The Picture Postcard as Art: Images from the Golden Era (#85MG) Closed Auction Info Advanced search ▼ Items per page 102550100100 Sort by DefaultTime LeftLot#Lot NameNewestHighest PriceLowest PriceBidsViewsDefaultDefaultTime LeftLot#Lot NameNewestHighest PriceLowest PriceBidsViews Filter By Categories Category match ANY of the aboveALL of the aboveANY of the aboveANY of the aboveALL of the above Featured Exclude closed lots Price Lot Number Results: Viewing items 501-600 of 1138. Previous|1...456789...12|Next123456789101112 View Lot 501 1907-10 black & white Binnie "Government House..." with ornamental border (Heyburn #D-5-d) & unknown publisher "Stanley from Hill, looking West" (#E-9-e), and coloured Biggs "View of Port Stanley" (#B-13-by & B-13-bx), to GB, Argentina x2 or Spain (!), the last with message "28.1.07 These are the first coloured postCards we have of Stanley. Three in number...", Heijtz Cat £500+: the coloured Cards were listed only in the 1988 Supplement. (4) SymbolcGradea- View details Estimate$300Price Realized$230StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 502 Selection of mostly better Cards including "Governor of Fiji, Admiral of Australian Fleet, Officials, and High Chiefs", "The Village Baths", "Native Houses (Lami Plantation)", real photo types Hussey & Gillingham x7 including "Making Yaqona (Kava)", "Presentation of Wedding Gifts", "Native Meke" & "Three Native MInisters of Navuloa Circuit", JW Waters "Kadavu natives building house", Harry Gardiner "Two Minutes Silence, Armistice Day" (real photo), FW Caine "The Market Suva", etc, generally fine Symbolc View details Estimate$200Price Realized$420StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 503 Box with a wide-ranging array of topographicals Symbolc View details Estimate$400StatusUnsold Lot 504 "Instalment Cards" sets of 10 comprising "Corrida de Toros" (Bull Fighting), WWI "Infanterie Coloniale" (a few mostly minor faults), "Je Suis L'Imaculée Conception" & a 'bas relief' of Napoleon, also "Napoléon" colour photos set of 12 & "Cathédrale d'Amiens" set of 20, generally very fine to superb unused. Ex Keith Harrison. [Basically simple jigsaw puzzles; placed in order, the individual Cards create a larger picture. See also Lots 181, 461 & 609] (72) Symbolc View details Estimate$500Price Realized$380StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 505 1902 Anti-German propaganda Cards "Voyage en Russie 1902" (Nos. 3, 8, 11 & 12), and three others, minor blemishes. (7) SymbolcGradea-/b View details Estimate$75Price Realized$120StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 506 ART NOUVEAU - Jack Abeille: 1898 Bathing Costumes x3 (two are Swiss editions), and 1899 Bathing Costumes x3, all with Undivided Backs, unused, Cat £60 each. Superb! Ex Keith Harrison. [From 1898, Jack Abeille was one of the first established French artists to design postCards] (7) SymbolcGradea+ View details Estimate$250StatusUnsold Lot 507 ART NOUVEAU 1898 JWH a B Fashion Through the Ages set (?) of 7 with Undivided Backs, unused. Undercatalogued at £60 each. Ex Keith Harrison. (7) SymbolcGradea-/a+ View details Estimate$500StatusUnsold Lot 508 ART NOUVEAU 1899 Caprice Flowers with Undivided Back "La Tulipe" & "La Violette", unused. Undercatalogued at £60 each. Ex Keith Harrison. (2) SymbolcGradea View details Estimate$200StatusUnsold Lot 509 ART NOUVEAU Basch Arpad: c.1900 "National Women" (Very Fashionable Ladies with their National Emblems) set of 10 embossed designs with gold highlights & Undivided Backs, unused. Très magnifique! Ex Keith Harrison. (10) SymbolcGradea/a+ View details Estimate$1,000StatusUnsold Lot 510 ART NOUVEAU U Brunelleschi: R et Cie (Serie 31) Glamorous Ladies in Various States of Undress set (?) of 6, unused, Cat £110 each. Quite exceptional & superb! Ex Keith Harrison. (6) SymbolcGradea+ View details Estimate$600Price Realized$600StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 511 ART NOUVEAU E Louis Lessieux: 1900 Dancing Through the Ages set of 6 with Undivided Backs, a little nudity, unused, undercatalogued at £40 each. Superb! Ex Keith Harrison. (6) SymbolcGradea+ View details Estimate$400StatusUnsold Lot 512 ART NOUVEAU Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec: c.1895 Cinos "Moulin Rouge Bal Tous Les Soirs/La Goulue" (can can dancer) with Undivided Back, used at Paris in 1900, Cat £600. Superb! Ex Keith Harrison. [One of only two contemporary Cards featuring Toulouse-Lautrec's work, this Card reproduces a famous 1891 poster for the Moulin Rouge. At a London auction in 2014, an original of another of Toulouse-Lautrec's "La Goulue" posters sold for £314,500!!] SymbolcGradea+ View details Estimate$400Price Realized$420StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 513 ART NOUVEAU Unidentified Artist ("Krey" ?): Exquisite Card of Warrior Princess & Fish with gold highlights & Undivided Back, minor impression at lower-left from a corner mount, unused. Ex Keith Harrison. SymbolcGradea View details Estimate$100Price Realized$120StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 514 CHATEAUX: Delightful collection of Cards featuring these enchanting & often spectacular villas stated to all be in the Loire Valley including sumptuous interiors, gorgeous artist Cards by Adolphe Yvon x16 & some real photo types, many with Undivided Backs, generally fine to very fine. Ex