Postmarks, Postal History & Picture Postcards (#69OL) 08/11/2017 8:00 AM AWST - 08/23/2017 4:00 PM AWST Closed Auction Info Advanced search ▼ Items per page 102550100100 Sort by DefaultTime LeftLot#Lot NameNewestHighest PriceLowest PriceBidsViewsDefaultDefaultTime LeftLot#Lot NameNewestHighest PriceLowest PriceBidsViews Filter By Categories Category match ANY of the aboveALL of the aboveANY of the aboveANY of the aboveALL of the above Featured Exclude closed lots Price Lot Number Results: Viewing items 1-100 of 207. Previous|123|Next View Lot 1 Australia: 1901 'Links of Empire' Series for the Royal Visit by the Duke & Duchess of York to Open the First Federal Parliament in Melbourne on 9th May 1901 comprising No 6 (Kangaroo), 7 ('Parliament House, Adelaide'), 8 ('Sydney Harbour') & 9 ('Brisbane'), the first with Victoria 1d pink tied Melbourne '6.5.01' cds, the others with frankings & cds of the relevant cities. Very scarce. SymbolCGradeA/A- View details Quantity4Estimate$100Price Realized$80StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history(1 bid) Lot 2 Australia: 1902 ‘Fitzroy FC’ real photo card (Don Photo Series, Price 1/-, blank back) showing Fitzroy Football Club Team of the Victorian Football League photo, unused, fine condition. SymbolCGradeA View details Estimate$125Price Realized$110StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history(2 bids) Lot 3 Australia: 1905 'Australia Eleven' Cricketers postcard (published by Gordon & Gotch) showing the team including Victor Trumper (captain), W Armstrong, J Darling & M Noble dressed in suit & tie plus C Miller in blazer & baggy green, used locally with QV 1d pink tied 'MELBOURNE/11.8.06' cds, couple of minor blemishes. SymbolCGradeA- View details Estimate$125StatusUnsoldBidding historyBidding history(0 bids) Lot 4 Australia: 1908 American Fleet Visit ‘Drink Resch's Lager & Ales/Australia Unites in Greeting America’ advertising postcard showing US warships entering Sydney Harbour flanked by Eagle and Kangaroo with Resch's Brewery ‘Dinner Ale’ & ‘Lager Beer’ Bottles on each of the Heads, unused, slightly rounded corners. SymbolCGradeA- View details Estimate$150StatusUnsoldBidding historyBidding history(0 bids) Lot 5 Australia: 1908 American Fleet Visit ‘USS Kentucky’ Battleship postcard inscribed ‘Issued by Ward Bros, Prize ANA Sewing Machines, 36-38 Errol St North Melbourne, 224 Chapel St Prahran’ with advertising on back, unused, a few light bends. SymbolCGradeB View details Estimate$50Price Realized$40StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history(1 bid) Lot 6 Australia: 1908 American Fleet Visit ‘USS Ohio’ Battleship postcard inscribed ‘Issued by Ward Bros, Prize ANA Sewing Machines, 36-38 Errol St North Melbourne, 224 Chapel St Prahran’ with advertising on back, unused, light corner bend. SymbolCGradeA- View details Estimate$50StatusUnsoldBidding historyBidding history(0 bids) Lot 7 Australia: 1908 American Fleet Visit ‘Pres Roosevelt, Earl of Dudley, Admiral Sperry’ portraits on back of postcard (Semco series) showing US Great White Fleet Ships steaming in formation, unused, minor corner marks. SymbolCGradeA- View details Estimate$50StatusUnsoldBidding historyBidding history(0 bids) Lot 8 Australia: 1908 American Fleet Visit ‘Ballarat: The Garden of Victoria’ vignette view of Botanic Gardens on postcard (MS Series) inscribed ‘Souvenir of United States Fleet’s Visit to Australia 1908’ surrounded by Flags, Statue of Liberty and Australian Coat of Arms, used under cover with message on back, minor corner marks. SymbolCGradeA- View details Estimate$80Price Realized$60StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history(1 bid) Lot 9 Australia: 1908 American Fleet Visit ‘Sydney Heads/Town Hall Sydney’ postcard (WTP Series) with Flags around vignette views of US Battleships in Sydney Harbour & Sydney Town Hall, used under cover with message dated 26.9.08 including "... going to town Fleet Week ..." on back, fine condition. SymbolCGradeA View details