Coins, Banknotes & Stamps (#487) Closed Auction Info PDF Prices Realized View ▼ Items per page 102550100 Sort by DefaultTime LeftLot#Lot NameNewestHighest PriceLowest PriceBidsViews Filter By Categories Category match ANY of the aboveALL of the above Featured Exclude closed lots Price Lot Number Results: Viewing items 1-32 of 32. Previous|1|Next Lot 617 QUEENSLAND: 1860-1903 Collection on Seven Seas album pages with used imperf 1d plus 2d & 6d cut-down later issues, simplified Small Chalons to 20/- (fiscal), Large Chalons to £1 including mint 10/- (on Thin Paper). First Sidefaces to 1/-, later Sidefaces to 6d mint & 2/- used; also Revenues with 1871-72 types to 20/- incl. 10/- with dubious 'BOWEN' postal datestamp; condition variable. Personal inspection suggested. (67) View details Estimate$250 - $350Price Realized$280StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Symbol* (*) O Lot 618 QUEENSLAND - Postal Stationery : POSTAL CARDS - WILLIAM BELL ESSAY: 1880 ½d unissued Reply Postal Card Essay in Black utilising the unissued ½d stamp design of William Bell (void background, corrected 'Q' in 'QUEENSLAND'), with impressions at both the upper-left and upper-right corners of the card, manuscript endorsement on upper edge €œEssay 1880€�, the address panel divided with headings 'NAME & ADDRESS OF PERSON TO WHOM SENT' at left and 'NAME & ADDRESS OF SENDER' at right, View details Estimate$4,000 - $5,000Price Realized$3,200StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history SymbolE PS Lot 619 QUEENSLAND - Postal Stationery : POSTAL CARDS: ½d William Bell Essay Se-Tenant Pair in rose-red with void or lined background, both units with Reversed 'Q' of 'QUEENSLAND', on ungummed, unwatermarked paper. Only example known. Ex Besancon. View details Estimate$400 - $600StatusCLOSED! SymbolE PS Lot 620 QUEENSLAND - Postal Stationery : POSTAL CARDS: 1880 1d unissued Postal Card Essay in Black with two impressions of the First Sideface 1d Die I in the upper-left or upper-right corners of the card, with identical wording on the face and reverse to the ½d Postal Card essay (see lot 1). Only 3 recorded. Ex R.A. Butler. View details Estimate$5,000 - $7,500StatusCLOSED! SymbolE PS Lot 621 QUEENSLAND - Postal Stationery : POSTAL CARDS: near final Proof of the issued 1d Postal Card in carmine, only lacking the positional lines above and below the heading which were a feature of the issued card. Only known example. View details Estimate$3,000 - $4,000Price Realized$2,400StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history SymbolP PS Lot 622 QUEENSLAND - Postal Stationery : POSTAL CARDS: Perkins Bacon Die Proof of Chalon Head vignette used in the 1880 Postal Card design, on thick ungummed, unwatermarked wove paper. Ex Perkins Bacon Archives. View details Estimate$600 - $800StatusCLOSED! SymbolP Lot 623 QUEENSLAND - Postal Stationery : POSTAL CARDS: (H&G #1),1881 (Mar.25) use of 1d Postal Card (vertical fold) from Brisbane with multiple redirections within Australia, thence to South Africa, a non-UPU member country, with 'POST CARDS TO THIS ADDRESS/CANNOT BE FORWARDED' handstamp applied in London, subsequently returned to Australia; also 1895 (Mar.15) use of 1d Card from Warwick to Portugal uprated ½d for the 1½d rate for delivery to UPU member countries, Queensland having View details Estimate$250 - $300Price Realized$200StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history SymbolPS Lot 624 QUEENSLAND - Postal Stationery : POSTAL CARDS: (H&G #4) 1898 (July 