Coins, Banknotes & Stamps 12 18, 2023 View ▼ Items per page 102550100 Sort by DefaultTime LeftLot#Lot NameNewestHighest PriceLowest PriceBidsViews Filter By Categories Category match ANY of the aboveALL of the above Featured Exclude closed lots Price Lot Number Results: Viewing items 1101-1188 of 1188. Previous|1...56789101112|Next123456789101112 Image Lot # Item Title Quantity Time Left Your Bids 1101 NAURU: 1916-23 Seahorse Overprints set of (3), all fresh MVLH (almost MUH), the 2/6 with scarce 'Broken left foot of A in NAURU". (3). A delightful set. Cat.£475+. Symbol* Estimate$400 - $450Price Realized$320StatusSold View details 1102 NAURU: 1924-48 (SG.26A-39A) Rough Paper ½d to 10/- set with a few shades incl. 2½d greenish blue, fine mint overall, Cat £245+. (18). Symbol* Estimate$150 - $200Price Realized$120StatusSold View details 1103 NAURU: 1975 (SG. 137-8) South Pacific Commission Welcome, imperforate Colour Separations Proofs in complete sheets of 25 units (x7) for each of the 2 values, mostly fine and probably unique in this form. (350) SymbolP Estimate$350 - $500Price Realized$260StatusSold View details 1104 NAURU: FLOWER PROOFS: 1973 5c Erekogo Flower complete set of colour separation proofs, in corner block of six, on unmounted gummed paper. Thematically appealing. (6 blks. of 6) SymbolP ** Estimate$120 - $160StatusCLOSED! View details 1105 NAURU: BIRD PROOFS: 1973 30c Catching Common Noddy Birds proof plus colour separations all in imperforate sheet corner blocks of 4, on unmounted, gummed paper. (7 blks.4). SymbolP ** Estimate$120 - $160Price Realized$80StatusSold View details 1106 NETHERLANDS INDIES - Postal History: 1934-37 group of airmail covers, many with attractive cachets and frankings with outward (6) incl. 1936 Java-Borneo, 1937 Balikpapan-Tarakan; also incoming (3) including 1934 Amsterdam to Burns Philp in Sourabaya; generally fine. (9 items) SymbolC Estimate$200 - $250StatusCLOSED! View details 1107 NEW GUINEA: FORGERY: 1935 (SG.205) £5 Bulolo Panelli/Oneglia forgery in dull green, with forged datestamp. SymbolO Estimate$300 - $400Price Realized$320StatusSold View details 1108 NWPI 1915-16 (SG.81) 1/- green Roo Die II, complete pane (30) of Plate 2; Right Pane (4th Setting) on annotated album page, few minor gumside tones, most units MUH, Cat. £2400. Ex Patrick Williams FRPSL. Symbol** * Estimate$1,000 - $1,200Price Realized$800StatusSold View details 1109 NEW GUINEA - Aerophilately & Flight Covers: April 1927 (AAMC.P1b) Rabaul - New York partially flown hand-illustrated cover; bearing 1d and 2d Huts tied by RABAUL cds's alongside U.S. 8c green and 16c indigo Airmails (for internal trans-continental airmail) tied by SAN FRANCISCO datestamp (June 9) and with Reading, PA., arrival backstamp. SymbolC Estimate$500 - $600Price Realized$400StatusSold View details 1110 NEW GUINEA - Aerophilately & Flight Covers: 21-25 Jan.1933 (AAMC.P54) Bena Bena (Upper Purari River) - Wau - Lae - Salamaua cover, flown and signed by Ray Parer for Pacific Aerial Transport. The time & date of despatch has also been recorded on the cover by H.E.Woodman, the Assistant District Warden. Postmarked en route at WAU as there were no postal facilities at the newly prepared airport at Bena Bena. Backstamped on arrival at Salamaua. [8 flown]. [NB: The most recent recorded sale of a P54 SymbolC Estimate$1,200 - $1,500StatusCLOSED! View details 1111 NEW GUINEA - Aerophilately & Flight Covers: 15 Aug.1935 (AAMC.P84) Wau - Madang covers, (2), flown by Orme Denny for Guinea Airways; one