Stamps, Coins & Postal History (#468) Closed Auction Info PDF Prices Realized Advanced search ▼ Items per page 102550100100 Sort by DefaultTime LeftLot#Lot NameNewestHighest PriceLowest PriceBidsViewsDefaultDefaultTime LeftLot#Lot NameNewestHighest PriceLowest PriceBidsViews Filter By Categories Category match ANY of the aboveALL of the aboveANY of the aboveANY of the aboveALL of the above Featured Exclude closed lots Price Lot Number Results: Viewing items 301-400 of 751. Previous|12345678|Next View Lot 301 Aerophilately & Flight Covers : October 1934 (AAMC.451a) MacRobertson Air Race cover flown by J.H Wright and J. Polando from Mildenhall to Abadan with large cachet signed by Wright, G.B 1½d cancelled at Mildenhall Aerodrome (skeleton c.d.s, Oct. 20) and Persia 30d cancelled at Abadan, posted to Utica New York with arrival backstamp. 179 Covers flown to Abadan, but 110 of these were destroyed. Wright and Polando withdrew from the race at Calcutta due to engine trouble. SymbolC View details Estimate$400 - $500Price Realized$480StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 302 Aerophilately & Flight Covers : AUSTRALIA: Aerophilately & Flight Covers: "The Last Flight of the Southern Cross": 18 July 1935 (AAMC.514, 515, 516e&f) collection comprising low-numbered covers #3 and #14 each bearing an imperforate or a perforated special vignette, both covers signed by all seven personnel aboard this historic short flight from Mascot to Richmond, namely pilots Charles Kingsford Smith and P.G.Taylor, who were accompanied by Mary Kingsford Smith, John Stannage, Beau Shiel, John SymbolC ** View details Estimate$2,400 - $2,800Price Realized$1,900StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 303 Aerophilately & Flight Covers : 16 Dec.1936 (AAMC.664-696) Brisbane - Adelaide South Australian Centenary Air Race, the complete set of 33 covers individually prepared for each competitor in their respective aircraft including the Civil Aviation Department's Monospar piloted by Flt Lieut D Ross (AAMC.695) & the "Herald" Percival Monospar Gull (AAMC.696) piloted by Capt. P.G. Taylor, who both flew as officials not competitors, plus the unlisted cover prepared for CA Butler who was unable to compe SymbolC View details Estimate$5,000 - $7,500StatusCLOSED! Lot 304 Aerophilately & Flight Covers : AUSTRALIA: Aerophilately & Flight Covers: THE BRISBANE - ADELAIDE AIR RACE of DECEMBER 1936: 16-18 Dec.1936 (AAMC.666) Flown cover, carried and signed by C.D. Pratt and R.T. Vincent, entrants No.35 who flew a Klemm Eagle Monoplane. [One of only 18 covers carried]. Cat.$275 SymbolC View details Estimate$180 - $220StatusCLOSED! Lot 305 Aerophilately & Flight Covers : AUSTRALIA: Aerophilately & Flight Covers: Australian Aerophilately - THE BRISBANE - ADELAIDE AIR RACE of DECEMBER 193616-18 Dec.1936 (AAMC.675) Flown cover, carried and signed by A.H. Tweedle, entrant No.23 who flew an Avro Avian "Gannett". [One of only 18 covers carried]. Cat.$275 SymbolC View details Estimate$180 - $220StatusCLOSED! Lot 306 Aerophilately & Flight Covers : AUSTRALIA: Aerophilately & Flight Covers: Dec.1941 large-part distressed airmail cover-front to England with KGVI 3d x2 - singed, a third missing - tied by 'AIF FIELD PO/NO 24' cds in use at Hama in Lebanon (Proud "Not Seen€), endorsed "Accidentally Burned/ in Transit/28.12.41 [initials]", remnants of four British PO repair labels. [On 27.12.1941, a bag of mail was damaged in transit between FPO 24 & FPO 21 at Rayak in Syria. This new discovery is believed to be SymbolC View details Estimate$500 - $750Price Realized$400StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 307 Aerophilately & Flight Covers : 18 & 23 Dec.1942 (AAMC.950 & 951) Sydney - Mornington Island and Brisbane - Mornington Island Qantas Christmas mail covers, flown and signed by Captain W.H. Crowther and dropped by parachute over the island; both with special vignettes and signed verso by the Officer in Charge. (2). SymbolC View details Estimate$250 - $300StatusCLOSED! Lot 308 Aerophilately & Flight Covers : 13 Mar. 1954 (AAMC.1337) BOAC "Belfast" Singapore crash covers to England; one bearing the 2/- Royal Visit from HOBART; the other with 4 x 6d Kookas from MELBOURNE. Both covers with boxed red "SALVAFGED MAIL" cachet. Cat.$200. SymbolC View details Estimate$150 - $200StatusCLOSED! Lot 309 Postal History : 1930 commercial airmail cover to Yalbalgo Station, Carnarvon with attractive KGV franking of SMult P13½x12½ 5d Brown pair & single and ½d orange pair, all tied by PERTH '4NO30' datestamps. Fine condition. [The rate was 2d per oz + airmail fee of 3d per ½oz for a total weight of 2oz.] SymbolC View details Estimate$240 - $280Price Realized$200StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 311 AUSTRALIAN PICTURE POSTCARDS : 1900s-early 2000s accumulation majority Australian with earl 1900s topographicals, 1940s-50s photographic booklets incl. of Healesville, Hepburn Springs and Swan Hill, 1900s-20s showing Melbourne landmarks & buildings, 1970s-90s Melbourne & Sydney streetscapes and views, plus South Australia & Tasmania scenic types, modern Qantas & Ansett types, also real-photo types, plus scads of reprints or modern photographs of older postcards. Heaps to view. (100s) SymbolC View details Estimate$100 - $200Price Realized$220StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 312 AUSTRALIAN PICTURE POSTCARDS : POSTAL CARDS - GREAT WHITE FLEET: 'VISIT OF THE UNITED STATES FLEET' unstamped formular Postal Cards inscribed at base 'TO/SYDNEY' (unused) or 'TO/MELBOURNE' (2, unused & used 1909 Brunswick to SA); fine condition. (3) Officially distributed as unstamped cards to allow sailors to post the cards from any port-of-call. SymbolC View details Estimate$150 - $200Price Realized$100StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 313 AUSTRALIAN PICTURE POSTCARDS - Victoria : VICTORIA WELCOMES/THE AMERICAN FLEET': 1908 complete set of 12 cards, few blemishes ("Clerk's Home", corner fault), generally good to fine. (12) SymbolC View details Estimate$200 - $300Price Realized$180StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 314 AUSTRALIAN PICTURE POSTCARDS - Victoria : VICTORIA WELCOMES/THE AMERICAN FLEET': 1908 incomplete set [11/12], with some cards dupilcated, mixed condition.