Coins, Banknotes & Stamps (#499) Closed Auction Info PDF Prices RealizedPDF Catalogue View ▼ Items per page 102550100 Sort by DefaultTime LeftLot#Lot NameNewestHighest PriceLowest PriceBidsViews Filter By Categories Category match ANY of the aboveALL of the above Featured Exclude closed lots Price Lot Number Results: Viewing items 1001-1100 of 1188. Previous|1...56789101112|Next123456789101112 Lot 1000 AUSTRIA: 1925 Airmails: a small stock on Hagners; the highlights are 30g Aviator (5 **), 50g Aviator (7 **), 3s, 5s & 10s De Havilland (8 of each, all **) and 10s (3 FU). (66). Cat.Eu.2100+. Symbol** * O View details Estimate$300 - $400Price Realized$240StatusSold Lot 1001 AUSTRIA: 1936 (Mi.588) 10s Dollfuss, superbly tied on an unaddressed First Day Cover. SymbolC View details Estimate$300 - $500StatusCLOSED! Lot 1002 AUSTRIA: 1948-52 Costumes: 5g - 10s accumulation on Hagner pages; uneven quantities but unchecked for specialist varieties (plate, paper, gum, etc.), all MUH (plus a few * or defective, not counted). Great opportunity! (140+). Symbol** View details Estimate$100 - $150StatusCLOSED! Lot 1003 AUSTRIA: 1950-53 Bird Airmails: 60g (8 **, 6 FU), 2s (3 **, 2 *, 9 FU), 3s (1 FU), 5s (4 FU), 10s (1 **, 8 FU), 20s (2 **, 152 FU), plus several not counted because of condition. Cat.Eu.3500+. Symbol** * O View details Estimate$400 - $500Price Realized$300StatusSold Lot 1004 AUSTRIA - Postal History: REGIONAL POSTMARKS: A fine range of cancellations mainly on the 5Kr (on piece) and mainly from towns and villages in Romania, Hungary and Jugoslavia; all presented on annotated album pages. (68). Difficult to assemble. SymbolO View details Estimate$200 - $250Price Realized$160StatusSold Lot 1005 BELGIUM: 1933 5c+5c - 10fr+40fr Orval Abbey Reconstruction, complete set, (12) MUH. Symbol** View details Estimate$600 - $800StatusCLOSED! Lot 1006 British Levant: 1905-21 (between SG.L1-L24) KEVII-KGV range incl. KEVII 1905-12 ½d to 1/- (ex 3d & 5d) including ½d shade, KGV 1911-13 ½d & 1d (2), 1921 3d to 2/6d Seahorse including 6d reddish purple shade (SG.L22a); KEVII 1d no gum, 2½d crease & tone, others generally fine; Cat. £260.(19) Symbol* (*) View details Estimate$150 - $200StatusCLOSED! Lot 1007 BRITISH WEST INDIES: CAYMAN ISLANDS: 1962-64 (SG.165-79) QEII ½d to £1 Pictorial set, fresh MUH, Cat. £110. Symbol** View details Estimate$60 - $80Price Realized$40StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 1008 BRUNEI: 1907-10 (SG.23-33) Wmk MCA 1c to $1 River View set incl. scarce 4c grey-black & reddish-purple shade (SG.26a), fine mint, (12). Cat £280 Symbol* View details Estimate$200 - $250Price Realized$160StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 1009 BRUNEI: POSTAL HISTORY: 1945 (Dec.23) cover (19x26cm) addressed to 'Marine Section, B.B.C.A.U. (British Borneo Civil Affairs Unit), Labuan', with 'BMA' Overprints on North Borneo to $1 (ex 8c) and on Sarawak to $1 (ex 8c), tied by multiple strikes of linotype 'KUALA BELAIT/23/DEC.1945' datestamps, endorsed "Certified First Issue/TG Marshall Major" over a weak strike of circular 'MILITARY GOVERNOR/BRITISH BORNEO' handstamp, cover with central horizontal fold. SymbolC View details Estimate$100 - $150Price Realized$420StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 1010 CEYLON: 1938-49 (SG.386-397) KGVI 2c to 5r with all Changes of Perf, plus Sideways & Upright Watermark varieties; some stamps unmounted. A most challenging assembly, Cat. £1500+. (35) Symbol** * View details Estimate$500 - $750StatusCLOSED! Lot 1011 CHINA: Range on album pages, (100s). Symbol* 0 View details Estimate$100 - $200Price Realized$260StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 1012 CHRISTMAS ISLAND: 1906 postcard from Glasgow, Scotland bearing 1d Edward; addressed to "Master R. Darling, Christmas Islands, Straits Settlements via Singapore" with double circle 'PENANG TO SINGAPORE/JA12/1907' marine-sorter cds and 'CHRISTMAS ISLAND/JA21/1907/+' (Proud Type B) arrival cds. SymbolPC View details Estimate$500 - $750StatusCLOSED! Lot 1013 COOK ISLANDS: 1936-44 (between SG.116 & 123) Overprint selection comprising 2/- & 3/- Admirals (SG.116-17), £1 'Cowan Paper' Arms (SG.121) & £3 'Wiggins Teape Paper' Arms (SG.123b), fine mint, Cat. £600. Symbol* View details Estimate$300 - $400Price Realized$200StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 1014 COOK ISLANDS: 1920 (SG.73 var.) Rarotonga 3d Palm Tree, No wmk., horizontal pair perf.14, imperforate vertically between the 2 units, (2), MUH. Symbol** View details Estimate$100 - $150Price Realized$340StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 1015 Cyprus: 1894-1960 collection, mostly mint with QV 1894-92 to 45pi, KEVII 1902-04 4pi, 6pi & 12pi, 1904-10 to 45pi plus few used incl.12pi & 18pi, KGV 1912-15 to 18pi mint plus used 45pi, 1921-23 to 45pi (2), 1928 50th Anniversary to £1, 1934 to 45pi, 1938-51 KGVI to £1, QEII 1955-60 to £1; condition varies, Cat. £2500+. (140). Symbol* O View details Estimate$800 - $1,000StatusCLOSED! Lot 1016 DANISH WEST INDIES - Postal History: June 1899 usage of bi-coloured 3c 4c and 10c [the 3c and 10c with inverted frame] on beautiful registered cover to Camden, NEW JERSEY. FREDERIKSTED sans-serif cds's and well-struck vertical magenta DWI registration handstamp. Also with U.S. incoming registered mail number in greenish blue and New York b/stamp. The Rate: Ten cents foreign postage rate with seven cents registration fee. SymbolC View details Estimate$500 - $750StatusCLOSED! Lot 1017 Egypt: BRITISH FORCES IN EGYPT: 1932-34 (SG.A1 & A7) comprising 1932 1p deep blue & red perf.11 inscribed 'POSTAL SEAL' very fine mint, plus 1934-35 1p carmine perf 14½x14 inscribed 'LETTER STAMP', faint corner crease, otherwise fine; Cat. £155. (2) Symbol* View details Estimate$80 - $120Price Realized$40StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 1018 Falkland Islands: KGV DEFINITIVES comprising 1912-20 values to 3/-; 1921-28 values to 3/- and the 1929-36 (SG.116-126) ½d - £1 Whale & Penguin set. Cat. approx. £1000. (21 stamps). Symbol* View details Estimate$600 - $800Price Realized$480StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 1019 FINLAND: An extensive collection/accumulation in four albums; the stamps neatly presented and identified by Facit numbers on Hagner pages, 1860 - circa 1992. Unchecked for varieties, postmarks, shades, etc. Ready for a new project? Symbol** * 0 View details Estimate$500 - $750Price Realized$400StatusSold Lot 1020 FRANCE: 1937 PEXIP M/S, minor faults,attractive frontal appearance. Mi #353-56 Block 3 - Cat. ‚¬650. Symbol** View details Estimate$100 - $150Price Realized$60StatusSold Lot 1021 FRANCE: 1941-42 70c orange-red Marshall Petain pre-cancelled sheet of 100, dated '10.2.42' at lower-right, central perf separations almost divide the sheet, some minor blemishes. Scarce survivor. Symbol** View details Estimate$60 - $80StatusCLOSED! Lot 1022 FRANCE - Aerophilately & Flight Covers: AVIATION EXHIBITIONS: 1909-43 collection on album pages incl. 1909 First Aviation Exhibition PC inscribed "Grande Semaine D'aviation (Premiere Journee)" with 5c tied by 'BETHENY-AVIATION/MARNE/27-8/09' hexagonal datestamp; 1922 flown cover Paris-Rabat (Morocco) with Guynemer vignette tied by 'PAR AVION' handstamp; 1923 Montpelier, 1923 Rouen & 1924 Aviation Meeting covers all with complete semi-postal sets of 6 tied by appropriate datestamps;1924 airmail c SymbolC * O View details Estimate$200 - $300Price Realized$180StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 1023 EAST & WEST GERMANY and BERLIN: 1949-55 selection on two Hagners with sets including WEST GERMANY 1949 Parliament, 1950 Bach, 1951-52 Posthorn to 90pf with additional 50pf, 1951 St Mary's Church & Relief Fund, 1953 Relief Fund, 1955 Lufthansa; BERLIN 1949 UPU; EAST GERMANY 1950 'DEBRIA' imperf M/S (2), 1951 China Friendship, etc; slight duplication, few used, mostly mint, Cat. £7,000 approx. (61) Symbol* O View details Estimate$600 - $800StatusCLOSED! Lot 1024 WEST BERLIN: 1949 4pf to 5DM Buildings set (ex 1pf), plus 1954 70pf Castle, all superb MUH, Mi.43-60 & 123 - Cat. ‚¬870. (19) Symbol** View details Estimate$400 - $500StatusCLOSED! Lot 1025 WEST GERMANY: 1949 - 1990 stock holding of commemorative and semi-postal issues in four large Prinz stockbooks. Huge catalogue value. (1000's). Symbol** * View details Estimate$800 - $1,200Price Realized$600StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 