Stamps, Coins & Postal History (#464) Closed Auction Info PDF Prices Realized View ▼ Items per page 102550100 Sort by DefaultTime LeftLot#Lot NameNewestHighest PriceLowest PriceBidsViews Filter By Categories Category match ANY of the aboveALL of the above Featured Exclude closed lots Price Lot Number Results: Viewing items 501-600 of 604. Previous|1234567|Next Lot 501 ITALY: FLIGHT COVER:16 Dec.1929 Italy-Benghazi (Libya) cover carried by Walter Mittelholzer, with Italian Airmail 60c pair plus 35c & 15c Definitives tied by CATANIA FERROVIA datestamps, on reverse 'BENGASI/17.12.29/CORRISPONDENZE' arrival datestamp, signes by Mittelholzer at lower left. Only 21 flown. Swiss SBPV/ASEP Certificate (1994) signed by Rene Bohler. SymbolC View details Estimate$1,000 - $1,500Price Realized$900StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 502 KENYA, UGANDA & TANGANYIKA: 1938-54 (SG.131-150) 1c to £1 (5) mint set with all Gibbons listed perfs & shades, plus 50c "Rope not joined to sail" (used) and 50c "Dot removed", few toned stamps or with streaky gum, generally fine mint, a few stamps MUH, Cat. £2500+. Challenging assembly. (73) Symbol** * View details Estimate$1,000 - $1,250Price Realized$900StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 503 LUXEMBOURG: 1935 5c - 20Fr International Relief Fund for Intellectuals, complete set, MVLH/MUH, Mi.266-280 - Cat. ‚¬1200 (for MUH) Symbol** * View details Estimate$300 - $400StatusCLOSED! Lot 504 MALAYAN STATES - PAHANG: 1898 (SG.26) No Watermark imperforate 4c with Type 13 overprint in black on plain paper, used on a small piece and tied by KUALA LIPIS '3MY/1899' datestamp, Cat £5000. Rare! BPA Certificate (1996). SymbolO View details Estimate$3,000 - $4,000Price Realized$2,000StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 505 MALAYAN STATES - PAHANG: 1898 (SG.27) 5c black on plain paper, unused (without gum, as issued), Cat.£3,000. BPA Certificate (1948). British Commonwealth rarity. Symbol(*) View details Estimate$1,800 - $2,400Price Realized$1,300StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 506 MALAYAN STATES - JAPANESE OCCUPATION: General Issues 1942 (SG.J189) Pahang 1936 $5 green & red on emerald with boxed overprint in black. MLH; tropical gum, Cat.£850. Symbol* View details Estimate$500 - $600Price Realized$400StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 507 NAURU: 1924-48 (SG.26A-39A) Rough Surfaced, Greyish Paper ½d to 10/- set with a few shades incl. 2½d greenish blue, peelable hinge remainders, usual light gum tones, fine mint overall, Cat £245+. (18) Symbol* View details Estimate$180 - $220StatusCLOSED! Lot 508 NAURU: 1972 25th Anniversary of South Pacific Commission Format International colour separation proofs in imperforate sheet corner blocks of 4, on unmounted gummed paper. (7 items) SymbolP ** View details Estimate$150 - $200StatusCLOSED! Lot 509 NAURU: 1975 Christmas 5c to 25c set of proofs in imperf imprint blocks of 4 (15c imprint partially guillotined), plus a second set of proofs in blocks of 4 without the background colour, all blocks with full unmounted gum. (8 items) SymbolP ** View details Estimate$160 - $200StatusCLOSED! Lot 510 NETHERLANDS INDIES - Postal History: 1934-37 group of airmail covers many with attractive cachets and/or frankings with outward (6) including 1936 Java-Borneo, 1937 Balikpapan-Tarakan; also incoming (3, all from Netherlands) including 1934 Amsterdam to Burns Philp in Sourabaya; some covers with vertical folds,generally fine. (9) SymbolC View details Estimate$300 - $400StatusCLOSED! Lot 511 NEW GUINEA: 1925-39 used collection with 1925 Huts to 5/- including both 6d shades plus Airs to 1/- (ex 1d & 1½d), Dated Birds 1d to 6d plus Airs to 3d plus 6d, Undated Birds to 2/-, Airs ½d to £1 set (Cat. £275) plus a few 'OS' overprints to 1/-, Bulolo Air to 2/- plus £2 (minor thin); condition a little variable but mostly fine, Cat. £1200+. (89 stamps + 1 cover) SymbolO View details Estimate$180 - $220Price Realized$380StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 512 NEW GUINEA: 1931 (SG.148-49) Huts Airs 10/- & £1 upper-left marginal corner pairs, the upper unit in each pair with overprint variety "Short 'I' in 'MAIL', some storage-related tone banding on gum, lower unit of 10/- pair MUH. Symbol**/* View details Estimate$450 - $600StatusCLOSED! Lot 513 NEW GUINEA: 1935 (SG.204-05) Bulolo Air £2 bright violet & £5 emerald-green, strong colours; unmounted - Cat £1100 (as mounted). Symbol** View details Estimate$1,000 - $1,200Price Realized$1,200StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 514 NEW GUINEA: 1939 (SG.212-225) ½d to £1 Bulolo Air set, faint spot on 10/-, otherwise well centred, fresh and unmounted, Cat. £1100. (14). Symbol** View details Estimate$800 - $1,000Price Realized$600StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 515 NEW GUINEA: 1939 (SG.212-225) Bulolo Air ½d to £1 set, fine/very fine used, Cat. £850. SymbolO View details Estimate$650 - $850Price Realized$550StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 516 NEW GUINEA: PROPAGANDA FORGERY: G.B.1944 KGVI 2d orange forgery overprinted 'LIQUIDATION/OF EMPIRE/RABAUL' with part-strike of "London Special Stamp" bogus cancel in violet. Seldom offered. [Produced by inmates at the Sachsenhausen Concentration Camp for distribution by foreign agents]. SymbolF O View details Estimate$150 - $200Price Realized$260StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 517 NEW GUINEA - 'N.W./PACIFIC/ISLANDS' Overprints: NWPI 1915-16 (SG.70,70c) 4d Bright Yellow-Orange a,b,c strip, top unit with variety "Line through 'FOUR PENCE'" [2R12], fine mint with lower two units MUH, Cat £425+. Symbol** * View details Estimate$300 - $400Price Realized$260StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 518 NEW GUINEA - 'N.W./PACIFIC/ISLANDS' Overprints: NWPI 1915-16 (SG.81) 1/- green Roo Die II, complete pane (30) of Plate 2; Right Pane (4th Setting) on annotated album page, few minor gumside tones, most units MUH, Cat. £2400. Ex Patrick Williams FRPSL. Symbol** * View details Estimate$1,400 - $1,600StatusCLOSED! Lot 519 NEW GUINEA - 'N.W./PACIFIC/ISLANDS' Overprints: NWPI 1915-16 (SG.92) 5/- Grey & Yellow Roo a,b,c strip of 3, excellent centring, upper unit MLH, lower units MUH, Cat £375+. Symbol** * View details Estimate$350 - $400Price Realized$380StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 520 NEW GUINEA - 'N.W./PACIFIC/ISLANDS' Overprints: NWPI 1915-16 (SG.99) Kangaroos Third Wmk £1 chocolate & dull blue a,b,c strip of 3, upper unit "Roo with broken right ear"[R47] BW.52V(v), plus a "Vertical line (in blue) running through all three units (possibly a retouched plate scratch), superb centring, MUH; Cat. £1750++ (as mounted mint) with substantial premium for varieties and the unmounted gum. Symbol** View details Estimate$2,000 - $2,500Price Realized$1,600StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 521 NEW GUINEA - 'N.W./PACIFIC/ISLANDS' Overprints: NWPI 1918-23 (SG.103,103a,103ba) 1d carmine Plate 2, complete Pane IV (Fifth Setting) with "SUBSTITUTED CLICHES" units [34-35] the former being Die II, both units showing evidence of wear on upper edges, also "Thin 'G' in 'POSTAGE'" [40] & "Dot on 'Y' of 'PENNY'" [41] varieties; very fine mint with many units MUH. Ex Patrick Williams FRPSL. Symbol** * View details Estimate$1,800 - $2,000Price Realized$2,200StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 522 NEW GUINEA - Aerophilately & Flight Covers: 21-25 Jan.1933 (AAMC.P54) Bena Bena (Upper Purari River) - Wau - Lae - Salamaua cover, flown and signed by Ray Parer for Pacific Aerial Transport. The time & date of despatch has also been recorded on the cover by H.E.Woodman, the Assistant District Warden. Postmarked en route at WAU as there were no postal facilities at the newly prepared airport at Bena Bena. Backstamped on arrival at Salamaua. [8 flown]. [NB: The most recent recorded sale of a P54 SymbolC View details Estimate$1,500 - $1,750StatusCLOSED! Lot 523 NEW GUINEA - Aerophilately & Flight Covers: 8 Aug.1935 (AAMC.P83a) Sydney - Wau cover, flown & signed by Parer & Hemsworth in a Fairey Fox; posted back to Australia on October 14th, having been overlooked. The route was Brisbane to Cape York, a forced landing at Hisiu Beach with engine trouble, then Port Moresby for repairs and finally Wau, arriving on August 14th. The plane had previously been flown by Parer in the MacRobertson Air Race. [12 recorded]. Cat.$500. Ex Ray Kelly. SymbolC View details Estimate$300 - $400Price Realized$340StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 524 NEW GUINEA - Aerophilately & Flight Covers: 15 Aug.1935 (AAMC.P84) Wau - Madang covers, (2), flown by Orme Denny for Guinea Airways; one signed by the pilot. The first aerodrome at Madang had only been cleared in mid-1935. [70 flown]. Ex Ray Kelly. Cat.$450.