(23) SymbolC View details Estimate$150 - $200Price Realized$140StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 315 1850s-1913 ex-dealer's stock, mostly used later period, on Hagners with NSW incl. Sydney Views 1d forgery & defective 3d, imperf 6d Diadems (2), perforated (6d) Registered; Queensland with Large Chalons to £1 including nice 10/- SG.311 with 'REGISTERED/BRISBANE' cds, Tasmania with perforated Chalons Symbol* O View details Estimate$200 - $300Price Realized$440StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 316 AUSTRALIAN COLONIES & STATES - General & Miscellaneous Lots : OFFICIALS: Perf 'OS' range with NSW (15) to 4d Cook & 6d orange; Tasmania Pictorials (21) including Crown/A P.12½ 4d (2) plus 1d & 2d array for various printings/perfs; Victoria 1901-13 (40) to 1/- including 9d (2) and mint 1½d (2); also South Australia (13) to 5d; condition variable. (Total: 89) Symbol* O View details Estimate$200 - $250StatusCLOSED! Lot 317 Postage Dues (New South Wales) : 1891-97 (between SG.D1 - D10) ½d - 20/- green, various perfs, CTO (no gum). (10). BW.Cat.$650. View details Estimate$300 - $350StatusCLOSED! Lot 318 Postage Dues (New South Wales) : 1891-97 range of (17) stamps, all overprinted "Specimen" (1891) or "SPECIMEN" (1892), comprising ½d, 1d, 2d, 3d (2), 4d (2), 6d (2), 8d (2), 5/- (2), 10/- (2) & 20/- (2); all different; mainly fine. BW cat. approx. $1350. SymbolS* View details Estimate$500 - $600Price Realized$400StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 319 Postage Dues (New South Wales) : March 1896 usage of 1d Due on underpaid incoming US 1c Postal Card from New York with VANCOUVER transit verso; also, May 1903 usage of 2d Due on cover from Brisbane via Sydney (where a ½d QV has been affixed) ; various markings. (2 items).for redirection to Austria SymbolC View details Estimate$200 - $250StatusCLOSED! Lot 320 NEW SOUTH WALES - Postal Stationery : POSTAL CARDS - GREAT WHITE FLEET: (H&G #35) 1½d blue Fleet Card 1908 (Sep.17) postal use from Sydney to Glenelg (SA). Rarest of all the Fleet Cards. Very few used examples are recorded. SymbolPS View details Estimate$500 - $750StatusCLOSED! Lot 321 NEW SOUTH WALES - Postal History : 1879 (Dec.23) "GARDEN PALACE N.S.W. 991" postmarks tieing 6d + 3d adhesives on cover to Germany with arrival b.s.The post office at the Sydney Exhibition building was open for seven months, closing in January 1880. Only two other examples of the postmark on cover are recorded, both used as backstamps. SymbolC View details Estimate$500 - $750StatusCLOSED! Lot 322 NEW SOUTH WALES - Postal History : NEW SOUTH WALES - Postal History: 1903 (JY 14) usage of 5d + 2�d adheisves, both perforated "JS/S" on cover from Sydney to the Jaluit Gesellschaft, Hamburg, with arrival backstamp. SymbolC View details Estimate$150 - $200Price Realized$120StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 323 QUEENSLAND - Postal Stationery : POSTAL CARDS - WILLIAM BELL ESSAY: 1880 ½d unissued Reply Postal Card Essay in Black utilising the unissued ½d stamp design of William Bell (void background, corrected 'Q' in 'QUEENSLAND'), with impressions at both the upper-left and upper-right corners of the card, manuscript endorsement on upper edge “Essay 1880”, the address panel divided with headings 'NAME & ADDRESS OF PERSON TO WHOM SENT' at left and 'NAME & ADDRESS OF SENDER' at right, SymbolE PS View details Estimate$6,000 - $8,000StatusCLOSED! Lot 324 QUEENSLAND - Postal Stationery : POSTAL CARDS: ½d William Bell Essay in orange with vertically-lined background and Reversed 'Q' of QUEENSLAND', on ungummed watermarked paper, marginal example from top of the sheet. SymbolE PS View details Estimate$200 - $250Price Realized$150StatusSold Lot 325 QUEENSLAND - Postal Stationery : POSTAL CARDS: Void Background ½d William Bell Essay in carmine-pink, with corrected 'Q' of QUEENSLAND', on ungummed watermarked paper (adhered to thick card), diagonal 'SPECIMEN' handstamp in blue. SymbolE PS View details Estimate$180 - $220Price Realized$180StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 326 QUEENSLAND - Postal Stationery : POSTAL CARDS: ½d William Bell Essay Se-Tenant Pair in rose-red with void or lined background, both units with Reversed 'Q' of 'QUEENSLAND', on ungummed, unwatermarked paper. Only example known. Ex Besancon. SymbolE PS View details Estimate$600 - $800StatusCLOSED! Lot 327 QUEENSLAND - Postal Stationery : POSTAL CARDS: 1880 1d unissued Postal Card Essay in Black with two impressions of the First Sideface 1d Die I in the upper-left or upper-right corners of the card, with identical wording on the face and reverse to the ½d Postal Card essay (see lot 1). Only 3 recorded. Ex R.A. Butler. SymbolE PS View details Estimate$8,000 - $10,000StatusCLOSED! Lot 