1026 WEST GERMANY: 1949 - 1952 group in superb MUH condition: 30pf UPU marginal single, 10pf Luther horizontal strip of 3, 30pf Otto corner blk.4 plus single, 10pf Thurn & Taxis stamp centenary blk.4 and 30pf Reis blk.4. (17). Symbol** View details Estimate$200 - $250StatusCLOSED! Lot 1027 GERMANY:1949-55 range on Hagner pages incl. 1949 Charity (3 sets **/*), 1953 IFRABA *, 1953 Charity (6 sets **/*), 1954 Ehrlich & von Behring (3 **), 1954 Bonifatius (6 **), 1954 Charity (6 sets **/*), 1955 Research Funding (blk.6 **), 1955 Lechfeld (blk.4 **), etc. (140+). Symbol** * View details Estimate$300 - $400StatusCLOSED! Lot 1028 WEST GERMANY: A huge accumulation, circa 1959 - 1969 in five mint sheet files; mainly complete sheets and full sets, with topicals very much in abundance. (1000s). MUH. Symbol** View details Estimate$200 - $300Price Realized$120StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 1029 EAST GERMANY: An accumulation of mainly 1960s issues in two albums and various files; most are present in complete sheets. Many thematics, MUH. (many 100s). Symbol** View details Estimate$50 - $100Price Realized$20StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 1030 WEST BERLIN: 1949 (SG.B54-B60) 75th Anniversary of UPU 12pf to 2Dm set, fine used, Cat. £440 SymbolO View details Estimate$150 - $200StatusUnsold Lot 1031 GERMANY:WEST BERLIN: 1950-53 accumulation incl. 1950 Berlin Philharmonic **, 1951 Stamp Day **, 1951 Freedom Bell set **, 1952 (Mi.98) 25pf Schinkel (12 **), 1952 (Mi.100) 40pf Humboldt (5 **), 1953 Freedom Bell set **, 1953 Church set **, 1953 4pf & 20pf (Mi.112-13) Buildings (8 each **), etc. (91). Cat. approx. Eu.1800,-. Symbol** * 0 View details Estimate$300 - $400StatusCLOSED! Lot 1032 GERMANY: AIRMAIL LABELS & VIGNETTES: An extensive collection/accumulation in a large stockbook and on annotated album pages. 1920s to 1970s with singles, pairs, blocks and some sheets. A wonderful opportunity! (100s). View details Estimate$500 - $750StatusUnsold Lot 1033 GERMANY - Postal History: CONCENTRATION CAMP, GHETTO & P.O.W. MAILS: A small range with examples from Auschwitz, Sachenhausen, Nevengamme, Mauthausen, Ravensbrook, Dachau, Theresienstadt (with handstamp instucting that only replies in German via the Jewish Administration would be permitted), a postcard to Mr.F. MEISELS, in Lisbon with red handstamp "JUDENRAT / WARSCHAU" dated May 1941; also a part set of Theresienstadt banknotes. (15 postal items, 4 banknotes). Also, several post-war souvenir s SymbolPS C D View details Estimate$500 - $750Price Realized$550StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 1034 GIBRALTAR: 1927 (SG.107) £1 red-orange & black KGV high value; fresh MVLH. Symbol* View details Estimate$160 - $180StatusCLOSED! Lot 1035 GREAT BRITAIN: 1970 original artwork/concept for the 1/6 Edinburgh Commonwealth Games stamp (SG.833) depicting swimmers, on thick card [190x135mm] (signed at lower right by Andrew Restall). An interim format which was modified and enhanced for the final design. SymbolP View details Estimate$200 - $300Price Realized$180StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 1036 GREAT BRITAIN: Booklets: 1978 "Fantasy" Booklet produced as a promotional item for the publication of the Len Deighton spy novel "SS-GB"; a rare and complete example, with all three panes intact. SymbolB View details Estimate$500 - $600Price Realized$400StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 1037 GREAT BRITAIN: Postal Cards: 1870-1901 (Huggins & Baker CP.1-41 selection) with 1870-75 �d Lilac (3 unused, 26 used), �d brown (5 used, 2 unused) 1�d (10 unused, 4 used incl. 1877 used to Malta), 1878-83 �d (3 unused, 32 used incl. 1886 with Hoster machine cancel, and �d + �d with printed notice for W. Lambert & Co, 1879 1d (5 unused, 20 used) & 1�d unused, 1897-1901 �d green (8 unused, 8 used), �d brown (6 unused, 4 used), �d + �d brown... SymbolPS View details Estimate$400 - $500StatusCLOSED! Lot 1038 GREAT BRITAIN - Postal Stationery: Envelopes PTPO: 1892 QV group comprising ½d + ½d used (3), and 4d + ½d unused, 1894-1902 4d + ½d (ESC292) 1897 registered use to Berlin (backstamp), plus 1/- + ½d unused (ESC336); good to very