Stamps, Coins & Postal History (#468) Closed Auction Info PDF Prices Realized Advanced search ▼ Items per page 102550100100 Sort by DefaultTime LeftLot#Lot NameNewestHighest PriceLowest PriceBidsViewsDefaultDefaultTime LeftLot#Lot NameNewestHighest PriceLowest PriceBidsViews Filter By Categories Category match ANY of the aboveALL of the aboveANY of the aboveANY of the aboveALL of the above Featured Exclude closed lots Price Lot Number Results: Viewing items 601-700 of 751. Previous|12345678|Next View Lot 602 CEYLON : 1924 (SG.359s) 100r brownish-grey King George V high value overprinted SPECIMEN, lightly mounted with o.g. Cat.£500. SymbolS* View details Estimate$400 - $500Price Realized$380StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 603 CHINA : 1900s-1990s accumulation with bettter items including 1960 Chrysanthemums used,1964 Peonies mint (Cat.375) 1974 National Day MUH (2 sets, blemishes), also Cultural Revolution era with a few genuine used stamps mixed in the many reprints; also Provincials, 1980s philatelic covers and a little Taiwan. Allow plenty of viewing time. (many 100s) Symbol* O C View details Estimate$300 - $500Price Realized$2,400StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 604 CHINA : 1923-1993 ex-dealer's stock on Hagners in binders with extensive array of mint, used & CTO issues with better items including 1963 Landscapes 30f & 50f used, 1965 Conference mint (Cat £200), 1966 Revolution Games, 1967 Labour Day & 'Our Great Teacher' sets CTO, 1971 50th Anniv. Communist Party incl. 8f se-tenant strip (centre unit thin) unused; also Provinces including overprints/surcharges, plus some reprints. Heavy duplication in places, condition variable but mostly fine. Symbol* O View details Estimate$500 - $1,000Price Realized$3,000StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 605 CHINA : 1967 (SG.2343-2345) Thoughts of Mao Tse-Tung (1st Issue) Red & Gold Outer Frames 8f se-tenant strips of 5, both with imprints in sheet margin, plus 8f Mao, all CTO with lightly hinged full gum, Cat £1100+.(11) SymbolCTO View details Estimate$800 - $1,200Price Realized$800StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 606 Cyprus : CYPRUS: 1935-51 (SG.154a) KGVI 1pi Perf 13½x12½, fine mint. Extremely scarce, Cat £550. Symbol* View details Estimate$200 - $300Price Realized$180StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 607 Cyprus : 1948 Silver Wedding pair (2), 1963 Europa set in blks.4, 1964 Wines (3 sets), 1965 I.C.Y. (14 sets in blks.), 1965 Europa set in blks.4; also GIBRALTAR 1963 9d FFH (3), 1965 ITU (2 sets), 1967-69 Ships set of 15, 1971 Pictorias to £1 (2 sets of pairs), all fresh MUH. Symbol** View details Estimate$200 - $250Price Realized$160StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 608 DENMARK : 1850s-2000s lifetime accumulation with a 1851-1980 mostly used collection in hingeless Lighthouse album with few imperfs incl.1851 4rbs, perforated issues incl.1864 8sk, 1875-95 to 50o (2) & 100o (2), 1904 Christian to 100o, incomplete runs of 1904-12, 1918 & 1921-22 Surcharges mint or used, thereafter reasonably complete from 1937-1979; also few early covers or postal cards plus three 1945 censored postcards from Bogense to Melbourne, Symbol** * O C View details Estimate$300 - $500Price Realized$240StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 609 Falkland Islands : 1933 (SG.127-38s) ½d - £1 Centenary of British Administration, complete set, (12) perforated SPECIMEN. Fine & fresh mounted, with gum; the top value with 2 nibbed perfs at top. Cat.£4250. SymbolS* View details Estimate$2,500 - $3,000Price Realized$3,200StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 610 FIJI : 1903 (SG.104s-114s) ½d - £1 Edward VII definitives set complete, all overprinted SPECIMEN, (11) lightly mounted o.g. Cat.