Estimate$100Price Realized$80StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history(1 bid) Lot 10 Australia: 1908 American Fleet Visit ‘US Battleship Virginia’ tinted real photo card used to Cullinga with NSW 1d Arms tied ‘WALLENDBEEN/SP10/1908/N.S.W’ cds with message in part "... we went to see the fleet, Clyde has a quarter dollar, Roy and I went on one of the boats...", couple of minor blemishes. SymbolCGradeA- View details Estimate$120StatusUnsoldBidding historyBidding history(0 bids) Lot 11 Australia: 1908 American Fleet Visit ‘Australian Greets America’ postcard (published by Robert Jolley) showing US Battleship surrounded by US & Australian Flags held by ‘Uncle Sam’ & Australian Squatter, sent to Tasmania with message including “…things are lively, the fleet arrived yesterday it is all Stars & Stripes & Souvenirs of American Fleet…” and Victoria QV 1d pink tied Melbourne ’31.8.08’ cds, ‘BREAM CREEK/SP3/08/TASMANIA’ arrival d/s alongside ... SymbolCGradeA- View details Estimate$120StatusUnsoldBidding historyBidding history(0 bids) Lot 12 Australia: 1910 two different real photo "Champion Motor Boat Fairbanks" with caption on the reverse for "...the fastest boat in the world", a few blemishes, postally used (one sent under cover). Rare duo. [The EC Griffith Cup is the Australian Motor Boat Association trophy, first awarded in 1910, to AH Davies & "Fairbanks"] GST† GST on HAMMER for Australian residents onlySymbolCGradeB View details Quantity2Estimate$50StatusUnsoldBidding historyBidding history(0 bids) Lot 13 Australia: 1911 ‘Orient Line Australia-England Sailing Passenger Season’ postcard with line drawing of ‘RMS Otway, 12077 Tons Twin Screw’ advertising ‘Cabines-de Luxe, Singe Berth Cabins, Bed Room and Bathroom Suites, Electric Lifts and Laundries’, list of sailing dates for the nine ships of the ‘Orient Line of Royal Mail Steamers’ and contact details of local agents, unused, fine condition. [The RMS ‘Otway’ was torpedoed and sunk on 23 July 1917] SymbolCGradeA View details Estimate$40Price Realized$35StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history(2 bids) Lot 14 Australia: 1917 ‘Eastbound Passenger Train, Trans-Australian Railway’ real photo postcard (Rose Series) with Steam Locomotive & Passenger Wagons in the middle of the outback, unused, fine condition. SymbolCGradeA View details Estimate$60Price Realized$40StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history(0 bids) Lot 15 Australia: 1921 'Australia Team' Cricketers postcard (published by Topical Press) showing the team to tour England dressed in whites & baggy greens comprising Warwick Armstrong (captain), Ryder, Gregory, Hendry, McDonald, Mailey, Bardsley, McCartney, Collins, Carter, Taylor, Andrews & Sydney Smith (manager), unused, couple of very minor blemishes. SymbolCGradeA- View details Estimate$125StatusUnsoldBidding historyBidding history(0 bids) Lot 16 Aust Capital Territory: Canberra: ‘Australian War Memorial, Canberra’ real photo postcard (RC Strangman photo) of the newly-completed building surrounded by grass fields, unused, fine condition. SymbolCGradeA View details Estimate$40StatusUnsoldBidding historyBidding history(0 bids) Lot 17 Aust Capital Territory: Duntroon: ‘Royal Military College Duntroon’ real photo postcard (Howard & Shearsby, Yass, NSW photo) with view of buildings, barracks and grounds, unused, fine condition. SymbolCGradeA View details Estimate$40StatusUnsoldBidding historyBidding history(0 bids) Lot 18 NSW: Government Tourist Bureau postcard with sepia view of ‘North Coast Dairy’ on address side and colour view of ‘Lane Cove River, Sydney Harbour’ with Ferries & ‘Annual Trade’ figures on face, unused, couple of very minor blemishes. SymbolCGradeA- View details Estimate$60Price Realized$60StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history(2 bids) Lot 19 NSW: Government Tourist Bureau postcard with sepia view of ‘Sydney Harbour’ on address side and colour view of ‘On The Tweed River’ with Fisherman & ‘Butter