The Picture Postcard as Art: Images from the Golden Era (#85MG) Closed Auction Info Advanced search ▼ Items per page 102550100100 Sort by DefaultTime LeftLot#Lot NameNewestHighest PriceLowest PriceBidsViewsDefaultDefaultTime LeftLot#Lot NameNewestHighest PriceLowest PriceBidsViews Filter By Categories Category match ANY of the aboveALL of the aboveANY of the aboveANY of the aboveALL of the above Featured Exclude closed lots Price Lot Number Results: Viewing items 201-300 of 1138. Previous|12345678...12|Next123456789101112 View Lot 201 ROYALTY BELGIUM: Bundle including 1908 of Leopold II arriving at the King's Reception, 1909 of his Funeral, and Investiture of Albert II, 1915 Belgian Relief Funds, otherwise mostly portraits including of the formidable Queen Elisabeth, her beautiful daughter & rather effeminate sons, also 1936 In Memoriam group for Queen Astrid, mostly unused & generally very fine to superb. Ex Keith Harrison. (80 approx) Symbolc View details Estimate$300StatusUnsold Lot 202 ROYALTY GERMANY: Collection about 60% of the Kaiser & his Family with many quite informal shots (plus some contrived group "portraits"), 1913 Silver Jubilee selection & a couple of overtly militaristic shots, many of the Empress, their children & grandchildren, then a significant group of under-Kings, Grand Dukes & the like from Bavaria, Brunswick, Saxony & Wurrtemburg etc including Weddings & Jubilees, mostly unused & generally fine to very fine with many being superb. A very attractive lot. Ex Symbolc View details Estimate$150Price Realized$380StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 203 ROYALTY GREAT BRITAIN - QUEEN VICTORIA: 1897 Diamond Jubilee two court-size, an intermediate-size Card & a ½d Postal Card overprinted for the Jubilee, also 1900 "Long to Reign Over Us" & an embossed Card without caption, a couple of insignificant blemishes otherwise very fine to superb unused. Gorgeous! Ex Keith Harrison. [Although Queen Victoria features on numerous Cards, most were published after her death. Thus particularly desirable] (6) SymbolcpsGradea/a+ View details Estimate$300Price Realized$340StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 204 ROYALTY 1900 Wrench "Links of Empire" Numbers 1 to 10 for the Royal Visit to Australia, Numbers 5 to 10 posted at the appropriate Australian ports of call, the last "Posted in Melbourne on the day of Opening of the Federal Parliament" but actually one day later, Numbers 1 to 4 cancelled in London MR30/01, a few minor blemishes but fine to very fine. A very scarce set. Ex Keith Harrison.[See also Lot 247] (10) SymbolcGradea/b View details Estimate$400StatusUnsold Lot 205 ROYALTY 1900 Wrench "Links of Empire" Numbers 11 to 20 for the Royal Visit from Australia to Canada, all posted at the appropriate ports of call including 'ASCENSION/AU30/01' & 'ST JOHNS/OC25/01/NEWFD', a few minor blemishes but fine to very fine. Another very scarce set. Ex Keith Harrison. (10) SymbolcGradea/b View details Estimate$400StatusUnsold Lot 206 ROYALTY KING EDWARD VII: Interesting range with Coronation selection including Stewart & Wolf set of 10 embossed chromolithos (superb unused) & the original packet (faults), Lemco sumptuous set of 6 (superb unused) etc, Portraits of the King & Queen Alexandra & many with or of their children & grandchildren, others including his mother Queen Victoria x3, ANN Jones & Co "Queen Alexandra's Photographs" x6, "Sir Frederick Treves" (the surgeon who performed the King's apendectomy), Visits by Oversea Symbolc View details Estimate$450Price Realized$340StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 207 ROYALTY 1902 Current Event PostCards for the Coronation with photo of Westminster Abbey & lengthy facsimile "written" letter datelined "London, June 26,1902" but overprinted in red "June 14, 1902. The world was gravely shocked...the King had undergone an operation for perityphilitis...the Coronation has been postponed and all arrangements...have been upset, including our own", postally used at London 'JU24/02' (the First Day of Issue!). Ex Keith Harrison. [Perityphilitis affects the caecum at th SymbolcGradea View details Estimate$100Price Realized$80StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 208 ROYALTY KING GEORGE V: Coronation selection including Rotary Photo set (?) of 12 plus ten elaborate Coronation Souvenir Cards by various publishers plus LL Coronation Scenes x4, Portraits of the King & Queen Mary including WH Grant pair of "silks", also pre-Coronation group including portraits of the Royal offspring notably two with Prince John (the family embarassment; he was epileptic) & 1905 Royal Visit to India x3, then Silver Jubilee x5, Funeral x2 & In Memoriam x3, condition variable, most Symbolc View details Estimate$400Price Realized$460StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 209 ROYALTY KING EDWARD VIII: Group as Prince Edward of Wales x13 including with Queen Victoria, with his siblings (two with an unnamed Prince John) & one as a very young midshipman; one as the Duke of Cornwall; as Prince of Wales x19 including a few quite candid real photo types & one for the National Relief Fund; and as King x7 - one Broadcasting to the Empire - plus of the "Proclamation...Procession...from St James's Palace", two are a bit knocked-about, otherwise very fine to superb unused. Ex K Symbolc View details Estimate$300Price Realized$230StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 210 ROYALTY KING GEORGE VI: Useful group x34 mostly by Raphael Tuck including superb Coronation set of 6 on unusually thick Card & many of the Princesses, also Clarke & Sherwell State Regalia set of 6; and QUEEN ELIZABETH II x41 mostly of the