ADVERTISING: POSTCardS: Mostly British bundle of mainly Topographicals overprinted handstamped or roneo'd on the address side for postCard wholesalers including Owen Meredith, John Thridgould, GW Wilson, Sandle Brothers, Rock Bros (including a discounted Card!) or the German firm Gustav Liersch; others soliciting original business including a marvellous real photo Card for FR Hinkins & Son (Alton); another offering Card-stock plus a Wellington & Ward packet with illustrated packet-label & four samples of 'Ordinary Bromide Paper'; then a batch of Cards with various forms of 'SPECIMEN' or 'SAMPLE' overprint or handstamp on the address side - one postally used! - and two Children Comic Cards with blank spaces for the captions; condition a bit mixed but most are fine to very fine & some are superb. Ex Keith Harrison. [One of the most unusual & interesting postCard lots we have ever seen] (75 items)
Symbol : c
Categories: Stamps & Postal History > REST OF THE WORLD - Picture Postcards