Stamps, Coins & Postal History 08 22, 2020 View ▼ Items per page 102550100 Sort by DefaultTime LeftLot#Lot NameNewestHighest PriceLowest PriceBidsViews Filter By Categories Category match ANY of the aboveALL of the above Featured Exclude closed lots Price Lot Number Results: Viewing items 701-800 of 984. Previous|12345678910|Next Image Lot # Item Title Quantity Time Left Your Bids 702 FRANCE: 1876-1940 valuable collection neatly presented on hagners 1876-77 Peace & Commerce to 1fr (2, one mint) incl. 75c Type II mint (shallow thin, rounded corner) plus imperf 1c black used, Mersons with 50c, 1fr & 10fr mint & 20fr used, 1918 15c+5c Red Cross mint, 1922 Surcharged Orphans set mint, 1927 2fr Merson Air Ovpt used, 1929 Le Havre Expo uses (slight toning), 1929 20fr Pont Du Gard mint, 1936 (Feb) Airs to 3.50fr, 1936 (Aug) 10fr Air mint, 1938 20fr St Malo mint, Symbol* O Estimate$600 - $800Price Realized$550StatusSold View details 703 FRANCE: 1940-75 mostly mint collection with 1943 National Aid se-tenant strips of 5 (2), 1947 500fr, 1949 Air 100fr to 500fr in blocks of 4 MUH plus 1000fr used, 1950 Red Cross , 1957 Red Cross imperforate marginal singles (in different colours to issued stamps), 1958 Europa 35fr imperforate proofs (2), multiples incl. 1960 Red Cross in blocks of 6, generally very fine MLH/MVLH, some MUH, high catalogue value. Symbol** * O Estimate$300 - $400Price Realized$500StatusSold View details 704 FRANCE: 1940s-80s eclectic array with American WWII propaganda leaflet, 1960s-80s booklets & M/Ss MUH, several items retailing between $30 to $50; few earlier items incl. 1943 Petain se-tenant strip of 5 (perf separations); mostly fine. Symbol** * Estimate$120 - $160Price Realized$80StatusSold View details 705 FRANCE: 1970s-2000s era predominantly MUH (some used & MLH) with imperforates, multiples, M/Ss, commemorative sets etc; also some earlier back-of-the-book stamps incl. Sower issues & 60c Merson optd 'ANNULE' & Eiffel Tower cinderellas. Symbol** * O Estimate$150 - $200Price Realized$260StatusSold View details 706 FRANCE: 1937 PEXIP M/S, mildly toned gum with faint gum adhesions, Mi #353-56 Block 3 - Cat. ‚¬650. Symbol** Estimate$220 - $260StatusCLOSED! View details 707 FRANCE: 1941-42 70c orange-red Marschall Petain pre-cancelled sheet of 100, dated '10.2.42' at lower-right, central perf separations almost divide the sheet, some minor blemishes, full unmounted gum. Scarce survivor. Symbol** Estimate$120 - $160StatusCLOSED! View details 708 FRANCE - Aerophilately & Flight Covers: Aviation Exhibitions: 1909-43 selection mounted on album pages incl. 1909 First Aviation Exhibition postcard inscibed "Grande Semaine D'aviation (Premiere Journee)" with 5c Sower tied by 'BETHENY-AVIATION/MARNE/27-8/09' hexagonal datestamp, 1922 flown cover Paris-Rabat (Morocco) with Guynemer vignette tied by datestamp 'PAR AVION' handstamp, 1923 Montpelier, 1923 Rouen & 1924 Aviation Meeting covers all with complete semi-postal sets of 6 tied by appropria SymbolC * O Estimate$400 - $600StatusCLOSED! View details 709 FRENCH COMMUNITY: 1859-2000s extensive collection on 50+ hagners with French Colonies 1859-65 imperfs to 40c, 1899-1927 Alexandria (to 5fr) & Port Said, Benin (with imperforates), Djibouti, French Polynesia, French Antarctic Territories (incl, 1962 50f Satellite FDC), Guinea, Ivory Coast, Levant Mali (with imperforate pairs & M/Ss), Martinique, Madagascar, New Caledonia (with M/Ss), New Hebrides, Reunion, Senegal (with M/Ss), Tunisia, Togo (with M/Ss); huge quantity to work through with plenty Symbol** * O C Estimate$500 - $750Price Realized$850StatusSold View details 710 FRENCH COMMUNITY: 1880s-2000s most mint collection on hagner incl. Reunion 1885-86 25c on 40c imperforate pair used, Fournier Peace & Commerce forgeries, 1961 CFA 500f on 10f block of 4 MUH, Morocco 1922 Air set mint & 1949 UPU in corner blocks of 4 MUH plus Tangier 1928 Flood Relief Fund mint, Oceanic Settlements 1941 'FRANCE LIBRE' Opts set mint, Tahiti 25c on 1fr forgery, other representations from Central African Republic to 500fr and imperfs to 300fr, Malagasy to 500fr, Symbol** * O Estimate$400 - $600Price Realized$480StatusSold View details 711 FRENCH COMMUNITY: French Southern & Antarctic Territories: 1965 (SG.39) 30f ITU Air IMPERFORATE lower-left corner block of 4, dated "2.12.64", tiny inclusion, very fresh MUH, Yvert. PA9, Cat ‚¬1100++. Nice item for telecommunications or space thematicists. Symbol** Estimate$800 - $1,000StatusCLOSED! View details 712 GERMAN COLONIES: German East Africa: 1918 bogus "Karissimbi Provisionals" Yacht issues, comprising "used" examples