Output’ figures on face, unused, couple of very minor blemishes. SymbolCGradeA- View details Estimate$60Price Realized$60StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history(2 bids) Lot 20 NSW: Government Tourist Bureau postcard with sepia view of ‘Bridge Over Richmond River At Lismore’ on address side and colour view of ‘Valley of the Grose, Blue Mountains’ & ‘Wheat Export’ figures on face, unused, couple of very minor blemishes. SymbolCGradeA- View details Estimate$60Price Realized$50StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history(1 bid) Lot 21 NSW: Government Tourist Bureau postcard with sepia view of ‘Broken Hill Silver Mines’ on address side and colour view of ‘Kurnell, The Landing Place of Captain Cook, Botany Bay’ & population details on face, unused, couple of very minor blemishes. SymbolCGradeA- View details Estimate$80Price Realized$70StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history(2 bids) Lot 22 NSW: Government Tourist Bureau postcard with sepia view of ‘The Richmond River At Lismore’ on address side and colour view of ‘Twin Falls, Fitzroy near Moss Vale, Southern Line’ & ‘Dairy Cows’ figures on face, used with 1d Arms tied Sydney 'JY21/06' duplex cancel, fine condition. SymbolCGradeA View details Estimate$80Price Realized$80StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history(3 bids) Lot 23 NSW: Government Tourist Bureau postcard with sepia view of ‘Circular Quay, Sydney’ on address side and colour view of ‘Lane Cove River, Sydney Harbour’ with Ferries & ‘Annual Trade’ figures on face, sent locally with Arms 1d tied numeral-in-rays ‘457’ and ‘DUNDAS/NO28/1907’ cds alongside, a few bends. SymbolCGradeB View details Estimate$50Price Realized$80StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history(5 bids) Lot 24 NSW: Armidale: ‘Arrival of the Mail, Armidale’ real photo postcard (published by B. Weaver, Chemist, Armidale) showing Steam Locomotive & Passenger Mail Train pulling in to Armidale Railway Station Platform, unused, couple of minor blemishes. SymbolCGradeA- View details Estimate$50StatusUnsoldBidding historyBidding history(0 bids) Lot 25 NSW: Blue Mountains: c.1930s comprising H Phillips Katoomba x8, and real photo types NSW Government (?) 'JENOLAN CAVES...' Series x11, Spurling Jenolan Caves x5 and four others of Blackheath, very fine to superb unused. (28) SymbolCGradeA/A+ View details Quantity28Estimate$150StatusUnsoldBidding historyBidding history(0 bids) Lot 26 NSW: Burrinjuck Dam: ‘Barren Jack looking downstream from Contractors Tramline 27 Oct 1910’ real photo postcard (Howard & Shearsby, Yass) with partly-completed dam wall in Murrumbidgee River valley, used under cover with message including "... The view on the other side is the palce where I am working at present ...", fine condition. [Construction commenced in 1907 but until about February 1911 the dam was known as ‘Barren Jack’, a corruption of the Aboriginal name for the locality] SymbolCGradeA View details Estimate$60StatusUnsoldBidding historyBidding history(0 bids) Lot 27 NSW: Burrinjuck Dam: two real photo postcards showing water flowing over the yet-to-be-completed dam wall presumably during the July 1922 or May 1925 floods plus another showing the dam wall complete with construction township at right and machinery below annotated on back "Height of barrier 250ft/Dam will store 771,640 acre feet of water/It is 160 feet across at the base", unused. (3) SymbolCGradeA View details Quantity3Estimate$75Price Realized$60StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history(0 bids) Lot 28 NSW: Corowa: ‘Sanger St, Corowa, showing Wahgunyah in distance’ postcard (undivided back; published by McNicoll’s Book Arcade) with ‘Geo Parkin, Fancy Goods & Stationery’ shop in foreground and other storefronts down the street, unused, couple of minor blemishes. SymbolCGradeA View details Estimate$40StatusUnsoldBidding historyBidding history(0 bids) Lot 29 NSW: Katoomba: ‘The Carrington’ Hotel postcard showing main