Stamps, Coins & Postal History (#475) Closed Auction Info PDF Prices Realized View ▼ Items per page 102550100 Sort by DefaultTime LeftLot#Lot NameNewestHighest PriceLowest PriceBidsViews Filter By Categories Category match ANY of the aboveALL of the above Featured Exclude closed lots Price Lot Number Results: Viewing items 401-500 of 761. Previous|12345678|Next Lot 398 AUSTRALIA: Aerophilately & Flight Covers: The Last Flight of the "Southern Cross" 18 July 1935 (AAMC.515) a cover (#30) carried from Mascot to Richmond, with special vignette showing the route the aeroplane had followed around the world; signed by Charles Kingsford Smith, Mary Kingsford Smith, P.G. Taylor, John Stannage and all other personnel on board. View details Estimate$900 - $1,200StatusUnsoldBidding historyBidding history SymbolC Lot 399 AUSTRALIA: Aerophilately & Flight Covers: 22 August 1935 (AAMC.523a) Daly Waters - Adelaide flown cover, carried by Australian Transcontinental Airways and signed by the pilots, J. Chapman and B. Cowan. A scarce intermediate. View details Estimate$80 - $100Price Realized$60StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history SymbolC Lot 400 AUSTRALIA: Aerophilately & Flight Covers: 7 October 1935 (AAMC.537a) Canberra - Sydney - Darwin flown cover, carried by Holymans Airways, (New England Airways & Qantas) on the inaugural service from Melbourne via Canberra. A scarce example signed by the pilots, C.H. Scott and P.L. Taylor. View details Estimate$80 - $100StatusUnsoldBidding historyBidding history SymbolC Lot 401 AUSTRALIA: Aerophilately & Flight Covers: 14 October 1935 (AAMC.542) Townsville - Cairns flown cover, carried for New England Airways; signed and endorsed by the pilot, N.W. Croucher and with NEAL vignette affixed verso. [Only 10 covers flown]. View details Estimate$120 - $150StatusCLOSED! SymbolC Lot 402 AUSTRALIA: Aerophilately & Flight Covers: 9 April 1937 (AAMC.713) A Brisbane - Darwin flown cover, cancelled on arrival and signed and dated on the back by the pilot, Mrs Delores Bonney. This was the first leg of her epic flight in "My Little Ship II" which eventually took her to Capetown. A very scarce example of the covers carried on these flights which was not created by Bonney's support team. This example, self-addressed to Ernie Crome is believed to be one of only 6 carried for him by Mrs. View details Estimate$200 - $250Price Realized$160StatusSold SymbolC Lot 403 AUSTRALIA: Aerophilately & Flight Covers: 19 April 1937 (AAMC.727) Sydney - Los Angeles registered flown cover, carried on the inaugural service via Hong Kong, with attractive franking of 5/6 the cover was flown by QANTAS to Hong Kong and by Pan Am from Hong Kong to U.S.A. with departure, intermediate and arrival b/stamps. [One of only 52 reg'd items carried]. View details Estimate$150 - $200Price Realized$120StatusSold SymbolC Lot 404 AUSTRALIA: Aerophilately & Flight Covers: 29 July 1937 (AAMC.746) Sydney - Sydney round Australia flown cover, carried by Jack Clancy and R.H. Julius in their Tiger Cub; signed by Clancy and posted on arrival back in Sydney on October 18th. (The flight had not departed until September due to damage to the plane soon after leaving Sydney. [One of only 15 flown; all intermediates are held in the Crome Collection in the National Library, Canberra.]. View details Estimate$200 - $250StatusCLOSED! SymbolC Lot 405 AUSTRALIA: Aerophilately & Flight Covers: THE INDIAN OCEAN SURVEY FLIGHT OF THE "GUBA" CATALINA FLYING BOAT 4th - 23rd June 1939 (AAMC.865) Australia - Victoria (Seychelles) flown flown Registration Envelope, cancelled on arrival and self-addressed by Jack Percival, one of the Australians onboard, who later left the flight at Mombassa and returned to Australia by ship. [Small unofficial mail carried.]. Cat.$800. View details Estimate$400 - $500Price Realized$650StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history SymbolC Lot 406 AUSTRALIA: Aerophilately & Flight Covers: August - October 1939 the "Aeoteroa" Flights: 24 Sept. 1939 (AAMC.879) Auckland - Sydney flown cover, cancelled on arrival and signed by Captain J.W.Burgess and his crew, following their trans-Tasman leg of the England - Australia route for Tasman Empire Airways. The aircraft used was a Short S30 Empire Flying Boat, ZK-AMA, which was on a delivery flight from England. (Very few covers flown, as on this leg only unofficial mail was carried.). View details Estimate$300 - $350Price Realized$480StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history SymbolC Lot 407 AUSTRALIA: Aerophilately & Flight Covers: 30 April 1940: The First Regular Trans-Tasman Flights: Original telegram sent from Brisbane with SYDNEY CHIEF TELEGRAPH OFFICE cds, sent by Fergus McMaster (co-founder of QANTAS) to Hudson Fysh (Chairman of Qantas) congratulating Fysh on the decision to include QANTAS "in Empire Aviation" and on his being on-board for the first flight. View details Estimate$150 - $200Price Realized$200StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history SymbolC Lot 408 AUSTRALIA: Aerophilately & Flight Covers: 6 May 1940 (AAMC.900ab) Sydney - New Zealand flown cover, carried on the first flight of the "Awarau" for TEAL and signed by Captain Oscar Garden and his co-pilot, Chris Griffiths; UMUTOI arrival b/stamp. A very small unofficial mail was carried by the pilots. View details Estimate$150 - $200StatusCLOSED! Lot 409 AUSTRALIA: Aerophilately & Flight Covers: 17 Jan.1941 (AAMC.912) Sydney - Dili (Portuguese Timor) registered cover, flown and signed by Captain H.B.Hussey for QANTAS; the first time Dili had been included as a stopover en route for Singapore. With war looming in the area, the route was suspended on 6 Dec. 1941. [Only 54 mail items carried]. View details Estimate$300 - $400StatusCLOSED! Lot 410 AUSTRALIA: Aerophilately & Flight Covers: 23 December 1942 (AAMC.950) Sydney - Mornington Island Christmas parachute mail flown cover, with special vignette, QANTAS violet handstamp and signed by the pilot, W.H. Crowther; also signed verso by R.E. Braunholz, the Missionary in Charge. Superb. View details Estimate$100 - $125Price Realized$90StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history SymbolC Lot 411 AUSTRALIA: Aerophilately & Flight Covers: 24 December 1943 (AAMC.970) Sydney - Mornington Island Christmas parachute mail flown cover, with special vignette, QANTAS violet handstamp and signed by the pilot, K.G. Caldwell; also signed verso by J.B.McCarthy, the Missionary in Charge. View details Estimate$120 - $150Price Realized$90StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history SymbolC Lot 412 AUSTRALIA: Aerophilately & Flight Covers: 4 October 1945 (AAMC.1009) Sydney - Singapore flown cover, carried aboard QANTAS Coriolanus and signed by the captain, K. G. Caldwell. This was a development flight prior to the re-opening of the civil air service to Singapore after the defeat of Japan. Singapore (8/10) arrival backstamp. View details Estimate$150 - $175Price Realized$120StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history SymbolC Lot 413 AUSTRALIA: Aerophilately & Flight Covers: 24 December 1946 (AAMC.1089) Sydney - Mornington Island Christmas parachute mail cover, flown for QANTAS by E.R. Nicholl; with special vignette affixed at left and signed by J.B. McCarthy, Superintendent, verso. View details Estimate$100 - $120StatusCLOSED! SymbolC Lot 414 AUSTRALIA: Aerophilately & Flight Covers: 17 January 1947 (AAMC.1092) Rabaul - Sydney flown cover, carried for QANTAS and signed by the pilot, J.A. Bonnington; with special vignette affixed. Very fine. View details Estimate$80 - $100StatusCLOSED! SymbolC Lot 415 AUSTRALIA: Aerophilately & Flight Covers: 14 Oct. 1947 (AAMC.1113-1114) Sydney - Norfolk Island & return flown covers; both with special vignettes prepared for the QANTAS flights and both covers signed by the captain, L.R. Ambrose, who piloted the Lancastrian in both directions. (2 covers). View details Estimate$150 - $200StatusCLOSED! SymbolC Lot 416 AUSTRALIA: Aerophilately & Flight Covers: 19 December 1947 (AAMC.1132) Sydney - Mornington Island Christmas parachute mail cover, flown for QANTAS and signed by the pilot, R.A. Bruce; with special vignette affixed at left and signed by J.B. McCarthy, Superintendent, verso. View details Estimate$100 - $120Price Realized$80StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history SymbolC Lot 417 AUSTRALIA: Aerophilately & Flight Covers: 23 October 1948 (AAMC.1192a) Sydney - Brisbane, registered flown cover carried by TAA on the first scheduled flight of their Convair-Liner; with backstamps and accompanying official enclosure. View details Estimate$50 - $75Price Realized$40StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history SymbolC Lot 418 AUSTRALIA: Aerophilately & Flight Covers: Nov.1948 (AAMC.1193b) Johannesburg - Sydney QANTAS first flight vignette, superb Unused. View details Estimate$60 - $80StatusCLOSED! SymbolC Lot 419 AUSTRALIA: Aerophilately & Flight Covers: 15-19 March 1949 (AAMC.1205) Hong Kong - Sydney flown covers (2), carried by QANTAS Skymaster on a round-trip survey flight under the command of Captain E.C. Sims, who has signed both covers which also bear the attractive special vignettes used exclusively for these flights. Cat.$300. View details Estimate$200 - $225StatusCLOSED! SymbolC Lot 420 AUSTRALIA: Aerophilately & Flight Covers: 26-30 June 1949 (AAMC.1218-19) Sydney - Hong Kong and Hong Kong - Sydney flown covers carried by QANTAS Skymaster on their first regular service, under the command of Captain J.M. Hampshire, who has signed both covers which also bear the attractive special vignettes used exclusively for these flights. Cat.