328 QUEENSLAND - Postal Stationery : POSTAL CARDS: near final Proof of the issued 1d Postal Card in carmine, only lacking the positional lines above and below the heading which were a feature of the issued card. Only known example. SymbolP PS View details Estimate$4,000 - $6,000StatusCLOSED! Lot 329 QUEENSLAND - Postal Stationery : POSTAL CARDS: Perkins Bacon Die Proof of Chalon Head vignette used in the 1880 Postal Card design, on thick ungummed, unwatermarked wove paper. Ex Perkins Bacon Archives. SymbolP View details Estimate$800 - $1,200StatusCLOSED! Lot 330 QUEENSLAND - Postal Stationery : POSTAL CARDS: 1880-86 (H&G #1-3) range of issued 1d Cards with handstamped 'SPECIMEN' (3), two diagonally in violet or blue for UPU, the other horizontally in black from Printer's Book (only 3 recorded), also various shades unused (6) and used (8) including earliest recorded date of use 1880 (Nov.19) from Toowoomba to Brisbane, also 1886 Jondaryan to Toowoomba, 1887 to Brisbane with BN '233' cancel & 'TPO S&WR' datestamp; few with aging, generally fine. (17 items SymbolPS S View details Estimate$300 - $400Price Realized$260StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 331 QUEENSLAND - Postal Stationery : POSTAL CARDS: (H&G #1),1881 (Mar.25) use of 1d Postal Card (vertical fold) from Brisbane with multiple redirections within Australia, thence to South Africa, a non-UPU member country, with 'POST CARDS TO THIS ADDRESS/CANNOT BE FORWARDED' handstamp applied in London, subsequently returned to Australia; also 1895 (Mar.15) use of 1d Card from Warwick to Portugal uprated ½d for the 1½d rate for delivery to UPU member countries, Queensland having SymbolPS View details Estimate$300 - $450StatusCLOSED! Lot 332 QUEENSLAND - Postal Stationery : POSTAL CARDS: (H&G #1) 1d Postal Card usage selection comprising 1886 (Mar.23) Ipswich to Hochkirch (Vic) not uprated for interstate transit so taxed with oval '3d/MORE TO PAY' handstamp applied; 1889 Rockhampton uprated to 2d letter rate with 1d added & tied by Bars '447' cancel, printed notice on reverse for sale of 'IMPROVED PASTORAL PROPERTY' in Rockhampton district; 1894 (Nov.22) Ipswich to America at 1½d rate (stamp removed) with BRISBANE transit SymbolPS View details Estimate$300 - $400Price Realized$220StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 333 QUEENSLAND - Postal Stationery : POSTAL CARDS: (H&G #1) 1882 (Jun.19) use of 1d Postal Card from Bogantungan to South Australia, taxed as deemed invalid for interstate use, taxed at 2d double deficiency with boxed 'INSUFFICIENTLY/PRE-PAID' handstamp applied. The 1d Postal Card rate was not introduced to the Australian Colonies until January 1887 so 1d Postal Cards sent interstate prior to this date were treated as short paid & taxed accordingly. SymbolPS View details Estimate$80 - $120StatusCLOSED! Lot 334 QUEENSLAND - Postal Stationery : POSTAL CARDS: 1888 (H&G #4) 1d Postal Card assembly comprising UPU specimen examples (2), one with diagonal 'SPECIMEN' handstamp in black, the other with BRISBANE 'JY29/91' CTO cancel; also used examples (8) incl. 1890 Townsville to Cooktown, 1892 uprated to Germany with 'TOO LATE' handstamp and ROSEWOOD Type 3c departure datestamp (rated 3R) & Bars '184' cancel tying the card, 1898 Toowoomba to Mt Gambier, SymbolPS S CTO View details Estimate$200 - $300Price Realized$200StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 335 QUEENSLAND - Postal Stationery : POSTAL CARDS: (H&G #4) 1888 (Oct.16) use of 1d Postal Card (horizontal fold) to London, not uprated so taxed for deficiency with manuscript "Def Postage 1d/Fine 2d} 3d" marking and bold strike of '3D/620' handstamp, Rays '128' cancel with HEMMANT Type 3a datestamp beneath (rated 4R), WOOLLOONGABBA & BRISBANE transits & LONDON S.W. arrival datestamp. SymbolPS View details Estimate$80 - $120StatusCLOSED! Lot 336 QUEENSLAND - Postal Stationery : POSTAL CARDS: (H&G #4) 1896 (Sep.11) use of 1d Postal Card uprated with ½d for transit to Jamaica tied by Bars '386' with fine strike of KILKIVAN JUNCTION Type 3c datestamp (rated R) alongside, dated message on reverse, BRISBANE & FOREIGN N.Y. (New York) transits and KINGSTON arrival datestamp. The only known commercially used example to this destination. SymbolPS View details Estimate$80 - $120Price Realized$70StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 337 QUEENSLAND - Postal Stationery : POSTAL CARDS: (H&G #4) 1898 (July 30) use of 1d Postal Card to Hong Kong, uprated with 1d to pay foreign postcard rate, tied by BRISBANE duplex, HONG KONG 'AU30' arrival datestamp, printed notice on reverse for Union Bank of Australia. The only known commercially used example to this destination. SymbolPS View details Estimate$150 - $200StatusCLOSED! Lot 338 QUEENSLAND - Postal Stationery : POSTAL CARDS: (H&G #5) 1888 2d Postal Cards comprising UPU example with diagonal 'SPECIMEN' handstamp in blue, unused, and used (2) with 1890 (Jan 12) Toowoomba to England and 1891 (May 22) to England with Type 3a THURSDAY ISLAND departure datestamp (rated 3R). Used examples are rare in the correct period of usage. (4) SymbolPS S View details Estimate$300 - $400StatusCLOSED! Lot 339 QUEENSLAND - Postal Stationery : .POSTAL CARDS: (H&G #5-6) 1890 (May 7) postal use of 2d Card from Cooktown to Germany, taxed on arrival, this being the only recorded use of the 2d Card to Germany; also UPU 3d specimen examples (2), one with diagonal 'SPECIMEN' handstamp in violet, the other with BRISBANE 'MY19/92' CTO cancel. (3) No used examples of the 