Coronation or Studio Portraits, a few with or of her progeny, also two identical photos of Trooping the Colour (one with a second horse & rider airbrushed out!); mostly unused & generally very fine to superb unused. Ex Keith Harrison. (77) Symbolc View details Estimate$250StatusUnsold Lot 211 SCOUTING: Australia 1934 Centenary Jamboree (scout & koalas; central fold), 1949 Wonga Park "Bank of New South Wales" & three real photos including of 1st Ascot Park (WA?); Great Britain "The British Scout" hand-tinted group x6, "Awaiting the Dinner Call", "The Enemy discovered" & "The Officers' Mess", and J Salmon patriotic "Britannia's Hope"; Egypt "A party of Scouts, Victoria College, Alexandria"; Japan "...camping on the seashore"; also two humorous types & a greeting Card; mostly unused & g Symbolc View details Estimate$250Price Realized$320StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 212 SCOUTING: Dutch group comprising 1914 of a "Padvibnder" (= scout) on his bicycle, 1937 Jamboree five real photo types (four with the Jamboree cds, the other soiled on the address side) & 1950 idyllic scene; also Sweden 1935 real photo "Scoutchefen Major Ebbe Lieberath" and British 1929 Birkenhead Jamboree "A view from an aeroplane of the opening..."; all but the last are used. A very scarce group. (9) SymbolcGradea/b View details Estimate$400Price Realized$420StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 213 SHIPPING: Album with strong Australian content including 16 beautiful AUSN Cards, Jolley 1901 Federation "The Royal Arthur", 1905 "Wreck RMS Fremantle", superb real photo of University Rowing Eights alongside HMS Psyche, several chromo-litho advertising types, etc, British array including many warships, "The Mystery Ship/HMS Suffolk Coast", two 9-view Cards including "Souvenir of the Special Service Squadron World Tour 1923-24", lovely "Souvenir of the Visit of Admiral Jellicoe to Symbolc View details Estimate$1,000Price Realized$900StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 214 SHIPPING: Modest but generally fine to very fine range including Canadian Pacific x16, United States group, a couple of real photo types of New Zealand ships etc. (77) Symbolc View details Estimate$125Price Realized$100StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 215 SHIPPING: Mounted collection of mostly British Cards including many real photo & artist types, a good selection of shipping lines' Cards including many P&O and Royal Mail Steamers, a few Japanese Cards, also plush interiors, divers, dry dock, Suez & Panama Canals etc, condition variable but many are fine to very fine. Ex Bronte Watts. (170 approx) Symbolc View details Estimate$500Price Realized$420StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 216 SHIPPING: Extensive ten-volume collection in two cartons with perhaps 75% being "moderns" - including many reprints of "Golden Age" Cards - & covering everything from dinghies to aircraft carriers & paddle steamers to submarines, many better Cards with strength in British shipping including artist Cards & advertising Cards for shipping lines, many other Ocean Liners including Interiors, some Naval content, some very good Australian Cards including "Wharf & Ferry Tas", "SS Loongana Leaving Wharf, Symbolc View details Estimate$500Price Realized$650StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 217 SHIPPING: the balance of the collection with a similar 75:25 split between "moderns" & vintage Cards, condition of the earlier material is a bit variable but generally fine to very fine. Our quick assessment is that this lot may have more "meat" than the Cards in albums: perhaps our vendor had intended to put all these in albums too. [This lot also includes some unrelated stamps, Falklands First Day Covers, etc] (1000+) Symbolc View details Estimate$500Price Realized$550StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 218 SHIPPING: Mostly British collection of predominantly Passenger Vessels from famous Ocean Liners to cross-Channel vessels plus about 20 Paddle Steamers and some Commercial Vessels, all the major British Lines represented plus a number of smaller &/or less well-known companies, numerous artist Cards including a few "poster" types & real photo types including Dry Docks and the ill-fated "Suevic" (1907, of the wreck), "Empress of Ireland" (sank in May 1914, more than 1000 lives lost), "Lusitania" (t Symbolc View details Estimate$500Price Realized$600StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 219 SHIPPING: Box of mostly British Cards concentrating on passenger vessels with a good range of early-1900s Cards including a few "poster" types & a selection of attractive artist Cards, then a strong group of 1930s to 1960s Cards for many lesser &/or overseas shipping lines, a lovely array of 1970s reprints by Pamlin Prints & others (some with plain backs) of photographs going back to the 1890s including numerous Paddle Steamers, and a range of "moderns", some duplication noted, mostly unused & g Symbolc View details Estimate$600Price Realized$480StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 220 SHIPPING: 1912 Rotary Photographic Series "White Star Liner Titanic...Perished on Monday April 15th 1912", unused. Superb! Ex Keith Harrison. We are mindful of the fact that many posthumous Cards are actually of her sister-ship "Olympic" with "Titanic" captions. Our comparison with on-line images of both ships is inconclusive, hence the conservative estimate. SymbolcGradea+ View details Estimate$100Price Realized$120StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 221 SMOKING/TOBACCO: Selection with people of all ages & both genders having a puff, "glamour" & romance