Derek Pocock. (117) Symbolc View details Estimate$150StatusUnsold Lot 515 MONACO: Attractive batch of Casino Cards x7 including interiors plus five Gambling Instructions Cards, also a range of other views including several real photo types plus a wallet with 20 real photo views, mostly unused but with five used in Monaco (one in 1899), fine to very fine. Ex Keith Harrison. (40) SymbolcGradea/b View details Estimate$250StatusUnsold Lot 516 Wide-ranging group with Algeria x18 plus three packets of perforated Cards; Indo-China x28; Lebanon/Syria x18; Madagascar x24 including excellent indigenous subjects & one of Diego-Suarez (used in China!); Martinique x15; Senegal x34 including WWI Troops Departing for Cameroun; Somalia/Djibouti x35 including set of 20 perforated Cards; Tunisia x45 plus five packets of perforated Cards; etc; some Undivided Backs noted, a high proportion are unused still there is useful postal history/postmarks co Symbolc View details Estimate$400Price Realized$300StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 517 FRENCH GUIANA: SymbolcGradeb View details Estimate$100StatusUnsold Lot 518 INDO-CHINA: Attractive group with indigenous subjects, village scenes, musicians, actors, street vendors, skinning an elephant (!), etc, also a few Dutch Indies Cards, generally fine to very fine & mostly unused. (63) Symbolc View details Estimate$400StatusUnsold Lot 519 INDO-CHINA: Bundle with views etc of Annam x17 including several real photo types, Tonkin x3, Cambodia x3 and Laos, etc, mostly postally used including at least twenty to Australia and with good postmark content including mailboat sorters, condition varied but generally fine to very fine. (35) Symbolc View details Estimate$1,000StatusUnsold Lot 520 MOROCCO: Large packet mostly of Casablanca, Fez & Rabat including a few Undivided Backs, a quality group of real photo types & attractive artist Cards, some ethnic subjects, several Cards with Spanish backs but French captions, some postal history/postmark interest, also five packets of 10 or 20 CAP perforated Cards of Tangier x4 or Rabat, condition variable but generally fine to very fine. Ex Keith Harrison. (160+) Symbolc View details Estimate$250StatusUnsold Lot 521 MOROCCO: Stampless military usages of "Bou-Denib - Prissonniers Berabers 15 mai 1908", 1910 "La Compagnie montée du 2me Etranger...faisant la route d'Oudjaa...", 1913 "Fez - Rue Centrale" & Flandrin (Casablanca) "Casablanca..." aerial photo with monoplane painted-in (used in 1931?), various military cachets. (4) SymbolcGradea View details Estimate$120StatusUnsold Lot 522 NEW CALEDONIA: 1903-07 selection "Caserne de l'Artillerie", "Canaques travaillant sur une pirogue", three whites at a creek & Tahiti 1906 "Raiatea Avant la pacification" & "Indigène de Papeete", three with Commerce & two with Kagu frankings, two each from 'NOUMEA' & 'THIO', also Polynesia 1925 "Sunset on Moorea" with 1fr, all to various Sydney addresses, good to fine. (6) SymbolcGradea-/b View details Estimate$240StatusUnsold Lot 523 SOMALIA: Box of local views including many native portraits - several of well-endowed topless indigines - prominent buildings, musicians, donkey transport, railways, wharves etc, 38 postally used to Constantinople (!) with various Somali or Ethiopian frankings, a surprising variety of transit/arrival postmarks & two registered (rare thus, with black/blue 'HARRAR' registration labels), also unused Cards x23, some minor aging but generally fine. An excellent postal history lot, and then some. Ex S SymbolcGradea-/b View details Estimate$500Price Realized$650StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 524 Range of gorgeous chromolitho Gruss aus types for major cities but also for Assmanshausen, Mannheim, Giessen, Franzensbad, Stilberg, Bad Harzburg, Neuwied, Magdeburg, Blankenburg, Marienbad & Alsterpark bei Hamburg, also for Prague & Vienna, some faults but all presentable & many are fine to very fine, three are unused. Ex Bronte Watts. Beautiful material. (19) Symbolc View details Estimate$300Price Realized$480StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 525 Mounted collection of better subjects including non-chromolitho Gruss aus types, some lovely chromolitho Cards for exhibitions & anniversaries etc, also hotel advertising Cards, Norddeutscher Lloyd Bremen x4, etc, condition variable but many are fine to very fine. Ex Bronte Watts. A very attractive lot. (70 approx) Symbolc View details Estimate$350Price Realized$270StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 526 Box of topographicals with more than half from what became East Germany, a range of Undivided Backs with Gruss aus types including chromolithos, alpine hotels, a beautiful selection of Regional Costumes, 1902 Dusseldorf Exhibition, 1906-07 Fire Damage in Bentschen, a few advertising Cards & real photo types etc, postmark interest but mostly unused & generally fine to very fine. Ex Keith Harrison. (120 approx) Symbolc View details Estimate$500Price Realized$380StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 527 Box of chromolithos mostly "Gruss aus" multi-view Card Symbolc View details Estimate$1,000StatusUnsold Lot 528 1875 '5 PFENNIGE' Postal Card HG 5 with printed woodcut illustration on the message-side of a Church believed to be in Wartburg (Thuringia), minor blemishes, unused. Ex Keith Harrison. [This Postal Card