signed by the pilot. The first aerodrome at Madang had only been cleared in mid-1935. [70 flown]. Ex Ray Kelly. SymbolC Estimate$200 - $250StatusCLOSED! View details 1112 NEW GUINEA - Aerophilately & Flight Covers: 31 July 1937 (AAMC.P147) Melbourne - WAU (New Guinea) flown cover, carried and signed by Ray Paper on his Boeing 40 Biplane VH-ADX delivery flight. Very small mail carried, believed to be no more than 6 items. SymbolC Estimate$300 - $400StatusCLOSED! View details 1113 NEW GUINEA - Postal History: JAPANESE OCCUPATION: c.1943 use of Japanese Army undenominated "Dove & Helmet" Postal Card in orange, from a member of the Japanese 81st Infantry Regiment occupying a section of New Britain Island close to Rabaul, addressed to Okayama, Japan. SymbolPS Estimate$100 - $150StatusCLOSED! View details 1114 NEW ZEALAND: 1970s-90s collection/accumulation in Hagner album and loose; noted M/Sheets, booklets, some Tokelau, etc. (100s) MUH. Symbol** Estimate$300 - $500Price Realized$240StatusSold View details 1115 NEW ZEALAND: 1970s-90s accumulation in sets, P.O. Packs, Yearbooks, etc.; values to $20 and includes Ross Dependency. (100s). FV: NZ$1150++ Symbol** Estimate$400 - $500Price Realized$300StatusSold View details 1116 NEW ZEALAND: A collection from Imperfs to 1960s on album pages; noted Imperf Chalons to 1/-, perf Chalons to 1/- incl. 4d Deep Rose all U; Sidefaces to 1/-, mainly U; 1898 Pictorials to 1/- M.; 1906 Christchurch Exhibition set M.; various Officials, Fiscals, etc. (230+). Symbol0 * Estimate$400 - $600Price Realized$340StatusSold View details 1117 NEW ZEALAND: 1898 (SG.259) 5/- Mount Cook, fresh MUH. Symbol** Estimate$400 - $500Price Realized$440StatusSold View details 1118 NEW ZEALAND: 1904 (SG.351) Royle 'Dot' Plate 1d rose-carmine Universal, perf 14, marginal block of (4) with MIXED DOUBLE PERFS horizontally (Perf. 14 & Perf. 11); very scarce. Symbol* Estimate$200 - $300StatusCLOSED! View details 1119 NEW ZEALAND: COMPOSITE DIE PROOF: 6d Christchurch Exhibition - Flag Raising die proof of the frame in deep olive green on thin glazed card (72x54mm) with an additional die proof of the vignette in bright mauve cut-to-shape & affixed in position. UNIQUE. SymbolP Estimate$750 - $1,000Price Realized$650StatusSold View details 1120 NEW ZEALAND: 1906 CHRISTCHURCH EXHIBITION LETTER CARDS: Private letter cards with photographs of Lord Plunket, Sir J.G. Ward and G.S. Munro on the face & of the Exhibition Buildings on the reverse: 1) to Tasmania, and 2) to South Africa with 'CHRISTIANA' arrival cds on the face. (2). SymbolPS Estimate$300 - $400StatusCLOSED! View details 1121 NEW ZEALAND: AUCKLAND EXHIBITION LAST DAY COVERS: Auckland Exhibition set, ½d to 6d (SG.412-415), each tied to a separate cover by the 'EXHIBITION/NZ/18AP14/AUCKLAND' cds, the 3d & 6d covers also with octagonal 'EXHIBITION/NZ/18APR1914/AUCKLAND d/s in violet (rare) or green on affixed registration labels and both with Auckland arrival b/stamps. A difficult to assemble set. SymbolC Estimate$1,000 - $1,500StatusCLOSED! View details 1122 NEW ZEALAND: AUCKLAND EXHIBITION DATESTAMP: 'EXHIBITION/NZ/22AU14/AUCKLAND' cds tying the complete Exhibition set ½d to 6d - Cat £600+ - to Post & Telegraph Department envelope to Central Hotel Auckland, very fine. [Although the Exhibition closed officially on 18.4.1914, the Post Office closed a week later, on 25.4.1914.] SymbolC Estimate$1,000 - $1,250StatusCLOSED! View details 1123 NEW ZEALAND: AUCKLAND EXHIBITION DATESTAMP: 'EXHIBITION/NZ/22AP14/AUCKLAND' cds's