Catalogue Click for Auction info Stamps and Postal History (#111MG) Closed Auction Info Lot 802LOCAL STAMPS: Coolgardie Cycle Express 1/- & 2/6d blue, and Camel Postman 6d 2/- & 5/-, very fresh but without gum. (5) Click image to enlarge PreviousNextSimilar Items Lot closed - Price Realized:$320 () Estimate: $300 Request Condition Report Stamps and Postal History (#111MG) Closed Auction Info Description Description: LOCAL STAMPS: Coolgardie Cycle Express 1/- & 2/6d blue, and Camel Postman 6d 2/- & 5/-, very fresh but without gum. (5) Symbol : Ω Grade : a- Categories: Stamps & Postal History > WESTERN AUSTRALIA Terms and conditions Please note: This auction was held by Mossgreen and is shown on the Leski Auctions website for reference only. Other lots in this sale << < LOT 800 OFFICIAL STAMPS: PUNCTURED 'OS': Crown/A Perf 12½ 1d rose-red with the Watermark Sideways BW #W14A marginal block of 13 (5x3, less the first two units) from the base of the sheet, some creasing, unmounted. Unlisted & rare. [The ACSC states that "OS punctures are found only in the rose-red shade with watermark upright, and are very scarce"] LOT 801 REVENUES: 1903 'SUPREME COURT/ONE SHILLING' Surcharge on Long Type W[crown]A Watermark £1 lilac, very lightly mounted, Elsmore Online Cat $1350. LOT 803 1892-1910 five "dead" letters including with oval 'INSPECTOR DEAD LETTER OFFICE' d/s in violet (rare; in use for one month only), or with 'INSPECTOR' removed in blue & in red-purple, one with 5d perf 'WA', also 1893 flapless cover to Guildford (duplex backstamp) with very early & scarce franking of 'ONE PENNY' on 3d pair tied by Perth duplex of FE27/1893, 1/- Electric Telegraph form unused (faults), 1936 'Birthday Greetings' Telegram with very fine 'No 1 STATE MILL VIA MANJIMUP' cds, condition v LOT 804 1846 OHMS outer endorsed "free" & signed "JS Roe/6.5.1846" at lower-left, to "HM Ommanney/Picton" with a fine & clearly legible strike of the worn 'POST OFFICE/[crown]/FREMANTLE' undated handstamp, minor blemishes. [Of superior quality to Dr Cecil Walkley's example on 1848 entire sold at the Prestige auction of 27.11.2010 for $9200. At the Prestige sale of 8.11.2013 it was acquired by the State Library of Western Australia for $8625] John Septimus Rowe arrived at Sydney in 1817, tasked with com > >>