2d or 3d Cards, taxed at origin in Queensland, are known. SymbolPS View details Estimate$180 - $240Price Realized$200StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 340 QUEENSLAND - Postal Stationery : POSTAL CARDS: (H&G #6) UPU 3d Specimen examples (2), both with diagonal 'SPECIMEN' handstamp in blue (one inverted); also an unused card and 1889 (Oct.21) postally used example from Brisbane to England with LONDON backstamp in red. (4) The Postcard rate was reduced to 2d, via any route, in May 1891, thus negating the purpose of 3d Card. Of the 10,942 cards printed only 2,780 were sold. Only 10 are known correctly used within the period to May 1891. SymbolPS S View details Estimate$150 - $200Price Realized$280StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 341 QUEENSLAND - Postal Stationery : POSTAL CARDS: (H&G #6) postally used examples of the 3d Postal Card, correctly used within the period of usage to UK destinations, comprising 1889 (Oct.21) Brisbane to London, 1890 (Mar.23) Mackay to Hereford, & 1890 (Aug.2) Brisbane to Scotland endorsed "Via San Francisco". (3) Only 10 cards are known correctly used within the period of usage to May 1891, when the rate was cut to 2d. SymbolPS View details Estimate$350 - $500StatusCLOSED! Lot 342 QUEENSLAND - Postal Stationery : POSTAL CARDS: (H&G #7) 1891 1d Reply Postal Cards perf. 6 Type 'A' (2) Carmine on Coarse Cream or on Surfaced Buff Card, and Type 'B' Carmine on Coarse Cream Card; all fine unused. (3) SymbolPS View details Estimate$200 - $250Price Realized$160StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 343 QUEENSLAND - Postal Stationery : POSTAL CARDS: (H&G #7) Range of 1891 Types 'A' to 'G' 1d Reply Postal Cards including postally used (15) including 1897 (May 11) to Sydney with weak strike of Type 3c DOWNFALL CREEK departure datestamp (rated 4R), 1903 uprated from Rockhampton to Presteigne, Radnorshire, England, 1911 (Apr.25) use of Reply Half to remote Tola in Southern Nigeria with GARUA (Cameroons) transit datestamp and a Type 5a HATTON VALE departure datestamp (rated 4R); other destinations i SymbolPS S CTO View details Estimate$1,000 - $1,300StatusCLOSED! Lot 344 QUEENSLAND - Postal Stationery : POSTAL CARDS: (H&G #7) 1d Reply Postal Cards rare uprated usages comprising 1900 (Nov.29) Thursday Island to Holland with card and the added ½d tied by fine Rays '148' cancels; also 1907 (Aug.24) with card and added ½d adhesive tied by BUNDABERG '148' duplex. Rare duo. (2) SymbolPS View details Estimate$300 - $400StatusCLOSED! Lot 345 QUEENSLAND - Postal Stationery : POSTAL CARDS: (H&G #8) 1891 UPU 1½d Reply Postal Card selection, representing the 4 different die settings recorded by Collas, comprising mint (4), and used (7) with 1899 Thursday Island to Japan, plus other destinations including Argentina, India, Netherlands, Russia & Sweden; condition a little variable, mostly fine. (11) SymbolPS View details Estimate$500 - $750StatusCLOSED! Lot 346 QUEENSLAND - Postal Stationery : POSTAL CARDS: (H&G #8) 1891 UPU 1½d Postal Card chocolate on buff stock, with italicised 'Specimen' handstamp in violet, from the Printer's book; light vertical bends. SymbolPS S View details Estimate$150 - $250Price Realized$140StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 347 QUEENSLAND - Postal Stationery : POSTAL CARDS:1891 UPU 1½d Reply Postal Card set of 6 Government Printer Essays on buff card comprising Message Halves in green, bistre or black, all roughly separated by hand, and Reply Halves in carmine, brown or salmon, all machine cut, each Card with inscription at lower left 'The annexed Card is intended for the answer./(Le Carte jointe est destinie a la response).' Rare assembly. (6) SymbolE PS View details Estimate$6,000 - $8,000StatusCLOSED! Lot 348 QUEENSLAND - Postal Stationery : POSTAL CARDS:1891 UPU 1½d Reply Postal Card set of Government Printer Essays on buff card comprising Message Half in dull violet and Reply Halves in bright violet, green, or brown, each endorsed "Essay 1891" in the upper left corner; some light adhesions on reverse (4). SymbolE PS View details Estimate$4,000 - $6,000StatusCLOSED! Lot 349 QUEENSLAND - Postal Stationery : POSTAL CARDS: (H&G #9) 1891 UPU 1½d Reply Postal Card Types 1 to 3 range comprising unused (5) & used (6) including "Deformed 'R'" flaws unused (4) and used (2); plus the only known examples of Reply Halves used 1897 Rockhampton to Prussia (with 'REPLY' scored-through) and 1905 Brisbane to Austria; condition a tad variable. (11). SymbolPS View details Estimate$300 - $400StatusCLOSED! Lot 350 QUEENSLAND - Postal Stationery : POSTAL CARDS: 1911 1d Postal Card Proof in Black showing the issued Four Corners 1d stamp design, with admonition in Italics 'The Address only to be written on this side' beneath 'COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA', additional instructions at lower left "Date stamp on reverse side.]". Unique! SymbolP PS View details Estimate$1,800 - $2,200StatusCLOSED! Lot 351 QUEENSLAND - Postal Stationery : POSTAL CARDS: 1911 1d Postal Card Essay in Blue showing an unissued 1d stamp design, with admonition in Italics 'The Address only to be written on this side' beneath 'COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA', additional instructions "Date stamp on reverse side.]" at lower left. SymbolE PS View details Estimate$1,500 - $1,800Price Realized$1,300StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 352 QUEENSLAND - Postal Stationery : POSTAL CARDS: 1911 1d Four Corners stamp design, with