Stamps, Coins & Postal History (#479) Closed Auction Info PDF Prices Realized View ▼ Items per page 102550100 Sort by DefaultTime LeftLot#Lot NameNewestHighest PriceLowest PriceBidsViews Filter By Categories Category match ANY of the aboveALL of the above Featured Exclude closed lots Price Lot Number Results: Viewing items 501-600 of 802. Previous|123456789|Next Lot 500 VICTORIA: 1850-53 (SG.10) Half Lengths Third State of Dies - Frame Lines Added - 2d grey (rounded lower-left corner) on small piece cancelled by fine strike of Butterfly '15' of Geelong in blue, Cat £200. View details Estimate$80 - $100Price Realized$80StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history SymbolO Lot 501 VICTORIA: 1884 (SG.230) £5 black and yellow-green Stamp Statute optd 'REPRINT', large-part o.g., Cat £22,000 as an unoverprinted stamp. View details Estimate$260 - $300Price Realized$260StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Symbol* Lot 502 VICTORIA: 1886-96 (SG.326-27) Bicolour Stamp Duty Wmk Sideways £7 rosine & black and Watermark Upright (inverted) £8 mauve and brown-orange with 'JA26/01' and 'DE22/00' CTO cancels respectively, without gum, Cat £575. (2) View details Estimate$300 - $400Price Realized$320StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history SymbolCTO Lot 503 VICTORIA: 1899-1901 (SG.362) 3d slate-green block of 4, lower units MUH. Scarce multiple, Cat.£160+ View details Estimate$150 - $200StatusCLOSED! Symbol** * Lot 504 VICTORIA: 1905-13 (SG.431, 432, etc.) Edward VII £1 salmon & £2 dull blue, wmk Crown over A, plus the lower values, mainly "POSTAGE" types (except ½d, one 4d & 9d) and including both 5/- shades (SG.430 & 430a), one with listed variety V121e [$200] "Colour spot between I and C of VICTORIA", the other with "Broken base of crown at right". A very nice group, mainly fine and fresh Mint, especially the high values. (18). Cat. £1500+ View details Estimate$1,200 - $1,500StatusCLOSED! Symbol* Lot 505 VICTORIA: REVENUES: 1886-96 Fergusson & Mitchell £5 to £9 Bicolours, some pinholes, £9 slight corner thin, strong colours, manuscript cancels. (5) View details Estimate$200 - $300Price Realized$180StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history SymbolO Lot 506 VICTORIA - Postal History: 1870 (Sept.10) cover to Scotland endorsed "Via Marseilles", but sent via Brindisi due to the ongoing Franco-Prussian War, with 10d brown/pink Laureate tied by Melbourne duplex; superb strike of 'INSUFFICIENTLY PAID/FOR BRINDISI ROUTE/DEFICIENT POSTAGE - 3d" handstamp, very fine EDINBURGH 'OC31/70' arrival backstamp.Carried per "Avoca", departed Melbourne 11/9/1870; per "Candia" from Galle; per "Cairo" from Alexandra, arriving at Brindisi 26/10/1870. View details Estimate$1,500 - $1,800StatusCLOSED! SymbolC Lot 507 VICTORIA - Postal History: 1878 (Feb.21) cover to Glasgow "Via Brindisi" with 8d red-brown/pink (with variety "Colour flaws at base of value tablet") tied by fine ST KILDA '78' duplex cancel, on reverse MELBOURNE transit and 'HILLHEAD/GLASGOW' arrival datestamp. View details Estimate$160 - $200Price Realized$190StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history SymbolC Lot 508 WESTERN AUSTRALIA: 1854 (SG.1) Imperforate 1d black horizontal pair, each unit with void grid cancels in red, complete margins that just touch in two places. Most attractive. View details Estimate$800 - $1,000Price Realized$760StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history SymbolO Lot 509 WESTERN AUSTRALIA: 1854-55 (SG.3a,3x) Litho 4d Blue, rejoined block (4) comprising vertical pair at left and two singles at right, upper-right unit variety "Coloured Line above 'AGE' of 'POSTAGE' [R.8/6, 'Inverted Frame' position] (thin under 'PE' of 'PENCE'), upper-left unit "Spur below 'F' of 'FOUR' [R8/5], lower-right unit "'E' & 'S' of 'WESTERN' break outer frameline [R9/6], complete margins, large-part o.g., Cat. £5100++. View details Estimate$2,500 - $3,000StatusCLOSED! Symbol* Lot 510 WESTERN AUSTRALIA: 1854-55 (SG.4c) imperforate 1/- pale brown, top marginal vertical pair with close to huge margins, fine unused, Cat. £1,000+ View details Estimate$900 - $1,200StatusCLOSED! Symbol(*) Lot 511 WESTERN AUSTRALIA - Postal History: 1898 (Jul.29) Fremantle local cover with rare combination franking of 1881 'IR' provisional overprint on 1d, 'Half-penny' in red and in green on 3d red-brown (SG.111b) and 'Half-penny' in green on 3d cinnamon (SG.110a) tied by FREMANTLE 'GPO' duplex cancels, envelope with corner faults. Ex Spink Sale 'Western Australia, Vestey Collection' lot #508, sold for £900/AU$1750 (incl.comms) in May 2015. View details Estimate$1,300 - $1,600Price Realized$1,150StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 512 WESTERN AUSTRALIA - Postal Stationery: POSTAL CARDS: 1908 (Nov.9) use of 1½d on 2d carmine Postal Card (PC14) from Fremantle to Hungary. Only 6,000 to 8,000 of this card were delivered. Scarce, especially to unusual overseas destinations. View details Estimate$160 - $200StatusCLOSED! SymbolPS Lot 513 REST OF THE WORLD - General & Miscellaneous Lots: BRITISH COMMONWEALTH: KEVII/KGV era mint selection comprising Antigua 1921-29 Script CA 16 values to 4/-, Ascension 1922 8d. black and dull purple, Malta 1930 set to 10/-, Montserrat 1903 set to 5/-, Newfoundland 1933 Air Balbo $4.50 on 75c. and New Guinea 1918-23 10/- NWPI overprint; mostly fine, Cat. £1,100+. (46) View details Estimate$600 - $750Price