of 3c on 4c and 6c on 7½c, the former with full gum. Seldom offered. (2). SymbolO Estimate$100 - $150Price Realized$80StatusSold View details 713 GERMANY: 1930s-40s Third Reich related selection with 1941 Employee Insurance Stamps set of 3 in complete sheets of 100 with sheet margin imprints intact, WWII uncancelled bond certificates (3), Socialist Party Invalidenvers stamps sheets of 100 (2) and revenue stamp single sheet of 100; also Workbook issued in 1935 with wartime entries, Statistical Fee 50pf stamp block of 12, and Workers Leave stamps in multiples, etc. Interesting lot. (small qty) Symbol** Estimate$140 - $180Price Realized$220StatusSold View details 714 GERMANY: 1939-50s diverse array on hagners incl. WWII German Occupation of Poland 'General Gouvernment' issues with 1939 Ovpts on Hindenburg set in blocks of 4 MUH, 1940 Overprints set mint, 1940 Officials set MUH & used; Allied Occupation (French Zone) Baden 1949 Rebuilding Fund imperf M/S MUH, UPU set in blocks of 4 MUH, (Russian Zone) Mecklenburg-Vorpommern 1945 mint multiples; also Saar 1927 Welfare Fund set mint plus 40c+40c used, 1934 Xmas Charity mint, Symbol** * O Estimate$250 - $300Price Realized$190StatusSold View details 715 GERMANY: Allied Occupation: 1946 large piece with range of Numerals to 80pf incl. scarce 42pf green, each stamp individually tied by Berlin '09.2.46' commemorative datestamps; also 24pf tied to piece by Dachau Concentration Camp '27.4.1945' (day of liberation) datestamp (scarce). 2 items. SymbolC Estimate$100 - $150StatusCLOSED! View details 716 GERMANY: Allied Zones 1946-48: An extensive collection/accumulation of the 1pfg - 1m Numeral issue, with numerous marginal blocks, part sheets, singles with marginal inscriptions, etc., all housed in a very full green Hagner album, (1000s). MUH. Symbol** Estimate$100 - $200Price Realized$100StatusSold View details 717 GERMANY: Berlin 1948-90 mint & used collection on hagners, incl. used 1949 Buildings 1Dm to 5Dm, 1949 30pf Goethe (mint & used), 1950 20pf Recovery, 1952 30pf Beethoven, 1952-53 Berliners set used, 1953 Uprising set used; later issues with greater proportion of MUH issues; generally fine, high catalogue value. Symbol* ** O Estimate$250 - $300StatusCLOSED! View details 718 GERMANY: German Occupation - Sudetenland: 1938 1pf to 10pf pairs, the left side unit of each pair with unofficial Sword & Swastika overprints for the occupation of the town of Aussig. Estimate$120 - $160StatusCLOSED! View details 719 GERMANY: East Germany extensive collection in large stock book, with Mint, Fine Used, Miniature Sheets, blocks, etc. Huge catalogue value! Symbol** * 0 CTO Estimate$500 - $750StatusCLOSED! View details 720 GERMANY: East Germany 1949-1990 extensive collection with useful early issues incl. 1950 Spring Fair MUH, 1950 Bach set plus 50pf+16pf block of 4 used, 1951 Spring Fair MUH, 1951 Student Festival used, 1954 Stamp Day M/S MUH, excellent range of later issues incl. M/Ss MUH and/or used, the 1970-80s material mostly MUH; also some philatelic covers; generally fine. (many 100s) Symbol** * U C Estimate$250 - $300Price Realized$220StatusSold View details 721 GERMANY: West Germany 1949-74 Collection mint & used with better items incl. 1949 Parliament MUH, 1949 30pf UPU MUH & used, 1949 30pf Relief fund used, 1950 Bach's Seal used, 1951 Church mint, 1951 Philatelic Exhib. (2 sets, one on cover), 1951, 1953 & 1954 Relief Fund sets used plus 1954 40pf+10pf MUH, 1955 Lufthansa MUH, later 1950s/early 1960s issues in marginal blocks of 4; also few M/Ss and covers; mostly fine high catalogue value. (100s) Symbol** * O Estimate$300 - $400StatusCLOSED! View details 722 GERMANY: West Germany 1954-96 definitive issues from Heuss (no 50pfg) to Tourist Site series, collection on album pages incl. blocks. Some useful material will appeal to the specialist. (qty.) Symbol** * 0 Estimate$120 - $160StatusCLOSED! View details 723 GERMANY: West Germany & West Berlin 1960-80 issues approximately 95% complete including M/Ss, in two large SAFE hingeless albums, MUH. GSTex GSTSymbol** Estimate$250 - $300StatusCLOSED! View details 724 GERMANY: West Germany 1970s-80s M/Ss and sheetlets MUH or used plus a few FDI presentation cards; also also WWII Russian Zone Currency Reform handstamped blocks of 4 (x4), three with dubious Michendorf overprints. (70+ items) Symbol** * O C Estimate$80 - $120StatusCLOSED! View details 725 GERMANY: West Germany 1974-2005 array crammed onto hagners with numerous sets, M/Ss & multiples MUH and/or used, mostly very fine. (many 100s) Symbol** O Estimate$180 - $240StatusCLOSED! View details 726 