admonition in italics 'The Address only to be written on this side' added as the Fourth Line of Heading, on cream stock, two examples, one unused and the other addressed to Sydney (no postal markings); age spotting on the latter. Unlisted by Higgins & Gage. The only known examples. (2) SymbolPS View details Estimate$1,200 - $1,500StatusCLOSED! Lot 353 QUEENSLAND - Postal Stationery : POSTAL CARDS: 1911 1d Four Corners stamp design, with admonition in italics 'The Address only to be written on this side' added as the Fourth Line of Heading, on white stock, two examples, one unused and the other postally used from Gatton to Orlo Smith in Melbourne, being the only recorded used example. Less than four unused cards are recorded. Unlisted by Higgins & Gage. (2) SymbolPS View details Estimate$1,500 - $1,800StatusCLOSED! Lot 354 QUEENSLAND - Postal Stationery : POSTAL CARDS: (H&G #17) 1911 1d Four Corners stamp design with printed 'ADDRESS' below header, unused and used examples with or without "Underline beneath 'W' of 'COMMONWEALTH'". (4) SymbolPS View details Estimate$120 - $160Price Realized$80StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 355 QUEENSLAND - Postal Stationery : POSTAL CARDS: (H&G #17) 1911 1d Four Corners stamp design with printed 'ADDRESS' below header study group including rare example on cream-surfaced stock unused (only recorded example), UPU specimen example with 'BRISBANE/JY27/11' CTO cancel and another with 'COLLECTION/DE/BERNE/MADAGASCAR' specimen cachet; used examples including 1911 Townsville to Japan; various printings, settings or card thicknesses represented. (14 items) SymbolS PS View details Estimate$340 - $380Price Realized$280StatusSold Lot 356 QUEENSLAND - Postal Stationery : POSTAL CARDS: (H&G #18) 1911 1d Four Corners stamp design, with printed 'ADDRESS' removed, on cream stock, comprising unused and used (3) including 1911 uprated from Townsville to Kobe, Japan. (4 items) SymbolPS View details Estimate$200 - $240StatusCLOSED! Lot 357 QUEENSLAND - Postal Stationery : POSTAL CARDS: 1910-11 (H&G #17-18) 1d Postal Cards (3) uprated by Post Office in 1915 to meet a shortage of 1½d Cards, comprising Without 'ADDRESS' & With 'ADDRESS' (KGV ½d Green added), both unused, plus Without 'ADDRESS' with Qld ½d added, postally used from Albion to Germany. (3) SymbolPS View details Estimate$140 - $180Price Realized$100StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 358 QUEENSLAND - Postal Stationery : POSTAL CARDS: (H&G #19) 1911 1d Four Corners stamp design, Dividing Line on address side with 'A.J. CUMMING. GOVT PRINTER' imprint alongside, without a view on reverse and rare thus. Only 3 or 4 examples recorded. SymbolPS View details Estimate$800 - $1,000StatusCLOSED! Lot 359 QUEENSLAND - Postal Stationery : POSTAL CARDS: (H&G #19) 1911 1d Four Corners stamp design, Dividing Line on address side with 'A.J. CUMMING. GOVT PRINTER' imprint alongside, without view on reverse; postally used with 'TPO 4 S&W RLY/DOWN/29DE10' datestamp and 'UNCLAIMED/BRISBANE' oval datestamp. The only known used example. SymbolPS View details Estimate$1,600 - $2,400Price Realized$1,200StatusSold Lot 360 QUEENSLAND - Postal Stationery : POSTAL CARDS - OFFICIAL: 1909 Perf 'OS' Official Postal Cards printed for the Department of Lands utilising the design of the 1d Letter Card (example included), comprising 1910 used examples to Sydney or to Normanton, the latter with a missing puncture hole. Only four cards have been recorded. (3 items) SymbolPS View details Estimate$1,500 - $1,800Price Realized$1,300StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 361 QUEENSLAND - Postal Stationery : POSTAL CARDS - OFFICIAL: 1912 1d Official Post Card unpunctured Essay prepared for the Surveyor-General's Office with the intention of perforating the indicia 'OS' when issued. The essay has been utilized by the Survey Office as a receipt notice and postally used in 1912 (Sep.24) between Brisbane and Bowen. Only known example. SymbolE PS View details Estimate$1,200 - $1,600StatusCLOSED! Lot 362 QUEENSLAND - Postal Stationery : POSTAL CARDS - OFFICIAL: 1912 1d Official Post Card punctured Essay with printed 'ADDRESS' below the header, prepared for the Department of Public Lands and utilized by them as an advice notice, the card tied by BRISBANE 5 Nov 1915 machine cancel; corner crease and some age spots. The only known example. View details Estimate$1,200 - $1,600StatusCLOSED! Lot 363 QUEENSLAND - Postal Stationery : POSTAL CARDS - OFFICIAL: 1912 Four Corners 1d perforated 'OS' for the Department of Public Lands in 1913, comprising 1913 (Oct.8) and 1914 (Jul.14) usages, both used locally with BRISBANE Krag machine cancels, the former being the earliest recorded date of use; also a perf 'OS' cut-out and an unpunctured card with same text setting but with 'A' of 'ADDRESS' under 'O' of 'OF' (punctured cards have 'A' of 'ADDRESS' under gap between 'O' & 'F'); fine condition. (4 i SymbolPS View details Estimate$1,500 - $2,500Price Realized$1,200StatusSold Lot 364 QUEENSLAND - Postal Stationery : POSTAL CARDS - OFFICIAL: 1917 1d Official Post Card Kangaroo Design with 'OS' in colourless dots (Type 2, 12 dots 'O', 11 dots 'S') for Department of Public Lands, printed 'ADDRESS' below the header, used to Maryborough in 1917 (Jul.2) with BRISBANE machine cancel; some creasing/wrinkling at left. The only known example. SymbolPS View details Estimate$500 - $750Price Realized$800StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 365 QUEENSLAND - Postal Stationery : POSTAL CARDS - PTPO: 1912 Four Corners 1d in Vermilion on off-white card for user Alfred Shaw & Co (Brisbane), printed advice on reverse, used in 1911 (Feb.22) from Stanthorpe to Gympie. Only 8 PTPO postcards known, other recorded user is Burns, Philp & Co. SymbolPS View details Estimate$160 - $220Price Realized$120StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 366 QUEENSLAND - Postal Stationery : POSTAL CARDS - WITH REPLY: (H&G #20) 1910 UPU 1d Four Corners stamp design, Dividing Line on address sides, comprising unused, specimen example with 'COLLECTION/DE/BERNE/MADAGASCAR' cachet on both halves, plus two rare commercially used examples, one being the only recorded use of a Reply Half. (4 items). SymbolS PS View details Estimate$650 - $750StatusCLOSED! Lot 367 POSTAL CARDS - WITH REPLY: (H&G #20) 1910 UPU 1d Four Corners stamp design selection comprising unused example uprated with ½d Roo, 1912 (Nov.19) uprated with NSW ½d for transit to USA; also 1912 (Sep.2) used from Brisbane to Maryborough, with message on front and back of card, as permitted under regulations. (3) SymbolPS View details Estimate$120 - $180StatusCLOSED! Lot 368 QUEENSLAND - Postal Stationery : POSTAL CARDS - WITH REPLY: (H&G #21) 1910 UPU 1½d Reply Postal Cards comprising unused, specimen examples (2), one a Reply Half with BRISBANE CTO cancel the other an Outward Half with 'COLLECTION/DE/BERNE/MADAGASCAR' cachet, plus a 1911 (Sep.29) use of Reply Half from Albion to Bavaria, being the only recorded non-philatelic use of a Reply Half. (4 items) The used card alone previously sold for $1380 (incl. comms) at a May 2008 Melbourne auction. SymbolS PS View details Estimate$750 - $1,000StatusCLOSED! Lot 369 QUEENSLAND - Postal Stationery : POSTAL CARDS - WITH REPLY: (H&G #21) 1910 UPU 1½d Reply Postal Cards used (3) comprising 1912 (Nov. 27) rare commercially used example from Brisbane to London; also 1913 (Mar. 5) Brisbane to Germany and 1913 (Nov.2) Maryborough to Germany (outward half only). (3 items) Only 5000 were printed, and usage was extremely limited, Collas states "used copies...are particularly difficult to obtain". In fact the vendor has recorded only 3 genuine commercial SymbolPS View details Estimate$500 - $750StatusCLOSED! Lot 370 QUEENSLAND - Postal Stationery : POSTAL CARDS (VIEWS): 1898 1d 'Jubilee Portrait' Post Card Essay Proof on green stock with stamp in the design of the issued ½d adhesive but with Jubilee dates '1837' & '1897' included in the lower corners, the view captioned 'Barron River, Cairns Railway' with 'View from the Barron' on the negative, accompanied by unused copy of the issued 1d Four Corners card. Unique. Ex R. A. Butler. (2 items) SymbolE PS View details Estimate$4,000 - $5,000StatusCLOSED! Lot 371 QUEENSLAND - Postal Stationery : POSTAL CARDS (VIEWS): 1898 1d Four Corners Post Card Essay Proof on thick green stock (pen line through stamp), uncaptioned image of 'Bullock-ploughing, Darling Downs'; accompanied by the issued Medallion Portrait 1½d denomination showing the same image (captioned), unused, and used in 1899 from Brisbane to Denmark. (3) SymbolE PS View details Estimate$3,000 - $4,000StatusCLOSED! Lot 372 QUEENSLAND - Postal Stationery : POSTAL CARDS (VIEWS): (H&G #10) 1898 1d Medallion Design with Two-Line Header, and Squared-Corners to Views, with unused (2) "South Brisbane and Coal Wharves" & "Charleville, S.and W. Railway" and 1898 postal usages (3) comprising "Mulgrave River, North Queensland" from Hughenden to Fairlight with 1d Railway Stamp added, "South Brisbane and Coal Wharves" from Gladstone to Launceston, "Charleville, S. and W. Railway" from Toowoomba to Brisbane; odd blemish, mostl SymbolPS View details Estimate$260 - $300Price Realized$200StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 373 QUEENSLAND - Postal Stationery : POSTAL CARDS (VIEWS): (H&G #10) 1898 1d Medallion Design with Two-Line Header, and Curved-Corners to Views, with unused (2) "Parliament Hose, Brisbane" & "Vineyard, Nudgee" and 1899-1902 postal usages (5), comprising views "Parliament Hose, Brisbane" (2), "Corner Queen and Edward Streets, Brisbane", "Glengallan Station, near Warwick" and Arrowroot Field, Pimpama", the latter with advertising on the face for Albert E Harte (Sharebroker) contrary to Postal Act, SymbolPS View details Estimate$260 - $300StatusCLOSED! Lot 374 QUEENSLAND - Postal Stationery : POSTAL CARDS (VIEWS): 1898 1½d Medallion Design Stamp Die Proof in black for Postal Card, on ungummed, unwatermarked wove paper. The only example known. SymbolP PS View details Estimate$1,000 - $1,250Price Realized$750StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 375 QUEENSLAND - Postal Stationery : POSTAL CARDS (VIEWS): 1898 1½d Medallion Portrait Post Card Essay Proof on thick pale blue-green stock, captioned image of 'Loading Cane at North Isis Sugar Mill'; plus the issued design unused, and used in 1904 from Brisbane to Germany. Ex R. A. Butler. (3 items) SymbolE PS View details Estimate$3,000 - $4,000StatusCLOSED! Lot 376 POSTAL CARDS (VIEWS): 1898 1½d Medallion Portrait Post Card Essay Proof on blue-green stock, captioned image of 'Pineapple Field'; plus the issued design registered in 1900 (Jan.11) to England with 3d added, being the only known example of a registered card. Ex R. A. Butler. (2) It was never intended that Postal Cards be available for registration however no specific provision was made in the 1891 Regulations to prevent or prohibit such use. SymbolE PS View details Estimate$4,000 - $5,000StatusCLOSED! Lot 