$200. View details Estimate$150 - $175Price Realized$120StatusSold SymbolC Lot 421 AUSTRALIA: Aerophilately & Flight Covers: 19 December 1949 (AAMC.1234) Brisbane - Mornington Island Christmas mail, cover carried by TAA and signed by the pilot, R.K. Crabbe. The original enclosure, a letter from L.J. Brain of TAA, accompanies the cover, which is signed and dated, verso, by G.W. Taylor, the Missionary in Charge. (2 items). View details Estimate$80 - $100Price Realized$100StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history SymbolC Lot 422 AUSTRALIA: Aerophilately & Flight Covers: 14 March 1951 (AAMC.1271b) Australia - Fiji flown cover, carried by Captain P.G. Taylor on his Special Survey Flight from Australia to Chile in his Catalina "Frigate Bird II"; backstamped SUVA. Cat.$250. View details Estimate$120 - $150Price Realized$120StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history SymbolC Lot 423 AUSTRALIA: Aerophilately & Flight Covers: 14 March 1951 (AAMC.1271d) Australia - Cook Islands flown cover, carried by Captain P.G. Taylor on his Special Survey Flight from Australia to Chile in his Catalina "Frigate Bird II"; backstamped AITUTAKI. Cat.$200. View details Estimate$120 - $150StatusCLOSED! SymbolC Lot 424 AUSTRALIA: Aerophilately & Flight Covers: 14 March 1951 (AAMC.1271e) Australia - French Polynesia flown cover, carried by Captain P.G. Taylor on his Special Survey Flight from Australia to Chile in his Catalina "Frigate Bird II"; RIKITEA arrival cds on front. Cat.$250. View details Estimate$150 - $200Price Realized$120StatusSold SymbolC Lot 425 AUSTRALIA: Aerophilately & Flight Covers: 14 March 1951 (AAMC.1271f) Australia - Easter Island flown cover, carried by Captain P.G. Taylor on his Special Survey Flight from Australia to Chile in his Catalina "Frigate Bird II"; ISLE DE PASCUA * CHILE" arrival cachet on front. Cat.$250. View details Estimate$150 - $200StatusCLOSED! SymbolC Lot 426 AUSTRALIA: Aerophilately & Flight Covers: THE 1953 CORONATION DAY FLIGHTS: (AAMC.1317, 1318 & 1318a) Special QANTAS flown covers flown Sydney - London, London - Sydney and similar pairs of covers flown to and from Norfolk Island, Papua New Guinea, New Zealand, Fiji, British Solomon Islands, Pakistan, Ceylon, New Hebrides, Mauritius, Singapore & Cocos Island. (24 covers on annotated pages). View details Estimate$200 - $250Price Realized$160StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history SymbolC Lot 427 AUSTRALIA: Aerophilately & Flight Covers: THE 50th ANNIVERSARY OF THE FIRST TRANS-PACIFIC FLIGHT: 9 June 1978 (AAMC.1846a) Special cover flown from Brisbane to Sydney and bearing the signatures of more than 30 aviators who played significant roles in the history of Australian aviation. Noted Lores Bonney, Skip Moody, Norman Brearley, Keith Virtue, Harold Litchfield, Jack Clancy, Frank Roberts & G. U. Allen. (One of only 50). View details Estimate$150 - $200Price Realized$220StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history SymbolC Lot 428 AUSTRALIA: Aerophilately & Flight Covers: 24 June 1936 (AAMC.R5a) Riverview - Moggill flown cover, carried on the delayed flight by "Orion", with vignette in red; cachet in violet and numbered #183. View details Estimate$80 - $100Price Realized$60StatusSold SymbolC Lot 429 AUSTRALIA: Postal History: EXPRESS DELIVERY SERVICE: 1929-1960s collection on display pages or in cover protectors including 1929 First Flight cover Perth-Adelaide, thence surface to Melbourne endorsed "Express Delivery" corrected franked at 8½d including the 4d ED fee; 1938 Birchip to Melbourne with rare solo franking usage of 6d Large Kooka to pay 4d ED plus 2d letter rate; 1935 Unley-Perth airmail with 6d Large Kooka plus 6d Airmail endorsed "Express Delivery" & 'Special Delivery', View details Estimate$1,000 - $1,500Price Realized$1,700StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history SymbolC Lot 430 AUSTRALIA: Postal History: LATE FEE COVERS: Selection of covers sent at a variety of rates with well struck 'LATE FEE' datestamps and/or handstamps including 1906 NSW to California sent at 2½d letter rate plus 2½d Late Fee with fine strike of 'LATE FEE PAID/G.P.O.' circular handstamp, 1936 'Strongback Plasters' 1/6d airmail rate to England with 1d added, 1938 1/9d airmail rate to Switzerland with 1d added, 1938 3/- double-rate to England with 1d QM added, etc, View details Estimate$240 - $300StatusCLOSED! SymbolC Lot 431 AUSTRALIA: Postal History: PARCEL TAGS/LABELS: 1923 label, adhered to parcel fragment, franked with Third Wmk 9d Die II & 1/- Die II Roos tied by well-struck GEELONG '19MY23' datestamps, scarce large-part 'Form P.P. 2/GEELONG/7052' counter label affixed. 1/9d paid the intra-state rate for a parcel weighing up to 6lbs (9d for first 2lbs, then 3d for each additional lb). View details Estimate$300 - $400StatusCLOSED! SymbolC Lot 432 AUSTRALIA: Postal History: PARCEL TAGS/LABELS: 1927 label, adhered to parcel fragment, franked with Third Wmk 1/- Die IIB (2) and KGV SMult P.14 3d Blue tied by weak strikes of 1927 BALLARAT datestamp. View details Estimate$240 - $300StatusCLOSED! SymbolC Lot 433 AUSTRALIA: Postal History: PARCEL TAGS/LABELS: 1932 label, adhered to parcel fragment, franked with 1/- Large Lyrebird vertical pair and 6d CofA Roo (Cat.