GERMANY: German Occupation - Kurland: 1945 Hitler Heads '6' on 10pf brown marginal block of 4 and '6' on 20pf cobalt-blue corner block of 4 MUH, plus '6' on 5pf unused, also Surcharged 12a Eagle sawtooth roulette Mi 4B marginal block of 4, the lower-left unit with "Extra overprint line on Eagle's wings", and Surcharged 12a perforated Mi 4A single MUH, Cat ‚¬420+. Symbol** (*) Estimate$180 - $220StatusCLOSED! View details 727 GERMANY: German Occupation - Serbia: 1940s duplicated array in binder with 1941 incomplete optd 'SERBIEN' set to 30d pink, many values duplicated, 1941 Airs 12d on 50d pair, 1942 Postage Dues MUH (16 sets, Cat £450+), 1943 Nish Relief Fund in multiples MUH (20+ sets, Cat £200+), 1943 War Invalids' Fund MUH (32 sets, many in blocks if 4, Cat £500+) etc, generally fine MUH, Cat £1200+. (few 100s) Symbol** O Estimate$250 - $350Price Realized$220StatusSold View details 728 GERMANY: German Occupation - Serbia: 1941-43 selection of sets with 1941 Overprints on King Peter sets (8 sets, Cat £640+) incl. in blocks of 4 and in pairs, 1941 Air Surcharges, then 1941 Postage Dues set, 1943 War Invalids' Fund, 1943 Nish Relief Fund, 1943 Postage Dues (2 sets) these all in blocks of 4; some stamps with interleaving adhesions marks, mostly fine MUH; high catalogue value. (few 100s) Symbol** Estimate$300 - $400StatusCLOSED! View details 729 GERMANY: German Occupation - Sudetenland: 1930 1pf to 10pf pairs, the left side unit of each pair with unofficial Sword & Swastika overprints for the occupation of the town of Aussig. Symbol** Estimate$120 - $160StatusCLOSED! View details 730 GERMANY: Locals & Cinderellas: 1923-45 unusual overprints selection with including Steyr locals (3), 150pf Reaper pair each with circular overprints (translates as "Lend no more money to Germany it cheated in 1923", also 'HELP/LICK 'IM!' anti-Hitler propaganda label, plus two other items. (7 items). Symbol** Estimate$100 - $150Price Realized$60StatusSold View details 731 GERMANY: Booklets: 1930 (Michel MH.19) 2RM "Eagle" Airmail booklet, complete, some very light adhesion marks on gum from interleaving, Cat. ‚¬.1500 . Symbol* Estimate$700 - $900StatusCLOSED! View details 732 GERMANY - Aerophilately & Flight Covers: ZEPPELIN FLOWN COVERS: 1924 - 1936 group comprising a Sept.1924 Z.R.3 Friedrichshafen - USA flown cover, April 1932 Paraguay - Germany "Condor-Zeppelin" flown reg'd cover, October 1932 Argentina - Germany flown reg'd cover, May 1936 Germany - New York flown covers, one with On-board datestamps; also May 1936 Friedrichshafen - New York reg'd flown cover. (6 covers). Estimate$300 - $400Price Realized$320StatusSold View details 733 GERMANY - Aerophilately & Flight Covers: ZEPPELIN FLOWN COVERS & CARDS: 19 May 1930 On Board cds tying 2RM Zeppelin on South America Flight postcard with CABO VERDE arrival cds; also, three covers (incl. one reg'd) carried on the May 1936 first Europe - North America flight of the ill-fated "Hindenburg" (which crashed on arrival after the same trans-Atlantic crossing exactly 2 years later.). (4 items). SymbolC PC Estimate$300 - $400Price Realized$300StatusSold View details 734 GERMANY - Aerophilately & Flight Covers: 30 Jan.1931 Germany - U.S.A. cover carried by First Dornier Do.X flight; franked 6Mk and accompanied by a postcard of the aeroplane. Estimate$120 - $150Price Realized$90StatusSold View details 735 GERMANY - Postal History: GERMANY - Postal History: West Berlin: 1949 30pf von Goethe scarce solo franking tied by Berlin-Charlottenburg machine cancel to 1950 (Mar.12) commercial cover to United Kingdom. SymbolC Estimate$100 - $150StatusCLOSED! View details 736 GIBRALTAR: 1925-32 (SG.102-108) KGV Wmk Script CA 1/- (both shades) to £1 set, MVLH, Cat. £264. Symbol* Estimate$200 - $250Price Realized$180StatusSold View details 737 GIBRALTAR: 1925-32 (SG.108) KGV £5 violet & black, superb MUH, Cat. £1600 with substantial premium for unmounted. Symbol** Estimate$1,800 - $2,400Price Realized$1,600StatusSold View details 738 GILBERT & ELLICE ISLANDS: 1933 (Mar.) registered Montgomery Ward cover with KGV 6d SG.19 tied by double-circle "BUTARITARI/P.O./COLONY" datestamp, boxed registration handstamp, on reverse typed sender's address, REGISTERED SYDNEY transit & CHICAGO arrival datestamp. SymbolC Estimate$120 - $160StatusCLOSED! View details 739 GREAT BRITAIN: 1840s-50s accumulation on hagners majority 1d red plates (few mint/unused), also 1d red 'Stars' plus smattering of 1d red imperfs and ½d Bantams (22, two mint); nice variety of shades, unchecked for plate numbers or postmarks, condition variable. Worth investigating (300 