1925 (April 21) India-Australia #78a part-cover carried by Italian aviator Francesco de Pinedo in his Savoia Flying Boat 'Gennarielio' on flight from Rome to Australia franked with India KGV 1a brown (2) but not tied, left-hand part of cover with pilot's signature cut away by de Pinedo due to disagreement with promotors, red 'Italian Consul General's (Melbourne) letter of 12-11-25/Calcutta to Melbourne by Seaplane, 13/5/25" cachet on face and violet 'Italian World Air Flight' cachet on back, repaired corner fault, Cat $2,000. [returned under cover from Italian Consul to India where signed and numbered on back by President of the Calcutta Philatelic Society as authentication]
Symbol : C
Grade : A
Categories: Stamps & Postal History > COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA > Aerophilately & Flight Covers