£325. SymbolS* View details Estimate$300 - $400Price Realized$240StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 611 FIJI : Postal Stationery - Registration Envelopes: 1920-37 unused selection with KGV 1920 2d+2d size G (2, slightly different lengths), 1927 2d+3d size H2 (3, two optd 'SPECIMEN'), 1927 unlisted size G optd 'SPECIMEN', 1937 2d+4d brown KGVI, generally fine overall. (7 items). SymbolPS View details Estimate$200 - $250StatusCLOSED! Lot 612 FRANCE : 1871-1975 mostly used collection in Schaubek album, the best item being a 1927 Strasbourg Exhibition 5f/10f mint pair with central label (from souvenir sheet) with Exhibition cancel in margin (couple spots on gum); otherwise a mostly used assembly with perforated Napoleons/Ceres Heads to 80c, Peace & Commerce to 1fr, Mersons to 10fr, 1920s-50s commemoratives mostly part-sets and odd values, some 1960s-70s mint sets including art thematics and 1975 Arphila M/S used; condition is variable Symbol* O View details Estimate$250 - $350Price Realized$180StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 613 FRENCH COMMUNITY : French Southern & Antarctic Territories: 1965 (SG.39) 30f ITU Air IMPERFORATE lower-left corner block of 4, dated "2.12.64", very fresh MUH, Yvert. PA9, Cat €1100++. Nice item for telecommunications or space thematic exhibit. Symbol** View details Estimate$800 - $1,000StatusCLOSED! Lot 614 GERMAN STATES : WURTTEMBURG - OFFICIALS: 1923 (Mi.188) 50 on 25pf red-orange, VFU with part STUTTGART Jan.1924 cds. Cat.1,100Eu. View details Estimate$150 - $200StatusCLOSED! Lot 615 GERMANY : 1860s-1980s ex-dealer's stock mint & used on Hagners in well-filled ring-binder, with imperf, rouletted and perforated German States issues in mixed condition with a smattering of better items, good coverage of 1920s-40s issues incl. 1934 3Rm Airship (2), West Berlin with 1951 Bell (central clapper), 1952 30pf Beethoven, East & West Germany with pickings and lots 1960s-80s sets mint or used; condition quite variable, particularly the early States issues. (2500 approx) Symbol** * O View details Estimate$300 - $500Price Realized$340StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 616 GERMANY : GERMANY: Booklets: 1930 (Michel MH.19) 2RM "Eagle" Airmail booklet, complete, some very light adhesion marks on gum from interleaving, Cat. ‚€.1500 . Symbol* View details Estimate$500 - $750StatusCLOSED! Lot 617 GERMANY : WEST GERMANY: 1954 (SG.1104-1122 range) Heuss 4pf to 3Dm, comprising 15 values incl. the rare 50pf slate Michel #189, fresh MUH, Cat. €220+ Symbol** View details Estimate$120 - $160StatusCLOSED! Lot 618 GREAT BRITAIN : 1841-1951 mostly used collection with QV imperf 1d red (2) & White Lines Added 2d blue, perforated 2d blues (4); range of Surface Printed incl. 1855-57 Emblems 1/- & 1862-64 Emblems 1/-, 1867-80 10d pale red-brown & 2/- dull blue, later QV to 2/6 ('498' cancel) & 5/- (2), KEVII to 2/6d (3) & 5/-, KGV with 1913-18 Seahorses 2/6d (4) & 5/- (2) & 1934 Seahorses 2/6d to 10/-, some KGV/KGVI watermark variants incl. 1929 UPU Wmk S/W ½d & 1½d, KGVI high values complete incl £1 Wedding ( Symbol** * O View details Estimate$400 - $600Price Realized$300StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 619 GREAT BRITAIN : 1850s-early 2000s ex-dealer's used stock (no imperfs) in two volumes with plenty of better items including range of 1d Red plates incl. Pl.219, ½d Bantams (7), 2d Blues (13), good range of Surface Printed, some duplicated, incl. 1867-70 9d straw (4), 1873-80 Wmk Spray 1/- orange-brown Pl.13 wing-margin (Cat.£550) & Large Garter 4d sage-green Pl.16 wing-margin & 8d orange Pl.1, later QV to 2/6d (2) & 5/-, KEVII to 2/6d (5), 5/- (3, one 'SUTTON/READING' perfin) and sound SymbolO View details Estimate$800 - $1,200StatusCLOSED! Lot 620 GREAT BRITAIN : 1952-1978 collection in KA-BE Hingeless album; includes all five Castle printings, a range of phosphor-graphites, ordinary and phosphor commemorative sets, etc. Extensive, but not complete. Superb condition and an ideal project. (100s). Cat.£1800++. Symbol** View details Estimate$800 - $1,200Price Realized$500StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 621 GREAT BRITAIN : 1952-99 used collection with pre-decimal Wildings graphite line & phosphor issues with watermark variants, pre-decimal commemoratives with phosphor banded issues, Castles to £1; decimals with range of Machins plus plenty of complete 1970s-80s commemorative sets; mostly fine. (100s) SymbolO View details Estimate$150 - $250StatusCLOSED! Lot 622 GREAT BRITAIN : FDCs: 1937-2000 ex-dealer's array in album with a few KGVI/QEII Wilding mostly plain FDCs plus illustrated 1964 (July 1) 2½d Wilding Type II Wmk S/W (unaddressed), range of early/mid 1960s commemoratives illustrated types previously priced up to $70, 1970s-2000s with Machin and commemorative types and a few stamp packs; 1950s-60s era with mostly typed or handwritten addresses, thereafter