377 QUEENSLAND - Postal Stationery : POSTAL CARDS (VIEWS): 1898 1½d Medallion Portrait Post Card Essay Proof on thick pale blue-green stock (light age spots), captioned image of 'Cane-field and Selector's House'; plus the issued design used in 1903 from Brisbane to Torino, Italy. Ex R. A. Butler. (2) View details Estimate$3,000 - $4,000StatusCLOSED! Lot 378 QUEENSLAND - Postal Stationery : POSTAL CARDS (VIEWS): 1902 use of 1½d Medallion Portrait Post Card with captioned image of 'A Queensland Schoolhouse' to Belgium, the message headed "Merauke 30-10-02", with fine strike of Rays '147' tying card and 'THURSDAY ISLAND/NO1/1902/QUEENSLAND' datestamp alongside, Brussels arrival datestamp; a few surface marks/abrasions. SymbolPS View details Estimate$1,500 - $1,800StatusCLOSED! Lot 379 QUEENSLAND - Postal Stationery : POSTAL CARDS (VIEWS): (H&G #11) 1898 1½d unused with erroneous caption for image "Charleville, S. & W. Railway", plus corrected examples captioned "Charleville, Terminus of S. and W. Railway", unused and used in 1898 from Brisbane to England. (3) SymbolPS View details Estimate$100 - $150Price Realized$300StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 380 QUEENSLAND - Postal Stationery : POSTAL CARDS (VIEWS): 1904 1d Postal Card sample of card stock, endorsed "This Quality of Card/to be used for/Post Cards" and dated "10.12.03". Ex Abramovich. Tenders were invited for the printing of View Card in 1903, none were accepted, with the printing ultimately carried out at the Government Lithographic Branch, William St, Brisbane. SymbolE PS View details Estimate$300 - $400StatusCLOSED! Lot 381 QUEENSLAND - Postal Stationery : POSTAL CARDS (VIEWS): (H&G #12 & 12a) 1904 Medallion Portrait 1d Chocolate-Brown cards with images of "Botanic Gardens, Brisbane" on poor quality stock as originally issued, and "Glengallan Station, near Warwick" on better quality, whiter card, issued towards the end of the printing; unused. Scarce and underrated. (2) SymbolPS View details Estimate$150 - $200StatusCLOSED! Lot 382 QUEENSLAND - Postal Stationery : POSTAL CARDS (VIEWS): (H&G #12) 1904 Medallion Portrait 1d Essay in black on very poor quality stock with captioned image "Brisbane River from Parliament House"; also the issued card in Chocolate-Brown, also on poor quality stock, unused and used in 1905 from Waterford to Ipswich with weak strike of BN '267' cancel tying card with 'WATERFORD' datestamp alongside (rated 4R). (3) SymbolE PS View details Estimate$600 - $800StatusCLOSED! Lot 383 QUEENSLAND - Postal Stationery : POSTAL CARDS (VIEWS): (H&G #14) 1905 Medallion Portrait 1d Chocolate-Brown ("United Kingdom" added to header of permissible countries for 1d rate) on poor quality stock comprising view "Pineapple Plantation, Nundah, near Brisbane" used 1905 Toowoomba to England; also same view used 1906 Maryborough to Germany uprated with ½d added. (2). SymbolPS View details Estimate$180 - $220StatusCLOSED! Lot 384 QUEENSLAND - Postal Stationery : POSTAL CARDS (VIEWS): (H&G #14) 1905 Medallion Portrait 1d Chocolate-Brown ("United Kingdom" added to header) set of 5 Cards plus 2d Blue Letter Card glued together in overlapping formation with 'COLLECTION/DE/BERNE/MADAGASCAR' UPU Collection specimen cachets applied in rosine. (one piece) SymbolS PS View details Estimate$1,200 - $1,600StatusCLOSED! Lot 385 QUEENSLAND - Postal Stationery : POSTAL CARDS (VIEWS): (H&G #15 & 15a) 1908 Medallion Portrait 1d with amended to 'POST CARD' heading, postal usages of 1d Violet-Brown (3), comprising "Arrowroot Field, Coomera River" used 1906 Monkland to Alberton (SA), "Corner Queen and Edward Streets, Brisbane" used 1906 Brisbane to Singapore, and "Parliament House, Brisbane" used 1907 Miles to Sydney; also 1d Plum & 1d Chestnut Cards both views "Ploughing and Harrowing, Green Hills Farm" SymbolPS View details Estimate$360 - $440Price Realized$260StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 386 QUEENSLAND - Postal Stationery : POSTAL CARDS (VIEWS): (H&G #15 & 15a) 1908 Medallion Portrait 1d with amended to 'POST CARD' heading in various shades, comprising view 'Parliament House" with 60mm 'Commonwealth of Australia' heading (3, one unused) or with 58mm 'Commonwealth of Australia' heading (3, one unused) including 1909 Albion uprated ½d, to the rare destination of German New Guinea; SymbolPS View details Estimate$500 - $750StatusCLOSED! Lot 387 QUEENSLAND - Postal Stationery : POSTAL CARDS (VIEWS) - OFFICIAL: Advice Card 'Proof' for the Department of Public Instruction with black & white view 'A Metropolitan School', without stamp impression, postally used with 'PAID/BRISBANE/29AP15' datestamp, typed address to "State School,Coominya"; some light staining. This is one of the 10 known views recorded on 'PAID' Cards. SymbolP PS View details Estimate$250 - $350Price Realized$200StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 388 QUEENSLAND - Postal Stationery : POSTAL CARDS (VIEWS) - OFFICIAL: 1912 Four Corners 1d red Advice Card for Department of Public Instruction, black & white view 'A School Garden'; BRISBANE '31JUL14' machine cancel. This is one of the 4 known views recorded on 'Stamped' cards. Rare. SymbolPS View details Estimate$1,000 - $2,000StatusCLOSED! Lot 389 QUEENSLAND - Postal Stationery : POSTAL CARDS (VIEWS): 1910 Four Corners View Card Proof on sepia-toned card, "G1579/10" printer's endorsement on reverse, black & white view 'On the Maroochy River, North Coast Railway', 'A.J. CUMMING. GOVT PRINTER' imprint along the dividing line; also the