The Picture Postcard as Art: Images from the Golden Era (#85MG) Closed Auction Info Advanced search ▼ Items per page 102550100100 Sort by DefaultTime LeftLot#Lot NameNewestHighest PriceLowest PriceBidsViewsDefaultDefaultTime LeftLot#Lot NameNewestHighest PriceLowest PriceBidsViews Filter By Categories Category match ANY of the aboveALL of the aboveANY of the aboveANY of the aboveALL of the above Featured Exclude closed lots Price Lot Number Results: Viewing items 601-700 of 1138. Previous|1...56789101112|Next123456789101112 View Lot 601 1894-1900 Court-Size Cards two of the London designs with attractive hand-drawn cartoons & captions by an unknown artist, both superb used OC15/98; and delightful chromolitho cartoon "I'm here at the gate all alone" by "Cynicus" (Martin Anderson), superb unused. Ex Keith Harrison. [In 1898, the satirical artist Martin Anderson was engaged by Blum & Degen to prepare two sets of humorous postCards. These are believed to be the first such Cards produced in Britain. However, no examples are recorded SymbolcGradea+ View details Estimate$300Price Realized$280StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 602 1898-1902 "Intermediate-Size Cards comprising Blum & Degen Sepia/Cream "Trafalgar Square" (superb & very early usage of 28AP98, to Bohemia), Black/Blue "Blackfriars Bridge", "The Tower Bridge", "India Docks" & "Cathedral - Manchester" (used in 1899), Black/White "Great Wheel" (early usage of JU14/98) & "The Bridge, Plemont, Jersey" (superb), chromolithos for Pictorial PostCard Syndicate x2 (one used in 1898), JMB x4 (one used in Germany in 1897), 'No 1 Printed in Saxony' Sunderland multi-view & Symbolc View details Estimate$500Price Realized$380StatusSold Lot 603 1898-1902 "Intermediate-Size Cards 1901 "Write Away" Cards - the message started for the sender - "I am about to blow you up..." (Guy Fawkes & Gunpowder) on grey stock (a little stained), and "The delay in answering is" (Drunk & Policeman) on pink stock (very fine). Ex Keith Harrison. (2) SymbolcGradeb/a View details Estimate$100Price Realized$75StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 604 1899-1902 Full-Size Undivided Backs mostly chromolithos for Raphael Tuck various subjects x16, B&D "Shakespeare", F Bauermeister (Glasgow) "Inversnaid Falls" & a German-style multi-view of Leeds, other multi-views of Hemel Hempstead & advertising type for Restaurant Frascati (Osford Street), also Velox "real photo" type of 3 children & 1901 plain Card with ¾-photo affixed to the view-side, mostly unused, condition variable but most are fine to very fine. Ex Keith Harrison. (23) Symbolc View details Estimate$200StatusUnsold Lot 605 Mostly British group with Royalty x40, Trams x36 (mostly postCard-size photos or 1970s reprints), Youth Hostels x17, Hospitals x13, Westminster School x29, Commercial & Recreational Fishing x24, Spinning Wheels x9, Porcelain/Pottery x25, Madame Tussaud's Waxworks x33, J Beagles & Co "London Life" x10, etc, many real photo types & some artist Cards, mostly unused, condition variable but generally fine to very fine. A very good "thematic" lot. Ex Keith Harrison. (250 approx) Symbolc View details Estimate$500StatusUnsold Lot 606 ADULTERY: 1910 Scandal of the Anglican Vicar & the French Lady three W Shepherd & Co (Market Bosworth) real photo Cards of Rev Christopher Hudson, of Hudson & his son, and of "The French Lady...", unused. Ex Keith Harrison. [Hudson had not been divorced from his first wife & purported to marry his French fiancée according to the "Scotch fashion", creating nationwide scandal] (3) SymbolcGradea View details Estimate$100StatusUnsold Lot 607 ADVERTISING: Packet of mostly British Cards including "poster" Cards for Horniman's Pure Tea (KEVII), Mustad Horse Nails ("Charged by the Carabiniers"), Bayonet Point Hat Pins x2 (sailing & flying), Schweppes Cider (quite racy Art Nouveau), Mellin's Food for Infants from Birth, Richmond's Bungalow Cooker (Art Nouveau kitchen), London & North Western Railway, Skippers Fish Products x3 & American Hires' Root Beer (chromolitho of young girl), others for Owbridge's Lung Tonic, Wheen's London Washer Symbolcps View details Estimate$1,250StatusUnsold Lot 608 ADVERTISING: Sugden's Flour photo of a young boy lugging a sack of flour "Age 15 Years - Weight 15 Stones/The result of eating Sugden's Flour...", minor blemishes, unused. Ex Keith Harrison. [Misplaced pride] SymbolcGradeb View details Estimate$75StatusUnsold Lot 609 ADVERTISING: c.1910 GP Government Tea complete set of six "Instalment Cards" featuring a central illustration of King Edward VII, and of his various activities, unused. Superb! Ex Keith Harrison. SymbolcGradea+ View details Estimate$500Price Realized$380StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 610 ARTIST CardS: Collection of mostly Topographicals mostly published by J Salmon of Sevenoaks but others by Hildesheimer, Shepherd Brothers, Pictorette, Rapco etc, almost evenly divided between village/town scenes and rural/remote landscapes plus about 40 of particular buildings, some on textured Card to impart a painterly effect, also Railway Company Cards mostly London & North Western including complete sets of six No 39 40 41 & 43 with large-part original bands, also Lancashire & Yorkshire x15, Symbolc View details Estimate$400Price Realized$280StatusSold Lot 611 ARTIST CardS: A similar group but all published by Raphael Tuck mostly "Oilettes" but from many other series besides & using various techniques including some laminated in the style of Rapco, many complete sets of 6 including nine sets in their original packets, some artists identified or