issue was replaced in 1878 by Cards inscribed '5 PFENNIG 5' (no trailing 'E'). It must be among the earliest commercially produced topographical postCards published anywhere in the world] SymbolpsGradeb View details Estimate$250Price Realized$500StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 529 1880s Postal Cards x2 & private postCards x3 with woodcut illustrations on reverse of Bastei-Brücke (two different, both with boxed 'BASTEI' datestamp), Schneekoppe in rosine (central fold, superb 'SCHNEEKOPPE' datestamp), Detmold triptych (rounded corners) or of a painting "Heidelberg - Vom Wolfsbrunnenweg", condition variable but attractive. Ex Keith Harrison. (5) Symbolcps View details Estimate$250StatusUnsold Lot 530 1884 A Schumann (Gotha) "Gruss vom Inselsberg" woodcut illustration on reverse of 5pf Postal Card, 'INSELSBERG/12.7/84' datestamp, pencil-address (partly reinstated) & message have been erased, minor blemishes. A very early "Gruss aus" forerunner. Ex Keith Harrison. SymbolpsGradeb View details Estimate$100StatusUnsold Lot 531 1891 Gebruder Staut "Gruss vom Aussichtsthurm der Intern Electrot Ausstellung Frankfurt" (= International Electricity Exhibition), unused but with oval dated cachet in green on the address-side. Early Exhibition Card. Ex Keith Harrison. SymbolcGradea View details Estimate$50StatusUnsold Lot 532 1912 (June) real photo royalty Card with First German Airmail 10pf Goose tied by very fine 'Flugpost am Rhein u am Main/Darmstadt/12.6.12' datestamp and black/orange 'Flug=Post=Karte' with 1mk on 10pf Goose tied by similar datestamp of 19.6.12. Scarce pair. SymbolcGradea View details Estimate$400StatusUnsold Lot 533 ARTIST CardS: Visually stimulating mostly unused collection with some Undivided Backs including a few chromolithos & early comic types, mostly Landscapes & Buildings also a super set of Portraits by Max Sinz x6 & Goethe Busts & Medallions x12, Rural Scenes by Paul Sey x10, Nuernberg Medieval Buildings x5 & Hildesheim Nuremberg Scenes x6 (English captions), generally very fine to superb. Ex Keith Harrison. (110 approx) Symbolc View details Estimate$200StatusUnsold Lot 534 Attractive bundle x59 including Post Offices in Turkey, Kiautschou, New Guinea, Togo etc, 1905 Colonial Congress, 1907 Colonial Exhibition in Berlin x2, humorous types & artist Cards, condition variable but many are fine to very fine; also Notgeld x13, 1919 "mourning stamps" x9 plus that for German New Guinea used on a 1932 postCard, and '...Wie lange noch ohne Kolonien?' label. (83 items) SymbolcΩ View details Estimate$750Price Realized$1,000StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 535 Levant (a superb chromo-litho of Haifa), Kiautschou x4, East Africa x3, Cameroun x3, South West Africa x16, Samoa x6, Marshalls x2 (one with inscription in the native language); also a British satire Card "Ten Little Colonies" that starts "Ten little Colonies a long way from the Rhine; New Zealand got Samoa, and then there were nine;..." and ends "...One little Colony remaineth to the Hun, When General Smuts gets hold of that der Deutscher vont haf NONE!", condition rather mixed but many are fin Symbolc View details Estimate$400Price Realized$420StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 536 Selection from Cameroon x20 including "Gruss aus Kamerun" chromolitho, also East Africa x3, South West Africa x2 & Togo x5, condition variable but generally fine to very fine. Ex Keith Harrison. (31) Symbolc View details Estimate$300StatusUnsold Lot 537 CAMEROON: Attractive group including a map Card, Planzungs-Gesellschaft Cocoa Plantation, Huge Warehouses x2 different & Light Railway, native dancers, native military band, Great White Hunter in lederhosen (!) with his bag of three monkeys, etc, generally fine to very fine, mostly unused plus postally used at 'DUALA' x2 & 'BANJO'. (16) SymbolcGradea/b View details Estimate$400StatusUnsold Lot 538 GERMAN EAST AFRICA: Handy group including map Card, two different embossed coin Cards, multi-views of Dar es Salaam & Tabora, East Africa Exhibitions of 1897 & 1900, real photo of dignitaries at Usumbura Railway, 1909 Christmas/New Year in DEA x2 different, etc, condition variable but generally fine to very fine. (27) SymbolcGradea/b View details Estimate$600Price Realized$500StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 539 KIAUTSCHOU: Substantial bundle from before the Boxer Rebellion to World War I including "Der Krieg in China" x3 different, a few "Gruss aus" types, several beautiful chromo-lithos including 1898 map Card, several anti-Chinese humour types, a few artist Cards including "Tsingtau Club", a few real photo types, five postally used at 'TSINGTAU', other usages in Germany including a couple pre-1901, some unused, condition variable but generally fine to very fine. An excellent lot. (48) Symbolc View details Estimate$1,500Price Realized$2,000StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 540 NAURU: Storch "Mama's Liebling" and "Weg an der Lagune"; no publisher with church, native nuts, frigate birds, aviary and a costal scene, all very fine; also real photo of a large thatched building (a bit battered); all unused. (7) Symbolc View details Estimate$400StatusUnsold Lot 541 NEW GUINEA: "Gruss aus Stephansort" artist's Card, three different coinage Cards, "Station Deinerzhöhe", "Erstkommunikantin in Vunapope", GNG coat-of-arms & two other artist Cards, generally fine to very fine. (9) SymbolcGradea/b View details Estimate$200Price Realized$320StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 542 SOUTH WEST AFRICA: Excellent group with native & military subjects, diamond mine, washing diamonds, 1905 Christmas Greetings, etc, 11 postally used from 'SEEHEIM', 'KEETMANSHOOP' x3, 'LUDERICHTZBUCHT', 'WARMBAD' x2, 'OKAHANDJA', 'SWAKOPMUND' x2 & 'WINDHUK', several are stampless military usages, generally fine to very fine. (34) SymbolcGradea/b View details Estimate$1,000Price Realized$950StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 543 Mostly coloured subjects from local publishers Benzaquen (including bullfighting x12, captions in English) & Cumbo, others by Millar & Lang of Glasgow, mostly unused & generally fine to very fine. (62) Symbolc View details Estimate$250StatusUnsold Lot 544 1924 Wembley Exhibition Fleetway eight different (superb) & original outer pack (defects but very presentable), WWI five humorous types (three are absolute classics!) and Philipson & Son patriotic "Under One Flag" (used), unused. (15 items) SymbolcGradea-/a+ View details Estimate$250StatusUnsold Lot 545 A mounted collection with many early Cards including coloured artist Cards x13, group of hotels, churches & cathedrals x20, graves, transport, good Military section including regimental artist Cards, military bands & a few Boer War, Prisons, Universities, Heraldry, a very attractive seaside range including many Grand Piers & three of bathing boxes (one a real photo type), 1911 Coronation Airmail Card in green to London, a few Wales Scotland & Ireland, etc, condition variable but generally fine t Symbolc View details Estimate$650StatusUnsold Lot 546 Five large albums of Photochrom Cards from many different series & in a wide variety of styles including artist Cards & real photo types, the vast majority are Celesques (most of which are numbered on the face) on the characteristically stout board, subjects include Beaches, the Lakes District, Yorkshire, Isle of Wight, Channel Islands etc, also some overseas subjects notably Holy Land, condition variable but generally fine to very fine. A wonderful basis for serious expansion at modest cost. Ex Symbolc View details Estimate$750StatusUnsold Lot 547 Marvellous collection of multi-view topographical Cards in many different styles & including numerous real photo types, many for large cities but even more for small villages such as Potterspury, Trimley, Ribchester, Stonyhurst, Sabden, Okeover, Silverdale etc etc, others for Districts or Buildings such as Furness Abbey, St Paul's Church Longridge & The Crooked House at Himley, also "West Hartlepool, Shelled by the Germans..." (minor crease) & Crystal Palace Before & After the 1936 Fire, postmar Symbolc View details Estimate$600StatusUnsold Lot 548 London & North-Western Railway complete sets of 6 comprising 'Set No 30 - The Lake District', No 32 Ireland, No 46 Dublin, No 47 Lancashire Seaside Resorts, No 48 Buxton, No 49 Shrewsbury, No 52 Warwick, No 53 Kentish Resorts, No 54 South Coast, No 56 Oban & the Trossachs, and No 58 The Clyde & Caledonian Canal, very fine to superb unused. Ex Keith Harrison. (66) SymbolcGradea/a+ View details Estimate$100Price Realized$100StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 549 Old-Time "Midget Post Cards" album of real photo Cards - mostly about half-normal postCard size, including four diamond-shapes & a narrow vertical Card - featuring Royalty or Actresses (mainly) & Actors, mostly unused but some are postally used, generally fine to very fine. An original collection offered intact. Ex Keith Harrison. (170) Symbolc View details Estimate$250StatusUnsold Lot 550 Three volumes with many better Cards, some Undivided Backs including one with photo affixed to the view-side, many towns & villages, smaller churches, Cornwall & Wales, etc, advertising Cards for P&O x2, "The Great Anglican Gathering" & Booth Line of Royal Mail Steamers, a few humour including a marvellous Cycling Accident by "Cynicus" & one with a circular message, all selected for the postmarks with two volumes of mostly duplex cancellations & one volume of squared-circle datestamps plus a sel Symbolc View details Estimate$1,000StatusUnsold Lot 551 1890 Penny Postage Jubilee official Rowland Hill insert Card postally used with 'REGISTERED/17JA99/ LEICESTER' datestamp, minor blemishes. Ex Keith Harrison. SymbolcGradeb View details Estimate$150StatusUnsold Lot 552 1899-1903 court-size Cards unused x8 including three chromolithos & a "blueprint", or used x10 - three with the stamp neatly removed - including chromolithos x4 and Welch & Sons South Coast x5; also a Red Letter 'MIDGET MESSAGE Card' (88x70mm, tonespots, unused); a few problems but most are fine to superb! Rare & very attractive. Ex Bronte Watts. [See also Lots 593 to 601] (19) SymbolcGradea/b View details Estimate$500StatusUnsold Lot 553 1903 Strathnaver Fairy Circle Golden Jubilee of the Charge of the Light Brigade "A Group of Balaclava Light Brigade Charge Survivors", unused. Ex Keith Harrison. [The 10 veterans are named. The Cards were sold to raise funds for various charities] SymbolcGradea View details Estimate$100StatusUnsold Lot 554 1903 Manchester & Salford "Lifeboat Saturday" Fund Card of PostCards being Cast from a Balloon, postally used with 'CHINGFORD/SP9/08/ 1 ' cds (a late date for this Card), a couple of very minor blemishes, Cat £1000. Rare & famous Card. Ex Keith Harrison. [These Cards were sold for 3d each to raise money for the Fund. The flight was scheduled for 29/8/1903 but was postponed until 5/9/1903. A very fine example sold at a recent London auction for £1573] SymbolcGradea- View details Estimate$1,500Price Realized$2,800StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 555 1904 advertising Card for Edwards Entertainers (Margate 1904) being a group photograph of the six performers & autographed across the face by each of them, unused. Superb! Ex Keith Harrison. SymbolcGradea+ View details Estimate$100StatusUnsold Lot 556 1907 "Daily Graphic" Expedition Card of a Balloon over a Riverine Landscape, to Italy with 1d tied by Brighton datestamp of OC27/07 & 'ISCHIA' arrival datestamp, minor blemishes. Ex Keith Harrison. SymbolcGradeb View details Estimate$150Price Realized$320StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 557 1907 "Daily Graphic" Expedition ditto, unstamped but postally used to Mauritius (!) with Swedish 'TOSSE/14/10/1907' cds, superb 'T.' handstamp & TPO datestamp, Mauritius transit & '12c/TO PAY' h/s plus 'BEAU-BASSIN' arrival cds, minor blemishes. An extraordinary origin/destination item. Ex Keith Harrison. [All Cards carried by balloon were jettisoned over Sweden] SymbolcGradeb View details Estimate$500Price Realized$850StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 558 1910 real photo "The Late Hon CS Rolls, Flying at Southbourne, July 12 1910" the day he was killed, used at Bournemouth three days later with message: "...Rather bad about Rolls don't you think" and "We had another accident here last night. Rawlinson...smashed his machine to pieces", minor bend; also a superb real photo "Memorial to the Late Hon CS Rolls Monmouth" (Wales). Terrific stuff! Ex Bronte Watts. [An on-line resource states Rolls was "the twelfth victim of the science of aviation" but f SymbolcGradea-/a+ View details Estimate$250Price Realized$380StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 559 c.1910 (?) GD&D "Star" Series five real photo Cards - two with plain backs - & two coloured Cards all featuring aspects of Working Life in London, each affixed to the reverse of slightly larger prints of the original photographs that have handstamps & printer's/publisher's notations on the reverse, one Card with adhesion on the face & another with corner fault, otherwise fine to very fine. Rare postCard proofs. Ex Keith Harrison. [The remarkable aspect of all the original photos is that they hav SymbolcGradea/b View details Estimate$500Price Realized$380StatusSold Lot 560 Outstanding quality group of early Undivided Backs mostly Valentine's including Liverpool x11, Wolverhampton x9, "Land of Scott" x15, Loch Katrine/Trossachs x12, "Cornish Scenery" x6 & "Cathedrals of England" x6, also Frith Views of Boston x11, & a few others, very fine to superb unused. An exceptional lot for the connoisseur. Ex Keith Harrison. (86) SymbolcGradea/a+ View details Estimate$850Price Realized$650StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 561 A marvellous collection from all over England - no London - including good selections from Cornwall, Lakes District, Thames Valley, Seaside Resorts, Isle of Wight etc, numerous Villages noted, some Undivided Backs, good range of beautiful artist Cards, real photos including unidentified locations, many superb Rapco & other publishers including Railway Companies, etc, plus a few Ireland, a high proportion are unused, generally fine to very fine+. Ex Keith Harrison. (100s) Symbolc View details Estimate$1,000Price Realized$750StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 562 LONDON: Box of mostly topographicals including many unusual streetscapes, lots of activity including many with horsedrawn & motorised vehicles, some Undivided Backs & other early Cards, groups of River Thames, Westminster & Crystal Palace, a high proportion are unused including many superb Excellent Series Cards, generally fine to very fine+. Ex Keith Harrison. (200 approx) Symbolc View details Estimate$300Price Realized$230StatusSold Lot 563 CHESHIRE: Old album of Chester Cards including ancient & Tudor buildings, some lovely real photos including multi-views x3 & some artist Cards, generally fine to very fine used or unused. Ex Derek Pocock. (114) Symbolc View details Estimate$250StatusUnsold Lot 564 CORNWALL: Collection x100 approximately including St Michael's Mount group x36, Land's End x18, other towns, Briggs & Co watercolours by Leonard Richmond x6, Peacock Pictorette watercolours x15, etc, also some Devon, castles, & a few others; generally fine to very fine. (140 approx) Symbolc View details Estimate$250StatusUnsold Lot 565 SCOTLAND: Mostly unused topographicals including JWB Commercial Series x19, Rapco "Up the Clyde" set of 6, Milton Glazette Tartan Borders set of 12 & L&NW Railway "Scotland" set of 6, etc, a few useful postmarks, generally fine to very fine & most of those mentioned are superb. Ex Keith Harrison. (70 approx) Symbolc View details Estimate$250Price Realized$280StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 566 WALES: Fascinating collection of mostly topographicals - no Cardiff or Pontefract - with lots of variety including an excellent group of multi-views in various styles x27, Peacock