issued card and a second card with view 'Bundaberg from the Water Tower, South Queensland'. The only proof known of this view. (3 items) SymbolP PS View details Estimate$1,600 - $2,400StatusCLOSED! Lot 390 QUEENSLAND - Postal Stationery : POSTAL CARDS (VIEWS): 1910 Four Corners View Card Proof on sepia-toned card, black & white view 'Hauling Cedar, Atherton-Cairns Railway', 'A.J. CUMMING. GOVT PRINTER' imprint along the dividing line; some minor staining. Unrecorded view. Unique! SymbolP PS View details Estimate$2,600 - $3,000StatusCLOSED! Lot 391 QUEENSLAND - Postal Stationery : POSTAL CARDS (VIEWS): 1910 Four Corners View Card Proof on sepia-toned card, black & white view 'Stoney Creek Falls, Cairns Railway - Half Flood', 'A.J. CUMMING. GOVT PRINTER' imprint along the dividing line; some age spotting/staining; also the issued card, unused. The only proof known. (2 items) SymbolP PS View details Estimate$340 - $400Price Realized$400StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 392 POSTAL CARDS (VIEWS): 1910 Four Corners View Card Proof with uncaptioned colour image of 'Hauling Timber, Neurum Creek, South Queensland', 'A.J. CUMMING. GOVT PRINTER' imprint along the dividing line; also the issued card with a captioned black & white image, postally used with 'MARYBOROUGH/AP6/14' datestamp tying the card. This is one of the only two colour proofs known. A great rarity. (2) SymbolP PS View details Estimate$3,600 - $4,600StatusCLOSED! Lot 393 QUEENSLAND - Postal Stationery : POSTAL CARDS (VIEWS): 1910 Four Corners View Card view 'Scene on the Upper Johnstone River, North Queensland', four postally used examples comprising 1911 Red Hill to Howard, Coowonga to Tewantin or Warwick to Allora, the latter with printed advice for Perry Brothers Ltd, plus 1913 Gympie local use with printed notice for Hockley & Co. (4) SymbolPS View details Estimate$300 - $400Price Realized$240StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 394 QUEENSLAND - Postal Stationery : POSTAL CARDS (VIEWS): 1910 Four Corners View Card Proof on sepia-toned card, black & white view 'Barron Falls-Half Flood. Total height 800ft', 'A.J. CUMMING. GOVT PRINTER' imprint along the dividing line; also the issued card and two other cards one with view 'In the Botanic Gardens, Brisbane', the other showing 'Kamerunga State Nursery, Near Cairns, North Queensland,' the latter card (some age staining) with Madagascar specimen cachet. (4 items) SymbolP PS View details Estimate$1,800 - $2,400StatusCLOSED! Lot 395 QUEENSLAND - Postal Stationery : POSTAL CARDS (VIEWS): 1910 Four Corners View Card views comprising 'Bundaberg from the Water Tower, South Queensland' unused, and 'Botanic Gardens, Brisbane, from Parliament House' postally used in 1910 (Dec.19) from Boonah to Burradoo (NSW); few blemishes. (2) SymbolPS View details Estimate$300 - $400Price Realized$240StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 396 QUEENSLAND - Postal Stationery : POSTAL CARDS - FLEET CARDS: 1908 Four Corners 1d Fleet Card Proof in unissued maroon shade, plus an issued NSW Fleet Card and Postal Card showing the text setting & format adopted for the Queensland Card. Previously unrecorded Proof. SymbolP PS View details Estimate$600 - $800StatusCLOSED! Lot 397 QUEENSLAND - Postal Stationery : POSTAL CARDS - FLEET CARDS: 1908 Four Corners 1d Fleet Card unused (2), plus 1908 (Sep.8) overseas postal use from Bundaberg to South Africa and 1908 (Sep.24) Charters Towers local use. (4) SymbolPS View details Estimate$500 - $600StatusCLOSED! Lot 398 QUEENSLAND - Postal Stationery : POSTAL CARDS - FLEET CARDS: 1908 (Aug.27) use of Four Corners 1d Fleet Card from Brisbane to Cleveland, being the earliest recorded date of use, the message entered to the wrong side of the dividing line, contrary to postal regulations, but not taxed; also another card with 1908 (Sep.12) dated message, with no postal markings, as sent under cover as a souvenir. (2 items) SymbolPS View details Estimate$400 - $500StatusCLOSED! Lot 399 QUEENSLAND - Postal Stationery : POSTAL CARDS - PROVISIONAL USE OF SEPARATED REPLY CARDS: (BW:P35) 1917 Four Corners 1d Red Outward Half, "with reply paid" & "The other half is for the reply only" obliterated by the Government Printer J.B.Cooke, undercatalogued at $6000. Only 4 known. A great rarity. SymbolPS View details Estimate$10,000 - $12,000Price Realized$7,500StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 400 QUEENSLAND - Postal Stationery : POSTAL CARDS - PROVISIONAL USE OF SEPARATED REPLY CARDS: (BW:P35) 1917 Four Corners 1d Red Outward Half, "with reply paid" & "The other half is for the reply only" obliterated by the Government Printer J.B.Cooke, printed notice of reverse for 'The Telegraph Newspaper Company', 1917 (Apr.10) postal use from Brisbane to Townsville, Cat. $6000. Only 2 known. Another great rarity. SymbolPS View details Estimate$6,000 - $8,000Price Realized$4,600StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 401 QUEENSLAND - Postal Stationery : POSTAL CARDS - PROVISIONAL USE OF SEPARATED REPLY CARDS: (BW:P36) 1917 Four Corners 1d Red Reply Half, "REPLY" obliterated by the Government Printer J.B.Cooke, printed notice of reverse for 'Elliott Bros' (merchants), 1917 (Aug.25) postal use from Charters Towers to Townsville, Cat. $6000. The only known example! SymbolPS View details Estimate$7,000 - $9,000Price Realized$5,500StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Items per page 102550100100 Previous|12345678|Next Previous 123456784 Next Previous 123456784 Next