types, artist Cards including nicotine-induced reveries, etc, also comic Cards that generally aren't very funny, etc, condition variable but generally fine to very fine. An instructive lot. Ex Keith Harrison. (37) Symbolc View details Estimate$250Price Realized$220StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 222 SPORT - VARIOUS: Selection of mostly British Cards with Cricket x8 including 1905 Australian Test Team (faults), "Derby day Church 1905" match in progress & English players AE Relf, JJ Kelly, Syd Gregory & Lord Hawke; Golf x15 including Links Courses, Club Houses etc; Field Hockey x9 mostly of Womens x4 or Mens Teams; Roller Skating x4 including "The Premier Skating Rink, Clapton NE"; Lawn Bowls x4 including 1930 "Australians v mid-Wales Bowling Asstn"; and a few others, condition variable. Ex K Symbolc View details Estimate$300Price Realized$230StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 223 SPORT CRICKET: English Test Teams of 1904 ("Plum" Warner's XI) & 1907-08 x2 different all taken in Australia, Test players Dr WG Grace, Wilfred Rhodes, Syd Barnes & Jack Hobbs x2 different, County Teams Kent x2 (one dated 1906) & Surrey x2 (one used in 1906), a range of County players including Prince Ranjitsinjhi (used in 1907), two real photo types of matches in progress, also 1907 Card of the South African Team, condition variable but many are fine to very fine used or unused. Ex Bronte Watts Symbolc View details Estimate$500Price Realized$700StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 224 SPORT HORSE RACING: Sets of 6 comprising British Tuck Oilettes "A Famous Racehorse", British Charities Association "Leading Racehorses of 1926" with the original packet - faults - & inserts, and GD&D Star Series Jockeys & their Colours (bumped corners), plus German artist Cards by C Becker (one used), fine to superb unused. Ex Keith Harrison. (24) Symbolc View details Estimate$200Price Realized$150StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 225 SPORT RUGBY: 1929 Beagles real photo of the English Test Team "The Men who Won back the Ashes" with Percy Chapman (Captain), Harold Larwood, Jack Hobbs & Wilfred Rhodes etc, unused. SymbolcGradea View details Estimate$75StatusUnsoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 226 SPORT TENNIS: Mostly British Cards but many from European countries & a couple from America, many of matches in progress at Wimbledon, schools, factories & castles, about a third are real photo types - many taken at Wimbledon, a few autographed - of players including Fred Perry, Norman Brookes (Australian, noted as 1913 Davis Cup), Jean Borotra & Suzanne Lenglen, also several of early Tennis Teams & a few really unusual subjects, condition variable but generally fine to very fine & many are supe Symbolc View details Estimate$600Price Realized$800StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 227 SPORT Real photo Cards of 6-time Wimbledon Ladies Champions "Mrs Hillyard" (with trophy) & "Mdlle Lenglen" autographed "Blanche Hillyard" & "Suzanne Lenglen", unused. Superb duo. Ex Keith Harrison. (2) SymbolcGradea+ View details Estimate$100Price Realized$75StatusSold Lot 228 SPORT WINTER SPORTS: Selection of mostly European Cards from Germany Norway & Switzerland etc, predominantly Skiing but also Ice Skating, Mountaineering, Bobsleighing & a lone Curling Card, many are real photo types, condition variable but generally fine to very fine. Ex Keith Harrison. (93) Symbolc View details Estimate$160Price Realized$120StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 229 STAMP CardS: Mounted selection of mostly Zieher/VSM embossed or flat-plate types with stamps of many countries, some including several of the Australian States with inset views or maps, some by other producers, generally fine to very fine. Ex Bronte Watts. (60) Symbolc View details Estimate$450Price Realized$800StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 230 STAMP CardS: Comprehensive collection of Ottmar Zieher Cards for most of the countries of the world at that time, some apparent duplication but that's because of inclusion of both embossed & flat-plate versions, many also with Coats of Arms & some with Maps Added, mostly unused but we noted San Marino used in San Marino!, condition rather mixed but many are fine to very fine & a few are superb. Ex Derek Pocock. [Spot the error on the British Card] (103) Symbolc View details Estimate$600Price Realized$950StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 231 STAMP CardS: 1906 Sanatoria Home for Consumptive Women complete set for the 6 Australian States plus New Zealand, all but Tasmania are postally used, Queensland has a little damage at lower-right otherwise fine to very fine (NSW & Victoria are superb!). Very rare used. Ex Bronte Watts. (7) SymbolcGradea/b View details Estimate$350Price Realized$500StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 232 TOURISM: Large album of Hotels - mostly interiors - cafés & restaurants, gardens & palm houses, etc, some real photo types & some artist Cards, also several advertising Cards, condition a bit variable but generally fine to very fine. Ex Shirley Jones. (200 approx) Symbolc View details Estimate$1,500Price Realized$1,400StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 233 TOURISM: Album of Bathing Beaches mostly from Great Britain - including 1901 court-size chromolitho "Sandown/Isle of Wight" - Belgium & France but many other countries noted, many with Bathing Boxes, Tents etc, some bathing costumes, segregated beaches, etc, condition variable but generally fine to very fine. Ex Derek Pocock. (200+) Symbolc View details Estimate$400Price