(2 cvrs) SymbolC View details Estimate$250 - $300StatusCLOSED! Lot 525 NEW GUINEA - Postal History: 1939 (Jan.24) registered cover to England endorsed on reverse "From/G. Dutton/Bengi/Kavieng" (Bengi Plantation, 55km from Kavieng) with Bulolo Airs 6d & 4d pairs tied by KAVIENG '24JAN/39', datestamp, rubber Kavieng registration h/stamp, boxed 'Passed by Censor/T.N.G. No. 8', on reverse KAVIENG & SEATTLE 'MAR/9/1940' transits & MANCHESTER 'MAR/14/1940' arrival datestamp. SymbolC View details Estimate$150 - $200Price Realized$190StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 526 NEW ZEALAND: 1990s-2000s accumulation, mainly corner blocks and booklets, 40c - $5.00; noted Lord of the Rings, Landscapes, etc. MUH. FV:$330+. Symbol** View details Estimate$200 - $250Price Realized$180StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 527 NEW ZEALAND: YEARBOOKS: 1984-86 & 1988-92 issues complete in original plastic sleeving, Retail $400+. (8). Symbol** View details Estimate$250 - $300StatusCLOSED! Lot 528 NEW ZEALAND: YEARBOOKS: a similar lot - 1984-86 & 1988-92 issues - again complete in original plastic sleeving, Retail $400+. Symbol** View details Estimate$250 - $300StatusCLOSED! Lot 529 NEW ZEALAND: YEARBOOKS: comprising 1984, 1986 (2, one without plastic sleeve), 1988, 1991 & 1992, Retail $300+. Symbol** View details Estimate$180 - $220StatusCLOSED! Lot 530 NEW ZEALAND: 1862-64 (SG.45) Wmk Large Star 1/- yellow-green, slight staining on upper edge, largely complete margins (just touching at base), wide margin at right, Cat. £350. SymbolO View details Estimate$180 - $240StatusCLOSED! Lot 531 NEW ZEALAND: 1862-63 (SG.83) No Watermark Pelure Paper 2d pale ultramarine, margins largely complete (just shaved at upper-left), well struck Bars '7' cancel, Cat.£800. Fine and rare. BPA Certificate (1937). SymbolO View details Estimate$400 - $500Price Realized$420StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 532 NEW ZEALAND: 1889-1903 (SG.260a, CP.E8bX) 2½d Blue Lake Wakatipu vertical strip of 3 from the top of the sheet "IMPERFORATE HORIZONTALLY" (lower unit small perf defect), large part o.g., Cat. £1500+. Symbol* View details Estimate$600 - $800Price Realized$440StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 533 NEW ZEALAND: 1904 (SG.351) Royle 'Dot' Plate 1d rose-carmine Universal Perf 14, marginal block of (4) with MIXED DOUBLE PERFS horizontally (Perf. 14 & Perf. 11); very scarce. Symbol* View details Estimate$300 - $400StatusCLOSED! Lot 534 NEW ZEALAND: 1931 Health (SG.546-47) 1d+1d & 2d+1d Smiling Boys in corner marginal blocks of 15 (3x5), the 2d block with Sheet Number 'R528058', MUH. Impressive showpiece multiples. Ex Sir Gawaine Baillie (2006) & Lord Leonard Steinberg (2011). Symbol** View details Estimate$7,000 - $9,000Price Realized$5,500StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 535 NEW ZEALAND: Plate Proofs:1955 (SG.742-44) 'Medallion' Health set in imperforate Plate Proof corner strips of 5 with Bradbury Wilkinson imprints & Plate Nos, endorsed "Approved", signed and dated, fresh MUH. (3 strips) SymbolP View details Estimate$450 - $600Price Realized$360StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 536 NEW ZEALAND: Plate Proofs: 1955-59 (SG.749 & 751) QEII Large Figures 4d blue and 8d chestnut (issued colours) imperforate plate proof blocks of 4 on thick card. (8) SymbolP View details Estimate$200 - $250StatusCLOSED! Lot 537 NEW ZEALAND: 1960-66 (SG.799, CP.O18a) 3/- Tongariro National Park in blackish-brown, Plate 5 Harrison & Sons Imprint corner block of 6, MUH, CP Cat. NZ$600+. Symbol** View details Estimate$200 - $300Price Realized$150StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 538 NEW ZEALAND: 1963 (SG.817) Christmas 2½d "The Holy Family" dramatic error "Red colour largely omitted" (Madonna's dress, background colour at left), being the left-hand unit of a marginal pair, MUH, Campbell Paterson SC4a(X) - unpriced. Symbol** View details Estimate$500 - $750StatusCLOSED! Lot 539 NEW ZEALAND: Booklet Sheet Plate Proofs: 1967 3c Paurangi, Imperforate proofs in issued colours on gummed watermarked paper: 2 panes of 6 with gutter between & wide uncut margin at sides. Ex De La Rue Archives - only one sheet of 24 panes in private hands and 1 of only 3 pieces in this format. Superb MUH. SymbolP ** View details Estimate$1,500 - $2,000StatusCLOSED! Lot 540 NEW ZEALAND: 1969 (SG.907-9) Bicentenary of Captain Cook's Landing in New Zealand 