Catalogue Click for Auction info The Picture Postcard as Art: Images from the Golden Era (#85MG) Closed Auction Info Lot 55"Moderns" galore crammed into two small cartons. (1000s) Click image to enlarge PreviousNextSimilar Items Lot closed - Price Realized:$20 () Estimate: $100 Request Condition Report The Picture Postcard as Art: Images from the Golden Era (#85MG) Closed Auction Info Description Description: "Moderns" galore crammed into two small cartons. (1000s) Symbol : c Grade : a Categories: Stamps & Postal History > REST OF THE WORLD - General & Miscellaneous Lots Terms and conditions Please note: This auction was held by Mossgreen and is shown on the Leski Auctions website for reference only. Other lots in this sale << < LOT 53 Carton of "Moderns" from around the world. (100s) LOT 54 Attractive collection of mostly Great Britain & New South Wales Cards in three abominable el cheapo photo albums. Some will be retrievable but... 'Nuff said. (180 approx) LOT 56 POSTCard LITERATURE: including "Picture PostCards in Australia" by Cook, "A History of PostCards" by Willoughby, "Naughty PostCards" by Howell, "PostCard Collecting" by Range, five titles by Ronnie Barker, "NSW...Bulletin" 1990-97 & 2001-07 hardbound in 5 volumes, & a couple of others. (17) LOT 57 ADVERTISING: Mostly British & American Cards for alcohol & other beverages including an unusually stout (pardon the pun) set of 6 "My Goodness - My Guiness", Cadbury Chocolate x6, Pears' Soap x3, "Girls Own" Magazine x6, French Neerlando-American Line Card, political campaign Card, "Montana Bill" promotional Card, Australia mostly post-WWII x8 but including early Wertheim Pianos x2 & 1924 Bridestowe Lavender Farm (Tas), etc, condition rather variable but many are fine to very fine. Ex Bronte Wat > >>