approx.) Symbol* (*) O Estimate$200 - $300Price Realized$280StatusSold View details 740 GREAT BRITAIN: 1840-1948 used collection in stockbook with imperf 1d blacks (3), 10d Embossed (scissor nick), range of Surface Printed issues incl. 1855-57 to 2/- blue (2), 1867-83 6d on 6d (3), 1883-84 2/6d (2), 5/-, 10/- & £1 Three Crowns (sound used, Cat £3,000), KEVII to 5/- (3), 1934 Re-engraved 10/- Seahorses (3), etc; mixed condition, high catalogue value. SymbolO Estimate$500 - $750Price Realized$700StatusSold View details 741 GREAT BRITAIN: 1840-1950s used collection in stockbook with imperf 1d blacks (6, mixed condition), 6d Embossed (2, one on cover front), Surface Printed issues incl. 1855-57 Medium Garter 4d carmine on blued paper SG.63, 1865-67 9d straw wing-margin SG.98, 1867-80 2/- blue (3), 1867-83 5/- (6), 1880-83 3d on 3d (2) & 6d on 6d (2), 1883-84 2/6d (11, one on blued paper) and 5/- (15, one on a piece), KEVII to 2/6d (6), 5/- (9) & 10/- (2), 1913-19 10/- Seahorses (6), 1934 Re-engraved 10/- (8), SymbolO Estimate$500 - $750Price Realized$1,000StatusSold View details 742 GREAT BRITAIN: 1880s-2000s accumulation with private perfins & security overprints, heaps of decimal Machins incl. se-tenant booklet multiples, elliptical perfs, security slits, etc plus postmark interest including more unusual machine/slogan cancels. Specialist appeal. (many 100s) SymbolO Estimate$100 - $150Price Realized$70StatusSold View details 743 GREAT BRITAIN: 1962-67 Phosphor & Non-Phosphor commemorative sets complete plus a range of pre-decimal & decimal period commemorative sets in an album. (100s) MUH. Symbol** Estimate$120 - $160Price Realized$110StatusSold View details 744 GREAT BRITAIN: 1971-2006 array of commemorative sets MUH and/or used, plus a few definitive oddments to £10 Britannia used, generally fine. (100s) Symbol** O Estimate$120 - $160Price Realized$140StatusSold View details 745 GREAT BRITAIN: Lighthouse or Ka-Be hingeless albums for 1971-1989 Commemoratives, 1990-1999 and 2000-2003 Commemoratives & Definitives, plus 1955-1999 for Postage Dues and Definitives incl. Regionals (with some stamps), MUH face value: £70+ (ex P/Dues). Albums alone Retail $600+. (4 albums) Symbol** Estimate$250 - $300Price Realized$260StatusSold View details 746 GREAT BRITAIN: 1980s MUH commemoratives sets on hagners, plus a few Machin booklet panes; also covers with 1970s Machin FDCs, 1979 Fastnet Rock signed covers (3) celebrating success of Australian Admiral's Cup team, QV 10/6d imperf Duty Stamp optd 'SPECIMEN', etc. Symbol** C Estimate$80 - $100Price Realized$80StatusSold View details 747 GREAT BRITAIN: 1840 (SG.2) 1d black [NG], margins close to large, with fragment of adjoining unit, evident at right, large-part o.g., Cat £12,500. A most attractive example of the world's first stamp. Photocopy of 1984 Brandon Certificate. Symbol* Estimate$5,000 - $7,500StatusCLOSED! View details 748 GREAT BRITAIN: GREAT BRITAIN: 1840 (SG.2) 1d black Plate 5 [BL] just tied by Maltese Cross cancel in red to 1840 (July 4) large-part entire to Belfast, stamp just shaved at upper-left, otherwise complete margins, Cat. £750 on cover. SymbolC Estimate$350 - $450Price Realized$260StatusSold View details 749 1858-79 (SG.43) 1d rose-red Plate 192 [IQ-JR] blk.4. Fresh Mint with full o.g.. Cat.£280. GSTex GSTSymbol** * Estimate$150 - $175Price Realized$120StatusSold View details 750 GREAT BRITAIN: 1867-83 (SG.137) £5 Orange Plate 1 [AC] on white paper, very fine and complete 'REGISTERED/1DE89/THREADNEEDLE ST/' oval datestamp, perfect centring with full perfs. Premium example, Cat £3500. SymbolO Estimate$5,000 - $6,000StatusCLOSED! View details 751 GREAT BRITAIN - Postal Stationery: Air Mail Letter Sheets: 1941-43 KGVI 'PRISONER OF WAR POST' 2½d group comprising Flap at Bottom Huggins & Butler APF1 (3) & Flap at Top with 'No Enclosures Allowed' added to inside flap APF3 (5). A useful group for further research. SymbolPS Estimate$250 - $300Price Realized$180StatusSold View details 752 GREAT BRITAIN - Postal Stationery: Envelopes: 1841 QV 1d pink Huggins & Baker EP3-EP5 used selection, some with original enclosures, variety of numeral or Maltese Cross cancels in black, and many fine transit and arrival backstamps including coloured types. Marvellous lot for the specialist. (37) SymbolPS Estimate$400 - $500StatusCLOSED! View details 753 GREAT BRITAIN - Postal Stationery: Envelopes: 1850-51 QV selection with size F (with seal device) Huggins & Baker EP9 used, size B (with seal device) EP8 unused and used (27); some likely postmark interest noting 'POSTED SINCE 7.20 LAST