6c, 18c & 28c marginal blocks of 4 each with "Embossed head of Queen widely misplaced" (as seen from reverse), all fresh MUH, CP. S123a(Z), S124a(Z) & S125a(Z) - Cat NZ$1160. Symbol** View details Estimate$150 - $200Price Realized$100StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 541 NEW ZEALAND: ANTARCTIC EXPEDITIONS: 1911-13 (SG.A3) 1d VICTORIA LAND overprints, vertical pair with top margin, (2) MUH. Symbol** View details Estimate$120 - $150Price Realized$100StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 542 NEW ZEALAND: OFFICIALS: 1936-61 Pictorials (SG.O124) 2½d red-brown & blue-slate mostly multiples with marginal blocks of 9 (5) and blocks of 6 (2) with specialist annotations identifying plate scratches, re-entries and retouches, usually on the frame plate; also blocks of 4 (6) pairs (2) & singles (3); generally fine mint/MUH minimum Cat. £1200+ without a premium for the many varieties. (88) Symbol** * View details Estimate$500 - $750Price Realized$440StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 543 NEW ZEALAND: OFFICIALS - PLATE PROOFS: 1954-63 (SG.O159, O161 & O163) QEII imperforate plate proof blocks of 4 in issued colours comprising 1d and 3d on card & 2d on gummed watermarked paper, very fine overall. (12) SymbolP ** (*) View details Estimate$300 - $400Price Realized$240StatusSold Lot 544 NEW ZEALAND: REVENUES: 1914 (Mar. 6) Probate document with QV Long Type £50 grey & £3/10/- rose plus KEVII 5d, 6d & 1/- postage stamps cancelled with INVERCARGILL datestamp and attached by lead fastener to the form, all stamps with perforations removed, the document folded & bound. SymbolD View details Estimate$150 - $250Price Realized$120StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 545 NORFOLK ISLAND: Array of 1980s sets with 1987 Scenes & 1988 Bicentenary, other sets in blocks of 4 including 1984 Flowers (+ set in singles) & 1985 Whaling Ships; all fresh MUH. (300+) Symbol** View details Estimate$80 - $120Price Realized$60StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 546 NORFOLK ISLAND: 1947-59 (SG.4a) 2d Reddish Violet on White Paper upper-left corner block of 4, MUH, Cat £520+. Rare Multiple. Symbol** View details Estimate$280 - $320Price Realized$220StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 547 NORFOLK ISLAND: 1958-64 (SG.22 & 51-54) complete panes of 60 comprising 1958 Surcharges 7d on 7½d & 8d on 8½d and 1964 Views 5d to 10d set, all pristine fresh MUH. (6 sheets) Symbol** View details Estimate$200 - $300Price Realized$160StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 548 PALESTINE: 1921-47 incoming and outgoing mail, all reflecting under-payment, with "T" marks, "To Pay" marks, postage due stamps or postage due markings. A fascinating group for further study. (30 items). SymbolC PC View details Estimate$300 - $400Price Realized$360StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 549 PAPUA: Specialist group with 1901-5 (SG.14) Thick paper, wmk vert. 6d black & myrtle-green, FU with large part KOKODA AUG 06 cds; 1911-15 Monocolour ½d green, 1d rose-pink, 2d bright mauve & 6d orange-brown, all showing fine strikes of the "LOOSE SHIP LETTER" oval h/s of THURSDAY ISLAND, usually the first port of call for mail boats departing from Papua; and OFFICIALS: 1931-2 (SG.O66) 2/6 maroon & pale-pink, fine commercial usage at PORT MORESBY. (6 items). View details Estimate$300 - $400Price Realized$240StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 550 PAPUA: 1901-15 collection illustrating varieties including BNG 6d SG.6 (2) one with "Vertical line below 'E' of 'NEW'", the other with "Vertical scratches in sky", 1/- SG.7 with "Horizontal scratches at top right", optd Large 'Papua' 1/- SG.19 "Dry ink", 1d SG.22 with "Broken 'U' in 'PAPUA' overprint", 1907-10 1/- SG.65 "Large 'P' in 'PAPUA', 1/- SG.71 (5) all with varieties, plus lots more of interest to specialists; generally fine, Cat. £1500+. (50+). Symbol* View details Estimate$750 - $1,000Price Realized$750StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 551 PAPUA: 1901-32 collection illustrating many varieties including Small 'PAPUA' 1/- SG.71 "White dot in top of left spandrel", 2d on 1½d blocks of 4 (2) each with varieties on all four units; postmarks incl. 