building & driveway with horse-drawn carriages endorsed “Dinner at this Hotel 1908” on face, unused, fine condition. SymbolCGradeA View details Estimate$50StatusUnsoldBidding historyBidding history(0 bids) Lot 30 NSW: Lismore: ‘Molesworth St, Lismore’ real photo postcard with storefronts decorated with Australian & British flags, the Royal Hotel at left and bustling traffic including motorcycle with sidecar (!), early model cars and horses & carts, used under cover with message on back, fine condition. SymbolCGradeA View details Estimate$50StatusUnsoldBidding historyBidding history(0 bids) Lot 31 NSW: Murwillumbah: ‘Part of Main Street M’bah After The Fire Sept 16 07’ postcard (OM Proll photo) showing the business district destroyed by the 1907 fire with little remaining except for chimneys and corrugated iron, sent to Casino with Kangaroos ½d green x2 tied ‘MURWILLUMBAH/30SE13/NSW’ cds, a few blemishes. SymbolCGradeA- View details Estimate$50StatusUnsoldBidding historyBidding history(0 bids) Lot 32 NSW: Rose Bay: ‘Rose Bay Air Port, Sydney NSW, Qantas Empire Airways, England to Australia’ real photo postcard (blank back) showing two QANTAS & Imperial Airways Short C Class Flying Boat Planes serving on the Australia - England route on the water, unused, couple of minor blemishes. SymbolCGradeA- View details Estimate$50Price Realized$40StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history(1 bid) Lot 33 NSW: Sydney: 'Barraclough Ltd Opticians' advertising postcard 'The Federal Court Judges Wear Our Glasses' with image of bench of five judges in robes & wigs, unused, couple of minor blemishes. SymbolCGradeA- View details Estimate$100StatusUnsoldBidding historyBidding history(0 bids) Lot 34 NSW: Sydney: ‘Circular Quay’ real photo postcard showing the Ferry Terminal and Tram Terminus, pedestrians and horse & cart traffic and advertising hoardings for ‘John Bridge and Co’ & ‘Wolfe's Schnapps’ in background, unused, fine condition. SymbolCGradeA View details Estimate$50Price Realized$40StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history(1 bid) Lot 35 NSW: Sydney: ‘Petty’s Hotel, York Street’ postcard (undivided back) with vignette view of the three-storey building and portico on the street, unused, fine condition. SymbolCGradeA View details Estimate$40Price Realized$30StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history(1 bid) Lot 36 NSW: Sydney: ‘George Street, Sydney’ postcard with vignette view of buildings, shops & Tram surrounded by Zieher-type embossed NSW stamps, used 1905, stamp removed otherwise fine condition. SymbolCGradeA- View details Estimate$40Price Realized$30StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history(1 bid) Lot 37 NSW: Sydney: ‘Sydney, Callan Park Asylum, Lane Cove Bridge vignette view postcard (published by Kunstverlags-Anstalt Edgar Schmidt, Dresden, Germany) with Bridge in foreground and Asylum on hill behind sent to Austria franked with QV ½d green & 1d Arms tied ‘THE EXCHANGEJY12/00/NSW-1134’ duplex, carried via French Paquebot with ‘AUSTRALIE/PAQ FR T No1’ octagonal d/s on face, couple of edge bends. SymbolCGradeA- View details Estimate$50Price Realized$40StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history(1 bid) Lot 38 NSW: Sydney: Shipping in Sydney Harbour painting postcard (Orbis No1; undivided back) with printed ‘Willy Gown’ signature & Waratah on address side (in imitation of NSW stationery) sent to Germany with QV ½d green & 1d Arms tied Sydney ‘FE18/01’ duplex, couple of minor blemishes. SymbolCGradeA View details Estimate$40Price Realized$30StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history(1 bid) Lot 39 NSW: Trial Bay: 1915 (c.) FW Collison Real Photo Series "Trial Bay Gaol, during the War...", unused. Used as a camp for German POW officers during World War I. SymbolCGradeA View details Estimate$75StatusUnsoldBidding historyBidding history(0 bids) Lot 40 NSW: Uralla: ‘Railway Station, Uralla’ real photo postcard (published W.F Hickling, Uralla) showing