Stamps, Coins & Postal History (#459) Closed Auction Info PDF Prices Realized View ▼ Items per page 102550100 Sort by DefaultTime LeftLot#Lot NameNewestHighest PriceLowest PriceBidsViews Filter By Categories Category match ANY of the aboveALL of the above Featured Exclude closed lots Price Lot Number Results: Viewing items 1-100 of 123. Previous|12|Next Lot 415 TASMANIA: 1853-1912 Collection on hagners with 4d Couriers (3) all cut-to-shape, imperf Chalons to 1/- and perforated Chalons to 1/- (4) mostly with fiscal cancels; also George & Dragon revenues to 10/- (optd 'REVENUE') incl. imperf 3d, Tablets to 2/6d, Pictorials to 6d incl. 1d with "Double perfs", postmark interest likely noting 1911 SOUTH PRESTON on 1d Pictorial , ROSEVEARS and 'TEA TREE' on 1d Pictorial pairs; 'OS' & 'T' perfins well represented plus a few 'A' perfins; mixed conditi SymbolO * View details Estimate$300 - $350Price Realized$280StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 416 TASMANIA: 1855-67 imperf Chalons group comprising Star Wmk 4d (2) one with good to large margins and sans-serif '4' handstamp cancel of Macquarie Plains, the other with complete margins tied to small piece with a 'PRE-PAID/7OC7/1856' diamond handstamp alongside; Numeral Wmk 1d brick-red pair with dumb bars cancel, 4d blue (2) with 2nd Allocation BN '16' or BN '75' cancels. (5 items) SymbolO View details Estimate$200 - $250Price Realized$420StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 417 TASMANIA: 1855-67 imperf Chalons selection comprising Star Wmk 4d, Numeral Wmk 1d (14) 2d (4), 4d (12), 6d (7) & 1/- (5) , usual mixed condition with variable margins, majority postally used, some postmark interest. (43) SymbolO View details Estimate$200 - $300Price Realized$170StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 418 TASMANIA: 1857-91 mostly perforated Chalons with 1d (35, four are imperf) including eleven (3 imperf) with COLONIAL TREASURY fiscal datestamp, 2d (4), 4d (7), 6d (17, one with complete 'LATE/LETTER' handstamp) & 1/- (11); good variety of perfs, shades & printings, usual variable condition, the majority of the 2d to 1/- values with postal cancels. Worthy of closer inspection. (74) SymbolO View details Estimate$250 - $300Price Realized$260StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 419 TASMANIA: 1870-1912 Sidefaces & Tablets selection with mint Sidefaces to 9d (4) including Wmk 'TAS'-in bars 3d deep red-brown and 4d buff & Wmk 'TAS' 4d buff, Crown/A 8d P11, Surcharges ½d on 1d (3, one used), Narrow Setting 2½d on 9d deep blue marginal block of 4, Wide Setting 2½d on 9d (9, incl. block of 4 & strip of 3) plus 2 used, also optd 'REPRINT' 5/- purple plus imperf ½d on 1d interpanneau block of 10, the six right hand units with "Misplaced Halfpenny surcharge"... Symbol* O C View details Estimate$300 - $400StatusCLOSED! Lot 420 TASMANIA: 1899-1912 balance of specialist Pictorials collection with 1899-1900 Wmk 'TAS' 2½d indigo pale shade mint; Litho V/Crown P.11 ½d (marginal) & P12½ mint blocks of 4; 1905-11 Typo using Electrotyped Plates ½d from the 1911 Printing including P.11 corner block of 4, plus range of shades mint or used including "Dirty Plate" examples, 3d SG.253 mint & used the latter with "Colour flaw in sea" [Pos.20] flaw, 1912 Thin Ready Gummed Paper 3d SG.262 used (Cat.£100); Symbol* O C View details Estimate$180 - $240Price Realized$190StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 421 TASMANIA: 1899-1912 Pictorials accumulation with 1899-1900 1d MUH blocks of 8 and 5, plus mint singles of 2½d (7), 5d (7) & 6d (2), mint later printings of 4d (11) & 6d (4) plus 1d on 2d 'CA' Monogram block of 4,; heavily duplicated used array for all printing including 'A", 'T' & 'OS' perfins, excellent variety of printings & perfs with limited postmark interest; also a few covers. Plenty to work through. (many 100s) Symbol** * O C View details Estimate$200 - $250Price Realized$360StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 422 TASMANIA: 1899-1912 Pictorials incl. range of varieties on album pages (ex Keith Lancaster) including 1909 Crown/A Electrotype 1d Plates 3 to 6 "major" varieties with "Retouch to sky over left side of mountain" [3/5] BW. T14g (5 examples), "Large white flaw in shading to right of tree at right" [3/24] T14h (5 examples), plus 14 other varieties (5 examples of each) unlisted by Brusden White; also Crown/A Electotype 2d Plate 1 & 2 flaws (4, four examples of each) Symbol* O View details Estimate$250 - $300Price Realized$320StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 423 TASMANIA: 1853 (SG.2) Medium soft yellowish paper 1d blue, margins large to huge and clear of outer frameline on all sides with fragment of adjoining stamp at base, indistinct numeral example. Examples with such large margins are seldom encountered. SymbolO View details Estimate$800 - $1,000Price Realized$600StatusSold Lot 424 TASMANIA: 1853 (between SG.5-12) 4d Couriers (6) comprising Plate I First State (incomplete margins), Plate I Second State (2, one cut-to shape, the other creased & thinned) and Plate II (3, two with clear BN '59' or BN '60' cancels of Launceston), variable margins, Cat £2000+ (ex the two Plate I Second States) (6) SymbolO View details Estimate$600 - $800StatusCLOSED! Lot 425 TASMANIA: DIE PROOFS: 1855 Chalon Heads 1d progressive die proof, prior to engraving of "VAN DIEMENS LAND", in black on stout card (48x68mm), extension of framelines on all sides with traces of additional framelines most noticeably at left, with some other markings outside framelines. Wonderful item. [Previously sold for $12,000+ at an August 2012 Melbourne auction] SymbolP View details Estimate$8,000 - $10,000StatusCLOSED! Lot 426 TASMANIA: 1855 (SG.17) Star Wmk 4d deep blue pair, margins largely complete (just shaved at left), BN '68' cancel, Cat £260+. Lovely deep colour. SymbolO View details Estimate$150 - $200StatusCLOSED! Lot 427 TASMANIA: 1856-57 (SG.20) No Watermark 2d dull emerald-green, unusually large example with good to very large margins and fragment of adjoining stamp at top, lightly struck barred numeral cancels and trace of transit cancel in red at right. Rare stamp, Cat £950. SymbolO View details Estimate$350 - $450StatusCLOSED! Lot 428 TASMANIA: 1856-57 (SG.24) No Wmk Pelure Paper 1d deep-red brown, margins just shaving (at base) to very good, BN '64' cancel of Hobart, Cat £750. Lovely rich colour. SymbolO View details Estimate$350 - $400StatusCLOSED! Lot 429 TASMANIA: 1857-67 (SG.27) 1d brick-red strip of 4, margins shaved/cut-into slightly in places, the fourth unit with impressive "Pre-printing paper fold", the first unit with vertical marginal watermark lines, BN '75' cancels of Hobart. SymbolO View details Estimate$250 - $300StatusCLOSED! Lot 430 TASMANIA: 1857-57 (SG.34) Numeral Wmk 2d slate-green, complete margins, fine unused, two small dealer marks on reverse, Cat. £425. Symbol(*) View details Estimate$250 - $300StatusCLOSED! Lot 431 TASMANIA: PLATE PROOFS: 1858 Perkins Bacon 6d and 1/- Imperforate Plate Proof blocks of 4 in black on white wove paper. (2 blocks) SymbolP View details Estimate$1,600 - $2,000StatusCLOSED! Lot 432 TASMANIA: 1863-71 (SG.57-68) Chalons Wmk Double-Lined Numeral Perf 10 comprising shades of 1d SG 57, 58 (superb BN '49') & 59; 2d SG 60 & 61; 4d SG 62 & 63; 6d SG 64, 66 & 67 and 1/- SG 68; generally very fine, Cat. £775. (11) SymbolO View details Estimate$300 - $350Price Realized$220StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 433 TASMANIA: 1865-71 (SG.76) Numeral Wmk 6d reddish mauve P12 Chalon block of 4, upper units MLH. lower units MUH. Fine and fresh, Cat. £760+. Symbol* ** View details Estimate$250 - $350Price Realized$180StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 434 TASMANIA: 1864-68 (SG.89) Perf.12½ by R. Harris (Launceston) 6d reddish mauve Chalon block of 4, very lightly hinged, one unit MUH. Fresh and attractive multiple, Cat £3600. Symbol** * View details Estimate$1,500 - $2,000StatusCLOSED! Lot 435 TASMANIA: 1867 (SG.105) Pin-perf 5½ to 9½ at Longford 2d yellow-green Chalon, some blemishes/adhesions on reverse but not thinned, well centred with strong colour, bold BN '54' cancel of Longford, unpriced in Gibbons and extremely rare. RPSofV Certificate (2020) states "It is genuine" SymbolO View details Estimate$2,000 - $3,000Price Realized$3,600StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 436 TASMANIA: DIE PROOFS: 1870-78 Sideface Die Proofs in black for 1d, 2d, 3d, 4d, 10d and 5/- values on individual glazed white cards (26x32mm). Rare group.