Brand beautiful multicoloured Cards x7, Railway Company Cards x20, real photo types x30+, a few lovely artist Cards, etc, some Welsh postmark interest, many unused, generally fine to very fine. Ex Keith Harrison. (140 approx) Symbolc View details Estimate$500StatusUnsold Lot 567 OFFSHORE ISLANDS: Mounted collection with strength in Jersey, Guernsey, Isle of Man and Isle of Wight but many other islands noted including Sark, Scilly Isles, Lundy & Scottish Islands, many better views/subjects, condition variable but generally fine to very fine. Ex Bronte Watts. [This collection includes some modern tourism Cards that are not included in the count or valuation] (110 approx) Symbolc View details Estimate$250StatusUnsold Lot 568 OFFSHORE ISLANDS: Album with a rather scattered collection of Cards with some better subjects but the strength is in the postmarks including Jersey 1907 'ST MARTINS', 1905 'ST MARYS' & 1905 'FIVE-OAKS', Guernsey 1931 'GUERNSEY (ST PETERS PORT)' & 1906 from Malmesbury to Sierra Leone!, Isle of Man 1919 'LAXEY' & 1906 'PORT-SODERICK SO', Scillys 1905 'SCILLY' & 1935 'ST MARYS', Isle of Wight 1907 'BEMBRIDGE', 1906 'FRESHWATER-BAY', 1930 'SANDOWN', 1910 'SHANKLIN SO', 1907 'TOTLAND-BAY' & 1908 'YAR SymbolC View details Estimate$500Price Realized$250StatusSold Lot 569 OFFSHORE ISLANDS: CHANNEL ISLANDS: Mostly unused topographicals including Welch & Sons (Portsmouth) Brown & White x19 & Picture Frames x7 and FF Chromotint x6, one of Herm (creased), generally fine to very fine & many are superb. Ex Keith Harrison. (53) Symbolc View details Estimate$150StatusUnsold Lot 570 OFFSHORE ISLANDS: ISLE OF MAN: Collection of mostly topographical Cards including a couple of multi-views, mostly by Valentine's Rapco & Tuck's but also local producers Hough, Norris Meyer Press and Webb's Lounge, generic seaside humour Cards inscribed "Douglas" or "Isle of Man" x9, postmark interest including diamond 'SNAEFELL SUMMIT/SE12/10' x2, many unused including Yn Kaart Post Manninagh types x11 (mostly superb) and L&N Railway "The Isle of Man" set of 6, generally fine to very fine. Ex Ke Symbolc View details Estimate$350StatusUnsold Lot 571 1870 First Issue Larger Size (122x89mm) ½d lilac with printed advice for Potters & Taylor (Flannels) advertising "Special Lots of Scarlet Saxony and Self Yorkshire Flannels", very fine ' C /MANCHESTER/1OC/70/ 23 ' datestamp & equally fine 'MAIDENHEAD/OC2/70' arrival backstamp, minor blemishes. A rare First Day Cover. Ex Keith Harrison. SymbolpsGradeb View details Estimate$750Price Realized$575StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 572 1870 First Issue Smaller Size (122x75mm) ½d lilac with printed advice for JM Johnson & Sons "Food Journal" stating "This Card is issued as a memento of the inauguration to-day in this country of the new cheap postal system which has worked so well on the Continent...", sensational unframed 'LONDON-WC/ 7C /OC1/70' datestamp & equally fine ' B / EPSOM/OC1/70' arrival b/s on the same day. Superb! Ex Keith Harrison. RPSofL Certificate (not present). As good a First Day Cover as one could imagine, SymbolpsGradea+ View details Estimate$1,000Price Realized$750StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 573 1870 First Issue Larger Size ½d lilac with 'PICTS' illustration identifying the artist "ECL/15 Gr/James/Street/WC" in brown on the reverse, small closed tear at the base & minor blemishes, unused. Ex Keith Harrison. [The Printed Matter Regulations did not preclude pictures on the "message"-side. In the Victoria & Albert Museum, there is an identical used Card dated OC20/70. This must therefore be a contender for the earliest pictorial postCard from Great Britain] In about 1868, Ernest Claude L SymbolpsGrade(b) View details Estimate$500Price Realized$460StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 574 1870 First Issue Smaller Size ½d lilac with 'GOTH' woodcut illustration of a Bacchanale dated 'March 8 1871' in black on the reverse, minor blemishes, unused. Ex Keith Harrison. SymbolpsGradeb View details Estimate$500StatusUnsold Lot 575 1870 First Issue Smaller Size ½d lilac with chromolithographed illustration 'PEACE AND GOODWILL/TO YOU ALL/[Yule Log]' & 'JOHN S DAY...' Imprint at the base, a few blemishes on the address side, addressed but otherwise unused. Ex Keith Harrison. This & the next two lots are from the first-ever series of mass-produced Christmas Cards, printed in 1871 by John S Day of London. They are also the earliest known postCards with multi-colour illustrations. SymbolpsGradeb View details Estimate$500Price Realized$600StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 576 1870 First Issue ditto, 'COMPLIMENTS OF THE SEASON' & Poem, similarly addressed but unused. Ex Keith Harrison. SymbolcGradea- View details Estimate$500Price Realized$550StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 577 1870 First Issue ditto, 'A/MERRY/Christmas/AND/A HAPPY NEW YEAR', postally used to Cornwall with London duplex cancel of JA1/72, a bit soiled on the address side. Ex Keith Harrison. [Plus a facsimile of a fourth design] SymbolcGradeb View details Estimate$500Price Realized$550StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 578 1870 First Issue Larger Size ½d lilac with printed advice 'SELF HELP FOR THE POOR', unused; Smaller Size with decorative advices for Glyn & Co (used 1872) & Union Bank