between 1876 and 1879, and thought to be the earliest known tobacco insert cards}. View details Estimate$300Price Realized$460StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 802 c1881-84 Thos.H.Hall (Between The Acts Cigarettes) "Actors & Actresses" (8 + 11 spares). Fair/VG. View details Estimate$150Price Realized$240StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 803 c1895-1903 American Tobacco Co. range, noted 1900 "Old Ships" (38); 1900 "Military Uniforms - Series D" [22/25]; 1900 "Beauties - Palette Girls" [23/25]. Poor/G. View details Estimate$400Price Realized$550StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 804 1895-1935 cards in album, noted American Tobacco Co. 1895 "Flags of All Nations" [50]; 1900 "Old Ships" 1st Series [25] & 2nd Series [25]; 1901 "Boer War" Series A [25] & Series B [22]. Fair/VG. View details Estimate$600Price Realized$650StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Items per page 102550100100 Previous|1...56789101112|Next123456789101112 Previous 1234567891011128 Next Previous 1234567891011128 Next