(6) SymbolP View details Estimate$1,500 - $1,800Price Realized$1,400StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 437 TASMANIA: PLATE PROOFS: 1870-78 De La Rue Sidefaces 9d imperforate plate proof pair on Wmk Crown/CC gummed paper in orange-buff and bright orange and in bright purple & bright violet, MLH full original gum. (4 pairs) SymbolP View details Estimate$400 - $500Price Realized$320StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 438 TASMANIA: REPRINTS:1870-78 (SG.130) 4d blue Sideface reprint, Current N° '43' positional block of twelve, from left of sheet, on ungummed card. Very fine, Cat £14,440+ as normal issues. Symbol(*) View details Estimate$300 - $400StatusCLOSED! Lot 439 TASMANIA: REPRINTS:1870-78 (SG.130) 4d blue Sideface reprint, Plate '3' positional block of twelve from right of the sheet on ungummed card. Very fine, Cat £14,440+ as normal issues. Symbol(*) View details Estimate$300 - $400StatusCLOSED! Lot 440 TASMANIA: 1871-78 (SG.153) Wmk 'TAS'-in lines 4d buff Sideface Perf.12, fresh mint block of (4), lower units MUH, Cat £1400+. Elusive multiple. Symbol** * View details Estimate$600 - $800Price Realized$650StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 441 TASMANIA: 1880-91 (SG.160a) 1d vermilion-red with spectacular "Queen obliterated" major over-inking flaw which has also blocked-out much of the frame detail. Impressive flaw. SymbolO View details Estimate$120 - $160StatusCLOSED! Lot 442 TASMANIA: REPRINTS: 1886 perforated 4d Chalon marginal block of 10 (5x2) on Thick Paper, full unmounted o.g., also single imperforate die proof in carmine, without denomination with Blank Tablet & No Frame at Base. (2 items) View details Estimate$200 - $300StatusCLOSED! Lot 443 TASMANIA: ESSAYS: 1886 Proposed High Values De La Rue essay of keyplate design in violet overprinted 'TASMANIA/POSTAGE & REVENUE/TWO SHILLINGS/AND SIXPENCE' in black, or in grey-green similarly overprinted '.../10 SHILLINGS', both in upper-right corner blocks of 4, full unmounted gum. Superb! Ex Australia Post Archival Sale. (2 blocks) Symbol** View details Estimate$10,000 - $15,000StatusCLOSED! Lot 444 TASMANIA: ESSAYS: 1886 Proposed High Values De La Rue essay of keyplate design in violet overprinted 'TASMANIA/POSTAGE & REVENUE/TWO SHILLINGS/AND SIXPENCE' in black, small hinge reinforced thin, large part o.g. Unissued. SymbolP View details Estimate$500 - $600Price Realized$380StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 445 TASMANIA: ESSAYS: 1892-99 Tablets De La Rue imperforate 6d 'IMPERIUM' essay in carmine & violet with 'TASMANIA' and corner ornaments hand-painted in China white, informatively written-up on exhibit page. Superb! SymbolP View details Estimate$1,800 - $2,400StatusCLOSED! Lot 446 TASMANIA: DIE PROOFS: 1892-99 Tablets 5d Die Proof on highly glazed card (92x60mm), De La Rue having removed the value, endorsed 'BEFORE/HARDENING' at upper-right and dated '14 OCT. 91' at upper-left. An important item demonstrating how the 5d proof was defaced to create the master die proof for the series. SymbolP View details Estimate$1,500 - $2,000Price Realized$1,500StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 447 TASMANIA: DIE PROOFS:1892-99 Tablets 5d Die Proof initialled "H.G." on highly glazed card (92x60mm), endorsed AFTER/HARDENING' at upper-right and dated '15 OCT. 91' at upper-left. Of similar importance and a marvellous companion to the previous item. SymbolP View details Estimate$1,500 - $2,000Price Realized$1,500StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 448 TASMANIA: DIE PROOFS: 1892-99 Tablets '5s' (value only) Duty Plate die proof in black on glazed card (92x60mm), handstamped '2 NOV.96' in blue at upper-left. Superb and rare. SymbolP View details Estimate$600 - $800Price Realized$600StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 449 TASMANIA: DIE PROOFS: 1892-99 Tablets '£1' (value only) Duty Plate die proof in black on glazed card (92x60mm), handstamped '2 NOV.96' in blue at upper-left. Superb and rare. SymbolP View details Estimate$900 - $1,200StatusCLOSED! Lot 450 TASMANIA: 1892-99 (SG.216-225) ½d to £1 Tablets fine mint, key 10/- & £1 values MVLH, also a few low value shades plus 5d (marginal) & 6d blocks of 4 and 1906-09 Crown/A 1/- Perf. 11 SG.257a (hinge remnant), total Cat. £880+. (22) Symbol* ** View details Estimate$500 - $600Price Realized$400StatusSold Lot 451 TASMANIA: 1892-99 (SG.216-225) ½d to £1 Tablets Set to 2/6d (2), 5/-, 10/- (2, one faded) & £1 (light edge toning), modest estimate reflects the condition issues, Cat £750+. (15) SymbolO View details Estimate$220 - $260Price Realized$180StatusSold Lot 452 TASMANIA: 1892-99 (SG.225) £1 Tablet green & yellow, horizontal strip of 3, €˜BURNIE/SP19/00€™ datestamps, insignificant crease only visible on reverse, Cat. £1,500+. Rare used multiple. SymbolO View details Estimate$800 - $1,000StatusCLOSED! Lot 