Realized$400StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Symbol* Lot 514 REST OF THE WORLD - General & Miscellaneous Lots: BRITISH COMMONWEALTH: 'A' to 'C' used collection in Stamford 'Major' album, with useful QV-KGVI era with some incomplete/short sets and pickings incl. Bahamas KGVI to 5/- & QEII to £1 (2), Barbados QV to 4d & 1/-, 1892 Seal 8d & 10d, 1935 Jubilee set, Bermuda with KGV 5/- Keyplate (Cat. £120), KGVI 2/- (2), 2/6d (2), 5/- & £1 (fiscal) Keyplates, other useful selection from Antigua, British Guiana, Caymans, Ceylon & Cyprus; condition variable, ma View details Estimate$200 - $400Price Realized$240StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Symbol* O Lot 515 REST OF THE WORLD - General & Miscellaneous Lots: BRITISH COMMONWEALTH: 'A' to 'G' ex-dealer's 1860s-1980s used stock of single stamps (no sets) on Hagners in display book, best is probably Canada (& Newfoundland) with Large or Small Queens to 15c, also British Guiana with 1860s-70s Ships; also Aden, Antigua, Bahamas with QEII to £1, Barbados, Bermuda, British Honduras, Bechuanaland, Brunei, Burma, Ceylon, Cook Is, Cyprus, Dominica, Fiji, Falklands, Gambia, Gold Coast, Gibraltar, Gilberts & Gre View details Estimate$250 - $500Price Realized$260StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history SymbolO Lot 516 REST OF THE WORLD - General & Miscellaneous Lots: BRITISH COMMONWEALTH: mostly mint assortment of part sets/odd values on stockcards with BARBADOS 1925-35 Badge mint or used to 2/6d (mint) & 3/- (unused) including 1/- Perf.13x12 (nibbed perfs, used), BECHUANALAND 1913-24 KGV Overprints ½d to 1/- mint (ex 1d & 2d) incl. 6d shade, COOK ISLANDS Admirals 1926-28 3/- and 1936-44 2/- & 3/-, GRENADA KGV issues including 1913-22 to 5/- & 1921-31 ½d to 1/- range, MAURITIUS 1913-22 Crown CA 1r (SG.201), 1 View details Estimate$200 - $250Price Realized$180StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Symbol* (*) O Lot 517 REST OF THE WORLD - General & Miscellaneous Lots: CENTRAL & SOUTH AMERICA: Attractively presented collection on Hagners in ringbinder, predominantly mint with plenty of useful material including ARGENTINA 1952 Peron to 3p mint, BRAZIL with used 1860s-70s Roulettes to 1000r and perforated issues to 500r, 1906 Definitives incomplete to 10000r mint incl. 400r olive, 1000r red & 2000r green, 1929 Airs set mint, useful 1930-40s mint commemoratives incl. Airs and 1946 Columbus Lighthouse View details Estimate$250 - $350Price Realized$240StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 518 REST OF THE WORLD - General & Miscellaneous Lots: EUROPE & COMMUNITY: 1850s-1950s used collection with FRANCE with imperfs to 80c Napoleons (2), perforated Ceres/Napoleons to 80c (3), FRENCH COLONIES imperf 5c, 10c (2) & 40c, FRENCH COMMUNITY with useful selections from Levant, Obock, Morocco/Tangier, Syria, etc; also BELGIUM imperf Medallions 10c (4) & 20c (3) perforated Medallions to 40c (2), later issues with 1912 5fr; other representations from Austria, Bulgaria, Denmark, Estonia & Germany. View details Estimate$250 - $350Price Realized$180StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history SymbolO Lot 519 REST OF THE WORLD - General & Miscellaneous Lots: EUROPE: 1890s-1960s used collection in album with Germany pickings incl. Berlin 1949 UPU 1Dm (nibbed corner), Switzerland including 1934 Hotel airmail cover with 2fr, 1fr & 20c Airs, plus selections from Austria, Denmark & Netherlands; also some loose material including Germany 1960s FDCs & South Africa 1938 Voortrekker FDC, 1961 New Currency FDCs (2), each with complete sets to 1R Antelope; condition variable. View details Estimate$100 - $200Price Realized$70StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history SymbolFDC C O Lot 520 REST OF THE WORLD - General & Miscellaneous Lots: EUROPE: 1954-60 small selection comprising FRANCE 1954 Sport set of 6 & 1964 ‘PHILATELIC’ M/Ss (2, one CTO on first day of issue); LIECHTENSTEIN 1960 50r Europa (2); all fine, Cat. £1,025. (10) View details Estimate$350 - $400Price Realized$300StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Symbol** CTO Lot 521 FOREIGN: 'New Ideal Album - Vol II' for 'Foreign Countries, Abyssinia to Jugoslavia 1840 to mid-1936', reasonably populated including Belgium with imperfs (6), Sunday Tabs, Airs to 5fr and Railway stamps; Denmark with imperfs (3); France with imperfs (5, one used in Guadaloupe); good range of Germany and Occupation issues plus States with imperfs from Baden (2), Bavaria (7) to 9kr, and Brunswick (2); Greece with imperfs (9); Netherlands with imperfs (4) to 15c, 1872 2g50c & 1913 5g; View details Estimate$500 - $750Price Realized$400StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Symbol* O Lot 522 REST OF THE WORLD - General & Miscellaneous Lots: FOREIGN: 1952-79 selection comprising FRANCE 1954 Sport set of 6 & 1964 'Philatelic' M/S; LIECHTENSTEIN 1960 50r Europa, LUXEMBOURG 1952 100th Anniversary 2fr+10fr & 4fr+10fr se-tenant pair and ‘CENTILUX’ set of 5, Saudi Arabia 1979 Stamp Commemoration M/S; fresh MUH, Cat. £980. (15 items) View details Estimate$350 - $450StatusCLOSED! Symbol** Lot 523 REST OF THE WORLD - General & Miscellaneous Lots: FOREIGN - WITH SOUTH-EAST ASIA: 1980s-90s era with stamps, M/Ss and booklets including HONG KONG 1990s M/Ss with duplication, also 1991 Stamp pack 1994 Year of the Dog booklet; MACAU 1994 Religion set in blocks of 4; SINGAPORE 'Singpex '98' souvenir sheet, booklets (4); THAILAND few late 1980s commemorative sets within stamp packs (2); also 1994 'PhilaKorea' M/Ss (5), PORTUGAL 1991 & 1992 stamp packs, View details Estimate$120 - $160Price Realized$100StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Symbol** O B Lot 524 REST OF THE WORLD - General & Miscellaneous Lots: HONG KONG & SOUTH-EAST ASIA: 1980s-1990s MUH sets & M/Ss in stockbook with Hong sets & M/Ss including Definitive to $10, also 1994 Festivals set in corner blocks of 10 and in blocks of 4; also a few sets & M/Ss from THAILAND & PHILIPPINES. View details Estimate$150 - $200Price Realized$120StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Symbol** Lot 525 REST OF THE WORLD - General & Miscellaneous Lots: 1840s-1960s in vintage "Century Postage Album" with in strength in British Colonial material (particularly British Africa) and European 19th century issues. Some of the better items sighted includes GB with 1d Black (almost 4 margins), later QV to 10/-, KEVII to 10/-, BRITISH SOUTH AFRICA with COGH Hope surcharges & KEVII to 5/-, Griqualand, Natal 3d Rose (SG.4) tied to piece (Cat.£500), Pietersburg 1901 1/- (4), Transvaal with few early Arms typ View details Estimate$1,500 - $2,500Price Realized$1,200StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history GradeO * C PS Lot 526 REST OF THE WORLD - General & Miscellaneous Lots: 1850s-1890s (mostly) in stockbook, mainly glued-down stamps on cut-out pieces from oldime albums, predominantly European material including Austria, Belgium, Denmark, France, German States, Italian States, Portugal, Russia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland ; also British Commonwealth oddments including Australian States, GB, Hong Kong & Newfoundland. Very mixed condition. View details Estimate$150 - $250Price Realized$200StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history SymbolO Lot 527 REST OF THE WORLD - General & Miscellaneous Lots: 1850s-1950s patchy array in c.1895 Senf-Schaubek album (fair condition) with GB QV to 2/6d (4, three with ‘BGL’ perfins); France with imperfs (6) plus perforated Ceres/Napoleon issues, Switzerland with unused Standing Helvetias (6), other better representations from Austria, Belgium, Germany and States, Greece, Italy (+ few States), Japan, Netherlands, Rhodesia, Russia, Spain & USA; scattered pickings, condition is very mixed. (many 100s) View details Estimate$200 - $300Price Realized$260StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history SymbolO * Lot 528 REST OF THE WORLD - General & Miscellaneous Lots: 1860s-1940s mostly used collection in Schwaneberger album, formed in Europe with strength in Germany and Community including States with Bavaria 1911-13 Luitpold to 2m Type I including 80pf Type I, 1919-20 People's State to 5m, Germany from 1872 with good representation of 1902-1940s issues including high values, overprints and surcharges with useful inflation era, Welfare Fund issues incl. 1932 Surcharge duo & 1934 Colonisers' set used; View details Estimate$300 - $400Price Realized$300StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history SymbolO * Lot 529 REST OF THE WORLD - General & Miscellaneous Lots: 1860s-1950s Collection in thick ledger album, good spread of worldwide material mostly used with plenty of modest pickings including GB QV to 2/6d, KGV Seahorses 2/6d (2) & 5/-, PUC low values in mint pairs; BURMA 1937 Opts on KGV 3p to 1r mint; FALKLAND ISLAND DEPS 1944 KGVI set of 32 mint, HONG KONG 1941 Centenary set mint; also useful selections from Bechuanaland, BEA/KUT, French Community, Germany & States, India & States, Italian East Afric View details Estimate$250 - $350Price Realized$190StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Symbol* O Lot 530 REST OF THE WORLD - General & Miscellaneous Lots: 1860s-1950s mint & used collection better selections from Bahrain, Egypt, Pakistan & USA; modest pickings, condition variable. (few 100s) View details Estimate$100 - $150Price Realized$110StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Symbol* (*) O. Lot 531 REST OF THE WORLD - General & Miscellaneous Lots: 1870s-1950s world array on Hagners with AUSTRALIA STATES unused or uncancelled issues, mostly on piece with some multiples; AUSTRALIA KGV Heads & commemoratives mostly on piece incl. 1/- Large Lyrebird on Parcels Post label (faults), Papua 1932 ½d to 1/- Pictorials CTO, other stamps from GB with a smattering of general world older issues. Likely postmark interest. (100s) View details Estimate$100 - $200Price Realized$50StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Symbol(*) O Lot 532 REST OF THE WORLD - General & Miscellaneous Lots: 1880s-1970s used accumulation in albums, stockbooks & loose including 'Universal' album sparsely-filled but including AUSTRALIA 5/- Harbour Bridge commercially used with cds cancel, plus 1st Wmk 9d Roo CTO (rounded corner) & SMult 5/-, also early decimal FDCs with typed addresses, mostly WCS, few APO types; also 1960s PNG FDCs, loose world stamps in packets, etc. (many 100s) View details Estimate$300 - $400Price Realized$340StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history SymbolO FDC Lot 533 REST OF THE WORLD - General & Miscellaneous Lots: 1880s-1980s mostly used in albums with AUSTRALIA few Roos to 5/- & KGV Heads to 1/4d, KGV commems to 2/-, KGVI & QEII mint multiples, plus some late-period Australian States used; many other