Railway Lines & Station Platform, used to London with QV ½d green pair (folded over edge) tied Sydney 1910 roller cancel, otherwise fine condition. SymbolCGradeA- View details Estimate$50StatusUnsoldBidding historyBidding history(0 bids) Lot 41 NSW: Wagga Wagga: ‘Show Grounds, Wagga Wagga’ postcard (published for Hunter's on the Hill, Wagga Wagga) showing horses & buggies parading around the Main Arena with the ‘Pastoral & Agricultural Association’ grandstand in background, unused, fine condition. SymbolCGradeA View details Estimate$40StatusUnsoldBidding historyBidding history(0 bids) Lot 42 Northern Territory: 1931 real photo cards of Charles Kingsford Smith and Captain Matthews landing at Darwin, planes of Kingsford Smith & Captain Matthews on the landing strip, crowd arround Matthews' plane, Matthews with two locals (and two other cards unfortunately a bit cut-down), & PPC-size photo of locals with Scott's plane, pencil notations on the address side, unused. (8) GST† GST on HAMMER for Australian residents onlySymbolCGradeA/B View details Quantity8Estimate$150StatusUnsoldBidding historyBidding history(0 bids) Lot 43 Northern Territory: Alice Springs: ‘Heavitree Gap, Alice Springs’ real photo postcard (DB Neck series No1 published by Valentines) showing Steam Locomotive & Goods Wagons rounding Escarpment, unused, fine condition. SymbolCGradeA View details Estimate$60StatusUnsoldBidding historyBidding history(0 bids) Lot 44 Northern Territory: Darwin: 'Greetings from Darwin' real photo postcard (JP Campbell, Malvern, Vic photo) with vignette views of Railway Workshops, Goods & Passenger Siding, Residency Garden Party and River sent under cover with 1913 message on back, fine condition. SymbolCGradeA View details Estimate$120StatusUnsoldBidding historyBidding history(0 bids) Lot 45 Northern Territory: Darwin: 'Bond Store' at Darwin Station real photo postcard ('Empire' back) showing Railway Sidings & empty Goods Wagons, unused, fine condition. SymbolCGradeA View details Estimate$120StatusUnsoldBidding historyBidding history(0 bids) Lot 46 Northern Territory: Darwin: 1919 Cyclone real photo card with 'Kodak' back showing Jetty with large hole between Railway Tracks & stranded Goods Wagons, annotated "The Darwin Jetty after the Cyclone 1919 £3000 worth Damage June 23/6/19" on back, unused, fine condition. SymbolCGradeA View details Estimate$150StatusUnsoldBidding historyBidding history(0 bids) Lot 47 Northern Territory: Darwin: ‘Smith Street, Darwin’ postcard showing houses built with brick, timber & corrugated iron on unmade road, unused. SymbolCGradeA View details Estimate$50StatusUnsoldBidding historyBidding history(0 bids) Lot 48 Northern Territory: Darwin: 'Railway Yards, Darwin, NT' postcard showing Railway Sidings, Water Tower, Goods Sheds & Goods Wagons, unused, fine condition. SymbolCGradeA View details Estimate$120StatusUnsoldBidding historyBidding history(0 bids) Lot 49 Northern Territory: Darwin: ‘Cavanagh St. Darwin’ real photo postcard showing Buildings in traditional Tropical Style with large verandahs and balconies, unused, fine condition. SymbolCGradeA View details Estimate$60StatusUnsoldBidding historyBidding history(0 bids) Lot 50 Northern Territory: Darwin: ‘Darwin Hospital’ real photo postcard (J Wingham Series) with aerial view of Buildings & Grounds, unused, fine condition. SymbolCGradeA View details Estimate$60StatusUnsoldBidding historyBidding history(0 bids) Lot 51 Northern Territory: Darwin: ‘Govt Resident House Port Darwin NT’ postcard showing Residence and Flag Pole flying Union Jack, unused, fine condition. SymbolCGradeA View details Estimate$60StatusUnsoldBidding historyBidding history(0 bids) Lot 52 Northern Territory: Darwin: ‘Bank and Victoria Hotel Port Darwin NT’ postcard showing the Commercial Bank building & hotel in background, unused, couple of minor blemishes. SymbolCGradeA- View details Estimate$60StatusUnsoldBidding historyBidding history(0 bids) Lot 53 Northern Territory: Darwin: ‘Town Hall Darwin NT’ postcard showing sandstone building with corrugated iron roof, unused, fine condition. SymbolCGradeA View details Estimate$60StatusUnsoldBidding historyBidding history(0 bids) Lot 54 Northern Territory: Darwin: ‘SS Empire at Jetty, Port Darwin’ postcard showing the Eastern & Australian Steamship Company Ltd.'s steamship sent to Victoria with message including "... still very hot here we leave here early tomorrow ..." and South Australia QV 1d red tied ‘PT DARWIN/DE29/05/S-A’ squared circle, minor blemishes. SymbolCGradeA- View details Estimate$100StatusUnsoldBidding historyBidding history(0 bids) Lot 55 Northern Territory: Darwin: ‘Port Darwin Old Jetty Before 1903’ postcard showing Railway Tracks leading out onto Jetty, Railway Wagons & Derricks sent to Morgan, SA with South Australia QV 1d red tied ‘DARWIN NT/-9DE11/STH AUST cds (rated R), light corner bend. [Renamed from Port Darwin PO 18.3.1911; closed 19.3.1942; this datestamp recorded June 1911 - Feb 1912 only] SymbolCGradeA- View details Estimate$100StatusUnsoldBidding historyBidding history(0 bids) Lot 56 Northern Territory: Darwin: real photo postcard (Empire back) sent to Ballarat, Vic with message including “This is a group taken at the closing function of the S&B Gun Club …” and South Australia QV 1d red tied ‘PT DARWIN/MY20/07/ S-A’ squared circle, fine condition. SymbolCGradeA View details Estimate$100StatusUnsoldBidding historyBidding history(0 bids) Lot 57 Northern Territory: Darwin: ‘Copper Ore in Transit’ postcard (‘Northern Territory’ series; semi-official) showing Railway Wagons with Bags of Copper Ore in Darwin Railway Yards, unused, fine condition. SymbolCGradeA View details Estimate$80Price Realized$60StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history(1 bid) Lot 58 Northern Territory: Katherine: ‘Red Lily Lagoon, Katherine’ real photo postcard (‘Kodak Austral’ back) showing Man & Women in Victorian Dress standing on edge of lagoon, unused, couple of minor blemishes. SymbolCGradeA- View details Estimate$60Price Realized$50StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history(1 bid) Lot 59 Northern Territory: Katherine: Aborigines in Row Boat crossing Katherine River real photo postcard (‘Kodak Austral’ back) with Homestead on River Bank in background, unused, couple of minor blemishes. SymbolCGradeA- View details Estimate$60StatusUnsoldBidding historyBidding history(0 bids) Lot 60 Northern Territory: Melville Island: ‘Melville Island Alligator [sic] NT’ postcard (F. Birtles photo) showing White Hunter with Crocodile on Boat alongside Group of Aboriginals, sent to Germany with message in German and South Australia QV 1d red tied ‘PT. DARWIN/DE13/08/S-A squared circle, ‘SINGAPORE/DE24/08’ transit cds alongside, couple of minor blemishes. [There are no ‘Alligators’ in Northern Australia, but plenty of Salt-Water & Fresh-Water Crocodiles ... SymbolCGradeA- View details Estimate$150Price Realized$120StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history(1 bid) Lot 61 Northern Territory: Pine Creek: ‘German Lutheran Buildings, Pine Creek’ real photo postcard with view of the Mission Station and Cemetery, Horses & Carts in foreground, sent to Greenock, SA with South Australia QV 1d red tied 'LAURA/AU9/07SA' squared circle, small bend at upper left otherwise fine condition. SymbolCGradeA- View details Estimate$150StatusUnsoldBidding historyBidding history(0 bids) Lot 62 Northern Territory: Stapleton: ‘Upland Rice Hay Grown at Stapleton’ postcard (‘Northern Territory’ series; semi-official) showing Man standing on top of enormous Hay Stack with Ladder alongside, unused, fine condition. SymbolCGradeA View details Estimate$60StatusUnsoldBidding historyBidding history(0 bids) Lot 63 Queensland: Brisbane: ‘Queen Street, Brisbane’ postcard (published by OS&PC Sydney, VSM Melbourne) with vignette view of buildings & storefronts surrounded by Zieher-type embossed Queensland stamps, unused , fine condition. SymbolCGradeA View details Estimate$50StatusUnsoldBidding