453 TASMANIA: ESSAYS: 1899-1900 Pictorials 2½d Tasman Arch photographic essay in black, mounted on card (89x114mm) endorsed "Sept 1st 99." at upper-right & "Dupl." at lower-left and marked "A" at upper-left. Ex De La Rue Archives. SymbolP View details Estimate$2,400 - $3,000StatusCLOSED! Lot 454 TASMANIA: ESSAYS: 1899-1900 Pictorials 4d Russell Falls photographic essay in sepia, mounted on card (89x114mm) endorsed "May 24th 99." at upper-right & "Dupl." at lower-left. Ex De La Rue Archives. SymbolP View details Estimate$2,600 - $3,000StatusCLOSED! Lot 455 TASMANIA: DIE PROOFS: 1899-1900 Pictorials 2d "HOBART" Die Proof in bright deep blue on wove paper (46x45mm), blue crayon tick mark & two mounting stains clear of the design. SymbolP View details Estimate$1,800 - $2,400Price Realized$1,600StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 456 TASMANIA: 1899-1900 (SG.229s-236s) Wmk 'TAS' ½d to 6d Pictorials overprinted 'Specimen', most values MVLH (4d a little heavier) with large-part o.g., Cat £550. SymbolS * View details Estimate$400 - $500StatusCLOSED! Lot 457 TASMANIA: 1899-1900 (SG.230) 1d bright lake, DLR Printing, lower right corner blk.(4) with full Plate No. "2" in right margin, fresh MUH. Symbol** View details Estimate$180 - $240StatusCLOSED! Lot 458 TASMANIA: 1899-1900 (SG.230) 1d bright lake, De La Rue Printing marginal strip of 12 (2x6) from left of pane, showing Plate No "3" in red in lower-left corner, mounted at top only, lower ten units MUH. Symbol** * View details Estimate$180 - $240StatusCLOSED! Lot 459 TASMANIA: 1899-1900 (SG.231) 2d deep violet De La Rue Printing lower-left corner block of 12 (4x3), showing Plate No "1" in violet in corner, some sensible reinforcements of perf separations, six units MUH. Symbol*** View details Estimate$180 - $240Price Realized$140StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 460 TASMANIA: 1902-11 Double Perfs selection with V/Crown Litho ½d P12½ SG.237 corner marginal example with "Extra row of P.11 perforations in lower sheet margin", 1905-11 Crown/A 1d rose-red P.11 SG.250a with "Double perfs between top of stamp and sheet margin" Symbol** * View details Estimate$150 - $200Price Realized$120StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 461 TASMANIA: 1902-05 (SG.237) Wmk V/Crown Litho Sheet "B" ½d marginal mint block of 16 (4x4) with "Creased transfer" resulting in "Hairline of colour running through units 37, 43, 44, 45, 51 & 52"; also a used block of 9 [40-42, 46-48 & 52-54] with Pos.52 showing a "Prominent line of colour due to creased transfer." (2 items) Symbol* O View details Estimate$200 - $300Price Realized$160StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 462 TASMANIA: 1902-05 (SG.239) Wmk V/Crown Litho mint (5) and used (11) selection of varieties and shades with three "Creased transfers", one a mint example with a spectacular "Cross through the centre of the design"; other varieties incl. "Balloon Flaw" [Stone 8/56], plus three "Ink clogging" flaws. Symbol* O View details Estimate$150 - $200Price Realized$120StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 463 TASMANIA: 1902-04 (SG.240) Electro Printing 1d pale red selection comprising mint blocks of 4 (3) with P.12½ Upright Wmk & Sideways Wmk and P.11 Upright Wmk, mint P.12½ pair on Unsurfaced Paper (stated to be only recorded example), also used single with early date ('OC8/1902') plus a used P.12½ pair in the rose-red shade. (15 stamps) Symbol* O View details Estimate$250 - $350StatusCLOSED! Lot 464 TASMANIA: 1902-04 (SG.240) Electro Printing 1d red Electros 3 & 4 selection with P.11 Wmk (Upright Inverted) block of 4 mint & P12½ block of 4 used, P.12½ Wmk Vertical & Reversed pair used, plus P12½ & P11 singles on redirected postcard fragment (P.11 stamp may not belong) and a P12½ single with an early date. Symbol* O View details Estimate$100 - $150StatusCLOSED! Lot 465 TASMANIA: 1905-1912 2d Pictorial selection with 1905-12 Litho using transfers from DLR used singles (8) including varieties & shades, 1911 Stereotype P12½ block of 4 and P11 corner marginal block of 4 the upper-right unit showing "Damage to the upper frame", 1912 'ONE PENNY' on 2d P.11 strip of 4 from the lower-left corner of the sheet, two right side units with "DOUBLE PERFS between stamp and the sheet margin, also P.11 block of 4 with "22 OCT.12" early date of use cancel; Symbol* O View details Estimate$180 - $240StatusCLOSED! Lot 466 TASMANIA: 1905-12 (SG.245f) Wmk Crown/A 2d slate-lilac