tying the complete Exhibition set, ½d to 6d - Cat £600+ - to an Exhibition envelope with 'Auckland Industrial, Agricultural, and Mining Exhibition 1913-1914...' imprint at the top & Exhibition crest in blue on the flap. The only example of this envelope we have seen: notably, absent from the Len Jury collection. SymbolC Estimate$1,250 - $1,500StatusCLOSED! View details 1124 NEW ZEALAND: AUCKLAND EXHIBITION REGISTRATION DATESTAMP: An octagonal 'EXHIBITION/NZ/23DEC1913/AUCKLAND' d/stamp in green on registration label, affixed to an OHMS cover to Melbourne; with Exhibition 3d (SG.414) tied by 'AUCKLAND/REGISTERED' cds; rear flap removed. SymbolC Estimate$500 - $600Price Realized$400StatusSold View details 1125 NEW ZEALAND: AUCKLAND EXHIBITION REGISTRATION DATESTAMP: An octagonal 'EXHIBITION/NZ/13JAN1914/AUCKLAND' d/stamp in green on registration label, affixed to an OHMS cover to Wonthaggi, Victoria with Exhibition 3d (SG. 414) tied by 'EXHIBITION/AUCKLAND' cds of the same date; 'WONTHAGGI' arrival b/s, very fine. [The rate was 1d + 2d registration]. SymbolC Estimate$600 - $750Price Realized$650StatusSold View details 1126 NEW ZEALAND: AUCKLAND EXHIBITION POSTAL CARD: HALFPENNY GREEN with VIEW IN BLACK: Samuel #AB3a(b) "AUCKLAND DOMAIN, SHOWING HOSPITAL", fine unused. This is a beautiful issue of Postal Cards. There were 20 different views in both values. Robert Samuel states that 40,800 of the ½d & only half that number of the 1d were issued. Regarding scarcity, it is notable that Robert Samuel's vast collection included only eleven ½d & eight 1d cards. SymbolPS Estimate$400 - $500StatusCLOSED! View details 1127 NEW ZEALAND: AUCKLAND EXHIBITION POSTAL CARD: HALFPENNY GREEN with VIEW IN BLACK: Samuel #AB3a(f) "CHIEF POST OFFICE, QUEEN STREET, FROM FERRY BUILDINGS" (busy street scene with trams & horse-drawn vehicles), fine unused. SymbolPS Estimate$400 - $500StatusCLOSED! View details 1128 NEW ZEALAND: AUCKLAND EXHIBITION POSTAL CARD: HALFPENNY GREEN with VIEW IN BLACK: Samuel #AB3a(j) "ALBERT PARK, AUCKLAND, SHOWING GUNS WHICH WERE IN ACTION AT WATERLOO", fine unused. SymbolPS Estimate$400 - $500StatusCLOSED! View details 1129 NEW ZEALAND: AUCKLAND EXHIBITION POSTAL CARD: HALFPENNY GREEN with VIEW IN BLACK: Samuel #AB3a(s) "SUNLIGHT AND SHADOW, AUCKLAND DOMAIN", fine unused. SymbolPS Estimate$400 - $500StatusCLOSED! View details 1130 NEW ZEALAND: AUCKLAND EXHIBITION POSTAL CARD - ONE PENNY RED with VIEW IN PURPLE-BROWN: Samuel #AB4a(d) "YACHTS ON AUCKLAND HARBOUR", minor blemishes, unused. SymbolPS Estimate$300 - $400StatusCLOSED! View details 1131 NEW ZEALAND: AUCKLAND EXHIBITION POSTAL CARD - ONE PENNY RED with VIEW IN PURPLE-BROWN: Samuel #AB4a(g) "QUEEN STREET, AUCKLAND" (bustling street scene with trams), very fine unused. SymbolPS Estimate$400 - $500StatusCLOSED! View details 1132 NEW ZEALAND:NEW ZEALAND: Booklet Sheet Plate Proofs: 1967 3c Paurangi, Imperforate proofs in issued colours on gummed watermarked paper: 2 panes of 6 with gutter between & wide uncut margin at sides. Ex De La Rue Archives - only one sheet of 24 panes in private hands and 1 of only 3 pieces in this format. Superb MUH. SymbolP ** Estimate$800 - $1,200StatusCLOSED! View details 1133 NEW ZEALAND: A collection in six albums with mint, used, booklets, some covers, etc. Mainly 1967 onwards. Symbol** * 0 C Estimate$300 - $400Price Realized$240StatusSold View details 1134 NEW ZEALAND: TARAPEX 2008 imperforate miniature sheet with printer's bars in selvedges, featuring $1.50 & $3.00 