fine condition. SymbolPS View details Estimate$150 - $250StatusCLOSED! Lot 1039 GREAT BRITAIN - Postal Stationery: Envelopes PTPO: Envelopes PTPO: 1903-11 KEVII two-stamp selection comprising ½d + 3d Huggins & Baker ESC621 (2, to Leipzig endorsed "Late Fee", and a registered front to Holland), ½d + 4d ESC622 mint & unused, 1½d + 3d ESC635 unused, 1½d + 4d ESC636 used to Saxony endorsed "Late Fee", plus an unused example; good to fine condition. (7) SymbolPS View details Estimate$100 - $150StatusCLOSED! Lot 1040 GREAT BRITAIN - Postal History: 1940 (Dec.27) Babcock & Wilcox quadruple rate (4/6d x4) censored airmail cover to Australia with KGVI 10/- dark blue, 5/-, 2/6d brown & 6d all with "BW" perfins, cover endorsed "BY NORTH ATLANTIC AND TRANSPACIFIC/AIR SERVICES); typed annotations describe plane's wartime route, via Lisbon and thence by PAN-AM clipper to New York. SymbolC View details Estimate$100 - $150StatusCLOSED! Lot 1041 GREAT BRITAIN - Postal History: NAVAL & MILITARY HISTORY: A collection of 1981 - 1988 anniversary and special event covers; all signed by associated dignitaries. Noted Sir Desmond Cassidi on a 1981 Royal Wedding cover; Sir Peter Scott and D.M. Eckersley Maslin on a 1982 70th Anniversary of Scott at the South Pole cover; Capt. Hugh Browning and Capt. R.J. Whitten on the 1984 70th Anniversary of the sinking of the Emden; etc. (51 covers). SymbolC View details Estimate$100 - $150Price Realized$80StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 1042 GREAT BRITAIN - Postal History: NAVAL & MILITARY HISTORY: A collection of 1988 - 2003 anniversary and special event covers; all signed by associated dignitaries. Noted Capt. C.J.S. Craig on a 1988 400th Anniversary of the Armada cover; Commander M.C. Jones & Lieut. Comm. R.A.J. Bird on a 2002 HMS Echo/HMS Beagle cover; and various other items. (30+). SymbolC View details Estimate$100 - $150Price Realized$80StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 1043 GREAT BRITAIN: 1840 - 1983 used collection in two Gibbons "Windsor" albums; includes 1d black on June 1840 entire from Glasgow to Dublin; otherwise sparse QV; patchy Kings and reasonable QE2 period. Symbol0 View details Estimate$200 - $250Price Realized$260StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 1044 GREAT BRITAIN: 1935 - 1982 collection in two Gibbons "Windsor" album; noted 1935 Jubilee, 1940 Stamp Centenary, 1948 Silver Wedding, QE2 defins to 1/6, non-phos commems, later defins incl Machins, etc. All MUH. Albums in excellent condition. Symbol** View details Estimate$200 - $250StatusCLOSED! Lot 1045 GREAT BRITAIN: 1960s - 80s range in Abria stockbook, with main interest in Machin plate number blocks, commems in traffic light pairs, gutter blocks and pairs, Postage Dues to £5, etc. (100s) MUH. Symbol** View details Estimate$200 - $250Price Realized$140StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 1046 GREAT BRITAIN: A mainly used collection/accumulation in several albums. Symbol0 C View details Estimate$100 - $150Price Realized$80StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 1047 GREAT BRITAIN: 1948 - 1989 extensive collection of First Day and Special Event Covers in six albums; with commems, defins and regional issues. (100s). SymbolFDC View details Estimate$250 - $350StatusCLOSED! Lot 1048 GREAT BRITAIN: A mainly 1980s accumulation of Yearbooks, P.O. Packs, Booklets and Miniature Sheets. FV: £165 (approx). Symbol** View details Estimate$200 - $250Price Realized$140StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 1049 GREAT BRITAIN: ROYAL MAIL COLLECTORS PACKS: 1987 - 1994, 1997 plus other issues of the same period, MUH. Symbol** View details Estimate$200 - $250StatusCLOSED! Lot 1050 GREAT BRITAIN - Aerophilately & Flight Covers: IMPERIAL AIRWAYS: A collection of five different Air Mail Label booklets including one for use from South Africa. (5). SymbolB View details Estimate$100 - $150StatusUnsold Lot 1051 GREAT BRITAIN - Aerophilately & Flight Covers: 19 November 1984 crash cover, retrieved from the wreckage of the Inverness - Edinburgh mail plane which crashed into the side of a hill only a few minutes after takeoff. The charred and water-damaged cover is accompanied by the