1921 (Dec 19) Derby-Perth #57b intermediate cover flown by Western Australian Airways on first south-bound non-contract service with KGV 5d brown tied 'BROOME/19DE21/WESTN AUSTRALIA' datestamp paying domestic letter rate plus 3d airmail surcharge, carried by Major Brearley and Lt Charles Kingsford-Smith from Broome only the 70 miles to Cape Latouche where the plane made a forced landing due to an oil leak, the further flight cancelled and the plane, crew and mail forwarded to Perth on board the SS Bambra, closed tear at top and back flap missing partly repaired, Cat $1,250. [Eustis states only six covers were flown from Broome to Perth]
Symbol : C
Grade : B
Categories: Stamps & Postal History > COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA > Aerophilately & Flight Covers