$750 on cover) tied by well struck CLUNES '24MR32' datestamps. 2/6d would have paid Scale 2 intra-state rate for a parcel travelling beyond 30 miles, weighing up to 8lbs. View details Estimate$240 - $300StatusCLOSED! SymbolC Lot 434 AUSTRALIA: Postal History: PARCEL TAGS/LABELS: 1934 small tag franked on both sides to make up 7/- rate, with 1/- Large Lyrebird pairs (3) and Large Kooka 6d (2), tied by PERTH '13MR34' datestamps. Unusual. View details Estimate$240 - $200StatusCLOSED! SymbolC Lot 435 AUSTRALIA: Postal History: PARCEL TAGS/LABELS: 1940s small tag franked on both sides to make up a £3/1/7½d rate, franked with £1 Robes Thick Paper (3) and KGVI 1/4d & 3½d on the other side, cancelled/tied by indistinct 194(?) datestamps. Rare survivor. View details Estimate$900 - $1,200StatusCLOSED! SymbolC Lot 436 AUSTRALIA: Postal History: PARCEL TAGS/LABELS: 1940s label adhered to parcel fragment, 5/- Robes Thick Paper, 2/- Roo & KGVI 3d Brown, tied by weak strike of YEPPOON (Qld) parcels cancel, addressed to Lucy Secor (Melbourne fashion house). 7/3d rate paid the Scale 4 inter-state (non-adjoining) rate for a parcel weighing up to 11lbs. View details Estimate$240 - $300StatusCLOSED! SymbolC Lot 437 AUSTRALIA: Postal History: PARCEL TAGS/LABELS: c.1948-49 tag for Millars' Timber & Trading Co. with Robes 10/- Thick Paper & 5/- Thin Paper plus 2/- Crocodile, 1/- Lyrebird, 9d Platypus & KGVI 2½d tied by indistinct (likely REGISTERED PERTH) datestamps, addressed to Harvey (WA); Attractive multi-value franking. The parcel likely contained the company payroll, and would have been sent at letter rate as coins and bullion could not be sent at parcel rate. View details Estimate$350 - $450StatusCLOSED! SymbolC Lot 438 AUSTRALIA: Postal History: PARCEL TAGS/LABELS: c. early 1950s tag for Millars' Timber & Trading Co. with £1 Arms, 5/- Arms, 1/- Lyrebird & ½d Roo tied by REGISTERED PERTH datestamps (year date illegible), addressed to Harvey (WA); tear well clear of the adhesives. The parcel likely contained the company payroll, and would have been sent at letter rate as coins and bullion could not be sent at parcel rate. View details Estimate$300 - $400StatusCLOSED! SymbolC Lot 439 AUSTRALIA: Postal History: PARCEL TAGS/LABELS: 1952 (Apr.22) tag for Millars' Timber & Trading Co. with £1 Arms, 2/- Crocodile pair & KGVI 3d tied by REGISTERED PERTH datestamp, addressed to Harvey. The parcel likely contained the company payroll, and as coins & bullion could not be sent at parcel rate, it would have been sent at the letter rate of 3½d for 1st oz, then 2½d x111 for each additional oz, plus 9d registration, for an item weighing 7lbs (overpaid 1d). View details Estimate$300 - $400StatusCLOSED! SymbolC Lot 440 AUSTRALIA: Postal History: Perth Land Titles Office registered covers comprising 1916 4d Roo perf Large 'OS' (damaged at top) tied by REGISTERED PERTH datestamp, unclaimed with instructional & 'TOO-LATE' handstamps; 1921 with 3d Die I perf 'OS' (Cat. $400 on cover) & KGV 2d Orange perf 'OS' tied by REGISTERED PERTH datestamps, also unclaimed with instructional handstamp. (2) View details Estimate$240 - $300StatusCLOSED! SymbolC Lot 441 AUSTRALIA: Postal History: 1940-41 airmail covers to USA comprising 1940 (Mar.19) at 4/8d Australia-Pacific route via Hong Kong (backstamp), 1941 4/- clipper rate censored covers via NZ (4) incl. American Consulate General (Sydney) covers with signed certifications (2), plus 7/11d double-rate clipper covers (2) one signed with boxed 'OFFICIAL/BUSINESS' handstamp; the signed certified covers all ex Franklin D Roosevelt Collection with small sections excised from the reverse. Ex Perry (7 items). View details Estimate$240 - $300StatusCLOSED! SymbolC Lot 442 AUSTRALIA: Postal History: c.1940-41 Anglo-Iranian Oil Co double clipper-rate (5/10d per ½oz x2) cover to England endorsed 'VIA AUSTRALIA/ NEW ZEALAND/ UNITED KINGDOM' with 5/- Robes, 2/- Roo (3), 6d Kooka & KGVI 2d tied by lightly struck diamond cancels in violet, Melbourne 'OPENED BY CENSOR' label and 'PASSED BY/CENSOR/V33' cachet in violet, vertical fold clear of adhesives. View details Estimate$120 - $160StatusCLOSED! SymbolC Lot 443 AUSTRALIA: Postal History: 1941 (Dec.22) J.Kennon & Sons (Melbourne) censored advertising cover to Bangkok with KGVI 3d Blue tied by MELBOURNE SHIP MAIL ROOM '22DEC41' datestamp, Melbourne censor tape and 'PASSED BY/CENSOR/V121' boxed handstamp, 'NO SERVICE' boxed handstamp in violet, 'RETURN TO SENDER big finger in vermilion, DEAD LETTER SERVICE/26FE42/SYDNEY NSW' datestamp also ties stamp. Japan invaded Thailand on the 8th December 1941 hence the the cessation of service. View details Estimate$140 - $180StatusCLOSED! SymbolC Lot 444 AUSTRALIA: Postal History: NORTHERN TERRITORY: 1954 (May.12) National