countries represented including China & GB plus packet of PNG issues MUH; also two shoeboxes with Australian pre-decimal & decimal duplicates in envelopes; condition variable. (many 100s) View details Estimate$120 - $160Price Realized$200StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Symbol** * O Lot 534 REST OF THE WORLD - General & Miscellaneous Lots: 1890s-2000s array in two stockbooks with lots of 1980s-2000s PNG commemorative sets, also Norfolk Island & New Zealand, amongst many other countries; some thematic content including 'Birds' & 'Royalty; also 1981-83 International Society of Postmasters presentation set of 36 FDCs plus stamp & replica in silver; climate-related condition issues (latter item in poor condition, silver replicas salvageable); inspection is advised. View details Quantity3Estimate$120 - $160Price Realized$90StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Symbol** * (*) O Lot 535 REST OF THE WORLD - General & Miscellaneous Lots: MISCELLANY: in packets mostly used with GB KGVI mix with values to 10/-, Denmark imperf 4s Arms, Japan 1970 Expo M/S mint, Mozambique range of 1975 Independence overprints mint, New Zealand imperf 6d Chalon; also assorted "Better Items" on stockcard (mostly European) plus other oddments from Bosnia-Herzegovina, Guatemala, Haiti, Canal Zone, Hawaii, Israel, Jersey, Switzerland, etc; also a small Stanley Gibbons "Improved" album, sparsely filled; m View details Estimate$100 - $200Price Realized$110StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Symbol* O Lot 536 REST OF THE WORLD - General & Miscellaneous Lots: ODD MIXTURE on stock cards including West Germany 1953 Munich Exhibition set, 1953 IFRABA, 1954 Charity set; Saar 1947-48 Flood Relief set to 25Fr, 1950 Stamp Day; Berlin 1949 Surcharges (Mi.64-67); some G.B. incl. KGVI defins to 1/-, QEII to 1/-; Sierra Leone KGV 2/- & 5/- SPECIMEN Opts; various Papua Lakatois, etc. Mixed condition. View details Estimate$200 - $300Price Realized$170StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Symbol** * 0 Lot 537 REST OF THE WORLD - General & Miscellaneous Lots: OLD-TIME AUCTION LOTS & MIXTURES: with Richard Currie (South Africa) large auction folders with India & States, Romania or Sudan with some handy pickings, small auction auction folders with better single 19th century items priced in £sd from German States, Mexico, Netherlands, Norway, Peru & St Helena, also1930s-80s mixtures in packets with selection from GB, Indo-China, Japan, Taiwan, Switzerland with 1938 5f block of 4 & 10f pair: View details Estimate$200 - $250Price Realized$220StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 538 REST OF THE WORLD - General & Miscellaneous Lots: WORLD ARRAY with old-time collections in two albums with Australia Roos to 2/-, KGV Heads to 1/4d, Australian Colonies, GB with QV 1/- Embossed & later values to 10/-, NZ & USA; also lightly-filled slimline album, duplicates in tobacco tins and envelopes, plus a couple of early 20th century Stanley Gibbons catalogues. (100s) View details Estimate$100 - $200Price Realized$200StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history SymbolO Lot 539 REST OF THE WORLD - General & Miscellaneous Lots: WORLD ARRAY with AUSTRALIAN COLONIES duplicated Late Period in small album mostly low values with a few private perfins and possible postmark interest, plus a little foreign material incl. New Zealand; loose-leaf album with Australia KGV Heads to 1/4d, Arms to £2 and modest worldwide material; 'Minkus' Album with a very sparse world collection; USA 1975 (2), 1976, 1977 & 1978 commemorative stamp year packs, View details Estimate$100 - $200Price Realized$200StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 540 REST OF THE WORLD - General & Miscellaneous Lots: WORLD in two oldtime albums, isolated pickings possible in Australian States (noted Tasmania 5d & 6d Pictorials CTO), Austria, Canada with 20c Quebec used, China, India, Japan & USA; condition is very mixed. (100s) View details Estimate$60 - $100Price Realized$160StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history SymbolO Lot 541 REST OF THE WORLD - General & Miscellaneous Lots: COVERS & POSTAL STATIONERY: with South Africa 1934 Flight Postcard Germiston-Brisbane for Opening of Imperial/Qantas regular service to UK (AAMC.469) and 1957 Johannesburg-Perth SAA flight cover; also 19th century European Postal Cards from Luxembourg (2) and Sweden (2), including 1886 Karlskrona to Iserlohn (Germany) with Swedish 'PKXP No 2' transit datestamp, View details Estimate$80 - $120StatusCLOSED! SymbolC PS Lot 542 REST OF THE WORLD: THEMATIC COLLECTIONS: comprising 1977-79 Official Collection of WWF FDCs, 1977-80 'Stamps of all Countries' FDC collection in two volumes, 1978-80 Great Art Stamps of the World FDC collection, 1982 World Cup FDC Collection; also 1981-83 RSPB Songbirds of the World & History of Transportation stamp collections (both incomplete); some condition issues, inspection advised. View details Estimate$150 - $200Price Realized$150StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 543 AUSTRALIAN ANTARCTIC TERRITORY - AUSTRALIA POST - DESIGNER SIGNED POINT-OF-SALE POSTERS - RAY HONISETT: 1979-82 New Issue posters (25.5x31cm) most with the relevant Stamp Pack or FDC attached, signed by Honisett on the poster or on the attached product, some items additionally signed by scientist and Antarctic explorer Phillip Law, comprising 1979 