Realized$300StatusSold Lot 234 TRAMS: Mostly Australian collection plus from NZ, UK & Europe, some are real photo types; also some moderns; generally fine to very fine. A very attractive lot. (54 + moderns) Symbolc View details Estimate$400Price Realized$480StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 235 Handy bundle from all States including 1907 Murwillumbah Fires (NSW), 1910 "Wycheproof Hospital" (Vic), a few Victorian Railways types, etc, strong South Australia content including 1909 "Opening the Centenary Tower, Mount Gambier" & Cole Series "St Thomas Church Port Lincoln", some postmark interest including squared-circles, generally good to fine. (80 approx) Symbolc View details Estimate$350Price Realized$320StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 236 Mostly Victorian group including a beautiful Niven for Michaelis Hallenstein & Co Tannery (minor blemishes), advertising Card for Federal Hotel, a few Gippsland including real photo "Mitchell River, Lower Wharf" & "Metung", etc, generally good to very fine. (36) Symbolc View details Estimate$140Price Realized$280StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 237 Superior group from NSW with Agriculural Show types for Sydney Bega & Yass and "Opening of Sydney Harbour Bridge"; South Australia with "A Fire Alarm - Racing to the Scene" & Trans-Australian Railway "Meeting of Tracklayers from East & West"; Victoria "Proposed Anglican Church at Meredith", squatter & horse living in a tree stump!!, 1934 Frankston Scout Jamboree multi-response type, Summerscales "Eureka Monument, Ballarat"; etc, & a few WWI including "Morning Parade No 16 AGH Mont Park" & a grou Symbolcps View details Estimate$500Price Realized$650StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 238 Album with strong Victorian content with better Cards from Ballarat, Bendigo & the Mornington Peninsular, useful NSW & Queensland content, three Schools Patriotic Fund Cards from South Australia, etc, condition variable but many are fine to very fine. Ex DB McFarlane. (120+) Symbolc View details Estimate$200Price Realized$440StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 239 Wide-ranging group with lots of real photo types including "Swaggers Camp on the river", "A Whale at Eden" (men sitting on the carcass) & "RMS Mariposa Passing under Sydney Harbor [sic] Bridge", many Outback scenes including a few superb Kerry shots, also a few Gold Mining, 1905 5d Stamp Jubilee Card (unused), Tasmanian 1908 Franco-British Exhibition "A Prize Merino Ram" (unused), "Federal Labour [sic] Party: Second Parliament", World War I including eight "silks" (one with the original insert C Symbolc View details Estimate$400Price Realized$850StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 240 Two old albums with coverage from all States but strength in Victoria with strong Melbourne content including sketches by Douglas Pratt x6 (plus two of Adelaide), National Gallery Treasures x10, a few Melbourne Suburbs & some Gippsland, etc, also Commonwealth Immigration Office x7 (issued at 1924 or 1925 Wembley Exhibition in London), condition variable but generally fine to very fine. (few 100) Symbolc View details Estimate$400Price Realized$750StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 241 Two boxes of modern Cards advertising all manner of products & services or promoting support for a myriad causes, some duplication, unused. (1000+) SymbolcGradea View details Estimate$100Price Realized$50StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 242 Large album of Greetings Cards with lots of Floral & Heraldic/Flags types, many others with vignette scenes within elaborate borders, also novelty types with fold-out views, gumleaves stitched to the Card x7, "Hands Across the Sea" types x18, "A Handful of Australia" x20, "A Footprint of Memory" x5, condition variable but many are fine to very fine. Ex Shirley Jones. (220 approx) Symbolc View details Estimate$200Price Realized$300StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 243 Box of scarce Cards with numerous Undivided Backs some with the view occupying 50-75% of the view side, many others with central scenes in elaborate borders - some with additional vignette scenes - including H&B x6, Kerry "By Lagoon & Creek" etc x12, F&J Gum Leaf Series x12, Valentine with Gold Frame x8, Art Series Floral Borders x13, MS Series Floral Horseshoe x8, etc, condition variable but many are fine to very fine. A very attractive lot. Ex Shirley Jones. (120 approx) Symbolc View details Estimate$400Price Realized$440StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 244 Album with Melbourne Suburbans from Prahran x3 & Malvern x3, Swaggy Cards x3 including an advertising Card for Viceroy Tea (surface fault, still attractive), a lovely embossed 'ADVANCE/AUSTRALIA' Card, four "Coo-ee" Cards (two with an aboriginal theme), & a few others, condition a bit variable but many are unused; also the original packets - a few faults - for "Beauty Spots of Melbourne" Series 1, 3 and 4 to 8. Ex Shirley Jones. (74 items) Symbolc View details Estimate$200Price Realized$340StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 245 Collection of mostly real-photo "Greetings from" Cards for many towns, some are hand-tinted, also Christmas & other festive occasions, etc, generally fine to very fine. Ex Shirley Jones. (140+) Symbolc View details Estimate$250Price Realized$380StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 246 Four volume collection with New South Wales x128 with a few Undivided Backs, strength in Sydney & the Harbour plus useful country including real photos of "Hospital Friday" in Grafton and multi-views of Walgett & Penrith/Nepean Hospitals; Queensland x36 including for 1908 Franco-British Exhibition x7; South Australia x16; Tasmania x24 with real photos x12 including 1925 multi-view for Centenary of St Mary's Church at New Norfolk; Victoria x56 including two very early Undivided Backs (Jolley ?) & Symbolc View details Estimate$500Price Realized$2,000StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 247 1901 "Links of Empire" Series for the Royal Visit by the Duke & Duchess of York to Open the First Federal Parliament in Melbourne on 9th May 1901 comprising No 6 (kangaroo), 7 ("Parliament House, Adelaide"), 8 ("Sydney Harbour") & 9 ("Brisbane"), the first with Melbourne cds of 6.5.01, the others with cds of the relevant cities. Very scarce. [See also Lots 204 & 205] (4) SymbolcGradea/a- View details Estimate$240StatusUnsold Lot 248 1906 Sanatoria Home for Consumptive Women "stamp" Cards for the six States and New Zealand, unused & rarely available this fine. (7) SymbolcGradea-/a+ View details Estimate$250Price Realized$320StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 249 1907 Regal Post Card "The Kelly Gang - From an original Photograph", unused. Ex Bronte Watts. SymbolcGradea View details Estimate$200Price Realized$180StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 250 1908 Visit of the American "Great White Fleet" comprising real photos of arrival in Sydney x2 (one hand-tinted) & in Melbourne, Walter Davies Celebrations x2, Kimbel & Co and Crown Studios Military Review, Martin Place Bedecked, hand-tinted "On Deck of Connecticut" and four patriotic types, mostly unused & generally fine to very fine. Ex Bronte Watts. [At the time, the crowds in Sydney & Melbourne were the largest ever experienced in Australia] (13) SymbolcGradea/b View details Estimate$400Price Realized$380StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 251 1908 Visit of the American "Great White Fleet" better Cards 1) The Fleet & Crossed Flags "Greetings to our American Friends", unused; 2) Robert Jolley Uncle Sam & Bushman with Crossed Flags "Australia Greets America", unused; 3) Theodore Roosevelt, Alfred Deakin, emblems & "In God we Both Trust"; 4) WTP of Admiral Sperry & Flags; and 5) Uncle Sam & Kangaroo Shaking Hands & "Cooee Australia Greets America". The last two are unusual vertical formats. (5) SymbolcGradea View details Estimate$350Price Realized$270StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 252 1910 Socialist Federation of Australasia "The Red Flag Brigade...Jailed for Protesting against the Coercion Act", minor blemishes, unused. Great social history. [Not previously seen by us] SymbolcGradeb View details Estimate$100Price Realized$100StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 253 1934 Kisch-Griffin Defence Committee petition Card to Attorney-General Robert Menzies demanding release of Egon Kisch & Gerald Griffin jailed "because they could not pass an absurd language test which is not given to all immigrants...", minor blemishes, unused. [This was a major cause célèbre. Kisch was a German Jew & Communist who was invited by private groups to lecture in Australia. He was considered political dynamite, was treated as a criminal & deported on the "Strathaird", from which he SymbolcGradea- View details Estimate$100Price Realized$320StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 254 1934 Royal Visit real photo "HMS Sussex/1934/Royal Tour" with illustration of the route from GB to Australia plus photos of the ship, Sydney Harbour Bridge & the Duke of Gloucester, ink note on reverse, unused. SymbolcGradea View details Estimate$100Price Realized$140StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 255 ABORIGINES: Excellent mounted collection with strength in South Australian & Western Australian subjects but also some NSW & Queensland plus Spurling "Aborigines of Tasmania (An extinct race)", includes a couple of museum Cards & missionary types notably a great shot of "Children of Colebrook Home, Quorn, with Missionaries", Trans-Australian Railway x6 from various series, black trackers & "Aboriginal Prisoner Chained to a Tree", Kerry portraits, corroborees, several with Aboriginal motifs print Symbolc View details Estimate$2,000Price Realized$2,800StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 256 ABORIGINES: the companion group of real photo types including portraits & family groups, housing, etc, two for Point McLeay Mission (South Australia), and a fabulous shot of two aboriginal women in an old jallopy with the caption "Advance Australia" (!), condition a bit variable but generally fine to very fine. Ex Bronte Watts. (22) Symbolc View details Estimate$400Price Realized$2,100StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 257 ABORIGINES: c.1900 City Printing Works (Brisbane) four Cards each with one or two aboriginal portraits, bumped corners, unused. Rare. Ex Bronte Watts. (4) SymbolcGradea-/b View details Estimate$200Price Realized$150StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 258 ABORIGINES: VSM Series of Aboriginal "types" from each State by James Charles Nuttall in shades of red & purple, a few minor blemishes, unused. A rare early set. (6) SymbolcGradea/a- View details Estimate$500Price Realized$380StatusSold Lot 259 ABORIGINES: ditto, the more attractive coloured set each with "Greetings from the Antipodes", minor aging/blemishes, South Australia is used in 1907 otherwise unused. Far more elusive than the previous lot. (6) SymbolcGradeb View details Estimate$500Price Realized$380StatusSold Lot 260 ADVERTISING: Attractive group including for Carlyon's Hotel & Café (Melbourne), China Navigation Co, Esplanade Hotel (Inverloch Vic), Ludbrook's