Geographic Expedition (Melville Island) imprinted airmail cover to USA with KGVI 6½d green block of tied by DARWIN '12MAY/1954' machine cancel, underpaid with postage deficiency and 'POSTAGE DUE (mss '44') CENTS' handstamps, tad roughly opened. View details Estimate$80 - $120Price Realized$60StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history SymbolC Lot 445 AUSTRALIA: Postal History - World War I - Military: WWI - AUSTRALIAN FLYING CORPS: 1917 (May 7) inwards registered cover from Cuba addressed to Lieut.W.P. Heslop of the AFC, sent by Coronel D. De Battenberg, franked with 2c (6, pair & block of 4) and 1c Definitives tied by ' CERT/Habana - Cuba' undated registration cancels, boxed 'HABANA-CUBA/MAY 7' censor handstamp in violet, addressed to Heslop at Wonthaggi, then re-directed on arrival to the AFC at Laverton, NEW YORK, SAN FRANCISCO & ME View details Estimate$1,000 - $1,500StatusCLOSED! SymbolC Lot 446 AUSTRALIAN PICTURE POSTCARDS: VICTORIA -1908 GREAT WHITE FLEET: mostly unused selection with 'VISIT OF THE UNITED STATES FLEET' unstamped formular Postal Card inscribed at base 'TO/MELBOURNE' (addressed but not postally used); 'VICTORIA WELCOMES/THE AMERICAN FLEET' series [2/12] 'Quartz Crushing Battery, Bendigo' & 'State Settlement, Clerk's Home', the latter postally used; also souvenir cards 'Port Melbourne Pier' & "Australian Welcomes America' showing young Australian lady embracing American View details Estimate$120 - $160Price Realized$100StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history SymbolC PS Lot 447 AUSTRALIAN PICTURE POSTCARDS: 1910s-20s better group with advertising cards for Wertheim 'Australian Pianos', Reynella Wines and Theatre Royal (Melbourne) for the 1928 production of "The Trial of Mary Dugan", with printed notice on reverse; also KGV/Queen Mary Coronation postcard, two WWI silks from the Western Front and a WWI military greeting card. (7 items) View details Estimate$120 - $160Price Realized$100StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history SymbolC Lot 448 POSTAL STATIONERY & POSTAL HISTORY: interesting array with VICTORIA 1912-13 Electoral Claim Envelopes addressed to Berwick (5) one with partial HARKAWAY datestamp, 1908 Fleet Postal Cards 1d Red (4) & 1½d (3); also NSW 1½d UPU Postal Cards (2) used 1895 or 1898 to Germany, the latter with 'At the Antipodes' humourous illustration on reverse, 1895 inwards NZ stampless 'On Public Service' registered envelope View details Estimate$250 - $350Price Realized$140StatusSold SymbolC PS Lot 449 AUSTRALIAN COLONIES & STATES - General & Miscellaneous Lots: POSTMARKS: mostly Commonwealth era with QUEENSLAND datestamps on KGV 2d "red" commemoratives or on KGV Heads, also some Victoria, plus few covers and photographs. View details Estimate$60 - $100Price Realized$80StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history SymbolO C Lot 450 NEW SOUTH WALES: 1854-59 (SG.88) imperf 5d dull green Diadem, good balanced margins, Cat. £650. Faults as described on Ceremuga Certificate (2021). View details Estimate$200 - $300StatusCLOSED! SymbolO Lot 451 NEW SOUTH WALES: 1854-59 (SG.98) 8d dull yellow-orange, complete margins (close at right & base), fragment of adjoining stamp evident at left, SYDNEY 'AP/1860' & 'NSW'-in concentric ovals cancels, Cat. £1500. View details Estimate$700 - $900StatusCLOSED! SymbolO Lot 452 NEW SOUTH WALES: 1860-72 (SG.134) 2d Diadem Wmk '2' (inverted) P.12, "Imperforate between stamp and margin at top", fine used with Rays '47' cancel (rated 2R). View details Estimate$120 - $160StatusCLOSED! SymbolO Lot 453 NEW SOUTH WALES: 1885-86 (SG.239as) Wmk Crown NSW 10/-, with 'POSTAGE' in black (weak 'S' partially printed), Type 7 'SPECIMEN' overprint in black, the lilac printing (vignette and outer framelines) "Printed out-of-register with duty plate" resulting in vignette shifted 2mm to lower right, with left frameline impinging upon the design; stamp with two pinholes in upper-right corner, full o.g. (possibly MUH) View details Estimate$150 - $250StatusCLOSED! Symbol* Lot 454 NEW SOUTH WALES: The 1889 8d Lyrebird: Helio-Vaugirard Proof of the 1889 8d lilac Lyrebird inset into a colour lithographic painting of the bird by L. Screpel. Overall 32 x 25cm; with printed tissue overlay, as issued, circa 1949. View details Estimate$200 - $250Price Realized$380StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history SymbolP Lot 455 NEW SOUTH WALES: 1892-99 (SG.272) ½d Slate used in conjunction with the ½d stamps from each of the other five States on 1912 (Apr.4) cover with printed address of Sydney stamp dealer F.W. Reid, addressed to Boston, Massachusetts, stamps tied by four strikes of 'SYDNEY/17' datestamp. View details Estimate$250 - $300StatusCLOSED! SymbolC Lot 456 NEW SOUTH WALES: REVENUES - GOVERNMENT TRAMWAYS: 1937-49 6d blue (2, shades) both on piece with retail newsagent cancellations; also a 6d (in red) on 4d blue on piece, uncancelled, Elsmore Online Cat.