official Post Office letter explaining the circumstances. (2 items). Rarely seen. View details Estimate$150 - $200StatusCLOSED! Lot 1052 Greece: 1954 NATO set of 3 MLH; 1960 Scout Anniversary set of 8 in Imprint corner blks.4, MUH. (Total: 35). Symbol** * View details Estimate$50 - $75Price Realized$60StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 1053 HONG KONG: 1968 Sea Craft set, 1968 65c Bauhinia Blakeana marginal blk.6, and 1946 8c chestnut Postage Due (10, in 2 blks.6); all MUH. (26). Symbol** View details Estimate$120 - $150Price Realized$100StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 1054 HONG KONG - Postal History: BRITISH POST OFFICES IN CHINA: "CHINA" overprinted 1c brown (2) + 2c green KGV (on front) + 4c red (4, on back) FU on 6 Nov.1922 registered cover from SHANGHAI B.P.O. to Graz, AUSTRAIA; redirected on arrival to Innsbruck; endorsed "Via Suez" with PORT-TAUFIQ, ALEXANDRIA, GRAZ and INNSBRUCK backstamps. SymbolC View details Estimate$200 - $250Price Realized$800StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 1055 HONG KONG - Postal History: SPECTACULAR KGVI-PERIOD AIRMAIL COVER: 1940 (June 4) usage of KGVI $10 green & violet (SG.161 x 2) in combination with a $2 red-orange & green (SG.257) a 25c blue, 10c violet and 5c green attractively tied by VICTORIA HONG KONG cds's on a United States Rubber Export Co., cover to NEW YORK; stamped "AIR MAIL" at left and at lower right and with typed "Per Pan American Airways Clipper" at lower left. SymbolC View details Estimate$600 - $800StatusCLOSED! Lot 1056 INDIAN FEUDATORY STATE: BUNDI: 1940 (SG.78) 2 anna yellow green with type I inscription in sheetlet, MUH. Cat.£320+. Symbol** View details Estimate$150 - $200StatusUnsold Lot 1057 INDIA: BAHAWALPUR: REVENUES: Court Fees 10r perforated sheetlet of 9 in deep green on ungummed unwatermarked paper, each unit with 'WATERLOW & SONS LIMITED/SPECIMEN' overprint & small security punch at lower-left. Gorgeous! SymbolP View details Estimate$250 - $300StatusCLOSED! Lot 1058 INDIA - Aerophilately & Flight Covers: 1924-25 Anglo-India Air Survey by D.H.50: Two panes of five special labels (black on green for Calcutta to London and black on pink for Calcutta to Karachi) prepared for use on the mail carried on these important survey flights. (2 panes of 5). View details Estimate$100 - $150Price Realized$120StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 1059 INDIA - Aerophilately & Flight Covers: 2 Feb.1925 Rislapur - Calcutta cover carried on RAF demonstration flight with large 'CALCUTTA-RISALPUR DEMONSTRATION FLIGHT/CALCUTTA/1925' cachet in violet, India KGV 1a tied by RISLAPUR '2FEB25' datestamp, signed by pilot Flight Lt. Gordon. SymbolC View details Estimate$200 - $250Price Realized$140StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 1060 INDIA - Aerophilately & Flight Covers: THE 1925 ANGLO-INDIA AIR SURVEY BY COBHAM: 18 Feb.1925 (Feb.18) Calcutta - Karachi flight by Cobham and Elliott, envelope bearing 1a. with black on magenta "By/Anglo-India Air/Survey. D.H.50" vignette alongside and triangular "Anglo-India Air Survey" cachet, signed on the reverse by Arthur Elliott, the engineer on the flight. Only 100 items carried (68 covers; 32 cards). SymbolC View details Estimate$400 - $500Price Realized$360StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 1061 INDIA - Aerophilately & Flight Covers: AIRMAIL LABELS & VIGNETTES: A collection of Post Office and privately issued labels; mainly 1920s - 30s types, including Earthquake, international aviators, Houston-Mt.Everest Expedition, Parachute, Rocket & Pigeon flights, etc. Some on annotated album pages. (qty). View details Estimate$300 - $500StatusUnsold Lot 1062 INDIA - Aerophilately & Flight Covers: 31 October 1930 Karachi - Akyab flown cover, signed by the pilot, Mrs Mildred Bruce; with 1a adhesive tied by EAST RANGOON cds on arrival. Accompanied by some photographs and newspaper cuttings. This leg of Bruce's World Solo Flight took her right across the Indian sub-continent from present day Pakistan to present day Sittwe, in Myanmar. Bruce set more than 100 records on land, sea and in the air. SymbolC View details Estimate$250 - $300StatusCLOSED! Lot 1063 IRAQ: REVENUES: 1980 Social Security for Overseas Worker 50f to 3½d set of 6 (6) MUH. Uncertain status but believed to be proofs. (36) SymbolP ** View details Estimate$100 - $200Price Realized$60StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 1064 IRELAND: BOOKLETS: 1948-50 (SG.SB8) 2/6 black on buff cover, edition 32-49; and 1951-53 (SG.SB9) 2/6 black on buff cover, edition 36-53; both complete, fine & fresh. (2). Cat.