Flight Anniversary, 1980 Ships Series II, 1981 Ships Series III (poster only), View details Estimate$200 - $300Price Realized$220StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history SymbolD Lot 544 AUSTRALIAN ANTARCTIC TERRITORY - AUSTRALIA POST - SIGNED POINT-OF-SALE POSTERS - PHILLIP LAW: 1983-84 New Issue posters (25.5x31cm) three with Stamp Packs or FDC attached, all signed by scientist and Antarctic explorer Phillip Law on the poster or on the attached product, few blemishes, generally fine (7) View details Estimate$100 - $150Price Realized$100StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history SymbolD Lot 545 ANTARCTICA: BRITISH ANTARCTIC TERRITORY: 1963 ½d to £1 (both) Pictorials set in Plate 1 or Plate 1a corner marginal pairs, fresh MUH, Cat. £500+. (16 pairs) View details Estimate$440 - $500StatusCLOSED! Symbol** Lot 546 ASCENSION: 1987 (SG.449var) QEII 40th Wedding Anniversary error OVERPRINT DOUBLE, ten MUH examples, Cat. £500. View details Estimate$200 - $250StatusCLOSED! Symbol** Lot 547 AUSTRIA: 1858-1982 collection with 1867-80 to 15kr, 1890-96 to 1kr, 1921 Flood Relief to 20k used, 1975-82 range of mostly MUH commemoratives; early issues in mixed condition, improves thereafter. View details Estimate$100 - $140StatusCLOSED! Symbol** * (*) O Lot 548 AUSTRIA: 1918-22 collection with 1918-19 Overprints to 10k mint incl. P.11½ 2k (3, one used) & 4k (2), 1919-20 Arms/Allegory with imperforate multiples used, mint 5h & 10h strips of 10 with plate dots, 5h, 15h & 30h imperforate sheets of 120 mint, 1919-20 Parliament P.11½ set mint, plus 7½k & 20k used, 1921 50k P.12½ sheet of 100 (no sheet margins), also Flood Relief overprints and Karnten (Carinthia) overprints including imperforate multiples, 1922 Symbols 1000k P.11½ mint View details Estimate$600 - $800Price Realized$420StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Symbol** * O Lot 549 AUSTRIA: 1944-1979 disorganised mostly mint collection in two volumes with better mint sets incl. 1948 Artists (2 sets), 1948 Costumes incomplete but incl. 90g, 1s red & 10s, 1949 Welfare Fund, 1949 Relief Fund, 1950 Plebiscite MVLH, 1951 Reconstruction Fund (2 sets, one MUH), 1955 Re-establishment MUH; 1960 onwards reasonably complete with some M/Ss; condition variable, inspection suggested.(many 100s) View details Estimate$400 - $500StatusCLOSED! Symbol** * O Lot 550 AUSTRIA: 1965-1978 Collection of MUH pairs, some items with sheet value imprints, plus a few duplicated M/Ss; also very fine. View details Estimate$120 - $160StatusCLOSED! Symbol** Lot 551 BELGIUM: RAILWAY STAMPS: large quantity of 1950s-60s Railway Parcels Forms franked with railway stamps noting values to 50fr & 100fr (noted one form with 100fr strip of 4), many other forms with attractive multiple frankings. Large quantity of material to review and research. (approx 500 forms) View details Estimate$120 - $160Price Realized$130StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history SymbolD Lot 552 BELGIUM: POSTAL HISTORY: 1860-1960s bundle of covers including 1868 Brussels-Paris with 30c brown (cover faults), 1871 commercial to Holland with 20c blue, 1879 & 1884 with 25c bistre, 1910 Brussels Exhibition postcard with tabbed 10c & Exhibition label, 1914 postcard to Scotland with tabbed 10c, 1948 bank cover to Australia with 3fr15c Textiles, 1940s attractively franked airmail covers to Australia (4); several others registered View details Estimate$200 - $300StatusCLOSED! SymbolC Lot 553 British Levant: 1905-21 (between SG.L1-L24) KEVII-KGV overprinted group with KEVII 1905-12 ½d to 1/- (ex 3d & 5d) including ½d shade, KGV 1911-13 ½d & 1d (2), 1921 3d to 2/6d Seahorse including 6d reddish purple shade (SG.L22a); KEVII 1d no gum, 2½d crease & tone, others generally fine; Cat. £260.(19) View details Estimate$180 - $220StatusCLOSED! Symbol* (*) Lot 554 BRITISH GUIANA: 1852 (SG. 9-10) Waterlow 1c black on magenta (2) and 4c black on deep blue (2), all in very mixed used condition, the 4d blues with varying degrees of surface rubbing, one with horizonatal crease. Also perforated reprint pairs of both values, Cat. £35,000. View details Estimate$3,500 - $4,500StatusCLOSED! SymbolO * Lot 555 BRITISH WEST INDIES: BARBADOS: 1873 (SG.61a) Wmk Large Star, 1/- black pair (perforations trimmed on all sides), variety IMPERFORATE BETWEEN, original gum, Cat. £9,000. Affordable example of this major rarity. BPA Certificate (2017) View details Estimate$1,000 - $1,200StatusCLOSED! Symbol* Lot 556 BRITISH WEST INDIES: CAYMAN ISLANDS: 1962-64 (SG.165-79) QEII ½d to £1 Pictorial set, fresh MUH, Cat. £95. View details Estimate$80 - $120StatusCLOSED! Symbol** Lot 557 BRUNEI: 1895 (between SG.3 & 9) Star & Local View issue duplicated array with 2c black (18, incl. 2 pairs), 5c blue-green (3), 8c plum (2), 10c orange-red (5), 25c turquoise-green (19, incl. 2 pairs) & 50c yellow-green (27, incl. pair); condition issues including perf faults and aging, without gum; the two higher values alone Cat £2300+ (74) View details Estimate$300 - $400Price Realized$240StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Symbol(*) Lot 558 CANADA: 1859-1950s Collection on album pages and stockbook page with 1859 1c, 5c & 12½c, 1864 2c, Large Queens 2c, 3c, 6c & 12½c, Small Queens to 10c; also c.1935 airmail cover to South Africa with 6c Air x29 including a block of 18 on reverse, plus a little Newfoundland. (200 approx + cover) View details Estimate$120 - $160Price Realized$120StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history SymbolO C Lot 559 CANADA: PRIVATE COURIER STAMPS & LOCALS: 1960s-1990s mostly unused assortment in album predominantly Juan De Fuca Despatch 1965-1987 issues, all with specialised catalogue references, many issues in sheetlets or strips, also 1981-89 'British Columbia/Private Courier' issues, plus Canada Strike post, Kaulbach Island and Winnipeg-Pembina Courier emissions. (100s) View details Estimate$200 - $240Price Realized$140StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Symbol* (*) Lot 560 885-1950s duplicated assembly in well-filled stockbook with 1885 1ca dull green unused (tonespot) & 3ca used, few Dragons to 5c, Junks/Reapers to 15c with few multiples, plus overprints & surcharges, 1940s commemoratives mint/unused multiples incl. 1940-41 Airs 15c to $2 in unused blocks of 4, plus $5 strip of 3 and duplicated used to $2, View details Estimate$500 - $750Price Realized$1,350StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Symbol* (*) O Lot 561 CHINA: 1890s-1950s fragmentary array on album pages with 1898/1906 Dragons/Carp to 50c with few surcharges, 1913-30 Junks incl. blocks of 4, plus Entrance Hall $1 & $2, 1938-41 Sun Yat-sen to $20, 1939 Constitution set used, etc; condition variable. (170 approx) View details Estimate$60 - $100Price Realized$100StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history SymbolO Lot 562 CHINA: 1890s-1990s accumulation predominantly incl. 1987 4c on 4c used, 1945 Lin Sen $5 to $20 mint, 1950s used sets on album pages, 1963 Children MNG (as issued), 1973 Ballet (MUH) 1980s MUH multiples including 1982 8f Fan Paintings blocks of 18 (2), 1983 4f Opera block of 24, 1983 20f Alligator block of 15, also noted 1926 'Second Nationalist Government Lottery Loan' certificate. Heaps more to view. (100s). View details Estimate$250 - $500Price Realized$860StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Symbol** * (*) O Lot 563 CHINA: 1913-50s duplicated array in stockbook with used Junks array including surcharges, Entrance Hall to $5, 1932 Airs plus overprints & surcharges, 1940s commemoratives mint/unused multiples; also MANCHUKUO duplicated definitives with a few multiples, and GERMAN POs in CHINA incl. 1898 10pf & 50pf with 45°overprints, plus 20pf (2, one with perf faults) & 50pf with 56°overprints, and 1901-04 80pf; mixed condition, mostly fine. (100s) View details Estimate$250 - $350Price Realized$460StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Symbol* (*) O Lot 564 CHINA: 1913-50s disorganised array in small stockbook with used duplicated Junks & Sun Yat-sen issues, and a few overprinted mint Sun Yat-sen issues with a few multiples; plus MANCHUKUO 1942 Fall of Singapore 2f & 4f in mint blocks of 8; also stamps in packets mostly used incl. Junks, Hall of Classics to $5, Airs plus more Manchukuo. (100s) View details Estimate$100 - $150Price Realized$780StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Symbol* (*) O Lot 565 CHINA: 1940s-80s era mostly used in stockbook with better issues including 1967 Labour Day with duplicates of some values, quite a few other odd values and part-sets from Revolutionary Period, also noted 1976 Five Year Plan set of 16 (MUH); condition variable. (180 approx) View details Estimate$200 - $400Price Realized$1,650StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history SymbolO * ** Lot 566 CHINA: 1973-76 sets and odd values comprising 1973 Archaeological Treasures, five values including 52f, 1974 National Day set with 8f se-tenant strip, 1975 National Games 8f Volleyball & 35f Children & Divers, 1975 'Wushu' 8f (2 values) & 43f, 1976 Revolutionary Sites set, Cat £88. (18) View details Estimate$60 - $80Price Realized$80StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Symbol** Lot 567 CHINA: STAMP PACKS: Zhuhai Stamps Corporation stamp packs (7) containing selected 1978-1990 commemorative issues MUH, also a few FDCs, plus a small quantity of cinderalla M/Ss and stamps. (small qty) View details Estimate$120 - $160Price Realized$90StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Symbol** FDC Lot 568 CHINA - Taiwan: 1962 Ancient Chinese Paintings (SG.451-54), and 1966 Painted Faces of Chinese Opera (SG.569-72) sets, MUH; Cat. £350 (8). View details Estimate$260 - $280Price Realized$220StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Symbol** Lot 569 COOK ISLANDS: 1936-44 (between SG.116 & 123) Overprint selection comprising 2/- & 3/- Admirals (SG.116-17), £1 'Cowan Paper' Arms (SG.121) & £3 'Wiggins Teape Paper' Arms (SG.123b), fine mint, Cat. £600. View details Estimate$400 - $500StatusCLOSED! Symbol* Lot 570 Egypt: 1915 (SG.83a) 2m on 3m yellow-orange, error 'SURCHARGE INVERTED', fine mint with a normal stamp for comparison, Cat. £225 View details Estimate$180 - $220StatusCLOSED! Symbol* Lot 571 Egypt: BRITISH FORCES IN EGYPT: 1932-34 (SG.A1 & A7) comprising 1932 1p deep blue & red perf.11 inscribed 'POSTAL SEAL' very fine mint, plus 1934-35 1p carmine perf 14½x14 inscribed 'LETTER STAMP', faint corner crease, otherwise fine mint; Cat. £150. (2) View details Estimate$120 - $140StatusCLOSED! Symbol* Lot 572 Egypt: BRITISH FORCES IN EGYPT: 1935 (SG.A10) Silver Jubilee 1p ultramarine, with lightly struck cancel in red, Cat. £180. View details Estimate$160 - $200Price Realized$180StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history SymbolO Lot 573 Egypt: POSTCARDS: A collection of circa 1905 - 15 postcards including Louis Levy "Types and Scenes", interesting street scenes, views, etc., in a small album. accompanied by two small photographs of the Australian soldier (Sgt. W. F. Doubleday) who collected the cards while serving there; one pic endorsed "Zeitoun Camp, Cairo, Egypt 1915", the other, "Headquarters N.Z. & A. Division, Alexandria, Egypt". (100+ cards). View details Estimate$200 - $300Price Realized$240StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history SymbolPC Lot 574 Falkland Islands: 1933 (SG.136) Centenary of British Administration 5/- King Penguin, very fine MLH, Cat. £1000. View details Estimate$1,000 - $1,200Price Realized$840StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Symbol* Lot 575 FRANCE: 1949 (SG.1055-59) Airs (Views) 100fr to 1000fr set, fine used, key 1000fr value is VFU. (5) View details Estimate$120 - $180Price Realized$60StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 576 FRENCH COMMUNITY: French Southern & Antarctic Territories: 1965 (SG.39) 30f ITU Air, IMPERFORATE lower-left corner block (4), dated "2.12.64", very fresh MUH, Yvert. PA9, Cat ‚¬1100++. Nice item for telecommunications or space thematic exhibit. View details Estimate$500 - $750StatusCLOSED! Symbol** Lot 577 FRENCH COMMUNITY: GUINEE - REVENUES: c.1980s 1fr to 25,000fr Timbre Fiscal 'TRAVAIL JUSTICE SOLIDARITÉ ' set of 17 in blocks of 4, MUH. Of uncertain status but believed to be proofs. (68) View details Estimate$200 - $300StatusCLOSED! SymbolP ** Lot 578 FRENCH COMMUNITY: NEW CALEDONIA: 1892 Commerce 40c red-orange with 'NLLE/CALEDONIE' diagonal overprint as Ceres #32 but IMPERFORATE (2mm closed tear at lower-right); also 1892-93 Surcharges 10c on 1fr green-olive as Ceres #39 but also IMPERFORATE; both with probable CTO cancels in grey-black. Extension facilities available. (2) The vendor advises that both stamps come from a collection formed in New Caledonia by a postal official. View details Estimate$500 - $750StatusCLOSED! SymbolO Lot 579 GERMAN COLONIES: Selection on album pages with GERMAN NEW GUINEA [8] incl. 1897-99 20pf & 1901 Yachts 30pf (2); GERMAN POs in MOROCCO [28] incl. 1899 Diagonal Ovpts 3c on 3pf to 25c on 20pf, 1900-18 Surcharges on Germania to 1p on 80pf, plus 2p.50c on 2m (SG.61); MARIANA ISLANDS [5] with 1901-19 20c, 20c & 50c Yachts; MARSHALL ISLANDS [5] with 1897-1900 Overprints ('C' omitted) 3pf to 20pf; SAMOA [16] including 1900 Diagonal Ovpt 10pf (2), 20pf & 25pf; View details Estimate$300 - $400Price Realized$280StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history SymbolO Lot 580 GERMAN COLONIES: Selection on stockbook pages with GERMAN EAST AFRICA 1893 25p of 50pf used, GERMAN SOUTH-WEST AFRICA Yacht types Wmk Lozenges 10pf & 20pf mint multiples, other single values to 50pf mint or used, also 1899 use of overprinted 10pf Postal Card Windhoek to Wiesbaden, Germany, plus PPCs (2) one used 1905 Swakopmund to Cape Town with Yachts 3pf (2) & 5pf; SAMOA mostly mint Yacht types to 80pf, plus mint No Watermark 3m and Watermark Lozenges 5m; View details Estimate$260 - $300Price Realized$340StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Symbol* O Lot 581 GERMAN COLONIES: CAMEROUN: 1897-1919 Selection with Overprints 10pf, 20pf, 25pf & 50pf; Yachts No Watermark to 25pf (3), 30pf (3), 40pf, 50pf (6) & 80pf (2) plus 1m with watery 1901 strike of the large oval 'DEUTSCHE SEEPOST/LINIE/HAMBURG-/WESTAFRIKA' datestamp; Watermarked Yachts with duplicated 5pf & 10pf; condition mostly fine, Cat £400+. (35) View details Estimate$200 - $250Price Realized$180StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history GradeO Lot 582 GERMAN COLONIES: CAROLINE ISLANDS: 1899-1910 used selection with 48° Overprint 10pf (Cat. £190), 56° Overprint 10pf, 20pf & 50pf, Yachts 3pf, 5pf, 20pf, 25pf, 50pf & 80pf; odd nibbed perf, generally fine, Cat. £460+. (10) View details Estimate$280 - $320Price Realized$220StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history SymbolO Lot 583 GERMAN COLONIES: GERMAN EAST AFRICA: 1893-1920 used selection with 1893 Horizontal Overprints 5p on 10p rose (SG.3, Cat. £150), & 10p on 20pf (2), 1896-99 Diagonal Ovpts 2p on 3pf bistre-brown, 3p of 5pf, 5p on 10pf (2), 10p on 20pf (2), & 25p on 50pf; 1901 Yacht Types No Wmk 15p plus duplicated lower values, 1905 Change of Currency 7½h & 20h, 1905-20 Watermarked selection to 20h, 30h (2) & 45h (Cat. £100); generally fine, Cat. £500+. (39) View details Estimate$250 - $300Price Realized$180StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history SymbolO Lot 584 GERMAN COLONIES: GERMAN SOUTH-WEST AFRICA: 1897-1919 used selection with overprinted (with hyphen) 3pf to 20pf, and overprinted (without hyphen) 5pf, 10pf (2), 20pf & 50pf, No Watermark Yachts to 80pf & 3m (2) with duplicated lower values, Watermarked Yachts incl. 2m blue; mostly fine, Cat. £400+. (36) View details Estimate$200 - $250Price Realized$180StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history SymbolO Lot 585 GERMAN COLONIES: GERMAN SOUTH-WEST AFRICA: 1901-1919 Kaiser's Yacht (large format) high values comprising No Watermark 5m (SG.23) and Watermark Lozenges 1m & 5m (SG.29 & 32); fine used, Cat. £910. (3) View details Estimate$460 - $500Price Realized$360StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history SymbolO Lot 586 GERMAN COLONIES: GERMAN POs in TURKISH EMPIRE: 1884-1908 selection with 1884 