$180. (3) View details Estimate$100 - $140Price Realized$100StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history SymbolO Lot 457 NEW SOUTH WALES: Revenues: REVENUES: 1865 QV long type 4d to £1 complete set of 18 bicoloured die proofs in unadopted colours - plus of the master die (in black) - reduced to stamp-size & affixed in "windows" framed on card 188x228mm or - for the 10/- to £1 - 160x73mm. A unique and delightful set. Ex Charles & Francis Kiddle. [The issued stamps appeared in only four frame colours: 4d to 8d blue; 1/- to 4/- brown (shades); 5/- to 9/- green; and 10/-, 12/6, 15/- & £1 carmine] (19 proofs) View details Estimate$3,000 - $3,500Price Realized$4,800StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history GSTex GSTSymbolP Lot 458 NEW SOUTH WALES - Postal Stationery: POSTAL CARDS - GREAT WHITE FLEET: (H&G #35) 1½d blue Fleet Card 1908 (Sep.17) postal use from Sydney to Glenelg (SA). Rarest of all the Fleet Cards. Very few used examples are recorded. View details Estimate$350 - $450Price Realized$200StatusSold SymbolPS Lot 459 NEW SOUTH WALES - Postal History: 1858 (Mar 6) small cover to Goulburn with 2d Small Diadems tied by very fine Rays '20' cancel , fine LIVERPOOL 'MR6/1858' datestamp alongside, CAMPBELLTOWN transit & GOULBURN arrival backstamps, torn flap and a tad soiled, otherwise quite fine. View details Estimate$140 - $180StatusCLOSED! SymbolC Lot 460 NEW SOUTH WALES - Postal History: POSTAL HISTORY: 1907 (Mar.4) PPC (Hinchinbrook Passage, Qld) to Melbourne endorsed "SS Changsha/Townsville", scarce double-oval 'SHIP LETTER/1D LATE FEE' applied on arrival at Sydney (NSW 1d Shield does not belong), Victoria 1d Due added on arrival at Melbourne cancelled with purple crayon, corner crease at lower right. View details Estimate$80 - $120StatusCLOSED! SymbolC Lot 461 QUEENSLAND: 1880 (SG.125) 10/- reddish-brown, IMPERFORATE Plate Proof pair on ungummed Wmk 'Q' paper, handstamped 'SPECIMEN' vertically in violet. Scarce. View details Estimate$300 - $400StatusCLOSED! SymbolS (*) Lot 462 QUEENSLAND: 1882-91 (SG.172) 1/- Rough Perf.12 vertical strip of 3 from right of the sheet, error "WITHOUT WATERMARK" (instead of 2nd Crown/Q Wmk), two units MUH. Ceremuga Certificate (2021) states "Rare variety, believed to originate due to miscut sheet of paper resulting in greatly misplaced watermark positions" View details Estimate$2,000 - $3,000StatusCLOSED! Symbol** * Lot 463 QUEENSLAND: POSTAL CARDS - GREAT WHITE FLEET: (H&G #16) 1d red Fleet Card, unused. Only 5760 issued. View details Estimate$150 - $200Price Realized$80StatusSold SymbolPS Lot 464 QUEENSLAND: REVENUES - STAMP DUTY: 1879-88 Brisbane Gas Company share transfer certificates (6) comprising 1879 with Small Format 10/- & 2/6d, 1879 (two forms) with 10/-, 5/- & 2/6d and 10/- & 5/-, Large Chalons attached to 1885 form with 5/- & 10/- and 1888 (2) with 10/- strip of 3 or with 10/- strip of 3 plus 5/-; also an 1886 form with Sideface postage stamps 1/- pair & 6d. (6 items) View details Estimate$200 - $300Price Realized$360StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history SymbolD Lot 465 SOUTH AUSTRALIA: 1870-71 (SG.90 & 93) 1d bright green P.10 unused/without gum, and 3d on 4d ultramarine SG.93 (tonespot), misperforated, part-gum; Cat £650. (2) View details Estimate$160 - $220StatusCLOSED! Symbol* (*) Lot 466 SOUTH AUSTRALIA: 1867-70 (SG.57) 6d Prussian blue, large-part og, expertising handstamp on reverse, Cat. £1000. View details Estimate$250 - $350StatusCLOSED! Symbol* Lot 467 SOUTH AUSTRALIA: 1899-1906 ½d GPO to Crown/A 10/- & £1 Thick 'POSTAGE' Long Toms being a 'set' of values available for sale in South Australia circa 1906, fine mint, Cat. £850+. (16) View details Estimate$450 - $500Price Realized$550StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Symbol* Lot 468 SOUTH AUSTRALIA: 1902-04 Thin 'POSTAGE' 4d red-orange SG 269 complete sheet of 60 (10x6) with sheet margins fully intact, Plate Number '1' at each corner and Sheet Number '1d 658306' at upper right, Watermark Error 'SUOTH' in sheet margin at right (BW: S20a - Cat $750 in 2004), excellent centring, unmounted, Cat. £2400++ for mounted singles. Rare survivor. View details Estimate$1,600 - $2,000Price Realized$1,200StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Symbol** Lot 469 SOUTH AUSTRALIA - Postal Stationery: POSTAL CARDS - GREAT WHITE FLEET: 1908 (H&G #9) 1d red Fleet Card unused. Only 4500 cards sold. View details Estimate$160 - $200StatusCLOSED! SymbolPS Lot 470 SOUTH AUSTRALIA - Postal History: POSTAL CARDS: 1911 (Dec.7) use of Commonwealth 1d Postal Card (BW:1) uprated with ½d GPO, tied by 'SEMAPHORE' squared-circle datestamp, addressed to Germany, with "Via Neapel" (Naples) in manuscript, private arrival handstamp '14JAN1912' applied in violet on face, redirected to Ceylon with 'COLOMBO/11FEB12' machine arrival cancel on face; very fine condition. View details