30) use of 1d Postal Card to Hong Kong, uprated with 1d to pay foreign postcard rate, tied by BRISBANE duplex, HONG KONG 'AU30' arrival datestamp, printed notice on reverse for Union Bank of Australia. The only known commercially used example to this destination. View details Estimate$120 - $150StatusCLOSED! SymbolPS Lot 625 QUEENSLAND - Postal Stationery : POSTAL CARDS: (H&G #5) 1888 2d Postal Cards comprising UPU example with diagonal 'SPECIMEN' handstamp in blue, unused, and used (2) with 1890 (Jan 12) Toowoomba to England and 1891 (May 22) to England with Type 3a THURSDAY ISLAND departure datestamp (rated 3R). Used examples are rare in the correct period of usage. (4) View details Estimate$200 - $300StatusCLOSED! SymbolPS S Lot 626 QUEENSLAND - Postal Stationery : POSTAL CARDS: (H&G #6) postally used examples of the 3d Postal Card, correctly used within the period of usage to UK destinations, comprising 1889 (Oct.21) Brisbane to London, 1890 (Mar.23) Mackay to Hereford, & 1890 (Aug.2) Brisbane to Scotland endorsed "Via San Francisco". (3) Only 10 cards are known correctly used within the period of usage to May 1891, when the rate was cut to 2d. View details Estimate$250 - $350StatusCLOSED! SymbolPS Lot 627 QUEENSLAND - Postal Stationery : POSTAL CARDS: (H&G #7) Range of 1891 Types 'A' to 'G' 1d Reply Postal Cards including postally used (15) including 1897 (May 11) to Sydney with weak strike of Type 3c DOWNFALL CREEK departure datestamp (rated 4R), 1903 uprated from Rockhampton to Presteigne, Radnorshire, England, 1911 (Apr.25) use of Reply Half to remote Tola in Southern Nigeria with GARUA (Cameroons) transit datestamp and a Type 5a HATTON VALE departure datestamp (rated 4R); other destinations i View details Estimate$600 - $800StatusCLOSED! SymbolPS S CTO Lot 628 QUEENSLAND - Postal Stationery : POSTAL CARDS: (H&G #7) 1d Reply Postal Cards rare uprated usages comprising 1900 (Nov.29) Thursday Island to Holland with card and the added ½d tied by fine Rays '148' cancels; also 1907 (Aug.24) with card and added ½d adhesive tied by BUNDABERG '148' duplex. Rare duo. (2) View details Estimate$250 - $300StatusCLOSED! SymbolPS Lot 629 QUEENSLAND - Postal Stationery : POSTAL CARDS: (H&G #8) 1891 UPU 1½d Reply Postal Card selection, representing the 4 different die settings recorded by Collas, comprising mint (4), and used (7) with 1899 Thursday Island to Japan, plus other destinations including Argentina, India, Netherlands, Russia & Sweden; condition a little variable, mostly fine. (11) View details Estimate$300 - $400StatusCLOSED! SymbolPS Lot 630 QUEENSLAND - Postal Stationery : POSTAL CARDS:1891 UPU 1½d Reply Postal Card set of 6 Government Printer Essays on buff card comprising Message Halves in green, bistre or black, all roughly separated by hand, and Reply Halves in carmine, brown or salmon, all machine cut, each Card with inscription at lower left 'The annexed Card is intended for the answer./(Le Carte jointe est destinie a la response).' Rare assembly. (6) View details Estimate$4,000 - $5,000StatusCLOSED! SymbolE PS Lot 631 QUEENSLAND - Postal Stationery : POSTAL CARDS:1891 UPU 1½d Reply Postal Card set of Government Printer Essays on buff card comprising Message Half in dull violet and Reply Halves in bright violet, green, or brown, each endorsed "Essay 1891" in the upper left corner; some light adhesions on reverse (4). View details Estimate$3,000 - $4,000StatusCLOSED! SymbolE PS Lot 632 QUEENSLAND - Postal Stationery : POSTAL CARDS: 1911 1d Postal Card