recognisable but many others are unknown, generally fine to very fine. Ex Keith Harrison. (200+) Symbolc View details Estimate$200Price Realized$240StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 612 ARTIST CardS: Array by identified artists including HR Wimbush, R Gallon, Geo M Munzoli (?), Robert Whitmore, Joseph Pike, H Fleury, J Chalmers Park, J Essenhigh Corke, CT Howard, WW Quatremain, "Jotter" etc & a beautiful Scottish group of 30 by Andrew Allan, many are in sets of 6, mostly unused & generally very fine to superb. Ex Keith Harrison. (139) Symbolc View details Estimate$250Price Realized$190StatusSold Lot 613 ARTIST CardS: A more artistic group including three sets of most un-Tuck-like Tuck's, two beautiful London scenes by Pirkis, "Our Joe's Dream" being a marvellous Walter Mitty-like reverie by Harry Furniss, four delightful Art Nouveau renderings of scenes from Shakespeare x2 & Omar Khayyam x2 by Frank Chesworth and the whimsical "The Piper of Dreams" by E Canziani, six wonderful cartoons of London Life by Arthur Moreland, etc, mostly unused & generally fine to very fine. Ex Keith Harrison. (41) Symbolc View details Estimate$500Price Realized$380StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 614 ARTIST CardS: Charles Dana Gibson: Delightful group of Snap Shots "Gibson Girls" & Studies in Manners/Class, mostly used; also his Henderson & Sons "Pictorial Comedy" Sets No 10 & 11 each of seven "framed" cartoons, unused; generally fine to very fine. Ex Keith Harrison. [In our opinion, the most underrated of the Edwardian artist commentators] (31) Symbolc View details Estimate$250StatusUnsold Lot 615 AUTHORS: Tuck's Oilettes "In Dickens Land" about 75% with quotations & coloured illustrations - some quite amusing - others of Dickens' Characters or of towns or buildings featured in his books, mostly unused & generally very fine. Ex Keith Harrison. (90 approx) Symbolc View details Estimate$160Price Realized$120StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 616 DISASTERS: 1908 W Gothard (Barnsley) real photo Card "Mine Fire Hampstead Colliery...Men Entombed"", unused. Ex Keith Harrison. SymbolcGradea View details Estimate$100StatusUnsold Lot 617 DISASTERS: 1908 W Gothard real photo Card "Crew of HMAS Tiger Cut in Two by HMS Berwick", unused. Ex Keith Harrison. SymbolcGradea- View details Estimate$100StatusUnsold Lot 618 DISASTERS: 1909 W Gothard Sharnbrook Railway Disaster multi-view In Memoriam Card, unused. Ex Keith Harrison. SymbolcGradea+ View details Estimate$100StatusUnsold Lot 619 EXHIBITIONS - NON-PHILATELIC: Selections of Cards from 1907 Irish International, 1908 Scottish National & Franco-British, 1912 Japan-British, etc, many with the Exhibition datestamps, and a good range of 1924-25 Wembley material including slogan postmarks, frankings of 1924 1d x3 & 1½d and 1925 1d x2 & 1½d, etc, condition variable but generally fine to very fine. Ex "Cartophile". (42) Symbolc View details Estimate$200StatusUnsold Lot 620 EXHIBITIONS - NON-PHILATELIC: Good range including 1907 Irish International, 1908 Scottish National, 1909 Imperial International x15 including a miscut Card & two terrific photos of the "Tartars Camp", 1910 Japan-British Exhibition selection x50+ including four posted at the Exhibition & a beautiful Japanese commemorative Card with Exhibition pictorial datestamp in violet, 1911 Festival of Empire/Coronation x12 including advertising Cards for Oxo & Lemco x3 and The Daily Telegraph, 1912 Shakespe Symbolc View details Estimate$300Price Realized$240StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 621 EXHIBITIONS - NON-PHILATELIC: Poster Cards for the 1912 Royal International Horticultural Exhibition by Robert Shield, slightly bumped corners; and 1913 International Horse Show by J Bruce Hamilton, superb; unused. Ex Keith Harrison. (2) SymbolcGradea-/a+ View details Estimate$150Price Realized$220StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 622 EXHIBITIONS - NON-PHILATELIC: 1904 Cartwright Memorial Hall Exhibition Bradford WH Grant & Co silk Card of the Hall, remarkably fine especially for having been postally used, at 'ILKLEY/JU15/04'. Ex Keith Harrison. SymbolcGradea View details Estimate$100StatusUnsold Lot 623 EXHIBITIONS - NON-PHILATELIC: 1908 Franco-British Exhibition collection with a wide variety of Cards by many producers including numerous real photo types & some artist Cards, many unusual subjects & styles make this a superior lot of this attractive material, noted advertising Cards for Schweppes, Thorley's Food for Cattle, J&F Martell Cognac and the Grand Prix for Irvine's Australian Wines, mostly unused but some postmark interest including at least three posted at the Exhibition, condition va Symbolc View details Estimate$500StatusUnsold Lot 624 EXHIBITIONS - NON-PHILATELIC: Valentine's Giant Post Card (132x187mm) "Elite Gardens and Flip-Flap..." postally used - and rare thus - with ½d only tied by Exhibition datestamp, superb '1D/39B' postage due handstamp, a couple of very minor defects for a Card of this size. Ex Keith Harrison. [Most such Cards were retained as souvenirs. Those that were posted were usually badly damaged] SymbolcGradeb View details Estimate$100Price Realized$75StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 625 EXHIBITIONS - NON-PHILATELIC: 1924 British Empire Exhibition selection with some more unusual subjects including 1923 Canadian promotional Card, attractive group of sketches by Ernest Coffin, mostly unused but a few used at the Exhibition & usage of Wembley 1d x4 & 1½d stamps, condition variable but generally fine to very fine. Ex Keith