Very early group comprising Austria 1885 & 1888 2kr Postal Cards with woodcut illustrations of 'Prebischthor' or 'Hoher Schneeberg' (now Pravcicka Brana & Decinsky Sneznik, both in the Czech Republic, the latter with 2-line 'POSTCONDUCTEUR IM ZUGE/KOMOTAU-BODENBACH No 916' Railway postmark); Belgium 1887 early court-size advertising Card for "Hotel de la Poste/.../Bruxelles"; Germany 1889 Dresden multi-view, very early hand-tinted; and France 1890 Eiffel Tower chromolitho (repaired corner, stamp removed). Ex Keith Harrison. (5)
Symbol : cps
Categories: Stamps & Postal History > REST OF THE WORLD - General & Miscellaneous Lots