AUSTRALIAN & HISTORICAL (#497) Closed Auction Info PDF Prices RealizedPDF Catalogue View ▼ Items per page 102550100 Sort by DefaultTime LeftLot#Lot NameNewestHighest PriceLowest PriceBidsViews Filter By Categories Category match ANY of the aboveALL of the above Featured Exclude closed lots Price Lot Number Results: Viewing items 1-35 of 35. Previous|1|Next Lot 968 CHARLES NETTLETON (& others), collection of five early Melbourne albumen prints, circa 1860s, View details Quantity5Estimate$2,000 - $2,500StatusCLOSED! Lot 969 PHOTOGRAPHS & POSTCARDS including carte-de-visit early Sydney street scene with inscription, General Tom Thumb and wife, Commodore Nutt and Miss Minnie Warren, "COFFIN MAKING DEPt. B. Mathews Undertaker, S. Yarra, Melbourne", plus others, (52 items) View details Estimate$200 - $300Price Realized$440StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 970 UNKNOWN PHOTOGRAPHER, Granny's Shop, St Kilda Esplanade, circa 1870, albumen print, 11 x 15cm, 44 x 54.5cm overall View details Estimate$200 - $300Price Realized$600StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 971 A COLLECTION OF PHOTOGRAPHS OF BUILDINGS AND VIEWS IN NEW SOUTH WALES PRESENTED TO THE DELEGATE REPRESENTING THE AUSTRALIAN COLONIES, AND NEW ZEALAND, AT THE INTERCOLONIAL CONFERENCE HELD IN SYDNEY, JANUARY-FEBRUARY, 1873 View details Estimate$4,000 - $6,000Price Realized$3,200StatusSold Lot 972 Melbourne, Hobart, Launceston, Sydney, Adelaide & Lyttelton albumen prints in a large album. Various sizes; unknown photographers. (47 images). View details Estimate$600 - $1,000StatusCLOSED! Lot 973 Album containing 76 prints of Tasmania including Port Arthur & Gaol, Launceston, New Norfolk, Hobart, as well as some Victorian scenes including Sandhurst, Port Chalmers New Zealand, Sydney, etc. Very diverse sizes but mainly 10 x 15cm some larger, largest being 18 x 21.5 cm. View details Estimate$1,000 - $1,500Price Realized$1,100StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 974 Ornate leather case with gilt-embossed titles: "Views of Beechworth Scenery, Presented to Lady Loch by Mrs. John Fletcher, Wife of the President of the Shire of Beechworth. December 30th 1885." Comprising of 17 albumen photographs mounted on thick card with printed "JAS. E. BRAY, Photo" and "BEECHWORTH" below each image; the titles in neat mss centred below each. Mainly 15.5 x 21 cm. View details Estimate$1,000 - $1,500StatusUnsoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 975 SOUTH AUSTRALIA.. VIEWS IN ADELAIDE, SUBURBS AND COUNTRY DISTRICTS, blue Leather photograph album embossed with gilt titles and decorations, circa 1887 Printer: E Spiller, Govt Printer, Adelaide. The original 52 albumen photographs on printed facing pages (mainly 20 x 26 cm) have been supplemented by 52 examples of the work of Samuel Sweet and other photographers on the opposing pages (these images mainly 20 x 24 and 16 x 21 cm) neatly annotated by hand. Subjects include Group of Aboriginals in View details Estimate$5,000 - $7,500StatusCLOSED! Lot 976 Large leather bound album containing a collection of 16 photographs (various sizes) including a portrait of Baron Henry Brougham Loch [1827 - 1900] and family by Johnstone O'Shannessey Coy Ltd (Melbourne) followed by a photograph of His Excellency Henry B. Loch, Lady Loch, and Party at the Midas Mine Ballarat (by Richards & Co.), The Carriage Paddock and Lawn Melbourne Cup Day Nov. 1. 1887 (by Charles Nettleton), The Saddling Paddock, Flemington, Oct. 29. 1887 (Nettleton), and others. View details Estimate$2,000 - $3,000Price Realized$1,600StatusSold Lot 977 Leather-bound, gilt-titled and decorated album: "Photographs - The National Park of New South Wales." Containing 32 images with a printed map and introductory page from the Government Printing Office dated March 1888; followed by an index to the images. Photographer Unknown. Mainly 22. 