Drapers (Colac with rare 'PAID AT COLAC/ ½D /SE10/10/VIC' cds; not listed by Watson Webster & Wood), McPherson's Pty Ltd Merchants (Melbourne), Borough of Horsham advice Card etc, also a gorgeous dirigible Card for Swallow & Ariell's Biscuits & Cakes (repaired spike-hole, with scarce 'TPO 9/ DOWN.../VICTORIA' cds), condition variable. Ex "Cartophile". ( Symbolc View details Estimate$300Price Realized$440StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 261 ADVERTISING: Group from South Australia with Adelaide Steamship Co fold-out type, York Hotel Adelaide, Elder Smith & Co illustrated KGV 1d green Postal Card, & superb chromo-litho type for Australasian Implement Co; and Victoria Tooboorac Bee Farm (creased) & FA Crook Cycle Builder. (6) SymbolcpsGradea+/b View details Estimate$150Price Realized$115StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 262 ADVERTISING: 1925-1950s Clarkson & Sons Homewares (Adelaide) advice Cards with various illustrations on the address side including "Tools That Last!", "Asbestolite", "Resirex" Asbestos Roofs, House Paint, Bathrooms, Mirrors etc & a terrific all-different array of truisms & aphorisms encouraging thrift, endeavour etc on the view side. Our favourite applies to many in the philatelic trade: "One thing is certain about dead stock: the longer you keep it, the deader it gets". A wonderful lot to help SymbolcGradea/b View details Estimate$400Price Realized$420StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 263 ARTIST CardS: Various with Birds by JM Cantle x17 including a few Birds of Paradise, Neville Cayley x9 & "Praetorius" x6; Flowers by Janie Craig x6, Margaret Flockton x4 & Stanway Tapp x4; others by ST Gill x3, Herbert Beecroft x8, Douglas Pratt drawings x2, Leslie Board x8, cutesie Cards by Mabel Edmonds x18, etc; condition variable but many are fine to very fine. Ex Bronte Watts. (150+) Symbolc View details Estimate$400Price Realized$750StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 264 ARTIST CardS: Album of Cards by ET de Closay x6, Leslie Board x4, Charles Hammond x13 including "How We Beat the Favourite" x6 (horse racing), LH Davey x18 mostly Tasmanian scenes, C Young x15, R Riches x4, AH Fullwood x16, Arthur Streeton (creased), etc, lots of Bush Scenes, Landscapes & Seascapes but other subjects noted, condition variable but generally fine to very fine. Ex Shirley Jones. (170 approx) Symbolc View details Estimate$850StatusUnsold Lot 265 ARTIST CardS: Selection of hand-illustrated postCards or postCard-size Cards from Australia, UK, Germany etc, plus some that we can't convince ourselves are done by hand, condition variable but many are fine to very fine. Inspection recommended. Ex Shirley Jones. (70+) Symbolc View details Estimate$500StatusUnsold Lot 266 ARTIST CardS: Humorous Cards by Stuart Allan x2, Fred Booty x13, Hal Gye x7, "Handy" x10, "Hop" x5, Norman Lindsay x2 ("Australian Natives"), Frank Mahon "Bulletin" Card (defective), Phil May x6 (and a real photo of Phil May), Redmond Nolan x5, LB Taylor x8, etc, condition variable but many are fine to very fine. Some still tickle the modern funnybone. Ex Bronte Watts. (100+) Symbolc View details Estimate$500Price Realized$1,000StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 267 ARTIST CardS: Outback & Rural Australia Cards by P Campbell x6, LH Davey x7, ET Declosay x5, Charles Hammond x9 including "Robbery Under Arms" set of 6, J Hutchings x28, MacInnes x6, JH Scheltema x9, JA Turner x28 & C Young x8 etc, condition variable but many are fine to very fine. Ex Bronte Watts. (110+) Symbolc View details Estimate$350Price Realized$380StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 268 ARTIST CardS: Album with Bush Scenes by JH Scheltema x9, J Hutchings x40+, P Campbell x6 & A McInnes x6, plus Wildflowers by various artists x35, condition variable but generally very fine used. Ex Shirley Jones. (105) Symbolc View details Estimate$600Price Realized$700StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 269 ARTIST CardS: FRED BOOTY: VSM Watercolours "Rough Seas" complete (?) set that are so striking that the Cards themselves could have been hand-painted!, one with a repaired tear but generally very fine used. Ex Shirley Jones. [Booty is best known for his often hilarious comic Cards: see Lot 266] (12) SymbolcGradea/(b) View details Estimate$200Price Realized$150StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 270 ARTIST CardS: AR BURNETT: c.1906 The Herald "Ten Best Citizens of Victoria" caricatures comprising Chief Justice John Madden, Premier Thomas Bent, former Premiers Sir George Turner & William Irvine, Australia's second Prime Minister Alfred Deakin, Chief Secretary Sir Samuel Gillott, welfare worker Selina Sutherland, social reformer Rev AR Edgar, socialite Janet Lady Clarke & entrepreneur/politician George Coppin, a few minor blemishes but generally very fine unused; also the defective front of SymbolcGradea/b View details Estimate$750Price Realized$575StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 271 ARTIST CardS: AH FULLWOOD: Selection of Tuck "Oilettes" including City Views, Goldmining, Outback, Swaggies, Trade, Jenolan Caves x3 etc, also some New Zealand views, condition variable but many are very fine to superb. Ex Bronte Watts. (51) Symbolc View details Estimate$300Price Realized$420StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 272 ARTIST CardS: MAY GIBBS: Selection of her whimsical Gumnut Babies comprising "Gumnut Series" No 4 5 9 10 & 12, and "We're still alive and kicking", #4 & 5 are unused, #12 with abrasions on the address side; also a gumnut bookmark & "Pearling in the Nor West" (unused); generally fine to very