COMPLETELY IMPERFORATE, fine used with SCOTTSDALE 'SP5/06' datestamp, necessarily offered "as is". SymbolO View details Estimate$100 - $200StatusCLOSED! Lot 467 TASMANIA: 1905-12 (SG.246) Litho Using Transfers from DLR Plates 3d brown P.11 block of 4, upper units IMPERFORATE AT TOP, unused. Rare. Symbol(*) View details Estimate$400 - $500StatusCLOSED! Lot 468 TASMANIA: 1905-12 (SG.247,b&c) Litho Using Transfers from DLR Plates, selection with mint P11 4d pale yellow-brown block of 4 from right of sheet showing marginal cross, P12½ marginal pair (Wmk inverted), and four used singles, three with varieties; 4d orange-buff P11 mint block of 4, P12½ used strip of 3 & two singles; 4d brown-ochre (Wmk Sideways) P11 used singles (2); Cat. £750+ (21). Symbol* O View details Estimate$350 - $450Price Realized$300StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 469 TASMANIA: 1905-12 (SG.247bb) Litho Using Transfers from DLR Plates, 4d orange-buff Compound Perf (11x12½x11x12½) block of 6 from the left of the sheet, fine mint, Cat. £3000+. Extremely rare multiple. Symbol* View details Estimate$2,000 - $2,500StatusCLOSED! Lot 470 TASMANIA: 1905-12 (SG.247d&da) Litho Using Transfers from DLR Plates, selection with mint 4d orange-yellow P.12½ & P.11 (pale shade) blocks of 4 plus P.11 Wmk Inverted marginal strip of 3, also singles P.12½ used (3) and P11 mint & used (2) with varieties incl. mint P11 with "Part void panel at left" and two P12½ Retouches, Cat £700+ without premium for varieties. (17 stamps). Symbol* O View details Estimate$350 - $450Price Realized$300StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 471 TASMANIA: 1905-12 (SG.248) Litho Using Transfers from DLR Plates use of 6d lake P.12½ plus 3d brown P.12½ on 1909 (Oct.19) registered cover to Hobart with fine HUONVILLE datestamps tying stamp, 'R'-in circle registration handstamp, cover opened on three sides with a few edge faults. Scarce franking. SymbolC View details Estimate$600 - $800Price Realized$750StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 472 TASMANIA: 1905-12 (SG.249da) Electroplate Wmk Crown/A ½d yellow-green Perf.11 watermark UPRIGHT(INVERTED) vertical pair, fine MLH, Cat £220+ (BW:T6aa, Cat. $400+) Symbol* View details Estimate$200 - $250Price Realized$150StatusSold Lot 473 TASMANIA: 1905-11 (SG.249) Typo Using Electrotyped Plates ½d yellow-green selection incl, Wmk Sideways P.12½ corner blocks of 6 (2), P.11 corner block of 6, Wmk Upright P.11 SG. 249da corner blocks of 6 (2, one Wmk Upright inverted); also used Wmk Sideways P.11 SG. vertical pairs & (one with Watermark Reversed) & P12½ used single, Cat. £1300+. Symbol** * O View details Estimate$500 - $750StatusCLOSED! Lot 474 TASMANIA: 1905-11 (SG.250f) Typo Using Electrotyped Plates Wmk Upright (Inverted) 1d rose-red IMPERFORATE PAIR from the top of the sheet, with large part inverted 'AUSTRALIA' sheet edge watermark in the upper margin, fine mint, Cat. £700. Symbol* View details Estimate$500 - $600StatusCLOSED! Lot 475 TASMANIA: 1905-11 (SG.250) Typo Using Electrotyped Plates 1d rose-red selection incl. mint Wmk Upright P.12½ & P.11 blocks of 4 and Wmk Sideways P.11 (SG.250e) block of 4 and a mint single, used examples incl. Worn Plate strip of 4 and pair; also 1d carmine-red P.12½ (SG.250g) 'JBC' Monogram strip of 3 and 1d deep carmine-red P12½ vertical pair mint, plus used examples of early dates. (34 stamps) Symbol* O View details Estimate$350 - $450StatusCLOSED! Lot 476 TASMANIA: 1905-11 (SG.251) Typo Using Electrotyped Plates 2d selection comprising with mint blocks of 4 comprising 2d plum Compound Perf 11x12½x11x12½ SG.251c, 2d bright violet Wmk Upright (inverted) P.12½ SG.251a, Wmk Sideways P12½ bright lilac shade of SG 251, P.11 bright reddish violet shade SG.251fa; also shades in used used pairs, and several 1910 singles showing poor ink transfer, mint blocks alone Cat £560+. (24 stamps) Symbol** * O View details Estimate$250 - $350Price Realized$240StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 477 TASMANIA: 1905-11 (SG.251b) Electrotype Crown/A 2d plum Perf.11 variety "Double perfs at top", unlisted by Brusden White (BW:T36b for the same variety Perf 12½), Hobart machine cancel. SymbolO View details Estimate$120 - $150StatusCLOSED! Lot 478 TASMANIA: 1905-11 (SG.253b) Typo Using Electrotyped Plates Wmk Sideways 3d brown P.11 marginal block of 4 with part marginal "cross", "DOUBLE PERFS between stamps vertically", fine mint. Symbol* View details Estimate$200 - $300StatusCLOSED! Lot 479 TASMANIA: 1905-11 (SG.253c) Typo Using Electrotyped Plates 3d brown Mixed Single Line Perf 12.4 and 11, with mixed vertical gauges at right, few tonespots and patch of lost gum on reverse, BW: T51 - Cat $600 (SG Cat. £425). Symbol* View details Estimate$300 - $400StatusCLOSED! Lot 480 TASMANIA: 1905-11 (SG.253c) Typo Using Electrotyped Plates 3d brown, perforated 12½ x 11 vertical marginal pair, both units also displaying the double vertical row of different perf gauges at right. Upper unit Mint; lower unit MUH. Cat.