definitives, MUH. One of 20 Imperforate Miniature sheets donated by New Zealand Post to the organizers of the exhibition. Symbol** Estimate$400 - $500StatusUnsold View details 1135 NEW ZEALAND: ROSS DEPENDENCY: 1957 (SG.1-4) 3d HMS Erebus, 4d Shackleton & Scott and 8d Map, all in complete sheets of 120 with De La Rue imprints, Plate numbers and value corners; also, the 1/6 Queen, (120) in large part sheet plus blocks with imprint, plate number and value. (480). Fresh MUH. Symbol** Estimate$800 - $1,000StatusCLOSED! View details 1136 NEW ZEALAND - Postal Stationery: Edward VII One Penny Lettercard uprated with 3 x ½d greens for April 1910 usage from Auckland to BANGKOK, with 21.5.10 arrival cds; then redirected to ZURICH and finally to GENEVA, with SINGAPORE, GENEVA and ZURICH transit/arrival postmarks. The subject of the card is the forthcoming "Eclipse of May 9th in Tasmania"; the writer, Clement Wragge, set up weather stations at Walkerville and Mount Lofty in 1884, and founded the Meteorological Society of Australasia in SymbolPS Estimate$100 - $200Price Realized$140StatusSold View details 1137 NEW ZEALAND - Revenues: STAMP DUTIES used on original vellum documents: 1879 Conveyance bearing 15/- Stamp Duty + 14/- Land & Deeds; 1910 Conveyance bearing £13/2/6; 1910 Grant of Probate bearing £7/7/8; 1915 Declaration of Trust bearing £82/9/6; and 1919 Grant of Probate bearing £111/1/10. (5 documents). SymbolD Estimate$100 - $150Price Realized$100StatusSold View details 1138 SOUTHERN NIGERIA: 1903-04 (SG.20s) Crown CA KEVII £1 green & violet (slight tone at top) and 1907-11 (SG.44s) MCA £1 purple & black/red, both optd 'SPECIMEN', fine mint overall. (2) SymbolS * Estimate$100 - $150Price Realized$80StatusSold View details 1139 NORFOLK ISLAND: 1970s-90s duplicated range in Hagner album; complete sets, strips, M/Sheets, etc. (100s) MUH. Symbol** Estimate$150 - $200Price Realized$100StatusSold View details 1140 NORFOLK ISLAND: 19660 - 64 1d - 10/- definitives set of 19 in blks.4; the 6d - 2/3 being the Fish series and the 5d - 10d being the Views. (76). MUH. Symbol** Estimate$100 - $150Price Realized$80StatusSold View details 1141 PAPUA: 1917 (SG.106) ONE PENNY on ½d yellow-green, 4 complete sheets and a part sheet, with all JBC and CA Monograms and perf. guide pips intact CTO/FU with April 1918 cds's. (192). Cat.£384++. SymbolO CTO Estimate$100 - $200Price Realized$100StatusSold View details 1142 PAPUA: 1917 (SG.106w) ONE PENNY on ½d Yellow-Green, complete sheet (40) with variety "Wmk Crown to right of A", margins intact with both Monograms at base. MUH. Cat.£400++. Symbol** Estimate$300 - $400Price Realized$300StatusSold View details 1143 PAPUA : 1917 (SG.107) ONE PENNY on 2d bright mauve, large part sheet (35) with perf pips in left and right margins. MUH; cpl. tone spots. Cat.£490. Symbol** Estimate$200 - $300StatusCLOSED! View details 1144 PAPUA : 1917 (SG.107) ONE PENNY on 2d bright mauve, complete sheet of 40, with JBC and CA Monograms and perf. guide pips in left and right margins, cancelled per favour at PORT MORESBY 12 DEC 21 (40); Cat.£680++. SymbolCTO Estimate$300 - $400StatusCLOSED! View details 1145 PAPUA: 1917 (SG.107) ONE PENNY on 2d bright mauve, various part sheets (39, 38, 36 and 35) with some CA and JBC Monograms and perf guide pips, cancelled per favour at PORT MORESBY 30 April 19 or 12 December 1921. (Total: 148). Cat.