Harrison. [The Australian Pavilion was obviously inspired by the yet-to-be built Parliament House in Canberra] (75) Symbolc View details Estimate$250StatusUnsold Lot 626 EXHIBITIONS - NON-PHILATELIC: Raphael Tuck "The Queen's Dolls House" Sets 1 to 6 complete in "gold"-titled blue box of issue, very fine to superb unused. Ex Keith Harrison. [Queen Mary's Dolls House was created as "the great showpiece of the 1924 British Empire Exhibition". More than 1600 artisans & artists contributed to the final work, which is now on public display at Windsor Castle] (48) SymbolcGradea/a+ View details Estimate$100Price Realized$75StatusSold Lot 627 FOX HUNTING: Selection with hunting scenes including real photo types x5, a batch of artist Cards including by Olive Whitmore x9 etc, quite humorous group of comics x11, etc, condition variable but generally fine to very fine. Ex Keith Harrison. (41) Symbolc View details Estimate$250StatusUnsold Lot 628 GIPSIES: Idle Moments "Gypsies in a Surrey Lane", GW Gibson "Gipsy Coronation, Yetholm" & No Publisher "A Gipsy Abode, New Forest", all unused, plus "Gipsies at Newark 1906" (used at 'NEWARK'), "Afternoon Tea" (stamp removed), Stimpson (Kelso) "Gipsies at St James Fair" (used at 'KELSO') & terrific 1906 real photo used at 'LOUGHBOROUGH' with message "This is the band of German Gipsies I told you about; they look a rough lot...", generally fine to very fine. A rare group. Ex Keith Harrison. (7) Symbolc View details Estimate$300StatusUnsold Lot 629 GLAMOUR: Artist Cards for many publishers by a variety of artists including Angelo Asti x20 (Cat £6 each), WA Barribal set of 6 (£12 each), Philip Boileau x17 (£10 each), EC Brisley x10, Harrison Fisher x17 (£10 each), Jennie Harbour x4 (£15 each), JJ Sharpe x8, etc, some are British editions of American designs, also "Daily Mirror" real photo Cards "Winner of the International Beauty Contest" x4 (superb), generally fine to very fine used or unused. Ex Keith Harrison. [See also Lots 140 141 & 79 Symbolc View details Estimate$250Price Realized$240StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 630 GLAMOUR: Alexander Baird & Son Art Nouveau Lady with Apples by Annie French, unused, Cat £100. A gorgeous lithograph with metallic highlights. Ex Keith Harrison. SymbolcGradea View details Estimate$100StatusUnsold Lot 631 HERALDRY: Ancient album with a lovely array of Heraldic Series Cards for British Cities, for Colleges at Cambridge & Oxford, for Jersey x3 with inset photographs etc, a few with verses added, a few mostly minor problems but generally fine to superb. Gorgeous Cards. Ex Derek Pocock. (150+) Symbolc View details Estimate$600StatusUnsold Lot 632 HOSPITALS: Wide-ranging collection including Infirmaries, Convalescent Homes & Asylums, some unusual names such as "Bloxham School Hospital" & "The Poor Priests Hospital", many in converted stately homes (some during wartime) & some from the Tudor Period or earlier (notably St John's, Cirencester, founded by Henry i), a few Wales & Scotland notably "George Heriot's Hospital, Edinburgh" that looks rather like the Tower of London, many real photo types including aerial views & some artist Cards, a Symbolc View details Estimate$400Price Realized$420StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 633 HUMOUR: Box of mostly 1900s to 1920s Cards with a terrific array of subjects by a many artists/cartoonists including "Poor Old John Bull" by Arthur Moreland x6, Pictorial Post Cards Song Lyrics x6, Misch & Co Manners etc x8, etc, many Undivided Backs, mostly used with plenty of postmark content. Good lot. Ex Keith Harrison. (250+) Symbolc View details Estimate$750Price Realized$650StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 634 HUMOUR: Box of mostly 1930s to 1960s Cards with a strong risqué/double entendre content but also many less objectionable subjects including Romance, Music, Manners, Illness, Nudist Camps, etc, mostly unused - dozens with 'BLACKPOOL POST Card/CENSORSHIP BOARD/APPROVED/...' cachet on the reverse - and generally very fine. Ex Keith Harrison. (700 approx) Symbolc View details Estimate$500Price Realized$380StatusSold Lot 635 HUMOUR: Delightful pre-WWI batch of Cards by "Cynicus" with many amusing drawings especially on his favourite subjects of the Scots, Tourism & Religion, also a few Fantasy Cards & a couple of very skillful - but not funny! - Landscapes that display the artist's real talent, many are Undivided Backs, condition variable but most are fine to very fine used or unused. Ex Keith Harrison. [Scottish artist & political cartoonist, Martin Anderson, was far better known by his pseudonym "Cynicus"] (100 ap Symbolc View details Estimate$500StatusUnsold Lot 636 MILITARY - VARIOUS: Box with many artist Cards of pre-20th Century conflicts & uniforms etc, about half are for particular Regiments including Uniforms, Badges, Pipers/Bands, Mascots & "How He Won His Victoria Cross" set of 6, etc, also real photo types including Entertainments, "The Majors" (Sandridge Military College ?), 1905 Shooting Competition at Bisley Camp x2, Changing of the Guard, "The Chelsea Pensioner" etc, plus 50+ comic Cards mainly from World War II including a few American Cards, Symbolc View details Estimate$500StatusUnsold Lot 637 MILITARY BOER WAR: Useful group all but two with Undivided Backs including Tuck's "Royal Engineers off to South Africa", Picture PostCard Co oval "Irish Fusiliers and Buffs", Patriotics x11 including Generals & Flags (one used from 'VACOAS', Mauritius!), St Helena "Kent Kottage, General Cronje's residence - General Cronje & Guard at St Helena" (a beauty!, unused), pro-Boer comic Card