£395+. SymbolB ** View details Estimate$200 - $250StatusCLOSED! Lot 1065 ISRAEL: DOAR IVRI COLOUR TRIALS: 10m Deep Indigo on white (a single and 2 vertical pairs), on gummed paper, (5). SymbolP** View details Estimate$200 - $250StatusCLOSED! Lot 1066 ISRAEL: Doar Ivri: 15m red, IMPERFORATE horizontal pair with margin at left; also, 50m brown, IMPERFORATE single with top sheet margin still attached, (3 units) MUH. Symbol** View details Estimate$200 - $250StatusCLOSED! Lot 1067 ISRAEL: 1980 (Bale 777 varieties) 0.60 Shekel issues with brown print omitted, and two singles with different degrees of brown misplaced; also, 1948 First Revenues (Bale REV.12 variety) 250m ochre, blk.8 with grossly misplace vertical perforations. MUH. (11). Symbol** View details Estimate$200 - $300StatusCLOSED! Lot 1068 ISRAEL: 1984 (Bale 882.imp.2) 100s Seven Species definitive, complete tab strip of 5 (+ part of the adjoining five stamps above) IMPERFORATE and MISSING VALUE, MUH. (5+). Bale US$450++. Symbol** View details Estimate$250 - $300Price Realized$200StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 1069 ISRAEL: 1986 (Bale SB.13ep1) 10ag Herzl, horizontal strip of (6) with grossly misplaced horizontal and vertical perforations, MUH. Bale US$240+. Symbol** View details Estimate$150 - $200StatusCLOSED! Lot 1070 ISRAEL: JNF/KKL LABELS: A comprehensive collection, 1902 - 1950s housed in nine self-made albums and accompanied by two reference books. The stamps (including booklets) are presented on pages which provide extensive history, context and explanations of the people, places and events depicted on these popular "charity" labels. Also includes some examples handstamped "Doar" for postal use during the Interim Period of 1948. (approx. 800). Symbol** * 0 View details Estimate$500 - $750Price Realized$700StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 1071 ISRAEL: JNF/KKL LABELS: A comprehensive collection, mainly 1940s - 1950s but also including some earlier items and some "Doar" overprints as used during the Interim Period. Housed in two well-annotated albums showing singles, varieties, blocks, sheetlets and booklets. Symbol** * 0 C B View details Estimate$500 - $750Price Realized$400StatusSold Lot 1072 ISRAEL: JNF/KKL LABELS: A specialized collection of 1950s-70s issues with many present in complete sheets, blocks, proofs, missing colour errors, etc. (100) Symbol** * View details Estimate$150 - $250StatusUnsold Lot 1073 ISRAEL: JNF/KKL and other stamp-like LABELS: A comprehensive collection, including the 1909 14m Petah Tikva locals (2), 1908 Zion blk.4, a complete sheet and one used on cover, then later issues in singles, blocks, sheets, booklets, etc., mainly1930s-50s with many varieties on annotated pages; also some Keren Tel-Hai and Ze'ev Zabotinsky material. A fine lot; hard to assemble today. Symbol** * 0 C View details Estimate$500 - $750StatusUnsold Lot 1074 ISRAEL: A diverse range of KKL/JNF issues, Interim Period stamps and KKL Overprints, various Judaica items incl. Cochin postal stationary items with Star of David indicia, together with a quantity of reference books, relevant auction catalogues and other publications. Lots to keep you busy. View details Estimate$300 - $500Price Realized$550StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 1075 ISRAEL: JERUSALEM LOCALS: A comprehensive accumulation of 1st and 2nd issue Map series; singles, blocks and part sheets. Ideal for study and plating. (200+). Symbol** * 0 View details Estimate$200 - $300Price Realized$160StatusSold Lot 1076 ISRAEL: JERUSALEM LOCALS - 2nd ISSUE: (Bale 104 - 106) 5m (2 complete sheets), 10m (3 complete sheets, incl. one with a single double-ring Jerusalem postmark), 25m (1 complete sheet), mainly MUH. A scarce assembly. Bale: US$580++. Symbol** View details