fine. Delightful. Ex Bronte Watts. (8) SymbolcGradea/b View details Estimate$500Price Realized$550StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 273 ARTIST CardS: "I'm still at the same old game!" (playing Cards), unused. Superb! SymbolcGradea+ View details Estimate$200Price Realized$300StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 274 ARTIST CardS: "I Hope you're still bowling along" (lawn bowls), unused. Superb! SymbolcGradea+ View details Estimate$200Price Realized$260StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 275 ARTIST CardS: "Hope you're still going strong" (tennis, or badminton), unused. Superb! SymbolcGradea+ View details Estimate$200Price Realized$220StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 276 ARTIST CardS: "Christmas Bell Babies Grow in Australia (they ring you Joy)" with the address side blank, unused. SymbolcGradea View details Estimate$100Price Realized$75StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 277 ARTIST CardS: NORMAN LINDSAY: Bulletin Series No 5 "Turf", used in New Zealand in 1908, minor blemishes. SymbolcGradeb View details Estimate$250Price Realized$190StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 278 ARTIST CardS: Bulletin Series No 5 "The Shanty-keeper", used in New Zealand in 1909, minor toning around the stamp. SymbolcGradea- View details Estimate$250Price Realized$190StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 279 ARTIST CardS: Bulletin Series No 5 "The Swaggy", used in Queensland in 1907. Superb! Ex Bronte Watts. SymbolcGradea+ View details Estimate$250Price Realized$190StatusSold Lot 280 ARTIST CardS: IDA RENTOUL OUTHWAITE: Selection of her whimsical fairy Cards including three rare types incorporating Australian fauna, also black & white "The Home of the Bunyip", a few are unused; plus Maisie Carte x4 including three patriotics (one with surface abrasions); generally fine to very fine. Delightful. Ex Bronte Watts. (20) Symbolc View details Estimate$400Price Realized$1,400StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 281 ARTIST CardS: HAL SOUTER: Selection including glamour & ballroom dancing, condition variable but many are fine to very fine. Droll group. Ex Bronte Watts. (25) Symbolc View details Estimate$200Price Realized$750StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 282 ARTIST CardS: Harding & Billings humorous ballroom dancing comprising "The Cakewalk", The Lancers", "The Polka", "The Skirt Dance", "The Waltz" & "The Gavotte", some minor toning/discolouration on the view sides, unused. A rare set. (6) SymbolcGradea-/b View details Estimate$600StatusUnsold Lot 283 ARTIST CardS: JA TURNER: Extensive collection of Bush Scenes from various series, noted as being almost complete "Total needed 7"(!), some scenes are duplicated but have different colouration or embellishments etc & some have advertising for Swallow & Ariell Biscuits, RA Dickinson Shoes & Boots (Hawthorn), Chittick Bros Bakers (Seymour) and Ward Lock & Co PostCard Retailers, also a couple of novelty types & a few tiny versions with 1923 calendars printed on the reverse, finally a lovely "Where Symbolc View details Estimate$1,500Price Realized$2,400StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 284 AVIATION: Real photo group comprising 1920 "Sir Ross Smith & Sir Keith Smith" (creased) & "Arrival of Ross Smith 23.3.20" (the Vickers "Vimy" at Darwin), Adelaide Wine & Spirit Co advertising Card "Capt B Hinkler AFC arrives in Australia and is welcomed by his Mother" with facsimile signature in blue, Beagles (London) "Mr HG Hawker's Joyous Arrival in London" x4 different (one with minor corner bend, otherwise superb), W Audoss (Murat Bay) "Amy Johnson - Ceduna July 3rd 1930" (superb), and two o SymbolcGradea+/(b) View details Estimate$350Price Realized$420StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 285 AVIATION: 'Official Souvenir/Australian Aerial Mail' brown/yellow Card with a photograph of the pilot Basil Watson on the message side, superb 'MT GAMBIER/15FE17/STH AUST.' & KGV Penny Red tied by double-oval 'AUSTRALIAN/ MELBOURNE/27FEB1917/-VIC-/AERIAL MAIL' datestamp, the message with British Imperial Oil Co handstamp in violet & signed "EE Wagstaff" who states "...May Aviation succeed in Peace as it has in helping to down our enemies", some minor creasing & light spotting but most presentabl SymbolcGradec View details Estimate$300Price Realized$600StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 286 AVIATION: 1919 'Souvenir Aerial Post Card' of Harry Butler's monoplane & the South Australian Coast with a photo of Butler on the reverse, to "Curramulka YP" (Yorke Peninsula) with message "Hope you can square the Pilot to take you for a ride. It would probably be as nice as riding in the Johnny Ford", minor blemishes. See AAMC #21b, Cat $650. Ex Bronte Watts. SymbolcGradeb View details Estimate$250Price Realized$240StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 287 BOTANIC GARDENS: Three albums with strong sections from New South Wales including Goulburn, Victoria including Ballarat, Castlemaine, Prahran & Warrnambool, Queensland including Rockhampton & Toowoomba and South Australia, also a few Tasmania, generally fine to very fine. Ex Derek Pocock. (260 approx) Symbolc View details Estimate$250Price Realized$280StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 288 CAVES: Jenolan NSW x3, Wombeyan NSW, Naracoorte SA x2, Hastings Tas, Mole Creek Tas, Coastal Cave Vic, Lake Cave WA x5 including an Aborigine's Skeleton, all but one unused, fine to very fine. (14) Symbolc View details Estimate$250Price Realized$340StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 289 