The balance of Keith Harrison's display pages with many better British items including early Postal Cards with illustrated advertisements plus ½d with 1891 & 1893 Eddystone Lighthouse Exhibition illustrations & commemorative datestamps, Joseph Myers & Co c.1870s illustrated envelope with fold-out pictorial insert, 1840s illustrated letterheads "Goodrich Castle" & "Abergavenny from the Usk Road" plus three later types & Albert Gray comic envelope all unused, four Cards of different churches all claiming to be the smallest in England!, five "hold to the light Cards", etc, WWI-period Cards with "Made in Germany" obliterated, etc, also European items including early illustrated Postal Cards from Italy, French Card of "M Léon Besnardeau/Inventeur de la 1re Carte postale francaise illustrée de 1870" used in Portugal, Austrian parody Card for the Trial of Captain Dreyfus, unusual backs on PPCs from Portugal x2 & France, etc, generally fine to very fine. A terrific wide-ranging lot. (120 approx)
Symbol : c
Categories: Stamps & Postal History > REST OF THE WORLD - General & Miscellaneous Lots