Estimate$300 - $500Price Realized$240StatusSold Lot 1077 ISRAEL: NAHARIYA EMERGENCY MAIL LABELS (Bale 116a & 117a) 10m blue and 20m red complete tete-beche sheetlets of 8 units, MUH. (2 sheets). Bale US$400. Symbol** View details Estimate$200 - $250StatusCLOSED! Lot 1078 ISRAEL: FIRST FLIGHT COVER: 9 June 1948 registered cover from Haifa to Paris, carried by Air France with bi-lingual violet handstamp "PREMIER VOL - ETAT D'ISREAL - FRANCE"; with numerous backstamps. SymbolC View details Estimate$300 - $350StatusCLOSED! Lot 1079 ISRAEL: GOVERNMENT REVENUES: circa 1960 PROOF: 10pr red with green numeral (Bale PRV.02) plus an example in red with no central numeral (PRV.13), (2) MUH. Bale Cat.US$250. Symbol** View details Estimate$100 - $150StatusCLOSED! Lot 1080 ISRAEL - Postal History: INTERIM PERIOD: A collection/accumulation of covers in two large albums; mostly KKL labels used for mail delivery and some cancelled "per favour" with a good range of town cancels and labels. The second volume includes some later items including the 1949 Flag stamp (pair with full tabs) on locally addressed Registered cover, some early Doar Ivri covers, early P.O. Opening covers, and other items of interest. (100+ items). SymbolC View details Estimate$300 - $400Price Realized$400StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 1081 ISRAEL - Postal History: INTERIM PERIOD: An album containing a range of covers; among the cancels noted are KFAR YEHOSHUA, KFAR YEDIDA, KFAR VITKIN, MESHEK YAGUR, MEIR SHEFAYA, MESHEK EIN HAROD. HOLON, KFAR SHMARYAHU, KFAR ATA, GIVAT BRENNER, GEDERA, GIVAT HAYIM, KIRYAT MOTZKIN, MA'ABAROT, all of which appear to be cancelled-on-request on unaddressed covers; plus other covers - addressed and unaddressed. (80+). SymbolC View details Estimate$1,000 - $1,500StatusUnsold Lot 1082 ISRAEL - Postal History: INTERIM PERIOD: An album containing a range of covers; among the cancels noted are AFULAH, TEL AVIV, HAIFA, PETAH TIKVAH, RA'ANANA, BAT YAM, HOLON, KFAR SAVA, GIVATAYIM, and others; a mixture of addressed and unaddressed (cancelled-on-request) covers. (39). SymbolC View details Estimate$200 - $300StatusUnsold Lot 1083 ISRAEL - Postal History: INTERIM PERIOD: An album containing a range of covers; among the cancels noted are HAIFA, TEL AVIV, HOLON, JERUSALEM, PARDES HANNA, BAT YAM, RAMAT GAN, RA'ANANA, B'NEI B'RAK, HADERA, REHOVOTH, and others; a mixture of addressed and cancelled-on-request covers. (49 items). SymbolC View details Estimate$300 - $400StatusUnsold Lot 1084 ISRAEL - Postal History: INTERIM PERIOD: An album containing a fine range of stamps and covers including 40m Rishon Le-Zion on 6th May cover to Tel Aviv; MA'ABAROT and NAHALAL cancelled covers; Bale 109b 20m Nahariya local rouletted sheet, right half blank; HERTZLIYA cover; JERUSALEM oval pmk cover; PETAH TIKVAH, HAIFA, JERUSALEM, BAT YAM, HADERA cancelled covers; also a range of complete BOOKLETS and much more. Would be very hard to assemble! SymbolC B ** View details Estimate$1,200 - $1,500StatusUnsold Lot 1085 ISRAEL - Postal History: INTERIM PERIOD: An album containing a range of covers; among the registered despatches we note various offices at RAMAT GAN, JERUSALEM, TEL AVIV, HAIFA, HERTZLIYA, PETAH TIQVA, some EXPRESS delivery cover, and some covers bearing unauthorized/unusual adhesives. (47 items). SymbolC PS View details Estimate$500 - $750StatusUnsold Lot 1086 ISRAEL - Postal History: INTERIM PERIOD: An album containing a range of covers including 40m Richon Le-Zion Armoured Car on cover to Tel Aviv; 40m Rishon Le-Zion on Express Delivery cover to T.A.; plus several other examples of this stamp on covers; 10m Safed Local on cancelled-on-request cover (10 May); 25m Jerusalem Local (1st issue) on reg'd cover; various other regisitered covers from TEL AVIV, HAIFA, POARDESS HANNA, HADERA,RAMAT GAN, etc. A fascinating assembly. (50+) SymbolC View details Estimate$750 - $1,000StatusUnsold Lot 1087 ISRAEL - Postal History: INTERIM PERIOD: An album containing a collection of mainly REGISTERED covers bearing the overprinted or handstamped KKL labels used during this period. Despatches noted from Jerusalem, Haifa, Petah Tiqva, Tel Aviv, Benei Beraq, Rishon Le Tsiyon, Ramat Gan and