5 x 27.5 cm. View details Estimate$1,000 - $1,500StatusUnsoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 978 A modern album containing albumen prints of Melbourne, Madras, and Aden by J.W. LINDT and others. (16 images). Various sizes 15 x 20cm some larger, largest being 21.5 x 28cm. View details Estimate$600 - $1,000StatusCLOSED! Lot 979 A red leather-bound album of Australian and Pacific albumen prints containing 65 images of Melbourne, rural Victoria, Tasmania and Fiji, mostly 13 x 18cm each approximately, with others 24 x 30cm. View details Estimate$2,000 - $3,000Price Realized$1,600StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 980 "HOBART, FROM THE BAY. TASMANIA. Original Photograph. c.1890" original black and white albumen print, 20 x 27cm, 44 x 55cm overall View details Estimate$120 - $200Price Realized$320StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 981 Modern album housing eight photographs of Mt Macedon, Healesville, etc on early card pages with annotations in margins, circa 1890, mostly 22 x 15cm approximately View details Estimate$250 - $350Price Realized$200StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 982 An album with gilt title: "VIEWS OF WARRNAMBOOL", containing 29 photographs that are clear and show a good cross-section of Warrnambool in the early 1890s. Subjects include: A Panoramic View of the Town from Liebig Street Hill; Kepler Street; Proudfoots on the Hopkins; Sandstone Quarries; Sheldrick's Brewery; Stephens Bros. Coach Builders etc. 15 x 20 cm except panorama which is 17 x 107 cm. View details Estimate$3,000 - $5,000Price Realized$2,800StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 983 GEORGE F. GRACE: A memorial photograph album prepared in memory of his late wife, Carrie; circa 1894. View details Estimate$500 - $750Price Realized$650StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 984 Ornate red-leather presentation album with embossed title "Photographs. Illustrating the Earliest Times of New South Wales." The large album was presented to Lady Darley, wife of the Acting Governor, Sir Frederick Darley of NSW in 1895. Contains only one original albumen paper photograph "An Aboriginal of New South Wales", the other inclusions being photographs of historical paintings, lithographs & engravings, with several depicting aboriginal culture and practices. Mainly 19 x 27cm. View details Estimate$2,000 - $3,000StatusUnsoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 985 An album of albumen paper prints; each titled below the image. Collected on a World Tour in 1895; various photographers. Begins with RMS Orizaba, followed by images of Plymouth, Gibraltar, Naples, Pompeii, Port Said, the Suez Canal, Colombo, a two-section panoramic view of Albany W.A., Sydney, the Jenolan Caves, Blue Mountains, Melbourne, Adelaide, Oran, Algiers, Tunis, Sardinia, Pisa, Turin, etc. (84 photos;1 loose); various sizes, largest being 27.5 x 21 cm, smallest being 15 x 11 cm.RMS... View details Estimate$1,200 - $2,000StatusCLOSED! Lot 986 Large album with title to spine "Views in Queensland, Australia", circa 1897, hand illustrated title page with 53 images, majority 19.5 x 24cm. Includes North Isis Sugar Mill, Canning Downs, Botanic Gardens, Hay stacking, Emu Vale Waterfalls, Rockhampton, Cooktown, Pineapple plantation Nudgee, Brisbane street scenes, etc. View details Estimate$2,000 - $2,500StatusUnsoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 987 An album of 16 Melbourne images, mainly albumen prints with several depicting decorations and events associated with the 1897 Queen Victoria Jubilee, by Foster & Martin and others, titled in manuscript below each image. The images mostly 15 x 20cm approximately. View details Estimate$1,000 - $1,500Price Realized$800StatusSold Lot 988 Albumen paper print (15 x 20cm) laid down on card with titles at lower right "The Leviathan" Kilroy Bros., GRAYTOWN, Proprietors. Framed & glazed, overall 31 x 37cm. The image depicts a hay-bagging scene with "The Leviathan" tractor dominating the scene. View details Estimate$100 - $150Price Realized$60StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 988a A collection of cartes-de-visite (approximately 80) and