NIGHT/EDINB' (Edinburgh) duplex, CASTLE DONNINGTON & WIVELISCOMBE arrival backstamps, HENLEY-IN-ARDEN arrival datestamp (on face) in red, condition variable. SymbolPS Estimate$300 - $400StatusCLOSED! View details 754 GREAT BRITAIN - Postal Stationery: Envelopes:1857-60 QV 1d pink Huggins & Baker EP10-EP15 selection (14 used, 1 addressed/unused) many with fine duplex cancels incl. JEDBURGH '187', TUNBRIDGE WELLS '820' & VENTNOR '971', condition variable, generally good to fine. (15 items) SymbolPS Estimate$200 - $250StatusCLOSED! View details 755 GREAT BRITAIN - Postal Stationery: Envelopes:1866-67 QV 1d pink Huggins & Baker EP16-EP19 (flap with curved edges) selection comprising size A (1 unused), size B (11 used), size C (3 used, 1 unused) & size F (3 used, 1 unused), condition generally good to fine. (20 items) SymbolPS Estimate$200 - $250StatusCLOSED! View details 756 GREAT BRITAIN - Postal Stationery: Envelopes:1873-78 QV 1d pink selection comprising 1873 With Seal Device on Flap (Huggins & Baker EP20-EP23) comprising size B (2 unused, 4 used, one uprated for registration with 4d vermilion Pl.13), size C (5 used), size H (2 used), size F (used & unused); Without Seal Device (EP24-EP26) comprising size B (2 used), size C (3 used, 2 unused) & Size H (2 used); some fine duplex cancellation incl. DAVENTRY '238', NEWARK '541', PONDERS-END 'F58' (registered), con SymbolPS Estimate$200 - $250StatusCLOSED! View details 757 GREAT BRITAIN - Postal Stationery: Envelopes: 1881-83 QV 1d pink selection (Huggins & Baker EP28-EP32 range) comprising size B (3 unused), size C (9 used, 14 unused), size H (25 used, 12 unused), size E (1 used, 5 unused) & size F on blue stock (1 unused); better usages to Germany, India, Sydney & S.M.S. "Stusch" at Plymouth; postmark interest likely, condition quite variable. (70 items) SymbolPS Estimate$450 - $500StatusCLOSED! View details 758 GREAT BRITAIN - Postal Stationery: Envelopes: 1890 QV Penny Postage Jubilee (Huggins & Baker EP33) comprising 17 unused and 12 used examples, most with cards enclosed, three with PENNY POSTAGE JUBILEE/SOUTH KENSINGTON '2.JY.90' datestamps in violet, condition fair to superb unused. (29) SymbolPS Estimate$280 - $320StatusCLOSED! View details 759 GREAT BRITAIN - Postal Stationery: Envelopes: 1939-51 KGVI selection (Huggins & Baker EP72-EP80 range) comprising ½d green size G unused, 1½d brown size H four used & one unused, 1½d brown size G two used & one unused, 2½d blue size E four used (one from Belfast to H.M.S. Valkyrie) & one unused, size G two used & one unused, size H eight used and one unused, 2½d carmine size E three used and one unused with 'SCHOOL/SPECIMEN' handstamp, size H four used & three unused... SymbolPS Estimate$300 - $350StatusCLOSED! View details 760 GREAT BRITAIN - Postal Stationery: Envelopes PTPO: 1855-94 QV selection with 1855-90 1d pinks Huggins & Baker ES1 or ES7 (11 used) with a variety of sizes & paper colours, 2d lake ES15 (1 used to France, three unused), 2d lake with 9 dot floreats ES20b (3 used, 2 unused), 2½d grey-blue ES16 used & unused, 4d vermilion ES4 (2 used, both to Germany, and 2 unused), 6d violet ES5 (2 used, both to Germany and 2 unused); condition variable, mostly very good to fine. (30) SymbolPS Estimate$300 - $400StatusCLOSED! View details 761 GREAT BRITAIN - Postal Stationery: Envelopes PTPO: 1889 QV 2½d + 2½d claret Huggins & Baker ESC51 used from London to Montreal (backstamp), 1889 use of 1d + 1½d ESC32 from Manchester to Paris (cover edge faults), also 6d + 1d ESC72 very fine unused; also unused 1892-93 Change of Colours unused 2d + 1½d (3), 3d + 1½d & 4d + 3d; generally fine. (8 items) SymbolPS Estimate$200 - $250StatusCLOSED! View details 762 GREAT BRITAIN - Postal Stationery: Envelopes PTPO: 1892 QV group comprising ½d + ½d used (3), and 4d + ½d unused, 1894-1902 4d + ½d (ESC292) 1897 registered use to Berlin (backstamp), plus 1/- + ½d unused (ESC336); good to very fine condition. SymbolPS Estimate$200 - $250StatusCLOSED! View details 763 GREAT BRITAIN - Postal Stationery: Envelopes PTPO: 1902-03 KEVII 1½d yellow Huggins & Baker ES32 unused (2) and used to Canada with Montreal arrival back stamp, also 2½d grey-blue ES34a used (8), six to Germany, one to Holland and one to Belgium with Price's Palmitine Candles advertisement. (11 items) SymbolPS Estimate$200 - $250StatusCLOSED! View details 764 GREAT BRITAIN - Postal Stationery: Envelopes PTPO: 1903-11 KEVII two-stamp selection comprising ½d + 3d Huggins & Baker ESC621 (2, to Leipzig endorsed "Late Fee", and a registered front to Holland), ½d + 4d ESC622 mint & unused, 1½d + 3d ESC635 unused, 1½d + 4d ESC636 used to Saxony endorsed "Late Fee", plus an unused example; good to fine condition. (7) SymbolPS Estimate$200 - $250StatusCLOSED! View details 765 GREAT BRITAIN - Postal Stationery: Registration Envelopes: 1879-1881 QV 2d size F group comprising 1878 Huggins & Baker RP2 (flap with plain edge) used examples from Doctor's Commons to Margate or from Weston-Super-Mare to Taunton, 1878 RP4 (flap with scalloped edge) addressed to Canterbury, no postal markings, 1881 RP8 (large 'R' added) unused; good to fine condition. (4) SymbolPS Estimate$140 - $180Price Realized$120StatusSold View details 766 GREAT BRITAIN - Postal Stationery: Registration Envelopes: 1882-83 use of QV 2d Type R3 with nine dot florets, format type RF5 Envelopes, Huggins & Baker RP9 size F (3) one used from Ennis in Ireland to Colchester with KILDYSART transit backstamp plus size G with larger typeface RP11 used in 1882 from Liverpool to London; also unused 1882 QV 2d Type R3 with nine dot florets, format type RF3 Huggins & Baker RP10 (2, shades), some mild toning; condition fair to fine. (6) SymbolPS Estimate$140 - $180Price Realized$120StatusSold View details 767 GREAT BRITAIN - Postal Stationery: Registration Envelopes: 1888-1891 QV 2d selection with 1888 £5-£10 Compensation Table, Huggins & Baker RP15 size F used (3) and Size G used to Hamburg, 1891 with £5-£25 Compensation Table affixed to reverse RP16 size H used & unused. (6) SymbolPS Estimate$140 - $180StatusCLOSED! View details 768 GREAT BRITAIN - Postal Stationery: Registration Envelopes: 1895 QV 2d issue '£5 to £50' compensation table (Huggins & Baker RP21) comprising size F (3 used, 3 unused), Size G (3 used, 2 unused) incl used to Amsterdam, size H2 (2 unused) and size K used (from Bushmills, Northern Ireland to London) and unused; mostly fine (15 items) SymbolPS Estimate$180 - $220StatusCLOSED! View details 769 GREAT BRITAIN - Postal Stationery: Registration Envelopes: 1898 QV 2d issue '£5 to £120' compensation table with revised wording 'Inland Registration' on reverse (Huggins & Baker RP22) comprising size F (3 used, 2 unused), Size G (6 used, 2 unused) incl. two used to Germany, one with Yokohama Bank (London) seal, size H unused and size K scarce 1899 London local use from Broad Sanctuary to Crutched Friars. SymbolPS Estimate$150 - $200StatusCLOSED! View details 770 GREAT BRITAIN - Postal Stationery: Registration Envelopes: 1902 KEVII 3d issue, With 'R' in Oval (Huggins & Baker RP24) comprising size F (2 used, 4 unused), Size G (4 used, one to Java, & unused), size H (2 unused), size H2 (2 used) & Size K used in 1906 from York to Bedford with V.R. Officially Sealed label; generally very good to fine condition. (16 items) SymbolPS Estimate$160 - $200Price Realized$120StatusSold View details 771 GREAT BRITAIN - Postal Stationery: Registration Envelopes: 1940 KGVI 5½d Huggins & Baker RP52 (without selling price, size letter placed over 'S' of 'Space' in registration label box) comprising size F used, and size G three used, one with H.M. Ships registration label, postmark & tombstone censor handstamp, plus two unused examples, generally fine. SymbolPS Estimate$140 - $180Price Realized$120StatusSold View details 772 GREAT BRITAIN - Postal Stationery: Registration Envelopes: 1945 KGVI 5½d issue, with or without McCorquodale & Co imprint under flap (Huggins & Baker RP59) comprising size F (4 used), Size G (3 used, 2 unused), size H (2 used & 2 unused) & Size K unused, generally good to very fine condition SymbolPS Estimate$150 - $200StatusCLOSED! View details 773 GREAT BRITAIN - Postal Stationery: Registration Envelopes: 1947-49 KGVI 5½d issues comprising 1947 (Huggins & Baker RP63) size G (2 used) size K (unused) & size F with blue lining RP64 (2 used), 1949 RP66 size K unused & used & RP67 with 1d stamp added to outdated stock (4 used, one with 1d pair added, to British Allied Zone, Germany); also 1951 KGVI 6½d RP69 selection comprising size F (2 used), size G (2 used, 2 unused), size H (2 used, one from Field Post Office 901... SymbolPS Estimate$280 - $320StatusCLOSED! View details 774 GREAT BRITAIN - Postal Stationery: Registration Envelopes: 1952 KGVI 8½d grey "...fee of 6d" (Huggins & Baker RP71) size F (2 used), size G (2 used, 3 unused), size H (2 used, 2 unused), size K (used & unused); also size G with instructions in larger lettering RP72 (2 used); generally good to fine condition. (15 items) SymbolPS Estimate$140 - $180StatusCLOSED! View details 775 GREAT BRITAIN - Postal Stationery: Registration Envelopes: 1956 QEII 8½d + 6d Size G (Huggins & Bake. RP75G) with rare 8½d "Albino impression", addressed