used in Switzerland, etc, generally fine to very fine. Ex Keith Harrison. (23) Symbolc View details Estimate$250Price Realized$460StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 638 MILITARY WORLD WAR I: Wide-ranging collection with many real photo types including Army Camps notably at Bordon x21, Royal Engineers x3 & several multi-view types, "Life in the Army" x2, Kitchener & other Generals plus Indian Princes who Supported the War Effort, etc, others with several Tuck's Tanks & Aircraft and artist Cards including "Daring Deeds" set of 6, Women of the Bombay Presidency Mespotamia Card (faults), etc, plus Patriotics with lots of flags & patriotic statements, Nursing includ Symbolc View details Estimate$500StatusUnsold Lot 639 MILITARY Album with good selections of "Daily Mail" Western Front War Photographs from various series, many featuring ANZACs or King George V, also some War Bond Campaign coloured Cards, generally fine to very fine; and an original envelope for Series VI in well-above average condition. Ex Derek Pocock. (150 approx) Symbolc View details Estimate$300Price Realized$230StatusSold Lot 640 MILITARY Album full of "Daily Mail" Official War Pictures from many different series, many unusual photographs of Front-Line Activities, the Wounded & Dead, Imperial Contingents, Prisoners of War, Aircraft etc, apparently all very fine to superb unused. Ex Keith Harrison. (192) SymbolcGradea/a+ View details Estimate$400Price Realized$300StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 641 MILITARY Real Photo Card of a Burly Sergeant in the Doorway of the 'RECRUITING OFFICE' festooned with Regimental posters, unused. Ex Keith Harrison. [Probably from late in the war because the recruit looks rather callow!] SymbolcGradea- View details Estimate$100StatusUnsold Lot 642 MILITARY Box of humorous Cards ranging from the poignant to the hilarious & from the primitive to the sophisticated, a couple creased but generally fine to very fine. Nice lot. Ex Keith Harrison. (63) Symbolc View details Estimate$300StatusUnsold Lot 643 MILITARY Box of mostly World War I Navy Subjects with many real photo & artist Cards of Battleships to Submarines (our favourites are HMS "Speedy" & HMS "Flirt"!) plus two Japanese ships (when they were our Allies), other real photo types including various stern - sorry! - Admirals & a few Assembled Crews, "Variety Troupe, HMS Lancaster 1905" (used at Malta), "Alongside of HMS Dreadnought", "Warships Assembled for the Great Coronation Review June 24th 1911" (72 tiny pics!) & "The Remains of Flee Symbolc View details Estimate$500Price Realized$480StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 644 MOTORING: Appealing bundle of early real photo Cards of domestic vehicles x15 - including a lovely "bingle" - lorries/buses x8, celebrity drivers x3 & an (American) Armless Driver, advertising Cards for Knit Royal Coats for Motoring and Wakefield Patent Castrol Oil, a few artist Cards with romantic overtones, then a terrific batch of comic Cards x44 ridiculing "horseless carriages" & their occupants with numerous breakdowns & mishaps plus a Motor Licence stating "...All Motorists must bury their Symbolc View details Estimate$500Price Realized$380StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 645 PATRIOTIC: A surprisingly high quality selection of World War I "Silks" with all manner of Flags, Bunting & Patriotic Messages including "Gone/but/not forgotten" with inset photograph of Lord Kitchener, plus a few Regimental types & some with the original enclosed greeting Cards (plus 16 more loose insert Cards), includes Alpha Publishing Co x2 & two French types of Fire Damage in "Albert 1914" & "Frise (Somme) 1916", also a couple from early in World War II (not previously seen by us), some use Symbolc View details Estimate$500Price Realized$400StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 646 PATRIOTIC: Real photo Cards 1) World War I makeshift Float with Children & Flags of the Allies; and 2) World War II Proud Householder with his Amateurish Tribute to the Children's Fund; minor blemishes, unused. Ex Keith Harrison. (2) SymbolcGradea- View details Estimate$150StatusUnsold Lot 647 PORTRAITS: Box of real photo Cards from John & Jenny Average to prominent people including Royalty & Politicians, military leaders including Generals Gordon, Roberts & Baden-Powell (unusually in military uniform), also Edward Elgar, Rudyard Kipling, Lord Tennyson, Charles Dickens, Dr Barnardo, Guglielmo Marconi, Dr LL Zamenhof (of Esperanto fame) etc, mostly studio portraits but many are quite informal shots, a few are autographed, mostly unused & generally fine to very fine. Ex Keith Harrison. Symbolc View details Estimate$200Price Realized$550StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 648 PORTRAITS: Companion lot of real photo Cards of Groups of People including Schools, Processions, Presentations, Sporting Clubs, Social Groups etc, some professionally posed but most are amateur shots, some identifiable or with notations on the reverse but most will require detective work, mostly unused, condition variable but generally fine to very fine. A very engaging lot. Ex Keith Harrison. [See also Lots 190 & 191] (60 approx) Symbolc View details Estimate$400Price Realized$300StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 649 POSTAL MISCHIEF: Entertaining postally used group comprising 1) Address in mirror-writing, used 'GIBRALTAR' to Jersey; 2) with message & address in three alternating colours; 3) with alternating normal & inverted lines; 4) two with spiral messages; 5) three with hand-illustrated address panels