historyBidding history(0 bids) Lot 64 Queensland: Maryborough: ‘Original Meys Separator John Bull’s Favorite’ advertising postcard with colour illustration of Girl Turning Handle ‘Oh Daddy it’s so easy’ sent to Gympie with local agent ‘Hockley & Co, Maryborough’ cachet on face and QV 1d orange (faults) tied partial Maryborough ‘JU23/11’ duplex cancel, couple of minor blemishes. SymbolCGradeA- View details Estimate$60StatusUnsoldBidding historyBidding history(0 bids) Lot 65 Queensland: Mount Morgan: 'Steam Shovel at Work Mt Morgan' postcard showing small Steam Locomotive on Railway Track hitched to Goods Wagons being loaded by Steam Shovel with bucket & derrick inscribed 'Mt. Morgan Gold Mining Co' and workers looking on, sent to Sydney with QV 1d orange tied 'ROCKHAMPTON/JY17/07/QUEENSLAND - 514' duplex cancel, couple of minor blemishes. SymbolCGradeA- View details Estimate$150StatusUnsoldBidding historyBidding history(0 bids) Lot 66 Queensland: Mount Morgan: ‘Mt Morgan Gold Mine Main Stack and Chlorination Plant’ postcard (Lee and Humphreys, Publishers, Mount Morgan) with Railway Line in foreground and smoking chimneys on hill above, used 1913 to England with Kangaroo 1d tied ‘MOUNT MORGAN/23AU13/QUEENSLAND’ cds, fine condition. SymbolCGradeA View details Estimate$60Price Realized$50StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history(1 bid) Lot 67 Queensland: Nanango: ‘Post Office Nanango’ real photo postcard (‘Empire’ back) with group of men - some carrying parcels - standing in front of the wooden building with large verandah and corrugated iron roof, unused, fine condition. SymbolCGradeA View details Estimate$40StatusUnsoldBidding historyBidding history(0 bids) Lot 68 Queensland: Rockhampton: ‘Rocky Mail Disaster’ real photo postcard (published by Murray, Gympie) showing destroyed carriages that fell off trestle bridge in the 1925 Rockhampton Mail Train crash resulting in 10 fatalities and 48 injured, unused, couple of minor blemishes. SymbolCGradeA View details Estimate$80StatusUnsoldBidding historyBidding history(0 bids) Lot 69 Queensland: Thursday Island: ‘Thursday Island 1902’ real photo postcard (undivided back) with vignette view of Harbour with sailing vessels moored in harbour with township spreading out up the hill from the jetty, unused, fine condition. SymbolCGradeA View details Estimate$60StatusUnsoldBidding historyBidding history(0 bids) Lot 70 Queensland: Thursday Island: ‘Vivian Point Thursday Island’ real photo postcard (Empire back) with Buildings & Boatsheds on Beach sent to Sydney endorsed from sailor on board "SS Thode Fagelund" cargo ship with QV 1d orange tied ‘THURSDAY ISLAND/AP12/05/QUEENSLAND’ cds, fine condition. SymbolCGradeA View details Estimate$100Price Realized$80StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history(1 bid) Lot 71 Queensland: Thursday Island: ‘Thursday Island’ Coastline & Beach real photo postcard (Empire back) sent to Sydney with message including “…leaving here today by ‘Guthrie’...” and QV 1d orange tied ‘THURSDAY ISLAND/FE23/05/QUEENSLAND’ cds, fine condition. SymbolCGradeA View details Estimate$80Price Realized$60StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history(1 bid) Lot 72 Queensland: Thursday Island: ‘Booby Island Lighthouse’ real photo postcard (Empire back) showing the entire island with Lighthouse & Buildings annotated “formerly an Ocean Post Office and Depot for Castaways” sent to Sydney endorsed from “Booby Island near Thursday Island” with message including “…left Thursday Island early this morning for provisions for the Lighthouse Keeper … are leaving again at 2pm for Goode Island ..” and QV 1d orange tied ‘THURSDAY ISLAND... SymbolCGradeB View details Estimate$100Price Realized$80StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history(1 bid) Lot 73 Queensland: Thursday Island: ‘Launching Torres’ real photo postcard (Empire back) showing the pilot craft ‘Torres’ being launched off the Thursday Island boat ramp, sent to Sydney endorsed from