to Blyth Athol with fine GALLOWGATE B.O/NEWCASTLE-ON-TYNE' departure datestamps. SymbolPS Estimate$150 - $200Price Realized$120StatusSold View details 776 GREAT BRITAIN - Postal Stationery: Registration Envelopes: 1957 QEII 1/2½d (Huggins & Baker RP78) selection mostly uprated for rate change with ½d Wilding, comprising size F (4 used, 1 unused), size G (3 used, 5 unused, two not uprated), size H (5 used, one not uprated), size K (4 used); mostly fine. (22 items). SymbolPS Estimate$180 - $220StatusCLOSED! View details 777 GREAT BRITAIN - Postal Stationery: Registration Envelope - Forces Issues: 1950 KGVI 4d green Huggins & Baker RPF8 (compensation £2 18s) four examples, two from Malta Force each with customs declaration forms on reverse for nylon stockings, also a 1952 6d puce RPF9, all postally used, condition a tad variable. (5) SymbolPS Estimate$160 - $200StatusCLOSED! View details 778 GREAT BRITAIN - Aerophilately & Flight Covers: 1911 Great Britain Coronation Aerial Mail illustrated PPCs (3) in red-brown, brown or greenish-black all franked with KGV ½d singles tied by 'FIRST UNITED KINGDOM/AERIAL POST/LONDON/1' (2, 'SP13/1911' & 'SP14'/1911 datestamps ) or 'FIRST UNITED KINGDOM/AERIAL POST/LONDON/2' (SP9/1911 datestamp); all sent to United Kingdom addresses, fine condition. SymbolPC Estimate$300 - $400Price Realized$300StatusSold View details 779 1911 (Sept. 9) Great Britain Coronation Aerial Mail illustrated PPCs (2) in red-brown & greenish-black and Envelopes (3) in purple brown, pinkish red & deep green (small tear) franked with KGV ½d singles (2)... SymbolPC C Estimate$440 - $480StatusCLOSED! View details 780 GREAT BRITAIN - Aerophilately & Flight Covers: 1911 (Sept. 9) Accelerated by Airmail first day use of Great Britain deep dull green envelope (with insert) carried on the inaugural British air mail service with special cancel, addressed to Sydney. Two examples recorded in this colour to Australia. SymbolC Estimate$400 - $500StatusCLOSED! View details 781 GREAT BRITAIN - Aerophilately & Flight Covers: 1911 (Sept. 12 & 13) Accelerated by Airmail fourth and fifth day use of Great Britain purple-brown postcards carried via the inaugural British air mail service, and addressed to Sydney and Melbourne respectively; the latter paid at ½d internal rate only and accordingly taxed 1d upon arrival. (2) SymbolPC Estimate$300 - $400StatusCLOSED! View details 782 GREAT BRITAIN - Aerophilately & Flight Covers: 1911 (Sept.14) Accelerated by Airmail sixth day use of Great Britain purple-brown postcard with Organizing Committee printed inscription on reverse for inaugural British air mail service; addressed to Cessnock. The only recorded example of this special printing to Australia. SymbolPC Estimate$400 - $500StatusCLOSED! View details 783 GREAT BRITAIN - Postal History: 1820s-60s postal history array with 1820s-30s pre-stamp entires (10), eight from London to Merthyr Tydfil (Wales), three with 1829 Crown Free handstamps in red, 1d red imperf covers (5, four to Merthyr) including 1851 with ABERGAVENNY, PONYPOOL & MERTHYR TYDFIL datestamps in blue, plus three perforated 1d red covers incl 1856 with SPALDING departure and ALFRETON arrival datestamps in green; condition variable. (18 items) SymbolC Estimate$120 - $160Price Realized$90StatusSold View details 784 GREECE: 1860s-1960s mint & used collection with imperf large Hermes Heads (40+) and Small Hermes Heads (60+, with surcharges), perforated issues incl.1901 Hermes set, 1926 Air set mint, 1930 Centenary set (ex 10d) used, 1933 Airs to 20d mint, etc; imperfs in mixed condition, improves thereafter. Symbol* (*) O Estimate$200 - $250Price Realized$160StatusSold View details 785 GREECE: 1960s-1990s (few earlier) mostly mint accumulation with lots of 1960-70s mint/MUH sets plus mid 1970s-80s sets in MUH blocks of 4; also a few tax stamps, booklets, covers and an uprated 1937 Postal Card to London. (many 100s) Symbol** * U Estimate$160 - $200Price Realized$160StatusSold View details 786 HONG KONG: 1938-70 mint collection with 1938-52 KGVI Definitives to $2 reddish-violet & scarlet and $5 green & violet including 30c yellow-olive SG.151, KGVI commemoratives complete including Silver Wedding set, QEII 1954-62 Definitives to $5, 1961-70 commemoratives complete including 1968 Seacraft; fine clean condition, Cat £1100+. (150+) Symbol* Estimate$220 - $260Price Realized$200StatusSold View details 787 HONG KONG: 1948 (SG.171-72) Silver Wedding 10c & $10 tied to small piece by 'REGISTERED/22DE/48/GPO HONG KONG' FDI cancel. Cat £130+. SymbolO Estimate$100 - $150Price Realized$80StatusSold View