incorporating the addresses; and 6) a real photo Christmas Card with mirror-writing greeting, unused. Ex Keith Harrison. (9) Symbolc View details Estimate$400StatusUnsold Lot 650 RAILWAYS: London & North Western Railway complete sets of 6 x23 with all manner of Rolling Stock, Infrastructure, Ancilliary Vehicles, Royal Trains, Historical Subjects etc, many terrific shots including some excellent multi-view Cards, also with the original large-part bands for these sets plus many extras & five advertising leaflets for the sets; others for Caledonian Railway (including interior of WWI Ambulance Train) and Lancashire & Yorkshire Railway, plus real photo types of Locomotives x3 Symbolc View details Estimate$750Price Realized$450StatusSold Lot 651 RELIGION: c.1905 (?) WH Hall (Widnes) real photo "The 5 Notorious Prisoners at Widnes for Preaching & Singing...", a few blemishes, unused. Ex Keith Harrison, who was very pleased not to grow up in Cheshire! SymbolcGradeb View details Estimate$100StatusUnsold Lot 652 ROYAL MINT: Mounted collection with a few views of the building, then a fascinating group showing the numerous production processes & two of coin display cabinets, also two of the Pretoria Mint & two of Washington DC Mint, condition a bit variable but generally fine to very fine. Ex Bronte Watts. (38) Symbolc View details Estimate$300Price Realized$300StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 653 SHIPPING: Artist Cards depicting Life at Sea including LNWR "To Ireland via Holyhead", lots of Fishing Boats including JWB Fishing Fleet in a Storm x11, Tuck's Lifeboat Series "The Launch of the Lifeboat" & "The Rocket Apparatus", a few Lighthouses etc, mostly unused & generally fine to very fine. Ex Keith Harrison. (43) Symbolc View details Estimate$300Price Realized$300StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 654 SPORT - CRICKET: c.1905 (?) FHL real photo of "Quaife (Warwickshire)" & signed "W Quaife", minor blemishes, unused. [William Quaife played in seven Test Matches in 1899 & 1901-02. In First Class matches, he made 36,012 runs, took 931 wickets & held 354 catches including one when he was stand-in wicket-keeper! After retirement, he became a cricket bat manufacturer] SymbolcGradeb View details Estimate$200Price Realized$160StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 655 SPORT c.1905 (?) Rapid real photo of "Relf (Sussex)" & signed "AE Relf", unused. [Albert Edward Relf played in two Test Matches in 1903. In First Class matches, he made 22,238 runs, and achieved the season "double" of 1000 runs & 100 wickets eight times! Between 1907 & 1910 he played & coached in New Zealand] SymbolcGradea- View details Estimate$250StatusUnsold Lot 656 SPORT RUGBY: 1905 Western Mail "The Welsh Team, which defeated New Zealand Dec 16th 1905 by 3 Points to Nil", KEVII ½d tied by very fine 'LLANDOVERY/24DE/--/ 468' duplex (Christmas Eve; year omitted): see also Lot 745. [There were 32 matches on the fixture, including against England, Scotland & Ireland. This was the only match lost by the Kiwis, suggesting bad weather on an apocalyptic scale!] SymbolcGradea View details Estimate$150Price Realized$180StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 657 SUFFRAGETTES/VOTES FOR WOMEN: 1904 Salter's Hall S&L Society two Children's Cards overprinted on the address side for a Gentlemen's Evening with Tennyson's verses "The woman's cause is man's: they rise or sink together..." 1) in gold, endorsed "Proof/Limited to 6 copies..." & "The rest will be red ink"; and 2) the promised version in red; unused. A very rare pair. Ex Keith Harrison. [Many men supported the Women's Rights movement, but much male support was lost by ever more provocative acts & es SymbolcGradea View details Estimate$200Price Realized$160StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 658 SUFFRAGETTES/VOTES FOR WOMEN: 1908 Rotary real photo Card "Mrs Pankhurst and her Daughter, Christabel", unused. Superb! Ex Keith Harrison. [Emmeline Pankhurst is generally regarded as the pre-eminent activist in the Rights for Women Movement. Christabel was her favourite daughter & a close supporter/adviser] SymbolcGradea+ View details Estimate$100Price Realized$75StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 659 SUFFRAGETTES/VOTES FOR WOMEN: 1908 Sandle Brothers "Hyde Park Demonstration...Mrs Pankhurst, Mrs Wolstoneholme Elmy", unused. Superb! Ex Keith Harrison. [Elizabeth Clarke Wolstoneholme Elmy was an essayist & poet who, as a suffragist, was a close ally of Emmeline Pankhurst] SymbolcGradea+ View details Estimate$100Price Realized$75StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 660 SUFFRAGETTES/VOTES FOR WOMEN: c.1910 real photo Cards 1) fantastic shot of nine Marching Suffragettes Wearing Sandwich Boards, very fine unused; 2) "Suffragettes at Home", very fine used in 1913; and & an over-exposed Card of two Women (Nurses?) Collecting for Ilford Hospital, unused but creased. Ex Keith Harrison. (3) SymbolcGradea/b View details Estimate$150Price Realized$115StatusSold Lot 661 SUFFRAGETTES/VOTES FOR WOMEN: c.1910 (?) real photo Card "Annie Besant", unused. Superb! Ex Keith Harrison. [Annie Besant was a prominent socialist, Women's Rights and Birth Control activist] SymbolcGradea+ View details Estimate$100StatusUnsold Lot 662 SUFFRAGETTES/VOTES FOR WOMEN: Marvellous group of comic Cards many of which are overtly anti-feminist including Felix McGlennon Ltd "Harem-Scare 'Em Girls" set of 6, Donald McGill "The Harem Skirt" & J Miles & Co "Give me a Vote & see what I'll Do!", while others are obviously pro-Women's Rights including five "Votes for