Catalogue Click for Auction info Sir Edward Ford Autographs Collection (#5OL) 06/25/2016 7:00 AM AWST - 06/30/2016 2:00 PM AWST Closed Auction Info Lot 3SIR JOSEPH BANKS (1743-1820, British naturalist who took part in Captain James Cook's first great voyage): ALS from Soho Square, London dated Aug.19th 1814. Click image to enlarge PreviousNextSimilar Items Lot closed - Price Realized:$550 Request Condition Report Sir Edward Ford Autographs Collection (#5OL) 06/25/2016 7:00 AM AWST - 06/30/2016 2:00 PM AWST Closed Auction Info Description Description: SIR JOSEPH BANKS (1743-1820, British naturalist who took part in Captain James Cook's first great voyage): ALS from Soho Square, London dated Aug.19th 1814. Categories: Collectables > Autographs (Collectables) Terms and conditions Please note: This auction was held by Mossgreen and is shown on the Leski Auctions website for reference only. Other lots in this sale << < LOT 1 LORD GEORGE ANSON (1697-1762, Admiral): 1745 (30th May) vellum Commission appointing Captain Charles Windham Captain of HMS Duke. Signed by the Commissioners of the Navy - Duke Of Bedford, George Grenville (later Prime Minister), Earl of Sandwich, Henry Legge, Tomas Corbett, Lord Anson & another. Paper seal of admiralty affixed. {A year after Anson's voyage around the world}. LOT 2 AUSTRALIAN AUTOGRAPHS: Collection including Cardinal Gilroy (1896-1977, Archbishop of Sydney, first Australian-born Cardinal) ALS; Robert Lowe (Viscount Sherbrooke, 1811-92, who lived in NSW 1842-50) ALS; H.C."Nugget" Coombs (1906-97, economist) LS; Ada Crossley (1874-1929, Australian singer) ALS. LOT 4 NAPOLEON BONAPARTE (1769-1821): Letterhead "Bonaparte 1e Consul De La Republique", dated 22 Fevrier 1801, signed "Bonaparte" to Gaudin, Minister of Finance, and relates to the death of Coneilleur d"Etat Dufrense. Napoleon asks Gaudin to arrange for a bust of Dufrense to be placed in the hall of the Treasury. LOT 5 NAPOLEON BONAPARTE (1769-1821): 1809 document signed by the initial "N" as Emperor, to General Clarke. {Clarke was one of the most influential and charismatic Franco-Irish generals in the French army during the Napoleonic period. As Minister for War, his role in thwarting the British invasion of the Netherlands in the Walcheren Campaign in 1809, lead to the emperor creating him Duke of Feltre}. > >>