£2,516++. Symbol0 CTO Estimate$600 - $800StatusCLOSED! View details 1146 PAPUA: 1917 (SG.108) ONE PENNY on 2½d ultramarine, three complete sheets of (40) plus part sheet of (30) both with CA and JBC Monograms at base, cancelled per favour at PORT MORESBY on 17 April 1918 or 30 April 1919. (150). Cat.£675++. SymbolCTO Estimate$300 - $400Price Realized$260StatusSold View details 1147 PAPUA: 1917 (SG.110) ONE PENNY on 6d orange-brown, part sheet (32) with CA and JBC Monograms, cpl. light tone spots on gum. Cat.£350++. Symbol** Estimate$150 - $200Price Realized$120StatusSold View details 1148 PAPUA: 1917 (SG.110) ONE PENNY on 6d orange-brown, complete sheet (40) with CA and JBC Monograms, cancelled per favour at PORT MORESBY 30 April 1919. Cat.£1,160++. Symbol0 CTO Estimate$400 - $500Price Realized$500StatusSold View details 1149 PAPUA: 1917 (SG.110) ONE PENNY on 6d orange-brown, part sheet (30) with CA and JBC Monograms, cancelled per favour at PORT MORESBY 30 April 1919. Cat.£870++. Symbol0 CTO Estimate$400 - $500StatusCLOSED! View details 1150 PAPUA: 1917 (SG.111) ONE PENNY on 2/6 rose-carmine, three complete sheets of 40 and two part sheets, with all JBC and CA Monograms and perf. guide pips in left and right margins. (201); a few tone spots. FU/CTO at PORT MORESBY on 17 April 1918 and 30 April 1919. Cat.£1200++. SymbolO/CTO Estimate$500 - $600Price Realized$420StatusSold View details 1151 PAPUA: 1929-30 (SG.112) 3d Cooke Printing black & bright blue-green optd 'AIR MAIL' marginal blk.10, each stamp cancelled SAMARAI '19SEP30'; also 1931-32 1½d bright blue & bright brown opt. 'OS' (SG.O57) Ash Imprint blk.16 mint, the eight left side units affected by damp. (2 blocks). Symbol** * Estimate$100 - $150StatusCLOSED! View details 1152 PAPUA: 1929-30 (SG.117) Harrison Printings AIR MAIL Overprint 1/- sepia & olive, marginal block of (4) with "Overprint in deep carmine" the first unit with 'AI,R MAIL' overprint variety, fresh MUH. This flaw not listed by Gibbons. The variety occurred only once on each sheet, and as only 10 sheets were overprinted in carmine, a maximum of 10 examples can exist. Only one other block (without selvedge) exists. Symbol** Estimate$1,500 - $2,000Price Realized$1,200StatusSold View details 1153 PAPUA: 1929 (SG.117a) 'AIR MAIL' Overprints: Harrison Printings 1/- sepia & olive OVERPRINT INVERTED, with several dealer guarantee handstamps, fine mint, Cat £15,000. Rare, from the only sheet of 40 recorded with this overprint variety. Billig & Rich letter of guarantee (1953).Provenance: Prestige Sale 163, Lot 454 - $18,975. Symbol* Estimate$12,000 - $15,000Price Realized$9,000StatusSold View details 1154 PAPUA1932 (SG.134) 3d Papuan Dandy, complete sheet (40) with Ash Imprint at base, MUH. Some perf. separation, not affecting the imprint. All the values in this attractive set are hard to find in complete sheets. Symbol** Estimate$150 - $200Price Realized$200StatusSold View details 1155 PAPUA - Aerophilately & Flight Covers: 1930 (July 21) Port Moresby-Salamaua flown cover (AAMC.P20) with Lakatois 1½d and 3d 'AIR MAIL' tied by PORT MORESBY '19JUL30' datestamps, Cat $325. Scarce. SymbolC Estimate$150 - $200StatusCLOSED! View details 1156 PAPUA - Aerophilately & Flight Covers: 1931 - 1938 collection of 17 flown covers; 9 of which are pilot signed. The collection includes AAMC: P36, P43, P79, P84, P86 (2), P87 (2), P93, P104 (2), P108 (2), P108a, P128, P133 and P136a. Cat.