mostly typed or unaddressed. (110+ items) SymbolC View details Estimate$160 - $220StatusCLOSED! Lot 623 GREAT BRITAIN : 1840 (SG.2) 1d Black Plate 1B [BC], mostly large margins (close at lower right), cleanly-struck Maltese Cross cancel in black, Cat £375. SymbolO View details Estimate$250 - $300Price Realized$150StatusSold Lot 624 GREAT BRITAIN : 1840 (SG.2) 1d Black Plate 2 [AJ], complete margins (large at top), tidy Maltese Cross cancel in red, Cat £375. SymbolO View details Estimate$250 - $300Price Realized$150StatusSold Lot 625 GREAT BRITAIN : 1840 (SG.2) 1d Black Plate 3 [OE], four balanced margins, neatly-struck Maltese Cross cancel in orange-red, Cat £500. Lovely example. SymbolO View details Estimate$350 - $450Price Realized$250StatusSold Lot 626 GREAT BRITAIN : 1840 (SG.2) 1d Black Plate 5 [EJ], complete margins (close at lower-right) with fragment of adjoining stamp evident at base, part-strike of Maltese Cross cancel in black, Cat £375. SymbolO View details Estimate$250 - $350Price Realized$150StatusSold Lot 627 GREAT BRITAIN : 1840 (SG.2) 1d Black Plate 5 [BK], complete margins (tight at base), tidy Maltese Cross cancel in red, Cat £375. SymbolO View details Estimate$250 - $350Price Realized$150StatusSold Lot 628 GREAT BRITAIN: 1840 (SG.2) 1d Black Plate 6 [IL], complete margins, watery Maltese Cross cancel in red, Cat £375. SymbolO View details Estimate$250 - $350Price Realized$200StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 629 GREAT BRITAIN : 1936 (SG.458-59) KEVIII 1d & 1½d blocks of 8 (4x2) with C/OF/A perfins laid out in mirrored pairs, believed to have been prepared for the Australian Contingent planning to attend Coronation of King Edward VIII, subsequently abandoned following the King's abdication on 11th December 1936, with the Coronation of KGVI proceeding on the original scheduled date of 12 May 1937; fine mint hinged, with six units in each block MUH. Possibly unique. Symbol** * View details Estimate$1,000 - $1,500Price Realized$800StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 630 GREAT BRITAIN : POSTAGE: 1970s-90s commemorative array in two binders including 1970s traffic-light gutter blocks and 1990s issues marginal "Traffic light" large blocks, few booklets, MUH, total face value £930+. Symbol** View details Estimate$800 - $1,000Price Realized$700StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 631 GREAT BRITAIN : POSTAGE: 1970s-90s issues in two binders with 1970-80s Machins including Regionals with multiples to £1 & £2 blocks of 4, the bulk of face value however is in 1980s-90s commemoratives with many large marginal multiples, some with traffic-light imprints; total face value £930+. Symbol** View details Estimate$800 - $1,000Price Realized$700StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 632 GREAT BRITAIN : POSTAGE: 1970s-80s commemorative array in binder including many "traffic-light" or imprint multiples, MUH, total face value £1100+. Symbol** View details Estimate$900 - $1,200Price Realized$800StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 633 Greece : 1860s-1980s ex-dealer's stock mint & used in ring-binder, predominantly low budget material with 1860s-1880s imperf Hermes Heads, plenty of 1940s-80s commemoratives set */** and/or used, and a little back-of-book material; duplication throughout, condition variable. (2500 approx) Symbol** * O C View details Estimate$180 - $240Price Realized$120StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 634 HONG KONG : 1860s-1970s ex-dealer's mostly used stock on Hagners in display book, with QV to 30c incl. No Wmk 18c lilac, Crown CC 10c mauve 'AC/&Co' perfin, Crown CA 1884 10c green & 1900 2c dull green marginal pair both mint, KEVII to Crown/CA $1, KGVI to $5 used incl. 1941 Centenary set (plus mint $1), and mint 1938 $2 red-orange & green, QEII Definitives to $50; also some Macau, Manchukuo & Taiwan; duplication throughout, condition variable. (many 100s) Symbol* O View details Estimate$160 - $220Price Realized$220StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 635 ISRAEL : INTERIM PERIOD: An album containing a specialized collection of the NAHARIYA LOCAL POST issues of 25th April and 16th May 1948, comprising singles, pairs, sheetlets, examples on cover (mostly "per favour"), etc. Hard to find in quantity. Symbol** * 0 C View details Estimate$750 - $1,000Price