Estimate$200 - $250Price Realized$180StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history SymbolPS Lot 471 SOUTH AUSTRALIA - Postal History: POSTAL HISTORY: 1912 (Dec 23) registered cover from Adelaide to Austria franked with 1876-1900 9d rose-lilac and 2/- rose-carmine, together with 'Long Toms' Thick €˜POSTAGE€™ 3d, 4d, 8d and 9d, BW on-cover Cat $150 (3d), $250 (4d) & $750 (8d) respectively with the 9d unpriced. Very fine condition. View details Estimate$400 - $500StatusCLOSED! SymbolC Lot 472 SOUTH AUSTRALIA - Postal History: POSTAL HISTORY: 1915 (Apr.22) use of ½d Green GPO Postal Stationery Envelope uprated with ½d Kangaroo for transit to Sydney, stamps tied by ADELAIDE machine cancel, usual slight toning due to the use of highly surfaced stationery stock. Very rare usage. View details Estimate$400 - $500StatusCLOSED! SymbolPS Lot 473 SOUTH AUSTRALIA - Postmarks: POSTMARKS - DIAMOND NUMERALS: collection on Hagners with Rated RRRR: '77', '163' ; Rated RRR: '96' (on 4d Long Tom), '115', '153', '299', '305', Rated RR: '12', '14', '34', '35', '39' (on Customs 4d Departmental), '67', '73', '74', '97', '99', '104', '107' (on 9d Long Tom), '113', '156', '165', '235' (on 2/-), '295'; also lots of 'R' rated including also '56' on piece with adjacent Langhorne's Creek cds and '81' tying 1d Roo to postcard; few duplicates, generally f View details Estimate$800 - $1,200Price Realized$1,700StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history SymbolO Lot 474 TASMANIA: 1899-1900 Pictorials ½d deep green block of 38, 2d deep violet block of 32 & 2½d indigo block of 16, fresh unmounted, Cat £1350++. (3 blocks) View details Estimate$500 - $750Price Realized$400StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Symbol** Lot 475 TASMANIA: 1905-11 (SG.249d) Pictorials Watermark Crown/Double-lined 'A' ½d Dull Green Perf 12½ wmk variant WATERMARK UPRIGHT (INVERTED) sheet of 60 (separated horizontally), MUH; SG. 249d - Cat £1440++, BW:T5Cab Cat. $1200++ (as hinged mint). View details Estimate$600 - $800Price Realized$480StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Symbol** Lot 476 TASMANIA: 1905-11 (SG.250) Pictorials Crown over A 1d Rose-red Perf. 12½, marginal eample from left of the sheet, error IMPERFORATE BETWEEN STAMP & MARGIN, superb fresh lightly hinged; SG.250 variant, BW: T14bb - Cat. $1500. Very rare with only five examples known. View details Estimate$650 - $850Price Realized$500StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Symbol* Lot 477 TASMANIA - Postal History: POSTAL HISTORY - INWARDS MAILS: 1853-60 entires from GB to Tasmania carried by P&O contract vessels with 1853 (Sept. 3) rated 1/- per "Chusan", 1853 (Nov. 3) rated 2/- per "Madras", 1854 (Mar. 31) rated 1/- per "Norna", 1854 (May 9) rated 2/3d via Marseilles per "Norna", 1854 (Nov. 8) rated 2/8d for double via Marseilles rate per "Madras", and 1860 (June 19) rated 6d for Uniform Empire rate per "Jeddo", (6). View details Estimate$500 - $750Price Realized$550StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 478 VICTORIA: 1863-73 Laureates (SG.112) 8d orange, small crease in lower-right corner, unusually wide margins at left & at right, fine used, Cat. £120. View details Estimate$80 - $120StatusCLOSED! SymbolO Lot 479 VICTORIA: 1884 (SG.233) Stamp Statute Series, Watermark V Crown (Inverted) £5 Black and Yellow-Green Perf 12½, optd 'REPRINT' in red, part-gum, SG. 233(R) - Cat. £22,000 for a normal issue. View details Estimate$350 - $450Price Realized$260StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Symbol* Lot 480 VICTORIA - Postal Stationery: POSTAL STATIONERY - ENVELOPES: 1894 (Stieg: KB15) 1d Orange-Brown PTPO Envelope for Bear's Patent Advertising Booklet, with 32pp advertising booklet enclosed; envelope with small tear, couple of hinges adhered to upper edge, the booklet in fine condition, unused. Another example sold for $2900 +comms at a February 2019 Melbourne auction. View details Estimate$1,000 - $1,500Price Realized$1,200StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history SymbolPS Lot 481 VICTORIA - Postal Stationery: POSTAL STATIONERY - ENVELOPES: 1894 (Stieg: KB16) 2d Carmine PTPO Envelope for Bear's Patent Advertising Booklet, with 32pp advertising booklet enclosed; envelope with hinging/tape adhered to the upper edge & some spotting, the booklet with in fine condition (light spotting), unused. A previous example sold for $3400 +comms at a February 2019 Melbourne auction. View details Estimate$1,000 - $1,500Price Realized$1,200StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history SymbolPS Lot 482 VICTORIA - Postal Stationery: POSTAL CARDS - GREAT WHITE FLEET: 1908 (H&G #30) 1d Carmine-Pink, very fine unused. View details Estimate$80 - $120StatusCLOSED! SymbolPS Lot 483 VICTORIA - Postal Stationery: POSTAL CARDS - GREAT WHITE FLEET: 1908 (H&G #31 & 32) 1d red postally used in 1908 (Sep.2) from Melbourne to Golden Square & 1½d deep rose-red unaddressed with 1908 (Sep. 19) MELBOURNE machine cancel; the former with a small edge tear. (2) View details Estimate$180 - $240Price Realized$100StatusSold SymbolPS Lot 484 VICTORIA - Postal Stationery: POSTAL CARDS - GREAT WHITE FLEET: 1908 1d red & 1½d brown-red HG #31 & 32; also Commonwealth of Australia unstamped formular card with 'TO MELBOURNE/SEP 1908/AUSTRALIA' at base of view side; trivial blemishes, unused. (3) View details Estimate$180 - $220StatusCLOSED! SymbolPS Lot 485 VICTORIA - Postal Stationery: POSTAL CARDS - GREAT WHITE FLEET: 1908 (Stieg #P34) 1½d brown-red 1908 (May 7) inter-state use from Brunswick, Melbourne to Alberton (SA); fine condition. View details Estimate$220 - $260Price Realized$120StatusSold SymbolPS Lot 486 VICTORIA - Postal Stationery: VICTORIA - Postal Stationery : POSTAL CARDS - GREAT WHITE FLEET: 1908 (Stieg #P34) 1½d brown-red 1908 (Sep.24) Melbourne local use; fine condition. View details Estimate$160 - $200Price Realized$100StatusSold SymbolPS Lot 487 VICTORIA - Postal Stationery: POSTAL STATIONERY - WRAPPERS: 1902 (Jul.2) use of ½d green Wrapper to 'Reuter's Telegram Company/Sydney', superb strike of M&W Type 2 (27mm medium octagon) 'DOWN TRAIN/M.G.6/JY 2/02/VICTORIA' cancellation. Only four covers recorded in this period. View details Estimate$160 - $200StatusCLOSED! SymbolPS Lot 488 POSTAL HISTORY: 1884 (Apr.12) registered cover from Daylesford to Switzerland franked with 1883-84 Bell ½d pale red pair, Naish 2d Brown and 6d Blue Laureates (2), tied by multiple strikes of DAYLESFORD '173' duplex cancels, framed 'REGISTERED' handstamp, large purple 'R'-in octagon handstamp applied in Europe, 'BRINDISI/20/MAG/82' and very fine double-circle View details Estimate$400 - $500Price Realized$300StatusSold SymbolC Lot 489 VICTORIA - Postal History: POSTAL HISTORY: 1883 (Nov) cover from Tallarook to Lombardy Italy, franked with Bell ½d rosine, 6d blue Laureate and Naish 1d green, tied by barred numeral Type 3R '343' cancels of Tallarook, with unframed TALLAROOK cds above, MELBOURNE transit and VILA DI TIRANO arrival backstamps. Disinfection slits applied due to typhoid outbreak at the time; some faults. Still an attractive tri-colour franking. View details Estimate$200 - $250Price Realized$140StatusSold SymbolC Lot 490 VICTORIA - Postal History: POSTAL HISTORY: 1885 (Nov.17) registered cover to Ticono, Switzerland, franked with Naish ½d and large Stamp Duty 1/- chalky blue/lemon (SG. 257) tied by Chiltern unframed datestamps, framed 'REGISTERED' and octagonal 'R' handstamps in black, reverse with BRINDISI, 'AMBT MILANO-CHIASSO' TPO, and Swiss transit and arrival backstamps; minor blemishes. Attractive item. View details Estimate$300 - $400StatusCLOSED! SymbolC Lot 491 VICTORIA - Postal History: POSTAL HISTORY: 1891 (Aug. 7) OHMS printed cover for Dead Letter Office used at Melbourne, oval €˜T€™ in purple handstamp with mss. €˜2d' within, 2d claret & blue Postage Due affixed with tidy crayon cancel. Scarce. View details Estimate$250 - $300StatusCLOSED! SymbolC Lot 492 WESTERN AUSTRALIA: 1888 (SG.103var) 1d carmine-pink "Wmk Crown to the right of CA and reversed", fine used. To be listed in future edition of Gibbons as SG.103y. View details Estimate$220 - $260StatusCLOSED! SymbolO Lot 493 WESTERN AUSTRALIA: 1902-12 (SG.127a) Wmk V/Crown QV 10/- bright purple Perf 12x12½, fine mint; Cat. £950. Seldom offered. View details Estimate$700 - $800StatusCLOSED! Symbol* Lot 494 WESTERN AUSTRALIA: 1905-12 (SG.154a) Wmk Crown/Double-Lined A 4d pale chestnut perf 'OS', perf.11, few nibbed perfs & mild tonespots, BW:W37b - $400. View details Estimate$160 - $200StatusCLOSED! SymbolO Lot 495 WESTERN AUSTRALIA - Postal Stationery: POSTAL CARDS: 1908 (Nov.9) use of 1½d on 2d carmine Postal Card (PC14) from Fremantle to Hungary. Only 6,000 to 8,000 of this card were delivered. Scarce, especially to unusual overseas destinations. View details Estimate$200 - $250StatusCLOSED! SymbolPS Lot 496 WESTERN AUSTRALIA - Postal History: 1903 (May 21) registered cover to Yorkshire, England with 1d Carmine SG.112 (3) and 1d Carmine-rose SG.117, tied by indistinct datestamp and multiple strikes og 'R'-in-oval handstamp, very fine straight-line 'POSTED OUT OF COURSE' handstamp in purple, REGISTERED PERTH & REGISTERED LONDON oval transits on face, BRIDLINGTON/STATION OFFICE arrival backstamp. View details Estimate$220 - $260StatusCLOSED! SymbolC Lot 497 WORLD - Thematics: THEMATIC COLLECTIONS: comprising World Wildlife Fund collection of 1976-1979 FDCs (140 covers) 1976 International Society of Postmasters Christmas Stamp Collection (12 covers); and 1976-79 United Nations First Day Collection (64 covers); all in presentation albums. View details Estimate$80 - $120Price Realized$60StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history SymbolC Items per page 102550100 Previous|12345678|Next Previous 12345678 Next Previous 12345678 Next