Givatayim. (50 items). SymbolC View details Estimate$500 - $750Price Realized$600StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 1088 ISRAEL - Postal History: NAHARIYA LOCALS Type -3: 4 May 1948 usage of 10m yellow (Municipality Revenue label) in combination with 5m Mandate pair on cover from Tel Aviv to Nahariya. SymbolC View details Estimate$250 - $300StatusCLOSED! Lot 1089 ISRAEL - Postal History: INTERIM PERIOD: An album containing a range of covers; among the cancels noted are HAIFA, with many Haifa overprint adhesives, RISHON LE-TZION, PETAH TIKVAH, JERUSALEM, TEL AVIV, NAHARIYA, KFAR SABA, RAMAT GAN, HOLON, JERUSALEM, Jerusalem overprints with varieties, 10m Safed local on cover to Haifa, Nahariya Sheetlets * & U, some TIBERIUS local overprints, etc. Many items on annotated pages from the famous Leslie Abramovich collection. Symbol** * C View details Estimate$500 - $750Price Realized$400StatusSold Lot 1090 ISRAEL - Postal History: INTERIM PERIOD: 10m Safed Local (Bale 124a) double perforated at top, corner example tied on cover by the large local postmark in violet, dated 6 May 1948. With Tsachor [1987] Certificate. SymbolC View details Estimate$250 - $300Price Realized$260StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 1091 ISRAEL - Postal History: INTERIM PERIOD: 10m Safed Local (Bale 124) used in combination with 10m Mandate stamp on cover addressed to Nahariya; the adhesives tied by the large Safed red double-ring cds. SymbolC View details Estimate$200 - $300StatusCLOSED! Lot 1092 ISRAEL - Postal History: INTERIM PERIOD: 10m Safed Local (Bale 124) corner single IMPERFORATE in left margin, on cover addressed to BNEI BERAQ; the adhesive tied by the large Safed red double-ring cds of 6 May 1948. SymbolC View details Estimate$200 - $300Price Realized$180StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 1093 ISRAEL - Postal History: INTERIM PERIOD: 10m Safed Local, Imperforate at top (Bale 124b) cancelled-on-request on an unaddressed cover; the cancel dated 11 May 1948. Cat.US$800. SymbolC View details Estimate$300 - $350Price Realized$300StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 1094 ISRAEL - Postal History: DOAR ZVA'AI - A.P.O. 5 postmark of 4 June 1948 from beseiged Jerusalem, marked with Unit 211 Jerusalem, Etzioni Brigade triangular cachet and delivered to Tel Aviv. SymbolC View details Estimate$150 - $200Price Realized$120StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 1095 ISRAEL - Postal History: INTERIM PERIOD: An album containing a range of covers with cancels including RA'ANANA, TEL AVIV, MESHEK YAGUR, REHOVOT, HAIFA, JERUSALEM (incl. oval), NATHANYA, ALONIM, GIVATAYIM, QIRYAT MOTZKIN, BAT YAM, NAHALAT YEHUDA, S'DEH YA'AKOV, KFAT SABA, HADERA, RAMAT HA'SHARON, etc. Some covers canceled-on-request or with unauthorized frankings; some adhesives with varietes noted. SymbolC View details Estimate$300 - $500Price Realized$240StatusSold Lot 1096 ISRAEL - Postal History: MAINLY POST-WAR AUSTRIAN collection of Judaica-themed covers, postmarks and associated items in an annotated album. SymbolC PS ** * View details Estimate$200 - $300Price Realized$160StatusSold Lot 1097 ISRAEL - Postal History: A large album containing a comprehensive collection of postal labels, Exhibition labels, Registration labels, Express service labels, Municipal stamps, revenue stamps, airmail labels and other "cinderella" items. (100s). SymbolO ** * D View details Estimate$300 - $500StatusUnsold Lot 1098 ITALY: AEROPHILATELY - VIGNETTES: 1933 Balbo Flight Orphans Fund complete Booklet containing 15 panes of 6 beautiful vignettes (3 panes of each of the 5 different designs). Extremely scarce and in remarkably good condition. [NB: We see single sets of 5 vinettes offer for 60 euros and single sets on panes offered at 200 euros!]. SymbolB** View details Estimate$600 - $800StatusCLOSED! Lot 1100 KENYA, UGANDA & TANGANYIKA: 1942 (SG.131ab) KGVI 1c Cranes, upper right corner blk.(20) with variety "A of CA missing from watermark" [R4/6, SG.£225], superb MUH. Symbol** View details Estimate$250 - $300StatusCLOSED! Items per page 102550100 Previous|1...56789101112|Next123456789101112 Previous 123456789101112 Next Previous 123456789101112 Next