Realized$800StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 636 ISRAEL : 1948-78 Schaubek Hingeless album which contains 1950 Independence Day (short tabs) FU, and a few other stamps; a 1948 - 1980 Habul Hingeless album with First Coins high values MUH (no tabs), 1948 New Year set MLH (full tabs), 1949 Tabul M/Sheet MUH, 1949 Petah Tikva L+R full tab singles MUH/MLH, 1950 UPU full tabs MUH, 1950 Airmails (short tabs) MLH, 1950 Camel full tabs MUH, 1952 Menorah full tabs MLH, 1953 Jaffa Airmail with tab MLH, 1957-59 No wmk Tribes MUH, 1963 Halbanon sheet MUH, Symbol** * 0 View details Estimate$500 - $750Price Realized$300StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 637 ISRAEL : 1948 - 1985 collection in 3 albums. Noted 15m - 50m First Coins FU with tabs, First Coins High Values CTO (no tabs), issues with tabs from 1954 mainly MUH & FU, (100s). Symbol** 0 * View details Estimate$200 - $300Price Realized$180StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 638 ISRAEL : FIRST DAY COVER collection, 1948 - 1985 in three large albums; (100s). SymbolC View details Estimate$200 - $300Price Realized$300StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 639 KENYA, UGANDA & TANGANYIKA : EAST AFRICA AND UGANDA PROTECTORATES: 1903-4 (SG.16s) 50r grey & red-brwon Edward VII high value definitive overprinted SPECIMEN, fine and fresh with o.g. Cat.£450. SymbolS* View details Estimate$300 - $400Price Realized$300StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 640 KENYA, UGANDA & TANGANYIKA : EAST AFRICA AND UGANDA PROTECTORATES: 1912-21 (SG.61s, 62s & 63s) 50r rose-red & dull greyish-green, 100r purple & black on red, and 500r green & red on green King George V high value definitives overprinted SPECIMEN, (3) fine and fresh with o.g. Cat.£2600+. SymbolS* View details Estimate$1,500 - $2,000Price Realized$3,600StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 641 KENYA, UGANDA & TANGANYIKA : EAST AFRICA AND UGANDA PROTECTORATES: 1912-21 (SG.62s) 100r purple & black on red King George V high value definitive overprinted SPECIMEN, fine and fresh with unmounted o.g. Cat.£750+. SymbolS** View details Estimate$800 - $1,000Price Realized$800StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 642 KENYA, UGANDA & TANGANYIKA : EAST AFRICA AND UGANDA PROTECTORATES: 1921 (SG.75s) 50r carmine & green King George V high value definitive on Script CA paper, overprinted SPECIMEN, fine and fresh with o.g. Cat.£500. SymbolS* View details Estimate$400 - $500Price Realized$380StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 643 MALAYA : JOHORE: 1922-26 (SG.125-128s) Sultan Sir Ibrahim $10, $50, $100 and $500 overprinted SPECIMEN, (4) fine & fresh hinged with gum. Cat.£2000+. SymbolS* View details Estimate$1,200 - $1,600Price Realized$1,100StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 644 MALAYA : KELANTAN: 1937-40 (SG.40-53) 1c to $2 used, 12c with nibbed perfs & aging, otherwise fine including the key $2 value, Cat. £350. (14) SymbolO View details Estimate$240 - $280Price Realized$160StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 645 MALAYA : PERAK: 1899 (SG.80s) $25 green & orange, SPECIMEN overprint, superb lightly mounted with gum. Cat.£450. SymbolS* View details Estimate$300 - $400Price Realized$280StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 646 MALAYA : TRENGGANU: 1921-41 (SG.45s, 46s & 47s) $25, $50 & $100 Sultan Suleiman high values, matched marginal singles overprinted SPECIMEN, fine & fresh lightly mounted with gum. Cat.£2025. An exceptional set. SymbolS* View details Estimate$1,200 - $1,500Price Realized$1,800StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 646a MALAYSIA: 1997-2005 group of limited edition FDCs produced in conjuction with Royal Selangor Pewter, franked with various sets or M/Ss, each cover illustration including a pewter foil reproduction of a single stamp from the issue; all are fine unaddressed, two covers duplicated (16) View details Estimate$100 - $150Price Realized$80StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 647 Postal History (Malaya - Straits Settlements) : Malaya - Straits Settlements: AIRMAIL: 21 Aug.1926 (Muller 1, BEA.26.13d) Singapore - Kuala - Lumpur - (Port Swettenham) cover flown by Air Survey Co. with KUALA LUMPUR backstamp. SymbolC View details Estimate$250 - $300StatusCLOSED! Lot 648 MALTA : 1930 (SG.193s-209s, ex.194s) ¼d - 10/- "POSTAGE & REVENUE" complete set (excl. ½d green) perforated SPECIMEN, (16); fine appearance but several with gum discolouration. Cat.