Women" types, also Millar & Lang Ltd "Servants' Insurance Act" x3, mostly unused but including from 'ADLINGTON/ CHORLEY' & 'DINAS/RHONDDA ISLAND', generally fine to very fine, C Symbolc View details Estimate$500Price Realized$380StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 663 SUFFRAGETTES/VOTES FOR WOMEN: c.1910 Fierce Kitten "I want my Vote!", minor crease, unused. Ex Keith Harrison. [The background colours of pale green, white & mauve are those of the Women's Social & Political Union. The subject perhaps is a portent of the infamous 1913 "Cat & Mouse Act" that saw female hunger-strikers released to avoid them dying, then being re-arrested on any pretext when they had regained their strength!) SymbolcGradeb View details Estimate$50Price Realized$38StatusSold Lot 664 TOURISM: Box of Grand Piers including several quite bizarre structures, noted some from Cornwall & Wales, generally fine to very fine. Ex Derek Pocock. (50) Symbolc View details Estimate$150Price Realized$240StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 665 German views of the whole island x4, of the settlement x2 & "Gruss aus" types x2 (the chromolitho type used from 'HELGOLAND'), three unused; and World War I real photo types "Heligoland from HMS Dragon" & "HMS Heligoland August 28 1914", a Bamforth comic Card & Jarrold's Card of a sailor returning the island to Great Britain "Here you are M'am! And don't you go give it away again.", all but the last unused. Ex Bronte Watts. (11) SymbolcGradea/a- View details Estimate$200StatusUnsold Lot 666 1887 three private postCards each with an illustration SymbolcGradea-/b View details Estimate$300StatusUnsold Lot 667 Beautiful group including CA & Co illustrations x31, another series of coloured views without publisher x12, a couple of real photo types etc, mostly unused & generally fine to very fine; also three Israeli covers including Tabul Miniature Sheet on unaddressed First Day Cover. (54 items) Symbolc View details Estimate$400Price Realized$380StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 668 Packet of better views and subjects with captions in French x15 including chromolitho "Souvenir de Jerusalem", "Bethlehem: Le Jour de Noel", two Syrian Cards re return of the Orthodox Archbishop from Russia, washing of the feet in Jerusalem, women at the Wailing Wall etc, plus with captions in German x4 and two real photo types, generally fine to very fine unused. (21) Symbolc View details Estimate$200Price Realized$220StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 669 Bundle with English captions including Halladjian types with Undivided Backs x8, real photo Undivided Back of "Jews wailing place", also Oriental Commercial Bureau types x6, CA & Co artist Cards x6, Scripture Gift Mission artist Cards x2, WWI "In Jerusalem: Indian Lancers passing through the streets" etc, generally fine to very fine and mostly unused. (38) Symbolc View details Estimate$300Price Realized$280StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 670 Captions in English and Hebrew from Eliahu Brothers black & white x20, mostly of Tel Aviv, plus five coloured types, very fine, unused. (25) Symbolc View details Estimate$150Price Realized$160StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 671 Large album with a strong range of Attallah Freres (Jerusalem) Cards perforated at left, artist Cards, real photo types, some post-WWII Israeli coloured Cards with English/Hebrew inscriptions, also a smattering of non-Palestine Cards, mostly unused & generally very fine. Ex Aldo Paladin. (200 approx) Symbolc View details Estimate$800Price Realized$750StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 672 Box with some unusual real photo subjects, Cairo Post Card Trust booklet of 12 Jerusalem Cards, etc, also artist Cards including Tuck's "Oilette" x11, Scripture Gift Mission x7 & German types x3, etc, others with German or French captions, three Austrian Levant usages with 'JERUSALEM/OSTER POST' cds & 1904 Russian Levant usage with Cyrillic Jerusalem cds in violet, generally fine to very fine & mostly unused. Ex Keith Harrison. (89) Symbolc View details Estimate$400Price Realized$380StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 673 GERMAN: 1898 Wilhelm Gross PPC for the Kaiser's Visit to Palestine with view of "Erlöserkirche", to Germany with Ottoman 20pa tied by largely very fine bilingual '.../BUR AMB JERUSALEM-JAFFA TPO' cds, 'MANNHEIM' arrival cds. A delightful item. SymbolcGradea- View details Estimate$100Price Realized$120StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 674 Group mostly by local producers Hong Kong Pictorial PostCard Co, Graeco Egyptian Tobacco Store, Turco-Egyptian Tobacco Store x2, C Fiens, M Steinberg, MA & Co, Lau Ping Kee x7, Yee Wo Shing x3, also sepia views 'Made in Japan' x5, good range of subjects including punishments, street vendors, "Filter beds, Bowen Road", panoramic views, Chinese festival, Chinese coffin etc, generally fine to very fine, all but one unused. (23) Symbolc View details Estimate$750StatusUnsold Lot 675 Attractive bundle with several Undivided Backs, "The French Destroyer Fronde damaged by typhon [sic]...", "Chinese Sweet-meat Sellers" (children), one Sternberg Card with overprinted text by PL Ballaster (Punta Arenas, Chile!), two French Mission Cards etc, generally fine to very fine & mostly unused. Ex Keith Harrison. (28) Symbolc View details Estimate$250Price Realized$190StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 676 Array with many better Cards including Undivided Backs x20+ including a few chromolithos & 1890s usages, real photo types x60+ including an interesting group of nighttime scenes, artist Cards including Regional Costumes, topographicals predominantly of Budapest but also Abbazia, Orsova, Pancsova, Pozsony & Sopron plus a few rural views, many with early Hungarian stamps & postmarks, a few problems but generally fine to very fine & many are superb. Ex Keith Harrison. (240 approx) Symbolcps View details Estimate$400Price Realized$320StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 677 ANDAMAN ISLANDS: R Boreham B&W Cards with public buildings at Port Blair including Government House & Police Guard House, also Tennis Courts, Bazaar on Ross Island, Chatham Island, Viper Island etc, a few duplicates, also two real photo types & Tuck's "Pearl Fishing Boat at Mergui Archipelago" (Burma), condition variable, unused. [Penal Settlement] (14) SymbolcGradeb View details Estimate$150StatusUnsold Lot 678 GERMAN MISSION IN INDIA: 1905 two-part Card with 6 photos & 1911 artist Card both with 'KHANDWA' cds (different types), also a different unused Card. (3) SymbolcGradeb View details Estimate$100StatusUnsold Lot 679 FEUDATORY STATES: c.1925 - purposely printed on brown Card to appear much older! - Rotary Photo Co (London) portrait Cards of Indian Maharajahs, Nawabs & Begums etc, some with the photos dated between 1890 & 1924, very fine to superb unused. (37) SymbolcGradea/a+ View details Estimate$100StatusUnsold Lot 680 1930 real photo Card of Benito Mussolini (in top hat) & the poet Gabriele d'Annunzio, unused; also a note in English signed "D'Annunzio". [d'Annunzio was a WWI hero & Mussolini's favourite poet. In 1919, he seized power in Fiume where he later declared war on Italy!] (2 items) Symbolc/lGradea View details Estimate$75Price Realized$60StatusSold Lot 681 FIUME & TRIESTE: Attractive Fiume group including Undivided Backs x6 (one with Austrian stamp & 'GRUZ/GRAVOSA' cds & two with Hungarian stamps & 'FIUME' cds), two with embossed Flags, etc; Trieste Undivided Back with Domenico Rossetti illustrations on both sides with Austrian stamp & 'TRIEST/ A /TRIESTE' cds, and 1911 busy scene at Grado with Austrian stamp & 'GRADO' cds, one other; and Zara street scene & Dalmatia Costumes x3 all unused but with Zara Overprints on the views; generally fine to v Symbolc View details Estimate$300StatusUnsold Lot 682 Shoebox with a terrific array including at least 18 scarce/rare commemorative Cards with stamps tied to the views by special cancellations, Pacific Mail Steamship Co & Miyako Hotel Cards, many samurai geisha & kabuki Cards, earthquakes x10, Russo-Japanese War & Port Arthur/Admiral Nogi group, six sets in original packets plus a few empty packets, etc; then a similar number of Postal Cards with two Mihon (Specimen) lottery Cards & lots of postmark interest; condition variable but many are very fi Symbolcps View details Estimate$500Price Realized$380StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 683 Large album of apparently unused Cards covering numerous subjects with many unusual types, some folders included suggest that the contents are here also, earthquakes x12, woodcuts x8, shrines, geishas etc, many with pictorial postmarks on the face including Beppo Hot Springs x10, generally very fine. (250 approx) SymbolcGradea View details Estimate$400StatusUnsold Lot 684 Mounted collection of mostly better subjects with many beautiful Cards including commemorative types, stunning artist Cards, Mitsumura views x4, German Card of Franciscan nuns tending to lepers (?), also geishas, sumo wrestlers, graves, etc, condition variable but generally fine to very fine. Ex Bronte Watts. (70 approx) Symbolc View details Estimate$350Price Realized$280StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 685 Beautiful collection of artist Cards, attractive topographicals including many National Park types, geishas, commemorative Cards with related postmarks, some Russo-Japanese War, c.1946 Hiroshima superb set of 12 with the original packet (faults), etc, generally fine to superb; also a group of illustrated "wood" envelopes & lettersheets. Ex Joe Duif. (180+) Symbolc View details Estimate$400Price Realized$300StatusSold Lot 686 Attractive bundle with 1904 Artillery multi-view, 1905 Russo-Japan War group of mostly artist Cards but also four of Battleships, beautiful Shipping Line Cards x4, Geishas, Prostitutes x7 including two of "harems" of girls behind bars! & artist Card "Outside of a third-class Crothel" [sic], condition variable but generally fine to very fine. Ex Keith Harrison. (65) Symbolc View details Estimate$300Price Realized$230StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 687 Appealing collection in Japanese illustrated album with elaborate lacquered cover & mother-of-pearl inlay, Yokohama x44 including 1905 "Celebration of Japanese Victory Benten Dori" x2, "Chinese Street" & "Whole View of Pier", etc, also gorgeous artist Cards x12, some postally used, condition variable but many are fine to very fine. Ex Keith Harrison. (54) SymbolcGrade` View details Estimate$300StatusUnsold Lot 688 - a similar but damaged album of artist Cards of various styles including for Imperial Government Railways with photographic vignettes x4, amusing "Japan: The Focus of International Communications", and a few NYK Line Cards, generally fine to very fine. A Symbolc View details Estimate$300StatusUnsold Lot 689 "Fusan Port", "Shakuoji near Genzan" & "Shoken Roman Catholic Church in Keijo" (Seoul); "The Chosen shrine", "The Government-General Hospital in Keijo", pink tinted "Brass-ware venders [sic] by the roadside", group of old men, and artist Card "Main Street Fusan", all but one