'BNG' Bars cancels incl. for Kokoda, Lee.69 (Rated F), Woodlarks Lee. 60 (Rated E) & Kokoda Lee.69 all in violet, plus several for Samarai, also datestamps with BONAGAI used at KULUMADAU (Rated E); SymbolO View details Estimate$1,000 - $1,500StatusCLOSED! Lot 552 PAPUA: 1910-30 blocks of 4 comprising 1910-11 1d black & carmine (tone patch at left) & 6d black & myrtle-green marginal block (perf separations) 1930 perf 'OS' 1d, 1½d, 3d & 1/-, with gum tone on the two higher values. Scarce multiples, Cat. £1280+. (6 blocks) Symbol** * View details Estimate$200 - $400StatusCLOSED! Lot 553 PAPUA: 1901-05 (SG.4-8 & 9-10) British New Guinea set (ex 2d) comprising Vertical Wmk ½d & 1d and Horizontal Wmk 2½d to 2/6d, fine mint, Cat £850. Symbol* View details Estimate$600 - $800Price Realized$480StatusSold Lot 554 PAPUA: 1901-05 (SG.16) BNG, Watermark Vertical, Thick Paper 2/6d black & brown, very well centred, unused, Cat, £6000. Rare! Symbol(*) View details Estimate$4,000 - $5,000StatusCLOSED! Lot 555 PAPUA: 1901-05 (SG.16a) BNG, Watermark Vertical 2/6d black & brown on Thin Paper, upper-left corner block of 6 (3x2), fine mint with four units unmounted. Believed to be the largest surviving multiple of a BNG 2/6d value. Ex John Du Pont, Prestige Sale No.183, Lot 1443 - $14,550. Symbol** * View details Estimate$8,000 - $10,000Price Realized$6,000StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 556 PAPUA: 1906-07 (SG.20) Overprinted Large 'Papua', Watermark Horizontal, Thick Paper complete sheet of (30) with margins intact, accompanying album page identifying minor varieties. Believed to be the only complete sheet in private hands, Cat. £5100++. Provenance: Leski Auction 281, Lot 349. Symbol** * View details Estimate$8,000 - $10,000Price Realized$7,000StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 557 PAPUA: 1910-11 (SG.79a) Large 'PAPUA' Wmk Crown/double-lined 'A' 4d black & sepia P12½ block of 4, lower-right unit variety "Deformed 'D', exemplary centring, MLH, Cat £260+. Symbol* View details Estimate$220 - $260StatusCLOSED! Lot 558 PAPUA: 1917 (SG.111a) Surcharges 'ONE PENNY' on 2/6d rose-carmine [Pos.21] with WATERMARK UPRIGHT (INVERTED), very fresh MUH marginal example. Only one sheet of 40 discovered with no other upright watermarks recorded for the 'ONE PENNY' surcharge issue, Cat £2500+. Ceremuga Certificate (2002) Symbol** View details Estimate$2,500 - $3,000Price Realized$3,200StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 559 PAPUA: 1929-30 (SG.117) Harrison Printings AIR MAIL Overprint 1/- sepia & olive, marginal block of (4) with "Overprint in deep carmine" the first unit with 'AI,R MAIL' overprint variety, fresh MUH. This flaw not listed by Gibbons. The variety occurred only once on each sheet, and as only 10 sheets were overprinted in carmine, a maximum of 10 examples can exist. Only one other block (without selvedge) exists. Symbol** View details Estimate$2,000 - $2,500StatusCLOSED! Lot 560 PAPUA: 1929 (SG.117a) 'AIR MAIL' Overprints: Harrison Printings 1/- sepia & olive OVERPRINT INVERTED, with several dealer guarantee handstamps, fine mint, Cat £15,000. Rare, from the only sheet of 40 recorded with this overprint variety. Billig & Rich letter of guarantee (1953).Provenance: Prestige Sale 163, Lot 454 - $18,975. Symbol* View details Estimate$12,500 - $15,000StatusCLOSED! Lot 561 PAPUA: 1932 (SG.131) 1d Steve, Son of Oala, McCracken Imprint block of (12), MUH but with natural paper fold through 2 units. Very scarce. Symbol** View details Estimate$200 - $250StatusCLOSED! Lot 562 PAPUA: 1932 (SG.134) 3d Papuan Dandy, complete sheet (40) with Ash Imprint at base, MUH. Some perf. separation, not affecting the imprint. All the values in this attractive set are hard to find in complete sheets. Symbol** View details Estimate$200 - $250StatusCLOSED! Lot 563 PAPUA: OFFICIALS: 1908 (SG.O1) Watermark Horizontal Thick Paper 2/6d black & brown Small 'Papua' perf 'OS' with PORT MORSEBY CTO cancel, in a horizontal marginal pair with unpunctured (perfin omitted) uncancelled stamp (SG.37); large part o.g. A most unusual se-tenant item. Symbol* View details Estimate$300 - $400Price Realized$550StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 564 PAPUA: OFFICIALS: 1908-10 (SG.O15) Wmk Crown/A (Sideways) Small 'PAPUA' 1d P.11, 'OS' puncture INVERTED, fine mint, Cat £110 as a normal stamp. Symbol* View details Estimate$200 - $300Price Realized$1,100StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 565 PAPUA: OFFICIALS: 1908-10 (SG.O18) Wmk Crown/A (Sideways) Small 'PAPUA' 4d P.11 "'OS'/'OS' Omitted se-tenant vertical pair", PORT