£400+. SymbolS* View details Estimate$200 - $300Price Realized$140StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 649 MOROCCO AGENCIES : MOROCCO AGENCIES: TANGIER: 1957 (SG.323-342) Centenary of British Post Office QEII ½d to 10/- set tied by '1AP57' datestamps to three registered FDCs with Centenary cachets, addressed locally with rubber handstamps, hinge mount remnants on reverse, very fine overall. SymbolC View details Estimate$80 - $120StatusCLOSED! Lot 650 NETHERLANDS INDIES : SURINAM: 1873-1975 predominantly mint/unused collection in hingeless album with 1873-88 King William to 2g50 (2) with perf variations (ex 25c blue & 1g (2) which are used), 1900 Wilhelmina surcharge trio unused, 1902-09 ½c to 2½g unused (7½c & 22½c are used), 1909 rouletted 5c tete-beche pair used, 1911 Surcharges set of 5 unused, 1913 Long Set to 2½g mint (50c is used), 1923 Jubilee MUH, 1927 Wilhelmina set mint, thereafter reasonably complete mint incl. Symbol** * (*) O View details Estimate$1,000 - $2,000StatusCLOSED! Lot 651 NEW GUINEA : An accumulation on stockcards with NWPI issues to 5/- including SG.100 (One Penny on 5d) x 2; New Guinea 2/- Bird (SG.186) x 39, a few Papua Lakatois, PNG 1964 Birds (6 MUH sets), 1969 Shells (2 sets), Postage Dues SG.D2-6 **, a few Booklets, etc. (qty). Symbol** * 0 View details Estimate$500 - $750Price Realized$360StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 652 NEW GUINEA : FORGERY: 1925 £1 Huts, dull green perforated and with gum MVLH; well centred. An expert creation by master-forger Angelo Panelli. Symbol*GradeA View details Estimate$250 - $300Price Realized$240StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 653 NEW GUINEA : 1932 (SG.186) 2/- dull lake Undated Bird, complete sheet with Ash Imprint and full margins, (30). Cat.£195+. Symbol** View details Estimate$150 - $200Price Realized$140StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 654 NEW GUINEA : 1935 (SG.204) £2 Bulolo Air, very well centred, fine used, Cat. £140. SymbolO View details Estimate$120 - $160StatusCLOSED! Lot 655 NEW GUINEA : FORGERY: 1935 (SG.204) £2 Bulolo Panelli/Oneglia forgery in dull violet, with gum. Symbol* View details Estimate$400 - $600Price Realized$260StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 656 NEW GUINEA : FORGERY: 1935 (SG.205) £5 Bulolo Panelli/Oneglia forgery in dull green, with forged datestamp. SymbolO View details Estimate$500 - $750StatusCLOSED! Lot 657 NEW GUINEA - 'G.R.I.' Overprints : 1914-15 (SG.26) Overprints on GNG Yachts, 5mm Spacing 8d on 80pf black & carmine/rose, 10th Setting Position 2, unused (regummed), Cat. £425. RPSofV Certificate (2006). Symbol(*) View details Estimate$400 - $500Price Realized$440StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 658 NEW GUINEA - 'N.W./PACIFIC/ISLANDS' Overprints : 1915-16 (SG.67a) 1d Dull Red abc strip of 3 [VIII/8, 14, 20], the centre unit variety "Thin 'ONE PENNY'", fine mint. Starling Certificate (2018) Symbol* View details Estimate$120 - $160Price Realized$60StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 659 NEW GUINEA - 'N.W./PACIFIC/ISLANDS' Overprints : 1915-16 (SG.99) Kangaroos Third Wmk £1 brown & blue abc strip, the second unit with overprint variety "Hollow stop after 'W'", fresh unmounted and rare thus, Cat £1400++. Symbol** View details Estimate$2,000 - $2,500Price Realized$2,400StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 660 NEW GUINEA - 'N.W./PACIFIC/ISLANDS' Overprints : 1915-16 (SG.99) Kangaroos Third Wmk £1 chocolate & dull blue Type c, fine mint, Cat. £350. Symbol* View details Estimate$350 - $400Price Realized$260StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 661 NEW GUINEA - 'N.W./PACIFIC/ISLANDS' Overprints : 1918-22 (SG.103/103b) KGV 1d Carmine-Red Fifth Setting Die I-II-II strip of 3, perf reinforcements, fine mint, Cat. £220++. Symbol* View details Estimate$200 - $300Price Realized$160StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 662 NEW GUINEA - 'N.W./PACIFIC/ISLANDS' Overprints : 1928 (Jul.19) registered cover to USA with late use of Roos 2d SG.106 well-centred block of 4 and single tied by 'RABAUL/19JL28' datestamps, Rabaul registration handstamp, appropriate