£850+. Symbol** * View details Estimate$500 - $750StatusCLOSED! Lot 481 TASMANIA: 1905-11 (SG.254) Typo Using Electrotyped Plates 6d carmine-lake P.11 group comprising 6d marginal block of 4 mint and block of 4 used (very scarce), plus two singles, one with early date (thinned) plus another with "Weakness in sky over Falls"; also 3d brown P.11 SG.253b pair, Cat £405. (12 stamps). Symbol* O View details Estimate$200 - $300Price Realized$130StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 482 TASMANIA: 1906-09 (SG.256d) 9d blue Sideface, Wmk Crown/A inverted block of four, variety "Compound (mixed) perforations of 11 & 12, horizontally between, other sides perf 11; fine mint, Cat. £2200+ (ACSC T73a, Cat $2400+). Symbol* View details Estimate$1,000 - $1,500StatusCLOSED! Lot 483 1906-09 (SG.257a & 258) Wmk Crown/A 1/- rose & green P.11 and 10/- mauve & brown, P.12½ Tablets, mint, Cat.£300+. (2) Symbol* View details Estimate$180 - $220StatusCLOSED! Lot 484 TASMANIA: 1906-09 (SG.257) Wmk Crown/A 1/- rose & green Tablet Perf.12.4 block of 4, variety DOUBLE PERFS between upper units and sheet margin, not recorded by Brusden White for this issue; fine mint. Symbol* View details Estimate$150 - $200Price Realized$120StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 485 TASMANIA: Postal Fiscals: 1863-80 (SG. F17) 10/- salmon Perf.12 George & the Dragon, inverted numeral '1' watermark, mint, large-part o.g, Cat £500. Symbol* View details Estimate$300 - $400Price Realized$240StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 486 TASMANIA: Postal Fiscals:1880 Platypus progressive die proof of central vignette only on glazed card (92x61mm) endorsed with 'May 10, 1877' handstamp at upper-left. Important proof. SymbolP View details Estimate$600 - $800Price Realized$480StatusSold Lot 487 TASMANIA: Postal Fiscals:1880 Platypus progressive die proof of central vignette with uncleared surrounds in black only on glazed card (92x61mm) handstamped 'May 18, 1877' at upper-left and 'BEFORE HARDENING' to the upper-right. SymbolP View details Estimate$750 - $1,000Price Realized$600StatusSold Lot 488 TASMANIA: Postal Fiscals: 1880 (SG.F26s-F29s) 2d to 1/- with horizontal 'SPECIMEN' overprint, plus 1d duplicate and 3d & 1/- with vertical 'SPECIMEN' overprints reading downwards, fine mint, large-part o.g. [The horizontal overprints set is very scarce with a small quantity of sets prepared in 1886] (7) Symbol* View details Estimate$300 - $400Price Realized$240StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 489 TASMANIA: Postal Fiscals: 1880 (SG.F28) Platypus 6d mauve Stamp Duty Plate No '1' positional block of twelve, overprinted 'REPRINT' vertically, on perforated & gummed thick paper, fresh MUH. Symbol** View details Estimate$150 - $200StatusCLOSED! Lot 490 TASMANIA: Postal Fiscals: 1900 (SG.F36d) 1d blue Platypus variety "''REVENUE' overprint doubled", some gum discolouration, Cat £325. RPSofV Certificate (1984) Symbol* View details Estimate$200 - $300StatusCLOSED! Lot 491 TASMANIA: Postal Fiscals: 1900 (SG.F39) £1 green & yellow optd 'REVENUE' postally used with HOBART 'NO30/1900' datestamp, Cat £225; also vertical pair fiscally used with "30/8/01' pen cancel. (2 items). SymbolO View details Estimate$150 - $200Price Realized$120StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 492 TASMANIA - Revenues: 1860s-1900 Revenues selection with 10/- George & Dragon with fake postal cancel, Platypus Series 1880 1d blue (10) several postally used incl. pair plus mint single, 3d (5) one mint others postally used, 6d (6) postally used, 1/- (2) postally used; 1900 optd 'REVENUE' 1d mint, 3d (4) incl. postally used marginal pair & single, 1/- (2) one unused; also perforated Chalons 1d (2), 6d & 1/- with pen cancels. (36) Symbol* (*) O View details Estimate$200 - $250StatusCLOSED! Lot 493 TASMANIA - Revenues: 1900 Platypus optd 'REVENUE' series varieties comprising 1d blue "'REVENUE' overprint inverted" and "'ONE PENNY' misplaced upwards (into central design)", 2d cinnamon variety "'TWO PENCE' doubled" (2) in different shades, all fine mint, Elsmore Online Cat $420. Symbol* View details Estimate$400 - $500Price Realized$420StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 494 TASMANIA - Revenues: 1900 2d Platypus marginal MUH block of with "'TWO PENCE' omitted" and used single with the same flaw; also mint block of 4 the lower pair with "Misplaced 'TWO PENCE'" plus a used single (corner fault) with a more spectacular misplacement, Elsmore Online Cat $500+. Symbol** * O View details Estimate$350 - $450Price Realized$260StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 495 TASMANIA - Revenues: 1900 2d Platypus Stamp Duty vertical pair IMPERFORATE HORIZONTALLY between stamps, the lower unit MUH. Rare. Symbol** * View details Estimate$500 - $600Price Realized$550StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 496 TASMANIA - Revenues: 1900 Platypus optd 'REVENUE' Surcharges 1d on 3d Control No. 8 corner block of 4, upper row type b (flat top to '1') lower row type c (slanted top to '1), lower-left unit overprint variety 'BEVENUE' for 'REVENUE', hinge remainder in margin, stamps MUH. Symbol** View details Estimate$200 - $250Price Realized$150StatusSold Lot 497 TASMANIA - Revenues: 1900 Platypus Surcharges type d (short thick '1) 1d on 3d overprint variety "Inverted '1d' with triple 'REVENUE' overprint" plus normal stamp for comparison, Elsmore Online Cat. $280. Symbol* View details Estimate$250 - $300Price Realized$300StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 498 TASMANIA - Revenues: 1900 Platypus Surcharges 1d on 3d marginal setting block of 6 (2x3, setting 'bcb', 'b' being flat top & 'c' being slanted top to '1'), block of 4 setting 'bc' inverted, the upper-left unit 'BEVENUE' for 'REVENUE' variety, also type b & type c (2) single mint & type d (short thick '1') used. (14) Symbol* O View details Estimate$150 - $200Price Realized$160StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 499 TASMANIA - Revenues: BEER DUTY: 1903 (Barefoot.60) 'Commonwealth of Australia' 4d black on pink 'Bottled Beer' sheet of 10 numbered between '1031' and '1040'; very fresh unused as issued; Elsmore online Cat $5000+. Possibly unique as a sheet and an outstanding & fantastic exhibition item. Symbol(*) View details Estimate$1,200 - $1,600StatusCLOSED! Lot 500 TASMANIA - Postal Stationery: Selection with Envelopes (9) comprising 1d red, 2d green (5, three unused & two used) plus PTPO ½d+1d, 1d+1d+½d, & 2d+½d; Walch's Postal Cards unused (3), Registration Envelopes (2) with McCorquodale 4d (flap at left) & DLR undenominated (flap at right) unused; Wrappers with "The Mercury" 1d used to London, "Tasmanian Mail" 1d+½d used to London & "Newspaper Only" 1d unused; condition variable, mostly fine. (17 items) SymbolPS View details Estimate$120 - $160StatusCLOSED! Lot 501 TASMANIA - Postal Stationery: Postal Cards: 1d cards unused (8) all with blank backs except one with Official Souvenir illustration, used (6) incl. New Ponds to Hobart tied by BN '39' with GREEN PONDS 'SEP26/1882' datestamp alongside, New Norfolk to Hobart with largely fine 1892 NEW NORFOLK datestamp, most if not all printed in Hobart with a variety of shade & stock types; also PTPO 1d Card uprated with ½d indicium unused (2, indicium in yellow-orange or deep orange) and used in 1895... SymbolPS View details Estimate$200 - $250StatusCLOSED! Lot 502 TASMANIA - Postal Stationery: Postal Cards: UPU 1½d+1½d with Reply Cards unused (3) two with diagonal 'SPECIMEN' overprints, plus a single '1d' on 1½d Reply Card unused (scarce); also 2d Pictorial Scenic Letter Cards unused (2) one showing Lake Hartz (light toning) the other Entrance Island, Macquarie Harbour, 2d Sideface Lettercards (2) one with diagonal 'SPECIMEN' overprint; generally fine. (8 items) SymbolPS View details Estimate$150 - $200Price Realized$120StatusSold Lot 503 TASMANIA - Postal Stationery: Envelopes - PTPO: 1893 (Sept.13) use of 1d+1d+1d+½d PTPO Stationery Envelope to Sydney, impressions tied by multiple strikes of HOBART 'SE13/93' duplex datestamps, small internal fault on reverse, unsealed flap. SymbolPS View details Estimate$150 - $200StatusCLOSED! Lot 504 TASMANIA - Postal Stationery: Wrappers: 1893 (Jan.14) Hobart to New Norfolk use of 1d wrapper, with impression struck in green, NEW NORFOLK same day arrival backstamp. A rare error of colour with the only recorded use in Hobart