$3775. SymbolC Estimate$1,000 - $1,250StatusCLOSED! View details 1157 PAPUA - Aerophilately & Flight Covers: 23 March 1932 (AAMC.P44) Port Moresby - Salamau registered cover, flown by Orme Denny for Guinea Airways. [57 flown]. SymbolC Estimate$80 - $100Price Realized$60StatusSold View details 1158 PAPUA - Aerophilately & Flight Covers: 12-22 Apr.1934 (AAMC.P69a) Port Moresby - Cooktown - Townsville - Bowen - Rockhampton - Brisbane cover, flown, endorsed and signed by the pilot, Sidney Marshall in his Westland Widgeon III. This was the first solo flight by a land-plane from New Guinea to Australia. [102 covers flown; 40 signed]. SymbolC Estimate$150 - $200Price Realized$200StatusSold View details 1159 PAPUA - Aerophilately & Flight Covers: 19 Dec.1934 (AAMC.P76) Port Moresby - Abau cover, flown & signed by Orme Denny for Guinea Airways. Denny landed his Fox Moth on the beach at Dedele Point; the small mail was then transferred to canoe and carried via Robinson River to Abau. [29 flown]. SymbolC Estimate$200 - $250StatusCLOSED! View details 1160 PAPUA - Aerophilately & Flight Covers: 30 Aug.1935 (AAMC.P86) Port Moresby - Ioma flown cover (AAMC.P86) with adhesives tied by PORT MORESBY '29AU35' datestamps, cover endorsed and signed by pilot Orme Denny, IOMA P.O. backstamp, fine condition. [Only 95 flown]. SymbolC Estimate$120 - $150StatusCLOSED! View details 1161 PAPUA - Aerophilately & Flight Covers: 31 Oct.1937 (AAMC.P121) Lake Kutubu - Port Moresby, cover flown for Guinea Airways and signed by pilot, A.A Koch, endorsed by officer-in-charge 'Ivan Champion'. [Only 17 flown]. This flight was intended to depart on October 11 (see P117) but was delayed by engine trouble until the 31st; the few covers carried, being postmarked on arrival. SymbolC Estimate$300 - $400StatusCLOSED! View details 1162 PAPUA - Postal History: 1911 (Apr.27) large (355x250mm) OHMS registered cover to San Francisco with attractive franking comprising Large 'PAPUA' 6d & 1/-, Small 'PAPUA' 4d and 1d Monocolour all tied or cancelled by well struck PORT MORESBY '27APR11' datestamps, on reverse REGISTERED/BRISBANE transit datestamps, SAN FRANCISCO 'MAY/30' & SAN FRANCISCO STN 'MAY/31' arrival datestamps on face, cover with edge blemishes as to be expected, fine condition overall. SymbolC Estimate$200 - $300StatusCLOSED! View details 1163 PAPUA NEW GUINEA: Decimal period collection/accumulation in Hagner album, plus a collection of Post Office Packs in accompanying box. (100s) MUH. Symbol** Estimate$200 - $250Price Realized$120StatusSold View details 1164 PAPUA NEW GUINEA:1952 (SG.14-15s) 10/- Map & £1 Fisherman, both overprinted SPECIMEN and fresh unmounted. (2). SymbolS** Estimate$100 - $120StatusCLOSED! View details 1165 PAPUA NEW GUINEA: 1963 (SG.44s & 45s) 10/- Rabaul and £1 Queen, SPECIMEN Overprints, superb **. (2). Symbol** Estimate$80 - $100StatusCLOSED! View details 1166 PAPUA NEW GUINEA: PROOFS: 1966 (SG.97-99) 5c, 10c & 20c South Pacific Games (Football, Tennis, Discus): Courvoisier's original colour separations and the completed designs; all imperforate and affixed to the official archival album page [#855]. UNIQUE. (15 items). SymbolP Estimate$1,500 - $2,000StatusCLOSED! View details 1167 PAPUA NEW GUINEA: PROOFS: 1976 (SG.314-17) Tropical Fish (Fauna Conservation): Complete set of Courvoisier's original colour separations and the completed designs; all imperforate and affixed to the official archival album pages [#1699/41 & 1601/42] in the following denominations: 7t (issued as 30t), 10t (issued as 15t), 30t (issued as 40t) and 40t (issued as 5t). SUPERB & UNIQUE. (23 items). SymbolP Estimate$1,500 - $2,000StatusCLOSED! View details 1168 POLAND: 1948 Presidents (Roosevelt, Pulaski & Kosciusko) Miniature Sheet (Mi.11), superb