MORESBY/21JUL10' datestamps. Very scarce. SymbolO View details Estimate$250 - $350Price Realized$1,100StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 566 PAPUA: OFFICIALS: 1908-10 (SG.O18) Wmk Crown/A (Sideways) Small 'PAPUA' 4d P.11, INVERTED 'OS' puncture, mild gum tone, mint. Symbol* View details Estimate$200 - $300Price Realized$550StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 567 PAPUA: OFFICIALS: 1908-10 (SG O18 & O21) Wmk Crown/A (Sideways) Small 'PAPUA' ½d P.12½ and 4d P.11, each with 'OS' puncture INVERTED, both are fine used. SymbolO View details Estimate$120 - $160Price Realized$1,500StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 568 PAPUA - Aerophilately & Flight Covers: 13 Mar.1931 (AAMC.P29) Port Moresby - Salamaua, cover flown by Guinea Airways, arrival datestamp 14.3.31 at Salamaua. Ex Gill. [Only four examples recorded.]. SymbolC View details Estimate$1,000 - $1,500StatusCLOSED! Lot 569 No Lot SymbolC View details StatusUnsold Lot 570 PAPUA - Aerophilately & Flight Covers: 30 Sept.1932 (AAMC.P47) Port Moresby - Salamaua cover, flown by Denny & Drayton for Guinea Airways - the first flight of a contract arrangement with the Papuan Government for mails to connect with steamships to Australia. [124 flown]. SymbolC View details Estimate$100 - $150Price Realized$80StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 571 PAPUA - Aerophilately & Flight Covers: 12-22 Apr.1934 (AAMC.P69a) Port Moresby - Cooktown - Townsville - Bowen - Rockhampton - Brisbane cover, flown, endorsed and signed by the pilot, Sidney Marshall in his Westland Widgeon III. This was the first solo flight by land plane from New Guinea to Australia. [102 covers flown; 40 signed]. SymbolC View details Estimate$200 - $250StatusCLOSED! Lot 572 PAPUA - Aerophilately & Flight Covers: A lovely group of flown covers, mainly signed: 2 April 1934 (AAMC.P69a) Port Moresby - Australia, flown & signed by Sidney Marshall; 1 Sept.1935 (AAMC.P90a) Daru - Port Moresby - Darwin, flown & signed by Squadron Leader O. Hempel; 27 Nov.1935 (AAMC.P94) Port Moresby - Oroville Police Camp - Daru, flown cover; and, 20 Jan.1938 (AAMC.P124) Sydney - Port Moresby cover, flown & signed by Barbara Hitchins and her passenger, C.R. Roberts. (4 covers). Cat.$2250. SymbolC View details Estimate$500 - $800Price Realized$400StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 573 PAPUA - Aerophilately & Flight Covers: 19 Dec.1934 (AAMC.P76) Port Moresby - Abau cover, flown & signed by Orme Denny for Guinea Airways. Denny landed his Fox Moth on the beach at Dedele Point; the small mail was then transferred to canoe and carried via Robinson River to Abau. [29 flown]. Cat.$325. SymbolC View details Estimate$250 - $300StatusCLOSED! Lot 574 PAPUA - Aerophilately & Flight Covers: 31 Oct.1937 (AAMC.P121) Lake Kutubu - Port Moresby, cover flown for Guinea Airways and signed by pilot, A.A Koch, endorsed by officer-in-charge 'Ivan Champion'. [17 flown].This flight was intended to depart on October 11 (see P117) but was delayed by engine trouble until the 31st; the few covers carried, being postmarked on arrival. SymbolC View details Estimate$400 - $500StatusCLOSED! Lot 575 PAPUA - Postal History: 1911 (Apr.27) large (355x250mm) OHMS registered cover to San Francisco with attractive franking comprising Large 'PAPUA' 6d & 1/-, Small 'PAPUA' 4d and 1d Monocolour all tied or cancelled by well struck PORT MORESBY '27APR11' datestamps, on reverse REGISTERED/BRISBANE transit datestamps, SAN FRANCISCO 'MAY/30' & SAN FRANCISCO STN 'MAY/31' arrival datestamps on face, cover with edge blemishes as to be expected, fine condition overall. SymbolC View details Estimate$200 - $300StatusCLOSED! Lot 576 PAPUA NEW GUINEA: 1952-65 Overprinted 'SPECIMEN' group comprising 1952 10/- Map & £1 Fisherman MUH, 1963 10/- Rabaul & £1 QEII MVLH, 1964 10/- Bird MUH. Desirable group. (5). Symbol** * S View details Estimate$300 - $400Price Realized$240StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 577 PAPUA NEW GUINEA: 1952 (SG.1-15) ½d to £1 Pictorials set in marginal blocks of 4, fresh MUH and scarce thus, (60). Symbol** View details Estimate$350 - $400StatusUnsoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 578 PAPUA NEW GUINEA: 1964-65 Birds (SG.61-71) 1d to 10/- set in complete sheets of 100, pristine MUH. Rare survivors. Symbol** View details Estimate$1,200 - $1,600StatusUnsoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 579 PAPUA