of Scotland (used 1874), illustrated advertisement for Gooding's Patent Cork Draw-er (unused) & illustrated advertisement in red & green for Jewsbury & Brown's Oriental Toothpaste (unused); very fine & desirable group. Ex Keith Harrison. (5) SymbolpsGradea/a- View details Estimate$300Price Realized$400StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 579 1875 Second Issue Without 'To' ½d lilac with illustrated advices for Andersons & Thorburn Woollen Manufacturers (Manchester) & William Cumming & Co (Huddersfield) postally used in 1876 or 1877 respectively. Ex Keith Harrison. SymbolpsGradea+/a View details Estimate$100Price Realized$100StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 580 1878 Halfpenny Brown Thin Stock x4 with advertisements for Aylesbury Dairy 'Humanized Milk the timely use of which has constantly Saved Life...' (superb unused), Bedford Pantechnicon Co (Railway illustration, superb used) & two others (used), and Stout Stock x3 with illustrated advertisements for Herbert Fitch & Co Stationers (London), Patent Borax Works (Birmingham) and Cassell & Co's Magazines (London), all postally used & fine to very fine. Ex Keith Harrison. (7) SymbolpsGradea-/a+ View details Estimate$300Price Realized$400StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 581 1878 Halfpenny Brown Stout Stock with illustrated 'THE POSTCard/The Smallest Monthly Journal in the World' issue No 3 dated May 1893 with advertisements for Sozodont Toothpaste and Perry Davis's Pain Killer, minor damage at the base, used with superb 'WEST-NORWOOD' arrival datestamp. Rare. Ex Keith Harrison. [Issue No 1 was illustrated by Frank Staff (1966) who stated no other issues had been recorded] SymbolpsGradeb View details Estimate$100Price Realized$120StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 582 1878 Halfpenny Brown Stout Stock for Farthing Letter Card Co (London) with 14 tiny advertisements including for Cigars & Tea, small closed spike-hole, used London to Bath in 1889. Rare, especially used. Ex Keith Harrison. [Such half-price schemes were trialled in many countries. In this case, the customer paid only ¼d per Card & the promoters relied on advertisers to pay the bills. It didn't take long for postal authorities to realise that such schemes threatened their postal monopolies & action SymbolpsGradea- View details Estimate$250Price Realized$460StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 583 1878 Halfpenny Brown with (1891) 'ROYAL NAVAL EXHIBITION/TOP OF EDDYSTONE LIGHTHOUSE' & illustration of the Lighthouse in Blue on the reverse, two examples with Exhibition pictorial datestamp in violet (a light but clear strike) or blue (superb strike), minor blemishes. Ex Keith Harrison. (2) SymbolpsGradeb View details Estimate$180StatusUnsold Lot 584 1878 Halfpenny Brown with 'GARDENING AND FORESTRY EXHIBITION 1893' & illustration of the Lighthouse in Blue on the reverse, very fine Exhibition pictorial datestamp of OCT14/1893 in violet & very fine 'CHISWICK' arrival datestamp, minor blemishes. Ex Keith Harrison. SymbolpsGradea- View details Estimate$400StatusUnsold Lot 585 1883-99 Overseas Usages with illustrated advertising comprising 1d brown for Bennett's Tube Plate Cutter (1883, to USA) & London & Newcastle Scholastic Society (1888, to Switzerland), and 1d red for American Redfern Dress & Habit Makers (1892, to USA), George Titterton Safes (1893, to China with 'HONG-KONG' datestamp) & Pulsometer Ice Machines (1896, appropriately to India), very fine. Ex Keith Harrison. (5) SymbolpsGradea/a- View details Estimate$250Price Realized$200StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 586 1883-99 Overseas Usages 1d red with illustration of P&O SS "Caledonia", to Germany in 1899 with message headed "7.7.99/Red Sea" & with Italian 'BRINDISI/(AMB)' Travelling Post Office datestamp, a very fine & very early Ship postCard. Ex Keith Harrison. SymbolpsGradea View details Estimate$100Price Realized$100StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 587 1885 Reply Card ½d+½d with Fabric Join and printed notice for fundraising for a new gymnasium & tennis court comprising Assault at Arms, Smoking Concert and Newport Amateur Minstrels, locally used in Wales with superb 'NEWPORT/NO20/90/MON - 561' duplex, the Reply-Half still attached, very minor blemishes. Ex Keith Harrison. SymbolpsGradea- View details Estimate$100Price Realized$75StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 588 PRIVATE POSTAL CardS: 1872 Embossed ½d pink with Fancy Heading in Blue (superb unused), then 1873-83 group with various Headings & advertising for Goy's Medium Room (Auctions), Grant's Morella Cherry Brandy, George Collier & Co Wool Merchants and JC & J Field Candle Works (a beautiful issue) all used; also ½d brown with 'PATENTS FORM C1' & embossed 7½d Revenue in brown (unused). Ex Keith Harrison. (6) SymbolpsGradea+/b View details Estimate$300Price Realized$600StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 589 PRIVATE POSTAL CardS: 1872 Embossed ½d pink with illustrated advice for London & Provincial Horse & Carriage Insurance Co showing bingled carriage & the distressed horse being harangued by a policeman!, minor defects & repaired corner, locally used at London MY19/77. Ex Keith Harrison. SymbolpsGrade(b) View details Estimate$100StatusUnsold Lot 590 1875-97 group with advertising/advices for