backstamps including CHICAGO arrival, light vertical fold at right well clear of adhesives. SymbolC View details Estimate$200 - $300StatusCLOSED! Lot 663 NEW GUINEA - Aerophilately & Flight Covers : NEW GUINEA - Aerophilately & Flight Covers: 21 Jan.1933 (AAMC.P53) Kainantu (Upper Ramu Goldfields) - Lae - Salamaua cover, flown & signed by John Jukes for Guinea Airways. As postal facilities were not available at Kainantu, all mail was cancelled upon arrival at Lae P.O. [Only 12 flown]. Ex Ray Kelly. SymbolC View details Estimate$800 - $1,000StatusCLOSED! Lot 664 NEW GUINEA - Aerophilately & Flight Covers : NEW GUINEA - Aerophilately & Flight Covers: 10 April 1933 (AAMC.P59) Wahgi River (Goroka) - Lae - Salamaua flown cover, signed and endorsed by the pilot, Ian Grabowsky for Guinea Airways. Grabowsky carried the first airmails to and from Goroka at the time that the Leahy Brothers Expedition was active in the Wahgi Valley. [Only 5 flown]. Cat.$2000. Ex Ray Kelly. SymbolC View details Estimate$1,250 - $1,500StatusCLOSED! Lot 665 NEW GUINEA - Aerophilately & Flight Covers : NEW GUINEA - Aerophilately & Flight Covers: 4 June 1937 (AAMC.P113) Kokopo - Brisbane Emergency flight cover carried by pilots Gatenby & Marshall in a Gannett. The flight was necessitated by volcanic eruptions at Rabaul. The Gannett VH-UYE was the first Australian built plane to be flown overseas. Endorsed and signed by the postmaster. Ex Ray Kelly. SymbolC View details Estimate$250 - $300Price Realized$190StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 666 NEW ZEALAND : 1860s-1980s ex-dealer's used stock on Hagners in display book, with perforated 1d & 6d Chalons, Second Sidefaces to 8d including 1d Adsons (7), 1898-1907 Pictorials to 2/- (2), duplicated KEVII & KGV to 1/- plus KGV 2/- Admiral, lots of decimal sets mint & used; also officials and a few back-of-book. (1000+) SymbolO View details Estimate$140 - $180Price Realized$240StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 667 NEW ZEALAND : 1870s-1980s ex-dealer's mint stock on Hagners in display book, with 2d Chalon Hapsberg imperf reprint pair, few 1898-1907 Pictorials low values, 1935 Jubilee set, 1936-42 Pictorials to 2/- (2), Centennial official overprints 4d to 1/-, 1940 2/6d, 4/- & 5/- Arms, 1953 QEII 3/-, 5/- & 10/-, few 1950s-70s Health M/Ss; range of decimal sets, many MUH. (many 100s) Symbol* ** View details Estimate$200 - $300Price Realized$180StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 668 NIGERIA : SOUTHERN NIGERIA: 1903-04 (SG.20s) and 1907-11 (SG.44s) £1 green & violet and £1 purple & black on red, Edward VII high value definitives overprinted SPECIMEN, (2) fresh, lightly mounted with o.g. SymbolS* View details Estimate$200 - $250Price Realized$140StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 669 NORTH BORNEO : 1941 (May 5) 'Office of the Conservator/Sandakan' OGS cover to Canberra, with 8c Map & 2c War Tax tied by SANDAKAN datestamp, triangular 'PASSED FOR TRANSMISSION/20/NORTH BORNEO' censor handstamp, fine condition. Symbolc View details Estimate$120 - $160Price Realized$180StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 670 NYASALAND : BRITISH CENTRAL AFRICA: 1903-04 (SG.67s) £10 grey & blue Edward VII high value overprinted SPECIMEN, very fine and lightly mounted with o.g. Cat.£500. SymbolS* View details Estimate$400 - $500Price Realized$400StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 671 NYASALAND : 1913-21 (SG.99s) £10 purple & royal blue KGV high value, overprinted SPECIMEN, superb lightly mounted o.g. Cat.£800. SymbolS* View details Estimate$600 - $800Price Realized$500StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 672 Postal History (Palestine) : A range of covers, postmarked stamps on piece, meters, etc., on annotated album pages, with duplication. (100+ items). SymbolC 0 ^ View details Estimate$50 - $100Price Realized$80StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 673 PAPUA : PAPUA, NEW GUINEA & PNG ACCUMULATION: in document folder with mint PAPUA 1932 Pictorials to 1/- mint and/or used, 1937 Coronation set in complete sheets of 40, 1938 Air sets (3), 1939 Air set to 1/6d; NEW GUINEA 1931-34 Birds to 9d and 1939 Bulolo Air to 1/- mint and/or used; PNG with mint multiples incl. 1995 Tourism 65t on 60t se-tenant block 12 one unit with MISSING '65t' SURCHARGE error; lots of duplication