NEW GUINEA: POSTAGE DUES: 1960 (SG.D1) 6d on 7½d blue, MLH, Cat. £850 (as MUH). Murray Payne Certificate. Symbol* View details Estimate$500 - $600StatusCLOSED! Lot 580 PAPUA NEW GUINEA: POSTAGE DUES: 1960 (SG.D1a) 6d on 7½d error "Surcharge double" tied by two strikes of GOROKA/4MR60' datestamp to small airmail envelope fragment with tax handstamp, Cat. £2,500+. Superb! SymbolO View details Estimate$2,200 - $2,600StatusCLOSED! Lot 581 PAPUA NEW GUINEA: POSTMARKS: 'K' to 'P' range on 1950s-80s covers, some registered incl. Kainantu, Kawito, Kerowagi, Koroba, Kundiawa (with 'Kundiawa' handstamp on 'Kundiava' registration label), Kwalakessi, Lese, Lombrum (2), Malanbunga, Malahang, Menyamya & Milfordhaven; unregistered items include Laiagam, Marshall Lagoon & Moem Barracks (in green); generally fine quality of datestamp strikes. (68 covers). SymbolC View details Estimate$200 - $300Price Realized$240StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 582 PITCAIRN ISLANDS: 1949 (SG.11-12) Silver Wedding 1½d & 10/- in marginal blocks of 4, lower value with storage-related tone banding, MUH, Cat £160+. Symbol** View details Estimate$200 - $250StatusCLOSED! Lot 583 POLAND: 1950s-1980s well-filled stockbook with heaps of complete sets and M/Ss or sheetlets including 1957 National Philatelic Exhibition & 1958 Anniversary of Polish Post sheetlets; lots of thematic appeal including Animals, Art, Birds, Flowers, Space and Sport; condition generally very fine MUH. (many 100s of stamps + approx. 75 M/Ss or sheetlets). Symbol** View details Estimate$260 - $300Price Realized$200StatusSold Lot 584 POLAND: German Occupation: 1940-44 issues largely complete mint or used with 1940 (Feb-March) set of 26 Surcharges used (ex the 50g surcharges which are mint), 1940 Red Cross overprints mint, Hitler Heads complete including birthday issues, plus officials & delivery stamps; also Polish Armed Forces (exiled in UK) 1943 set mint and Polish Forces in Italy 1945 FDC unaddressed and selection of stamps mint or used; occasional toning, mostly fine. (175 + 1 cover) Symbol*/O/C View details Estimate$70 - $90Price Realized$65StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 585 RHODESIA: 1910-13 (between SG.119s and 185s) ½d to £1 'Double Heads' overprinted 'SPECIMEN' (Samuel Type R7), 7/6d nibbed perfs, few values with sweated gum or gum disturbance (1/- with minimal gum & slight tone), overall lovely bright colours and generally very fine and fresh mint, Cat. £3750. A lovely assembly. Symbol* (*) View details Estimate$4,000 - $4,500StatusCLOSED! Lot 586 RUSSIA - Postal History: 1860-1915 pre-Revolution selection of mostly printed cover fronts or postal stationery envelopes including 1860 complete entire from Moscow to Jacobstad, Finland, 1889-91 use of 7k Stationery Envelopes (7); also Russian issues used in Finland incl. 1910 Kupio to New York, 1910 Oulu to Wurttemberg, plus internal usages with 1914 Myllymaki to Helsinki, 1914 Simoniemi to Helsinki & 1915 Tampere to Helsinki; approximately 10% of items are registered, mostly at Petrograd, co SymbolC PS View details Estimate$300 - $500Price Realized$360StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 587 SWITZERLAND: 1940s-70s FDCs and philatelic covers including 1948 Winter Olympic Games set registered with 'ST MORITZ/30.1.48' commemorative Olympic cancel, 1953 Pro Patria Emigrants' Fund set in pairs (single 5c+5c) FDC, 1953 40c Zurich Airport block of 4 on registered FDC, 1955 Pro Patria set on registered FDC... SymbolC View details Estimate$150 - $200StatusCLOSED! Lot 588 SWITZERLAND - Postal History: Postal History: 1930s-50s philatelic covers (four are registered) mostly with imperf issues excised from M/Ss, usually for Expositions or commemorative events, also 1938 75c on 50c Pro Aero FDC, mostly fine. SymbolC View details Estimate$100 - $150Price Realized$60StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 589 TURKEY: OTTOMAN EMPIRE - IRAQ: 1916 5pi Jubilee of Contantinople City Post block of 4, with fine central strike of BAGDAD bi-lingual datestamp. SymbolO View details Estimate$120 - $160StatusCLOSED! Lot 590 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA: 1860s-1970s used accumulation in five stockbooks with 1860s-80s issues to 10c Jefferson (4), 1890s-1920s with Franklin issues to $1, three stockbooks containing 1920s-40s duplicated pre-cancels with values to $1; condition is very mixed. Likely to appeal to the pre-cancels