William Jackson General Carriers, Waterlow & Sons Printers, Taylor's German Moss Litter, W Mollison Collier (a bit soiled) or Manchester & Liverpool District Bank, also an 1887 Christmas Card, 1890 electoral mailout & 1897 Penny Postage Jubilee insert Card posted in 1901, all used with various Halfpenny stamps including 1870 ½d x2, condition variable. Ex Keith Harrison. (8 items) Symbolc View details Estimate$240Price Realized$180StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 591 1877 oversize blue Card (177x146mm) with the address-side printed in brown-red & the reverse in ultramarine for 'The City Pottery, Lamp and Lustre Galleries' with printed notice promoting the discounting of their entire stock of Homewares, Porcelain & China etc, very fine 'LONDON/ Z /PAID/ ½D /19NO77' datestamp in red, light horizontal crease that doesn't detract from what is a truly remarkable item of printed matter. Marvellous! Ex Keith Harrison. SymbolcGradea- View details Estimate$500StatusUnsold Lot 592 1888 beautiful advice Card for Waterlow & Sons Ltd Engravers & Lithographers with vignettes of Bull, Elephant, Shaggy Sheep & Camel, ½d orange with 'W&S' perfin tied by London cds, blemishes on the address-side & minor corner bend. Ex Keith Harrison. SymbolcGradeb View details Estimate$200StatusUnsold Lot 593 1894-1900 Court-Size Cards selection by identified producers BP Co "George Square - Glasgow", Blum & Degen London Multi-View (ironed-out vertical crease, well clear of the views), Max Newmann coloured "The London Bridge", Pictorial Stationery Co coloured x6 for London x3, Brighton, Broadstairs & Eastbourne, Bertram Cohen "Glasgow - Caledonian Railway Company's Central Station Hotel" (a very early railway Card), German WH "hold to the light" Card of "Tower Bridge and Tower" & chromolitho multi-vi Symbolc View details Estimate$600StatusUnsold Lot 594 1894-1900 Court-Size Cards selection by unidentified producers with views of Bexhill, Brighton (corner stains, unused), Bromley x2 & London x3 (one to France in 1900 taxed with Postage Due 5c x2), a lovely chromolitho multi-view of the Island of Iona (used at 'OBAN' in 1898), also of The Duke of Connaught (very fine unused) & a small coloured cartoon (used in 1900); plus a very similar size Card of "Kippford (Solway Firth...)" used in 1921. Ex Keith Harrison. (11) Symbolc View details Estimate$350StatusUnsold Lot 595 1894-1900 Court-Size Cards selection of locally produced Cards by Burgis & Colbourne "Kenilworth Castle" & "Leamington Spa - Adelaide Bridge", FF & Co "Bedale", Auty Ltd (Tynemouth) "Tynemouth" & "Rothbury - Cragside", M&Co "Hastings" multi-view, Derry & Sons (Nottingham) "Nottingham Castle", unidentified producers for "Margate - The Harbour" on pink stock & multi-views for Barmouth (a bit spotty, mostly on the address-side) & Cambridge (message in French states "Here is a new Card of Cambridge Symbolc View details Estimate$500StatusUnsold Lot 596 1894-1900 Court-Size Cards 1894 Thatcher (Bristol) Woodcut "Greetings from Bristol" (Ship & Tug Passing below Bridge, and Cathedral), to London with Christmas message & ½d orange tied by 'BRISTOL/DE23/94/ -3- ' squared-circle datestamp, very minor blemishes, Cat £250 for court Cards used in 1894. Ex Keith Harrison. [This is one of the earliest Court Cards, & among the earliest British topographical Cards] SymbolcGradeb View details Estimate$150Price Realized$1,100StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 597 1894-1900 Court-Size Cards 1898 Floral chromolitho Card with Happy Christmas greetings added, locally used with 'NOTTINGHAM/DE22/98 - 583' duplex cancellation. Ex Keith Freebairn. [Following the 1871 printing by John S Day of Christmas Cards on the reverse of ½d Postal Cards - see Lots 575 to 577 - no further Christmas postCards are recorded until 1898] SymbolcGradea- View details Estimate$100Price Realized$80StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 598 1894-1900 Court-Size Cards pre-1900 General Gordon In Memoriam mutli-view Card, minor blemishes mostly on the address-side, unused. Ex Keith Harrison. SymbolcGradeb View details Estimate$100StatusUnsold Lot 599 1894-1900 Court-Size Cards Beechings Ltd: Life in London "Fire !!" (superb unused), "City Bus" & "Shine, Sir?" (both used in 1898), Woodcut multi-view of Bristol by WA Hanson (to Bohemia in 1897, taxed with Austrian 2k & 10k Postage Dues), Black & White of the Tower of London (used to Austria in 1898) & Coloured of the Houses of Parliament (used to France in 1900) both by Alfred Ellis, all but the last with die-cut rounded-corners. Ex Keith Harrison. [Beechings Ltd issued Cards from May 1895; it SymbolcGradea-/a+ View details Estimate$300StatusUnsold Lot 600 1894-1900 Court-Size Cards Blum & Degen Ltd: 1895 Small Vignettes of Liverpool x6 & Multi-Views of London x6, all with small dealer's handstamp at lower-right otherwise superb unused; and similar with Multi-Views of Birmingham but with Plain Backs (proofs?) x4, superb unused. Ex Keith Harrison. [Blum & Degen Ltd were prominent postCard publishers in the late-1890s but struggled against strong competition & faded away] (16) SymbolcGradea/a+ View details Estimate$500Price Realized$380StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Items per page 102550100100 Previous|1...456789...12|Next123456789101112 Previous 1234567891011126 Next Previous 1234567891011126 Next