throughout, condition variable. (100s) Symbol** * O View details Estimate$200 - $400Price Realized$160StatusSold Lot 674 PAPUA : 1901-30 mint selection with BNG Wmk Horizontal 1d block of 4 upper units MLH, lower units MUH, 1911-15 Monocolours 1d to 2/6d, 1916-31 Bicolours 6d Harrison and Ash imprint strips of 3, 1917 Surcharges 1d on ½d imprint strip of 3 with 'JBC' & 'CA' Monograms. (17 stamps) Symbol* View details Estimate$150 - $250StatusCLOSED! Lot 675 PAPUA : 1901-31 mint selection with BNG 1901-05 Wmk Horizontal 1d block of 4 (lower units MUH), 1911 Monocolours 1d to 2/6d, 1916-31 Bicolours Harrison & Ash Imprint strips of 3, 1917 Surcharges 1d on ½d imprint strip of 3 with 'JBC' & 'CA monograms; generally fine. (20 stamps) Symbol* ** View details Estimate$160 - $200StatusCLOSED! Lot 676 PAPUA : 1901-05 BNG Hesshaimer enlarged facsimile (1923) of BNG ½d (numbered #01642) on thick wove paper. Attractive. Symbol(*) View details Estimate$80 - $120Price Realized$60StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 677 PAPUA : 1901-06 (SG.1-44 range) 'BNG' Lakatoi mint selection on Hagner with 1901-05 Wmk Horizontal ½d to 1/- (oxidised colour), Wmk Vertical ½d to 6d; 1906 Large 'Papua' Wmk Horizontal 4d (very fine, Cat.£250) to 2/6d & Wmk Vertical ½d to 2½d; Small 'Papua' to 1/- (oxidised) & 2/6d SG.37 (2, one gum crease); some small blemishes, inspection advised, Cat £1000+. (32) Symbol* View details Estimate$360 - $400Price Realized$320StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 678 PAPUA : 1901-06 (SG.1-44 range) 'BNG' Lakatoi mint selection on Hagner with 1901-05 to 4d & 4d with duplicated lower values; 1906 Large 'Papua' Wmk Horizontal 6d & 2/6d (fine, Cat. £190) & Wmk Vertical 1d to 6d (ex 4d); Small 'Papua' to 4d, 1/- (discolouration) & 2/6d Thin Paper SG.45a; some condition issues, various cancels including Bars types. (34) SymbolO C View details Estimate$260 - $320Price Realized$220StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 679 PAPUA : 1901-05 (SG.3) 2d black & violet, Thick paper, wmk horizontal, complete sheet, with "White leaves" variety and overall bluish tinge to paper. Stamps MUH; hinged in margins. Symbol** View details Estimate$500 - $750Price Realized$400StatusSold Lot 680 PAPUA : 1901-05 (SG.5a) BNG Wmk Horizontal, 4d black & sepia variety "Deformed 'd' at left" [pos.18], shallow central thin, part gum, Cat. £750. Symbol* View details Estimate$260 - $320StatusCLOSED! Lot 681 PAPUA : 1901-05 (SG.5a) BNG Wmk Horizontal, 4d black & sepia variety "Deformed 'd' at left" [pos.18], indistinct Bars cacel, Cat. £475. SymbolO View details Estimate$280 - $320Price Realized$240StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 682 PAPUA : 1901-05 (SG.13a) BNG Wmk Vertical 4d black & sepia variety "Deformed 'd' at left" [pos.18], well centred, fine mint, Cat. £650. Symbol* View details Estimate$450 - $550Price Realized$600StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 683 PAPUA : 1906 (SG.17-19 & 21-24) Large 'Papua' simplified set to 1/-, comprising Wmk Vertical ½d to 2½d and Wmk Horizontal 4d to 1/-, key 4d value is very well centred, fresh MLH/MVLH, Cat. £400+. (7) Symbol* View details Estimate$300 - $400Price Realized$220StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 684 PAPUA : 1907 (SG.42a) Small 'Papua' Wmk Vertical, 4d black & sepia variety "Deformed 'd' at left" [pos.18], well centred, fine mint, Cat. £700. Symbol* View details Estimate$450 - $550Price Realized$500StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 685 PAPUA : 1907-10 (SG.47-70 range) Large & Small Papua mint/unused selection on Hagner with Large Papua ½d & 2/6d (SG.48) various Small Papua issues to 4d (7), 6d (4) & 1/- (5) with various shades, perfs and watermark orientations represented, some condition issues, many are fine. (41) Symbol* (*) View details Estimate$240 - $280Price Realized$200StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 686 PAPUA : 1907-10 (between SG.47 and 60) Large & Small 'PAPUA' mint multiples comprising Large 'PAPUA' (SG.47) partially reconstructed sheet [25 of 30 positions], Small 'PAPUA' Wmk Upright (inverted) P.11 4d (SG.52) corner block of 4 the lower-right unit with "Pole to sail" [Pos.7] flaw, Watermark Sideways P.11 ½d (SG.59) marginal block of 4 (MUH) lower-right unit with "Spot under 'P' of 'POSTAGE'" at right & lower-left