Proof in Black showing the issued Four Corners 1d stamp design, with admonition in Italics 'The Address only to be written on this side' beneath 'COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA', additional instructions at lower left "Date stamp on reverse side.]". Unique! View details Estimate$1,200 - $1,500Price Realized$1,000StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history SymbolP PS Lot 633 QUEENSLAND - Postal Stationery : POSTAL CARDS: 1911 1d Four Corners stamp design, with admonition in italics 'The Address only to be written on this side' added as the Fourth Line of Heading, on cream stock, two examples, one unused and the other addressed to Sydney (no postal markings); age spotting on the latter. Unlisted by Higgins & Gage. The only known examples. (2) View details Estimate$800 - $1,000StatusCLOSED! SymbolPS Lot 634 QUEENSLAND - Postal Stationery : POSTAL CARDS: 1911 1d Four Corners stamp design, with admonition in italics 'The Address only to be written on this side' added as the Fourth Line of Heading, on white stock, two examples, one unused and the other postally used from Gatton to Orlo Smith in Melbourne, being the only recorded used example. Less than four unused cards are recorded. Unlisted by Higgins & Gage. (2) View details Estimate$1,200 - $1,500Price Realized$960StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history SymbolPS Lot 635 QUEENSLAND - Postal Stationery : POSTAL CARDS: (H&G #19) 1911 1d Four Corners stamp design, Dividing Line on address side with 'A.J. CUMMING. GOVT PRINTER' imprint alongside, without a view on reverse and rare thus. Only 3 or 4 examples recorded. View details Estimate$600 - $800StatusCLOSED! SymbolPS Lot 636 QUEENSLAND - Postal Stationery : POSTAL CARDS (VIEWS): 1898 1d 'Jubilee Portrait' Post Card Essay Proof on green stock with stamp in the design of the issued ½d adhesive but with Jubilee dates '1837' & '1897' included in the lower corners, the view captioned 'Barron River, Cairns Railway' with 'View from the Barron' on the negative, accompanied by unused copy of the issued 1d Four Corners card. Unique. Ex R. A. Butler. (2 items) View details Estimate$3,000 - $4,000Price Realized$2,400StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history SymbolE PS Lot 637 QUEENSLAND - Postal Stationery : POSTAL CARDS (VIEWS): 1898 1d Four Corners Post Card Essay Proof on thick green stock (pen line through stamp), uncaptioned image of 'Bullock-ploughing, Darling Downs'; accompanied by the issued Medallion Portrait 1½d denomination showing the same image (captioned), unused, and used in 1899 from Brisbane to Denmark. (3) View details Estimate$2,000 - $3,000StatusCLOSED! SymbolE PS Lot 638 QUEENSLAND - Postal Stationery : POSTAL CARDS (VIEWS): 1902 use of 1½d Medallion Portrait Post Card with captioned image of 'A Queensland Schoolhouse' to Belgium, the message headed "Merauke 30-10-02", with fine strike of Rays '147' tying card and 'THURSDAY ISLAND/NO1/1902/QUEENSLAND' datestamp alongside, Brussels arrival datestamp; a few surface marks/abrasions. View details Estimate$1,200 - $1,500StatusCLOSED! SymbolPS Lot 639 QUEENSLAND - Postal Stationery : ENVELOPES - PTPO: (H&G #4a) 1d Four Corner Figures in Vermilion on brown stock for user Mactaggarts (Stock & Station Agents, Brisbane, crest on flap), 1906 (Sep. 21) use from Brisbane to Gladstone, '20 POSTED' printed in blue in upper-left corner, fine condition. Very few known. View details Estimate$200 - $250StatusCLOSED! SymbolPS Lot 640 QUEENSLAND - Postal Stationery : ENVELOPES - PTPO: (H&G #4a) 1d Four Corner Figures in Vermilion on off-white stock envelope for user Liverpool & London & Globe Insurance (printed logo on flap), 'Sapsford & Co' embossed printer's imprint under flap, printed address, unused; horizontal fold and some staining, flap fault. The only known example. View details Estimate$200 - $250StatusCLOSED! SymbolPS Lot 641 QUEENSLAND - Postal Stationery : REGISTRATION ENVELOPES - FORMULAR: 1888 usage of McCorquodale Size G formular registration envelope to Austria with 2/6d Chalon plus 1d Sidefaces, tied by indistinct Bars cancels, paying 4d registration plus 2/3d postage, 'REGISTERED/BUNDABERG' two-line handstamp, appropriate backstamps; also an unused example of the Size G envelope. Only 5 used examples recorded. (2) View details Estimate$800 - $1,000StatusCLOSED! SymbolPS Lot 642 QUEENSLAND - Postal Stationery : REGISTRATION ENVELOPES: 1912 apparent provisional use of Western Australia Size G2 3d Registration Envelope - prior to release of the JB Cooke (Melbourne) 3d Envelope on 19.12.1912 - used (Nov.17) from Cairns to Wisconsin, USA, uprated with 2½d slate/blue tied by CAIRNS datestamp, BRISBANE,& SAN FRANCISCO transits and MILWAUKEE arrival backstamp. The only recorded example of such usage. View details Estimate$1,000 - $1,200StatusCLOSED! SymbolPS Lot 643 QUEENSLAND - Postal Stationery : REGISTRATION ENVELOPES: 1912 KEVII 3d (in red) Size G2 Envelope on off-white stock printed by JB Cooke, Commonwealth Stamp Printer (Melbourne), a "hybrid" Envelope with the lines on front in red, and lines on reverse in brownish-red, unused; small surface mark & tiny corner tear. Not recorded by Higgins & Gage. The only example in private hands. View details Estimate$800 - $1,000StatusCLOSED! SymbolPS Lot 644 QUEENSLAND - Postal Stationery : REGISTRATION ENVELOPES: 1912 KEVII 3d (in red) Size G2 Envelope on off-white stock printed by JB Cooke, Commonwealth Stamp Printer (Melbourne), a "hybrid" Envelope with the lines on front in red, and lines on reverse in brownish-red, 'MELBOURNE/DE9/13' CTO datestamp; very fine. Not recorded by Higgins & Gage. Only four CTO examples have been recorded. Ex Australia Post Archival Sale No 1 (1987). View details Estimate$600 - $800StatusCLOSED! SymbolPS CTO Lot 645 QUEENSLAND - Postal Stationery : WRAPPERS: 1897 unissued design Golden Jubilee ½d Die Proof pair in black with the dates '1837' & '1897' at the lower corners, on surfaced wove paper, without gum; tear through right-hand unit; unique, ex Gawaine Baillie. Also issued design imperforate proof in green on watermarked, white paper with postal cancel. (2 items) View details Estimate$400 - $600Price Realized$320StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history SymbolP PS Lot 646 QUEENSLAND - Postal Stationery : TELEGRAPHS & TELEGRAMS: ''TELEGRAPH/ONE SHILLING' stamp Die Proof in brown for 1882 Telegraph Form, on ungummed, wove paper. The only recorded example. View details Estimate$400 - $600Price Realized$320StatusSold SymbolP Lot 874 QUEENSLAND: 1890 (SG.194) 4d orange, perf.12½, block of 8 plus 3 pairs, (14) M/MUH. Cat.£378+. View details Estimate$150 - $200StatusUnsold Symbol** * Lot 875 QUEENSLAND - Revenues: 1892 Duty Stamps: 5/- pinkish-rose Mint; plus 6d green and 10/- brown with colourless embossed cancels, (3). View details Estimate$80 - $120Price Realized$60StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Symbol* Items per page 102550100 Previous|1|Next Previous 1 Next Previous 1 Next