Surcharges on Deutsche Reichs-Post 'Arms' issues 1p on 20pf (4), 1889 Surcharges on 'Reichpost' Numerals/Arms 10pa on 5p (blue-green) to 2½pi on 50pf (2, incl. lake-brown shade, Cat. £180), 1900 Surcharges on Germania issue to 4pi on 80pf with some duplicates, 1902-04 Seriffed 'A' Surcharge 10pa on 5pf & 1pi on 20pf, 1905 Change of Overprint Type (No Watermark) with 1¼pi on 25pf & 2pi on 40pf plus 15pi on 3m (Cat. £85), View details Estimate$240 - $280Price Realized$160StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history SymbolO Lot 587 GERMAN COLONIES: GERMAN POs in TURKISH EMPIRE: 1885 (SG.Z33b) large-part strike of 1885 'CONSTANTINOPLE' datestamp on German 2Mk dull rose Numeral; few nibbed perfs, Cat. £600. View details Estimate$200 - $250Price Realized$140StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history SymbolO Lot 588 GERMAN COLONIES: KIAUTSCHOU: 1901-18 Yachts used selection with No Wmk German Currency 3pf to 20pf, 30pf, 40pf (2), 50pf & 2m, No Wmk Chinese Currency duplicated to 10c plus ½d($) carmine, Watermarked Chinese Currency duplicated to 10c plus 20c; generally fine, Cat. £420. (33) View details Estimate$180 - $220Price Realized$180StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history SymbolO Lot 589 GERMAN COLONIES: POSTMARKS: with POs in CHINA complete strike of 1897 'TIENTSIN/KAISERL.DEUTSCHE/POSTAGENTUR' datestamp tying 50pf chocolate 'Reichpost' Arms to piece (Cat. £65); CAMEROUN complete 1896 'KAMERUN' datestamp tying 20pf dull blue 'Reichpost' Arms to piece (Cat. £100); GERMAN SOUTH-WEST AFRICA complete strike of 1908 'GROOTFONTEIN' tying 25pf Yacht to piece, plus 2 other items. (5) View details Estimate$120 - $160Price Realized$100StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history SymbolO Lot 590 GERMAN STATES & GERMANY: with better States including BRUNSWICK 1853-56 1sgr used on piece, 1857 (SG.12) 4/4ggr (2) both unused; HANOVER 1859-61 3gr brown; OLDENBURG 1862-67 Rouletted 1/3g (6) unused (minimum Cat. £500), PRUSSIA 1850-56 4pf yellow-green, 1861 rouletted 3pf single & 4pf pair (used on piece), 1866 10sgr rose pair (Cat. £340) tied to piece by 'BARMEN/RITTERSHAUSEN' boxed cancel, & 30sgr pair on small piece (small edge faults, Cat. £750); View details Estimate$400 - $600Price Realized$300StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history SymbolO (*) * Lot 591 GERMAN STATES: BAVARIA: 1849-62 (SG.3-6) imperf 3k blue accumulation, variable margins, possible shade & numeral postmark interest; few faults, generally good to fine condition, minimum Cat. £500+. View details Estimate$150 - $200StatusCLOSED! SymbolO Lot 592 GERMAN STATES: BRUNSWICK: 1852 (SG.2) No Wmk 2sgr blue, good to large margins, original deep colour. Fine fault-free example, Cat. £450. View details Estimate$150 - $200Price Realized$120StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history SymbolO Lot 593 GERMAN STATES: HAMBURG:1859 (SG.6) Wavy Line Watermark imperf 4s green Numeral, complete close to large margins, tidy cancellation; fine example, Cat. £2000. View details Estimate$400 - $600StatusCLOSED! GradeO Lot 594 GERMAN STATES: HAMBURG:1864-65 (SG.19 & 27) Perf.13½ 2½s yellow-green Numeral unused; also ½s black postally used; Cat. £221. (2) View details Estimate$80 - $120StatusCLOSED! Symbol(*) O Lot 595 EAST & WEST GERMANY and BERLIN: 1949-55 selection on two Hagners with sets including WEST GERMANY 1949 Parliament, 1950 Bach, 1951-52 Posthorn to 90pf with additional 50pf, 1951 St Mary's Church & Relief Fund, 1953 Relief Fund, 1955 Lufthansa; BERLIN 1949 UPU; EAST GERMANY 1950 'DEBRIA' imperf M/S (2), 1951 China Friendship, etc; slight duplication, few used, mostly mint, Cat. £7,000 approx. (61) View details Estimate$750 - $1,000StatusCLOSED! Symbol* O Lot 596 GERMANY & STATES: mostly used collection in album with BAVARIA 1849-62 imperf 3k (2) in blue or in rose and 6k brown, 1911-19 Luitpold to 1m & 2m Type II, 1914-20 People’s State overprints to 80pf & 5m used; GERMANY 1875-79 ‘PFENNIGE’ issues to 50pf (2), 1880-87 ‘PFENNIG’ to 50pf (2), 1920 Overprints to 10m used plus 20m mint, 1925 5m Cathedral, 1934 Airs and Colonisers sets, 1937 Culture Fund imperf M/S (mint, soiling), 1938 Winter Relief Fund set, View details Estimate$300 - $500Price Realized$260StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Symbol* O Lot 597 GERMANY & STATES: Medley of material with BAVARIA including 1911 Prince Luitpold 25th Anniv. 5pf block of 6 CTO (full gum), useful Ludwig 1914-20 issues used unoverprinted 15pf carmine (SG.180A, Cat.£60); GERMANY basic array of 1902-60s definitives including Germania and Hindenburg issues used; also postal stationery with Wurttemberg 1897 use of oversized 5pf+5pf District Court Stationery Envelope uprated with 5pf official, used from Nurtingen to Kirchheim, View details Estimate$100 - $200StatusCLOSED! Symbol* O PS Lot 598 GERMANY: 1936 (SG.MS613a) Summer Olympic Games Miniature Sheets on separate covers with 'Berlin Olympia/Schwimmstadion" Nos '012' or '013' registration labels, M/Ss centrally canceled with 'BERLIN OLYMPIA SCHWIMMSTADION/15/8/36' commemorative datestamps. View details Estimate$200 - $250StatusCLOSED! SymbolC Lot 599 GERMANY: WEST BERLIN: 1949 (SG.B54-B60) 75th Anniversary of UPU 12pf to 2Dm set, fine used, Cat. £440 View details Estimate$200 - $250StatusCLOSED! SymbolO Items per page 102550100 Previous|123456789|Next Previous 123456789 Next Previous 123456789 Next