corner block of 6 with "Rift in clouds" [Pos.23] & "Comet'" [Pos.28] flaws, Symbol* View details Estimate$180 - $240Price Realized$120StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 687 PAPUA : 1907-10 (SG.51a & 62a) Small 'PAPUA' Wmk Upright Perf.11 2½d black & pale ultramarine mint & used (minor tone) and Wmk Sideways Perf.11 2½d black & dull blue mint; all stamps with the variety "Thin 'd' at left", Cat. £345. (3) Symbol* O View details Estimate$240 - $280Price Realized$200StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 688 PAPUA : 1907-10 (SG.52a & 63a) Small 'PAPUA' 4d Perf.11 Wmk Upright (a tad aged) and 4d Wmk Sideways Perf.11, both with variety "Deformed 'd' at left, the latter without gum, Cat. £280. (2) Symbol* (*) View details Estimate$180 - $240StatusCLOSED! Lot 689 PAPUA : 1907-10 (SG.59-65) Small 'PAPUA' Wmk Sideways P.11 ½d to 1/- set, all values with "Rift in sky" variety, fine mint. (7) Symbol* View details Estimate$140 - $180Price Realized$160StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 690 PAPUA : 1907-10 (SG.61-62) Small 'PAPUA' Wmk Sideways P.11 2d corner block of 6, upper right unit "Rift faw" lower right unit "Comet Flaw", lower centre unit "White leaves"; also 2½d marginal block of 4 with the same flaws (storage-related tone banding on gum), lower units of each block MUH, Cat £180++. Symbol** * View details Estimate$200 - $300StatusCLOSED! Lot 691 PAPUA : 1907-10 (SG.63) Small 'PAPUA' Wmk Sideways P.11 4d complete sheet (6x5) with varieties annotated in the sheet margins, including "Deformed 'd'" [pos.18], hinged in margins only, all stamps - bar one (just touched) - are MUH, Cat. £285++. (30) Symbol** * View details Estimate$200 - $300Price Realized$160StatusSold Lot 692 PAPUA : 1907-15 (SG.47-91 range) Lakatoi used selection on Hagner with 1907-10 Small Papua to 4d (6), 6d (4) & 1/- (5) representing various shades, perfs and watermark orientations, 1910-11 Large Papua to 1/- (2) & 2/6d Type B, 1911-15 Monocolours set to 2/6d; condition variable but mostly fine. (49) SymbolO View details Estimate$220 - $280Price Realized$180StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 693 PAPUA : 1910-11 (SG.75-83) Large 'PAPUA' ½d to 2/6d (3) including 2d variety "'C' for 'O' in 'POSTAGE'" (SG.77a) and 2/6d Type B (2) & Type C, fine mint, Cat. £385. Symbol* View details Estimate$250 - $300Price Realized$160StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 694 PAPUA : 1910-11 (SG.77a,78a,79a) Large 'PAPUA' Perf.12½ variety group comprising 2d pair, the right-hand unit with "'C' for 'O' in 'POSTAGE' at right", 2½d "Thin 'd' at left", and 4d "Deformed 'd' at left, generally fine mint (4d some gum loss), Cat. £460+. (3) Symbol* View details Estimate$280 - $340Price Realized$550StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 695 PAPUA : 1911-15 (SG.91w) Monocolours 2/6d carmine-rose Lakatoi, with "watermark Crown to right of A" variety, corner example, superb MUH. Cat.£600+. Symbol** View details Estimate$600 - $800Price Realized$900StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 696 PAPUA : 1916-31 (SG.100) Bicolours 5d bluish slate & pale brown Lakatoi, 22 different plate positions (as per annotatons), some shade variations, fine mint. (22) Symbol* View details Estimate$100 - $150StatusCLOSED! Lot 697 PAPUA : 1916-31 (SG.104) Bicolours 5/- black & green Cooke imprint strip of 3 with 'CA' & 'JBC' Monograms, well centred, MVLH. Symbol* View details Estimate$200 - $300Price Realized$340StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 698 PAPUA : 1916-31 (SG.105) Bicolours 10/- green & pale ultramarine rejoined block of 4, some light surface soils/marks, otherwise fine, Cat. £760. SymbolO View details Estimate$400 - $500StatusCLOSED! Lot 699 PAPUA : 1917 (SG.106) ONE PENNY on ½d yellow-green, two complete sheets of 40, both with JBC and CA Monograms and perf. guide pips in left and right margins. (80). MUH. Cat.£160++. Symbol** View details Estimate$150 - $200Price Realized$120StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 700 PAPUA : 1917 (SG.106-111) The complete set of ONE PENNY overprints in complete sheets of 40 each, with Monograms intact; cancelled "per favour" at PORT MORESBY on various dates (17 APR 18, 30 JAN 19 and 30 APR 19). Extremely scarce thus. (240). Cat.£2,200++. 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