FU with CIESZYN 27.1.49 cds's. SymbolCTO Estimate$200 - $250Price Realized$160StatusSold View details 1169 Rhodesia: 1910-13 Double-Heads mint selection comprising Perf.14 ½d yellow-green & ½d dull green (SG.119 & 122), 5d purple & olive-green (SG.141); also Perf.15 2½d ultramarine (SG.172) & 4d black & orange (SG.174), mixed condition, Cat. £290. Symbol* Estimate$100 - $150Price Realized$60StatusSold View details 1170 Rhodesia: 1910-13 (between SG.119s and 185s) ½d to £1 Double Heads overprinted 'SPECIMEN' (Samuel Type R7), 7/6d nibbed perfs, overall lovely bright colours and generally very fine and fresh mint, Cat. £3750. A lovely assembly. (18). Symbol* (*) Estimate$3,000 - $4,000Price Realized$2,000StatusSold View details 1171 Rhodesia: 1971 (SG.459-64) 2c to 25c Birds set in Mardon imprint blocks of 20 with "traffic lights" in left margins, including 7½c Bee-eater "Double Tail" variety, fresh MUH. Sought-after bird thematics. (120) Symbol** Estimate$200 - $250StatusCLOSED! View details 1172 SAMOA: 1914 (SG.104) 2�d G.R.I. overprint on 20pfg blue, lower right corner block (4) with full margins, MUH. Cat.�240++. Symbol** Estimate$200 - $250StatusCLOSED! View details 1173 SAN MARINO: 1942 - 1956 duplicated range including 1942 Arbe flag restoration (2 sets), 1951 Red Cross (2 sets), 1952 Columbus (2 sets), 1952 Aerial Survey (2 sets),1952 Stamp Exhibition, 1953 Flowers, 1954 Sports (2 sets), 1955 Winter Olympics (2 sets), 1956 Dogs (2 sets), etc. MUH. (149). Symbol** Estimate$200 - $300Price Realized$160StatusSold View details 1174 SCANDINAVIA: An extensive collection/accumulation in eight volumes, with material noted from Aland, Denmark (including booklets), Faroes, Finland, Greenland, Iceland, Norway (including booklets) and Schleswig, Specialist items noted throughout. Very conservative estimate - vendor says "must sell!" Symbol0 * ** Estimate$800 - $1,200Price Realized$1,700StatusSold View details 1175 SOLOMON ISLANDS: POSTAL HISTORY: 1908 1d small canoe (SG.8), two examples on piece, each cancelled by large part violet straight-line "S.S.KULAMBANGRA" ship handstamp. (2) Symbol0 Estimate$100 - $150StatusUnsold View details 1176 SOUTH AFRICA: 1935 IMPERIAL PRESS CONFERENCE: Green leather-bound souvenir stamp album "Presented to Mr. R.D. Elliott" an attendee at the conference in Capetown. The album contains the then current ½d to 10/- definitives set in pairs, the Voortrekker pairs and the South-West Africa ½d - 20/- pictorials in pairs, all neatly hinged in position. A lovely item. Cat. £550+. Symbol* Estimate$200 - $300Price Realized$160StatusSold View details 1177 SPANISH WEST INDIES POSTAL HISTORY - CUBA: September 1860 usage of 1855 ½r plata horizontal pair, tied by a single strike of the "parrilla oval" on an entire from MATANZAS (cuba) to PALMA DI MALLORCA, with arrival backstamp. SymbolC Estimate$250 - $350Price Realized$220StatusSold View details 1178 SWITZERLAND: An extensive collection/accumulation in six albums, neatly presented in Zumstein number order on Hagner pages. One album devoted to 1850s - 1930s definitives, another to Pro Juventute from 1912 to circa 1980s, one to Pro Patria issues, one contains Booklets and fiscals, one includes commemoratives, exhibitions, etc., including Miniature Sheets, and the last one shows back-of-the-book items including United Nations, Framas, tete-beche pairs, etc. A wealth of material. Symbol0 * ** Estimate$1,500 - $2,000Price Realized$1,200StatusSold View details 1179 SWITZERLAND: 1945 (Mi.447-459) 5c - 