CHILDREN: Mason Firth & McCutcheon (Melbourne) advertising Cards for MacRobertson's Chocolate each featuring two or three portraits of children (some of whom have clearly enjoyed their sponsor's product!), four unused, fine to very fine. Rare & beautiful Cards. Ex Shirley Jones. (7) SymbolcGradea/a- View details Estimate$350Price Realized$270StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 290 ENTERTAINMENT: Excellent batch with Talma (Melbourne) actors & actresses x26, many advertising specific productions including "The Golliwoggs", "The Man from Mexico", "The Cingalee" and "The Merry Widow" complete (?) set of 10, Falk (Sydney) actors & actresses x11, Harcourt McGuffie (Hobart) x2, Alice Mills (Melbourne) x2, etc, also "The Principal Members of JC Williamson's New Comic Opera Co" with 9 portraits, 1930s ABC/3LO x3 including "Champion Wrestlers" with 8 portraits, radio station 5DN ( Symbolc View details Estimate$500Price Realized$380StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 291 ENTERTAINMENT: "Zeynard's Marvellous Midget Circus/Tiny Town - the Big Show" x8 three with 'SWIFT PRINT SYD' on the address side, Liliputaner Circus x2 (one with notation re performance in Adelaide in November 1911) & Specialty Troup x2, a few faults but generally fine to very fine. Ex Bronte Watts. (12) Symbolc View details Estimate$150Price Realized$120StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 292 ENTERTAINMENT: Large album of mostly Australian Actors & Actresses with numerous studio portraits including elaborate theatre costumes plus extravagant Edwardian dresses & hats, plus "stills" from stage productions, some Singers noted - a couple of overseas visitors - including four gorgeous Art Nouveau Cards of Blanche Arral, some facsimile signatures, a few advertising Cards for local productions & FS Pacey (Sydney) movie stills from the 1912 film "From the Manger to the Cross" x2, Talma is th Symbolc View details Estimate$1,000StatusUnsold Lot 293 ENTERTAINMENT: c.1907 Colonial Picture Combine "The Story of the Kelly Gang" Numbers 1 "Ned Kelly Shoots Constable Fitzpatrick" to 12 "Ned Kelly in Armour" missing only Number 10, unused & generally fine to very fine. Ex Bronte Watts. Filmed in 1906, this was the first "feature film" produced anywhere in the world. At the time, most movies ran for less than 20 minutes. "The Kelly Gang" went for almost an hour, divided into six scenes (or sequences). It was very popular in Australia & was later SymbolcGradea/b View details Estimate$500Price Realized$900StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 294 HOSPITALS: A fascinating collection with all States represented but strength in NSW with a terrific array from country towns many by local publishers, a couple of Lunatic Asylums & Private Hospitals, some excellent real photo types, condition variable but generally fine to very fine. By far the most extensive Hospitals collection we have seen. Ex Derek Pocock. (150 approx) Symbolc View details Estimate$750Price Realized$575StatusSold Lot 295 HOUSING: Collection of bark huts to Edwardian mansions & everything in between, many with family groups showing off their new "digs", some with identifying captions or notes on the reverse including 1918 "This is our house in the [Rockhampton] floods...", also a few advertising Cards for Building Products/Homewares including six for Wunderlich Roofing, finally "cabinet" Cards x8, condition variable but generally fine to very fine. A most unusual topical collection providing a valuable overview o Symbolc View details Estimate$750Price Realized$900StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 296 HUMOUR: "The Bully" set of 6 from the swaggering "I kin lick anyone round here" to the battered & tearful "I could a licked him if I'd wanted to", unused. [See also between Lots 266 & 282] (6) SymbolcGradea/a- View details Estimate$100StatusUnsold Lot 297 HUMOUR: WWII military humour Cards by Egyptian illustrator Saroukhan, one postally used, generally very fine unused. (14) SymbolcGradea/a- View details Estimate$200Price Realized$150StatusSold Lot 298 MILITARY - VARIOUS: Attractive mostly World War I naval group including six related to the sinking of the "Emden", HMAS "Australia" group, several of departing troopships, etc, a number are real photo types including "Surrender of the German Fleet", condition variable but most are good to very fine. Sure to be popular. Ex Bronte Watts. (29) Symbolc View details Estimate$400Price Realized$800StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 299 MILITARY BOER WAR: Cards featuring NSW & Victorian troops with Boer War captions x5, related but later types with divided backs x7 including two real photo types noted as Troops Returned from the Boer War, and three Australian patriotic Cards (that illustrated above is a front panel only), condition variable. Ex Bronte Watts. (15) Symbolc View details Estimate$250Price Realized$340StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 300 PADDLE STEAMERS: Mounted collection with strong South Australian content but also some Murray River Victoria & Darling River NSW, mostly of well-known vessels but including some smaller boats & the Mission Steamer "Etona", many are real photo types, mostly trade-related but some show vessels packed with revellers, a few advertising Cards included, condition a bit variable but generally fine to very fine. Ex Bronte Watts. A fantastic lot! (90 approx) Symbolc View details Estimate$800Price Realized$2,000StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Items per page 102550100100 Previous|12345678...12|Next123456789101112 Previous 1234567891011123 Next Previous 1234567891011123 Next