specialist. (1000s) SymbolO View details Estimate$200 - $300Price Realized$320StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 591 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA: 1919-1954 mint collection in Harris 'Liberty' album (with printed pages for 1847-1995 issues) with better items incl. 1924 Huguenot-Walloon, 1931 Rotary Press 11c to 30c, 1932 Washington Bicentennial ½c to 10c set, 1933 Progress 1c & 3c imperf souvenir sheets, 1934 3c Byrd pane of 6, 1934 National Parks 1c & 3c imperf souvenir sheets, 1938 Prexies to 50c, 1940 Famous Americans complete (ex 10c Bell); then apparently complete to 1953; Symbol** * View details Estimate$180 - $220Price Realized$240StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 592 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA: 1938-1950 mint blocks of 4 in Minkus 'Plate Block Album' with 1938 Prexies ½c to 16c (plus 17c to 50c in non-plate blocks), 1943-44 Overrun Countries with 'country name' marginal inscriptions complete, 1944-50 issues complete in plate blocks, fine mint with some units MUH. Symbol* View details Estimate$150 - $200StatusCLOSED! Lot 593 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA: 1970-1992 attractive MUH collection in two quality KaBe hingeless albums, approximately 95% complete for period with M/Ss and sheetlets including 1992 Voyages of Columbus, MUH, Face value $370+. Symbol** View details Estimate$300 - $350Price Realized$300StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 594 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA: AIRMAILS: 1923 (Scott C4-6) 8c, 16c & 24c issue in fresh blocks of 4; the lower values with 2 MUH/2MLH units; the 24c with lower margin with plate number and completely MUH. (12). A beautifully centred premium quality set. Cat.US$1075+. Symbol** * View details Estimate$500 - $600StatusCLOSED! Lot 595 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA: AIRMAILS: 1930 (Scott C12) 5c Winged Globe, Plate No.blk.(6) from top of sheet, MUH. Cat.US$200. Symbol** View details Estimate$100 - $125StatusCLOSED! Lot 596 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA: AIRMAILS: 1930 (Scott C14) $1.30 Zeppelin crossing the Atlantic; superb MUH. Cat.US$650. Symbol** View details Estimate$300 - $400Price Realized$380StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 597 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA: AIRMAILS: 1933 (Scott C18) 50c Century of Progress, marginal block (4), 2 MUH, 2 MLH. Superbly centred. Symbol** * View details Estimate$200 - $250Price Realized$200StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 598 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA - Aerophilately & Flight Covers: 28 June 1928 'Around the World' flight illustrated 1c Postal Card, commemorating world's fastest circumnavigation, flown by John Henry Mears and Charles Collyer, address side with 'NEW YORK/JUN 28' duplex tying the card and a MUKDEN transit datestamp tying China 1c Junks pair, on reverse NEW YORK/JUL 22' arrival datestamp, card numbered '000120'; fine condition. SymbolPC View details Estimate$200 - $300Price Realized$240StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 599 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA - Aerophilately & Flight Covers: 13 Jun. 1929 use of 5c Stationery Envelope uprated with 5c Air Mail (Scott C11), flown on Transatlantic flight by French monoplane "Yellow Bird" destined for Paris with 'FIRST FRENCH TRANSATLANTIC FLIGHT' cachet, forced to land at Comilias, Spain due to a fuel shortage, receiving a 'COMILIAS/14JUN/29' transit datestamp, Paris 'BOURGET-AVIATION/16-6/29' arrival datestamp, signed by the French crew of Armand Lotti, Jean Assollant & Rene Le SymbolC View details Estimate$400 - $500Price Realized$800StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 600 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA - Aerophilately & Flight Covers: 11 Jan. 1935 Honolulu - Oakland, California flown cover, endorsed "Carried by air/..." and signed by the pilot "Amelia Earhart" at upper-left and "No.34 of 49 covers" at lower-left. Amelia Earhart was the first woman to make this non-stop flight solo. GST† GST on HAMMER for Australian residents onlySymbolCGrade(A) View details Estimate$900 - $1,200Price Realized$2,600StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Items per page 102550100 Previous|1234567|Next Previous 1234567 Next Previous 1234567 Next