10Fr Peace set, (13) MUH. Symbol** Estimate$400 - $500StatusCLOSED! View details 1180 THAILAND - Postal History: March 1914 usage of 28s King Chulalongkorn in combination with 14s King Vajiravudh on registered cover from Bangkok to New York; with London, Trans-Atlantic and Brooklyn backstamps; also, an October 1951 registered airmail cover from RANONG to Western Australia bearing King Bhumibol 5bht + 5s (3); with Darwin transit and Fremantle arrival b/stamps. (2 covers). SymbolC Estimate$100 - $150StatusCLOSED! View details 1181 Transjordan: Collection on Hagners or stockcards mostly mint with 1923-25 Overprints on Saudi Arabia incl. 1924 (Sept-Nov) 2p to 5p plus 10p (2), 1925 (Aug) ½p to 5p, 1923 ½p Postage Due (used); Overprints on Palestine 1925-26 to 9p, 1927-29 New Currency to 500m mint plus duplicates to 50m, 1928 New Constitution to 50m & 100m, 1930 Locust Campaign to 200m, with duplicates of most values to 100m, 1930-39 Script CA to 200m (3) & 500m (2), Symbol* O Estimate$200 - $300Price Realized$380StatusSold View details 1182 Tristan da Cunha: Postal History: 1923 (Mar.21-23) visit of H.M.S.Dublin: cover (with faults) to England with fair type III cachet (SG.C3 - �300) in black, boxed PAQUEBOT h/s and "DURBAN / 26 MAR 23" transit cds; taxed on arrival with appropriate handstamps and adhesives. SymbolC Estimate$100 - $150StatusCLOSED! View details 1183 Postal History (Tristan da Cunha): 1927 (Feb.15) visit of the Royal Mail Line ship R.M.S. ASTURIAS: cover to England with type II cachet (SG.C2 - from £425) in violet; taxed on arrival with appropriate handstamps and adhesives. SymbolC Estimate$100 - $150StatusCLOSED! View details 1184 Tristan da Cunha: Postal History: 1934 (July-Aug.) visit of sailing ship "Ponape": cover to England via Singapore (arrived 24 Sept and hexagonal tax stamp applied) with fine type V cachet (SG.C6) in blue; the 45c amount taxed does not appear to have been collected. SymbolC Estimate$100 - $125StatusCLOSED! View details 1185 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA: AIRMAILS: 1923 (Scott C4-6) 8c, 16c & 24c issue in fresh blocks of 4; the lower values with 2 MUH/2 MLH units; the 24c with lower margin with plate number and completely MUH. (12). A well centred premium quality set. Cat.US$1075+. Symbol** * Estimate$400 - $500StatusCLOSED! View details 1186 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA - Aerophilately & Flight Covers: AIRMAIL LABELS & ETIQUETTES: A collection of labels, booklets and part booklets, mainly 1930s-40s era, plus large publicity, baggage and advertising labels. Mixed condition. (qty). Estimate$100 - $150Price Realized$60StatusSold View details 1187 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA - Postal History: ADVERTISING COVERS: 1886 - 1906 group of uprated 2c Envelopes, all used to German addressees for Eugene J. Haiss, Tailor of Albany, N.Y.; Relay Manufacturing Co. (Bicycles) of Reading PA and Jacob Dold & Son (Port Packers) of Kansas City. Mo. (5 items). SymbolPS Estimate$200 - $250StatusCLOSED! View details 1188 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA - Postal History: 1904 St. Louis World's Fair: nice group of pictorial postcards, used from the Fair to Australian destinations; also, one similarly used from the 1909 Hudson-Fulton Celebrations. (6 cards). Unusual to see these used to foreign destinations. SymbolPC Estimate$200 - $300StatusCLOSED! View details Items per page 102550100 Previous|1...56789101112|Next123456789101112 Previous 123456789101112 Next