album. New Zealand, Australian and English photographers, 19th century View details Estimate$120 - $200Price Realized$750StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 989 Leather-bound album with gilt embossed title "D.S. Wylie, General Photos No.2", with 41 photographs, mainly 16 x 26 cm and all neatly titled in the margins below the images. Australian, New Zealand, New Guinea and Pacific Island subjects; circa 1917-30. View details Estimate$800 - $1,200StatusCLOSED! Lot 990 POSTCARDS, an accumulation of early Australian postcards plus a few foreign; an early Victorian Road Guide and other ephemeral material. View details Estimate$100 - $200Price Realized$340StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 991 A vintage hand-coloured and framed photograph of a man seated on a tractor, early to mid 20th century, 41 x 61cm overall View details Estimate$100 - $200Price Realized$200StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 992 FIJI INTEREST: Fascinating group of glass slides, many with captions, depicting Fijian scenes, churches, Indian workers etc, housed in a timber case, early 20th century, (56 slides) View details Estimate$120 - $200Price Realized$650StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 993 Leather-bound album with gold embossed title "D.S. Wylie Australian Photos No.3", with 41 photographs, mainly 16.5 x 24 cm and all neatly titled in the margins below the images. From an Expedition to North-West Australia in 1926 and later travels; includes images of Darling Harbour, Victor Harbour, Carnarvon, Point Cloates, Geraldton, Port Hedland, Brisbane, Toowoomba, Canberra, Kosciusko, Test Match at Melbourne 1928-29, etc. View details Estimate$1,000 - $1,500StatusCLOSED! Lot 994 Leather-bound album with gold embossed title "D.S. Wylie Australian Photos No.4", 68 photographs, mainly 16.5 x 26 cm and all neatly titled in the margins below the images. Many from an Expedition to North-West Australia in 1926; includes images of Camperdown, Rose Bay, Lacepede Islands, Cygnet Bay, Yampi Sound, Brecknock Harbour, Broome, the Montgomery Islands, Cape Leveque, Port George Mission, Melbourne Cup, Queenscliff, Sydney, Coolangatta, Albury C.C., Camooweal, etc. View details Estimate$1,200 - $2,000Price Realized$1,000StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 995 NAURU & OCEAN ISLANDS: Three panoramic photographs and one panoramic negative, circa 1930s View details Quantity4Estimate$600 - $1,000Price Realized$300StatusSold Lot 996 AGRICULTURAL INTEREST collection of 35 glass plate slides, many with captions, depicting prime stud animals and rural themes, housed in an Australian cedar case, early 20th century View details Estimate$120 - $200Price Realized$180StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 997 JULIAN SMITH (1873-1947), I.) Connoisseur, II.) Leaf Music, III.) W.B. McInnes, IV.) Dolores, V.) Heep photogravures, all titled and signed in the lower margins, 42.5 x 34cm, 52 x 43cm approximately each overall View details Quantity5Estimate$600 - $1,000StatusCLOSED! Lot 998 JULIAN SMITH (1873-1947), I.) Dick Swiveller, II.) You Called Me Dog, III.) Prof. Watson, IV.) The Plot Thickens, V.) Micawber, VI.) The Scout, photogravures, all titled and signed in the lower margins, sheet size 42.5 x 34cm each View details Quantity6Estimate$400 - $600StatusCLOSED! Lot 999 WRESTLING DISPLAY. An artistic array of photographic printing blocks featuring wrestling scenes from the icon Australian T.V. broadcaster, hosted by JACK LITTLE, circa 1960s, 90 x 60cm overall View details Estimate$400 - $600StatusUnsold Lot 1000 MELBOURNE panoramic black and white photographic print in card mount (re-print), 41 x 102cm overall View details Estimate$60 - $100Price Realized$100StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 1001 DEBORAH PAAUWE (1972 - ), Midnight Sun, 2002, T type C photograph, edition 4/5, 75 x 75cm, 78 x 78cm overall View details Estimate$1,000 - $1,500StatusUnsold Items per page 102550100 Previous|1|Next Previous 1 Next Previous 1 Next