details 788 HUNGARY: 1870s-1960s collection on hagners 1919 Revolution Wmk Upright set MUH, 1933 Scouts MUH, 1935 Rakoczi used, few 1940s issues in blocks of 4, good selection of 1950s-60s sets MUH, few M/Ss. Plenty of thematic appeal, mostly fine. (100s) Symbol** * O Estimate$120 - $160Price Realized$100StatusSold View details 789 HUNGARY: 1872-1960 mint (much MUH) and used collection incl. 1918 Surcharge duo mint, 1938 Stephan set, few 1940s set in blocks of 4, lots of complete 1950s sets mint or used; mostly fine condition. Symbol** * O Estimate$140 - $180Price Realized$190StatusSold View details 790 HUNGARY: 1940s-80s Collection of souvenir sheets, miniature sheets and sheetlets, on Hagner pages. (170+). Tremendous source of thematic material. Symbol** * 0 Estimate$120 - $160Price Realized$140StatusSold View details 791 HUNGARY: 1960-94 mint (mostly MUH) and used collection with lots of complete set incl. some imperforates, high thematic content incl. birds, flora & fauna and fungi; colourful lot in mostly very fine condition. Symbol** * O Estimate$100 - $150Price Realized$80StatusSold View details 792 HUNGARY: 1965-2000s collection with many MUH sets, plus a few M/Ss or sheetlets, heaps of thematic appeal, generally fine/very fine. (many 100s) Symbol** * O C Estimate$180 - $240Price Realized$160StatusSold View details 793 ICELAND: 1930 (Mi.125-40 & 142-46) Parliamentary series 3a to 10k set (16) including 10a Air all with 'SPECIMEN' handstamps, plus 15a to 1k Airs set of 5 overprinted 'SPECIMEN', fine MLH; included with this lot is a letter confirming the stamps formed part of a collection presented by the Australian Post Office to former Postmaster-General, Sir Harry Brown. Symbol* Estimate$300 - $400Price Realized$200StatusSold View details 794 INDIA - Aerophilately & Flight Covers: 1911 (Feb. 18) cover with KEVII 1a tied by largely very fine strike of 'FIRST AERIAL POST/[plane]/1911 U.P. EXHIBITION/ALLAHABAD' 40mm cachet in rose-red, on reverse 'ALLAHABAD/18FE/11' & 'BOMBAY/20FE11' datestamps. Important flight. SymbolC Estimate$500 - $750StatusCLOSED! View details 795 INDIA - Aerophilately & Flight Covers: 1911 (Feb. 18) cover with KEVII ½a and 3p pair tied by largely very fine strikes of 'FIRST AERIAL POST/[plane]/1911 U.P. EXHIBITION/ALLAHABAD' 40mm cachet in pinkish-red, addressed to a Major serving with the 97th Infantry based at Jubbulpore. On reverse 'ALLAHABAD/18FE/11' & 'JUBBULPORE/20FE11' datestamps. SymbolC Estimate$550 - $650StatusCLOSED! View details 796 INDIA - Aerophilately & Flight Covers: 22 Jan.1926 (BEA.26.02d) Karachi - Risalpur R.A.F. demonstration flight cover with 27 Squadron cachet, initialled by the pilot, E.H.Spence. [40 flown]. SymbolC Estimate$120 - $150Price Realized$190StatusSold View details 797 INDIA - Aerophilately & Flight Covers: EVACUATION OF KABUL EMERGENCY AIRMAIL: 13-30 Nov.1928 (BEA.28.13) cover despatched from Cornwall for delivery to Col. Sir Francis Humphrys at The British Legation, Kabul; bearing a fine backstamped example of the "SPECIAL INSPECTOR / 30 NOV.28 / FOREIGN MAILS" double-ring cds alongside a poor "PESHAWAR / 6JA29" cds; also endorsed Peshawar-Kabul" and initialled. SymbolC Estimate$500 - $750Price Realized$4,600StatusSold View details 798 INDIA - Aerophilately & Flight Covers: 30 & 31 October 1930 Karachi - Calcutta flown special cover, carried and signed by Mildred Bruce in her "Blackburn Bluebird"; also, a similar cover flown and signed by Bruce on her Karachi - Rangoon flight. (2 covers). Very small numbers flown. SymbolC Estimate$300 - $400Price Realized$240StatusSold View details 799 INDIA - Aerophilately & Flight Covers: 21 April 1932 (BEA.32.09a) Peshawar - Quetta cover flown with Viceroy Lord Willingdon, signed by R.A.F. pilot D.J. Anderson; with QUETTA arrival b/stamp.Provenance: Boris Joffe. SymbolC Estimate$250 - $300Price Realized$4,600StatusSold View details 800 INDIA - Aerophilately & Flight Covers: 17 Jan.1934 (BEA.34.01) Bihar Earthquake O.H.M.S. cover, carried by R.A.F. Emergency flight from Patna to Darbangah; signed and endorsed on arrival by Dr.K.R.Gupta. SymbolC Estimate$200 - $250Price Realized$1,000StatusSold View details 801 INDONESIA: 1940-2000s mostly used array crammed into small stockbook incl. 1949 'MERDEKA DJOKJAKARTA' overprints on mint Pictorials (8), later issues with attractive sets, part-sets & singles; also 1955 airmail cover to Germany & 2002 Timor-Leste Independence stamp pack & FDC. (100s) Symbol** * O C Estimate$100 - $150Price Realized$80StatusSold View details Items per page 102550100 Previous|12345678910|Next Previous 12345678910 Next