unused. (7) SymbolcGradeA- View details Estimate$250StatusUnsold Lot 690 1905 Presbyterian Church of Victoria Mission to Korea "City Gate, Seoul" & "Korean Candy Seller" (two small repaired tears), both used at Melbourne in 1905. Rare: the first examples we have seen. (2) SymbolcGradea-/b View details Estimate$200StatusUnsold Lot 691 Two albums with an array of attractive Cards including from Argentina, Bolivia (one for the Australasian South American Mission), Brazil, Colombia (including three for Centenary of Cartagena's Independence), Costa Rica, Mexico (the best-represented), Uruguay & Venezuela, some to Australia & New Zealand, also some postal stationery & covers including registered & airmails, postmark potential, condition variable but many are fine to very fine & a few are superb. Ex "Cartophile". [See also Lot 9] ( Symbolcps View details Estimate$300Price Realized$380StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 692 Large bundle including from Argentina x37 mostly Undivided Backs, Bolivia x14 witn many UBs, Chile x14 with three Mission Cards, Costa Rica x16, Cuba x23, Guatemala x11 including three after the 1918 Earthquake, Mexico x34 with several UBs, selection of real photo types & a beautiful 1910 Card for Centenario de la Independencia, Panama/Canal Zone x20 with several of the Canal under Construction, Paraguay x13, Uruguay x11 with several UBs, etc, also Captain Besley's Amazon Expedition x6 (superb u Symbolc View details Estimate$400Price Realized$800StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 693 NICARAGUA: 1908 Sequeira Bros "Native Houses with Coconut Grove, Bluefields" to NSW with 'COSTA/ATLANTICA' Overprints 2c & 3c cancelled in transit at 'NEW ORLEANS/LA', bumped corners & a little soiled. A remarkable origin & transit. SymbolcGradec View details Estimate$150Price Realized$160StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 694 PERU: 1911 Sanmarti y Ca commemorative aviation Card "Llegada a Lima del aviador peruano JUAN BIELOVUCIC/ENERO 8 DE 1911", vertical fold that has caused minor splitting on the face but it's not easy to see, unused. Rare. [Despite all the attention given to the various flights in 1911, this is the first we have learned of a flight in Peru. All Google results are in Spanish] SymbolcGradeb View details Estimate$200StatusUnsold Lot 695 Attractive group with Malacca x3, Kuala Lumpur x15 (one to NSW in 1917 with 'TAIPING' squared circle), Johore x9, (three used at Johore and one to NSW with 'ORCHARD ROAD SINGAPORE cds'), Kedah x5 including real photos x4, Pahang (used in 1911 to NSW with Siam stamps - one removed - & 'PUKET' cds), and Perak, also 18 with unspecified or unknown locations. (52) Symbolc View details Estimate$1,000Price Realized$1,000StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 696 STRAITS SETTLEMENTS: Group of real photo types from Singapore x20 including "Malay Boys diving for coins", "Flying Fox" (being held akimbo by a very young boy), "Jinricksha Station", "Connaught Drive" (1920s automobiles), etc, and Penang x10 including "Snake Temple" (interior), "Penang Hill Railway" (used Egypt to Sudan!), "FMS Railway" (which appears to be a captioning error), "Native Village, Butteworth" etc, mostly unused & generally very fine to superb. (30) Symbolc View details Estimate$650Price Realized$1,000StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 697 STRAITS SETTLEMENTS: Companion range of Divided Backs including Singapore "Boatbuilding", "Road rolling by Bullocks", "Monument...presented by the King of Siam", "Cricket Club", "Race Course", "Rattan Yard", "Jugglers: the famous growing Mango tree trick", "Chinese procession", "Chinese funeral party", "Indian washmen", "Gay Land [sic] Road" (tram), etc, also Penang x7 and Labuan x3, condition variable but generally fine to very fine unused. (77) Symbolc View details Estimate$1,750Price Realized$2,400StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 698 STRAITS SETTLEMENTS: Companion range of used Cards including "Tanjong Rhu", "Bleaching of Rattan", "Malay Festival", "Borneo Wharf (French Mail Steamer)", "Mundo Dance", "Gas Works, Gelang Road", "Teutonic Club", "Tank Road Railway Station", etc, also Penang x4; two franked with perfins; postmarks including 'RAFFLES HOTEL' part-strikes x2, 'ORCHARD' ROAD' & superb octagonal 'MARSEILLE A YOKOHAMA No 8', destinations including Hanoi, Hong Kong, Copenhagen, Osaka, Moscow & Algiers, condition variab Symbolc View details Estimate$1,000Price Realized$1,400StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 699 STRAITS SETTLEMENTS: SINGAPORE: Early batch of Undivided Backs including "Natice [sic] Cake Seller", "Chinese funer [sic] party", "Bullockart" [sic], "Singapore (Malacca) Esplanade", Greenish Pics with Fancy Borders x5, multi-views x4 (one to Bulgaria; stamp removed), "Javanese Harjee and Family", "Governments [sic] House", "Group of Coolies" (at the wharves, two versions, one used at Djibouti!), "Raffles Quay in Singapore" (with superb 'LIGNE N/26/JUIL/09/PAQ FR No 4' transit datestamp), "Soldi Symbolc View details Estimate$1,750Price Realized$2,400StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 700 STRAITS SETTLEMENTS: Batch of mostly general views but including some attractive photographs, also Chinese houses & temple, Hindu temple, etc, one of 1905 with 'WN/&Co' perfin, generally fine to very fine. (27) Symbolc View details Estimate$300Price Realized$500StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Items per page 102550100100 Previous|1...56789101112|Next123456789101112 Previous 1234567891011127 Next Previous 1234567891011127 Next