in 1893. SymbolPS View details Estimate$300 - $400Price Realized$240StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 505 TASMANIA - Postal Stationery: Frank Stamp: 1902 (Oct.25) registered use of Post and Telegraph Department envelope (136x73mm) to South Africa with fine strike of 'POSTMASTER LAUNCESTON/[Arms]/TASMANIA /FRANK-STAMP' in blue overstruck with LAUNCESTON 'H' code datestamp,'R'-in oval and manuscript registration markings, addressed to Cape Town, redirected on arrival to East London and backstamped with oval registration handstamps for both, corner fault and large tape-repaired tear. Extremely rare imp SymbolPS View details Estimate$350 - $450StatusCLOSED! Lot 506 TASMANIA - Postal History: 1862-1931 selection comprising 1862 front with tied 4d Chalon & 'PRE-PAID/1AU4/1862' datestamp in red alongside, 1886 (?) Fingal front to Launceston,1891 front to South Africa with unclaimed cachets, 1894 to Melbourne with 2d Sideface tied by BN '30' fine EVANDALE datestamp alongside; 1906 PPC to South Africa, stamp on view side uncancelled, tax handstamps on message side, 1907 taxed Tatts cover; also Telegraph Forms (2) 1874 Bothwell to Longford and 1875 Macquarie Pl SymbolPC PS View details Estimate$160 - $200Price Realized$120StatusSold Lot 507 TASMANIA - Postal History: 1830 (May 10) "Leake" correspondence Launceston to Rosedale entire (faults on reverse from previous poor mounting), showing a largely very fine strike of the Type 2 double oval handstamp of Launceston. Strikes of this quality are hard to source. Ex Viney. SymbolC View details Estimate$800 - $1,000StatusCLOSED! Lot 508 TASMANIA - Postal History: 1832 (Mar. 3) entire from Hobart Town to John Leake at Rosedale with good strike of the oval "HOBART TOWN/V.D.L" handstamp, signed at lower-left by Stephen Adey, Superintendent of Stock and Farms for Van Diemen's Land Company and director of the Derwent Bank. SymbolC View details Estimate$600 - $800StatusCLOSED! Lot 509 TASMANIA - Postal History: 1832 (Apr.30) Fingal to Rose Vale entire, sent by foot messenger, endorsed by postmaster John Wallace "Paid J.W. Fingal", being a very early endorsement which was not officially required until June; also endorsed "Speed/J. Grant" as recipient John Leake had been complaining of slow delivery times. Fewer than five examples known of this early instructional marking. Ex John Cress. Purchased in our November 2003 Sale for $3,000. SymbolC View details Estimate$900 - $1,200StatusCLOSED! Lot 510 TASMANIA - Postal History: 1832 (Aug.10) Hobart to Campbell Town entire showing the latest known date of the oval "HOBART TOWN/V.D.L" handstamp, the letter rated at 10d under the 1828 Act for a single letter carried between 70 and 80 miles. Ex John Cress. Purchased in our November 2003 Sale for $2000+. SymbolC View details Estimate$600 - $800StatusCLOSED! Lot 511 TASMANIA - Postal History: 1833 (Nov.14) Launceston to Campbell Town entire from "H.M. Service" from Lewis Gilles to John Leake showing a very good strike of the Type 2 double oval handstamp of Launceston, rated 4d following the Sep.27 1832 rate reductions, some soiling/staining. [In 1833 Leake purchased part of Gilles' estate near Ross Bridge on the Macquarie River] SymbolC View details Estimate$500 - $600StatusCLOSED! Lot 512 TASMANIA - Postal History: 1835 (Aug.17) Launceston to Rosedale entire, showing a good strike of the Type 2 double oval handstamp of Launceston, rated 5d under the 1834 Postal Act, being the single rate for a distance of between 30-45 miles (Rosedale at 41½ mile distance). Ex John Cress. Purchased in our November 2003 Sale for $2300. SymbolC View details Estimate$800 - $1,000StatusCLOSED! Lot 513 TASMANIA - Postal History: 1840 (June16) entire to Roslin, Scotland, sent "p Hamilton" departing from Launceston with largely complete strike of the large oval '[Crown]/GENERAL POST OFFICE/HOBART TOWN/VDL/16JU16/1840' datesamp struck in black , initially rated "8" but scored-through and re-rated "9", 'SHIP LETTER" and '8NO8/1840' datestamp in red applied in London, 'ROSLIN/PENNY POST' handstamp applied on arrival in Scotland, then re-directed to Edinburgh. Symbolc View details Estimate$400 - $500StatusCLOSED! Lot 514 TASMANIA - Postal History: 1848 E.L. rated '2' for local delivery in Launceston with 2 fine strikes (front and back) of the scarce '1.0.CLOCK/20 SE/1848' cds. View details Estimate$180 - $200Price Realized$140StatusSold Items per page 102550100 Previous|12|Next Previous 12 Next Previous 12 Next