sailor on board "SS Alberta Treves" cargo ship with QV 1d orange tied ‘THURSDAY ISLAND/AP25/08/QUEENSLAND’ cds, fine condition. SymbolCGradeA View details Estimate$80Price Realized$60StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history(1 bid) Lot 74 Queensland: Thursday Island: ‘Tarawa’ real photo postcard (Empire back) showing the sailing ship ‘Tarawa’ moored in Thursday Island harbour sent to Sydney endorsed from sailor on board "SS Yawata Maru" cargo ship with QV 1d orange tied ‘THURSDAY ISLAND/OC19/08/QUEENSLAND’ cds, fine condition. SymbolCGradeA View details Estimate$80Price Realized$60StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history(1 bid) Lot 75 Queensland: Thursday Island: real photo postcard (Empire back) showing Post & Telegraph Office sent to Sydney endorsed from sailor on board "SS Embling" cargo ship with QV 1d orange tied ‘THURSDAY ISLAND/MY18/08/QUEENSLAND’ cds, very minor bend otherwise fine condition. SymbolCGradeA- View details Estimate$100Price Realized$220StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history(11 bids) Lot 76 Queensland: Thursday Island: real photo postcard (Empire back) showing Church and Bell Tower sent to Sydney endorsed from sailor on board "SS Uganda" cargo ship with QV 1d orange tied ‘THURSDAY ISLAND/MR9/09/QUEENSLAND’ cds, fine condition. SymbolCGradeA View details Estimate$80Price Realized$60StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history(1 bid) Lot 77 Queensland: Thursday Island: ‘Thursday Island’ postcard (O. Watson photo) showing township & beachfront sent to Sydney with QV 1d orange tied ‘THURSDAY ISLAND/-5JE11/QUEENSLAND’ cds, fine condition. SymbolCGradeA View details Estimate$60StatusUnsoldBidding historyBidding history(0 bids) Lot 78 Queensland: Thursday Island: ‘Thursday Island’ postcard with Grand Hotel, township and Pearling Lugger boat in Harbour in foreground, unused, couple of blemishes. SymbolCGradeA- View details Estimate$60StatusUnsoldBidding historyBidding history(0 bids) Lot 79 Queensland: Thursday Island: ‘Quetta Memorial Cathedral, Thursday Island’ postcard (published by W. R. Moseley, Thursday Island) showing Church with Flag Signal alongside, unused, fine condition. [The church was consecrated in 1893 in memory of the 134 people who perished when the RMS "Quetta" sank after striking an uncharted rock off Cape York; it is the world's smallest ‘Cathedral’] SymbolCGradeA View details Estimate$50StatusUnsoldBidding historyBidding history(0 bids) Lot 80 Queensland: Toowoomba: ‘Spring Bluff Station, Toowoomba’ postcard with Steam Locomotive and Passenger Train, sent to England with QV 1d orange tied partial ‘CABOOLTURE/1AU/05/QUEENSLAND’ cds but taxed with Brisbane ‘10/CTMS/T’ and London ‘2d/FB’ cachets, fine condition. [Messages on the address side were not permitted internationally at the postcard rate until after the 1906 Rome UPU Convention] SymbolCGradeA View details Estimate$50StatusUnsoldBidding historyBidding history(0 bids) Lot 81 Queensland: Townsville: ‘Blacks’ Camp, Townsville’ postcard (undivided back) with Aborigines & Humpies, sent to New Zealand with QV 1d orange tied ‘TOWNSVILLE/OC12/05/QUEENSLAND-570’ duplex cancel and ‘NZ/GREYMOUTH/28OC05’ arrival d/s, extensive message written on view side as required to meet international postcard rate rules, couple of very minor blemishes. SymbolCGradeA- View details Estimate$60StatusUnsoldBidding historyBidding history(0 bids) Lot 82 Queensland: Townsville: ‘Coral Reef, Palm Islands, via Townsville’ real photo postcard (published by WJ Laurie, Townsville) showing reef at low tide with steamship, sailing boats and Islands in background, unused, fine condition. SymbolCGradeA View details Estimate$60StatusUnsoldBidding historyBidding history(0 bids) Lot 83 Queensland: Townsville: ‘TSS Canberra 8000 Tons Howard Smith Ltd’ real photo postcard (W. J. Laurie, Townsville) with Steamship belching black smoke partly obscuring Townsville breakwater & houses in background, unused, fine condition. SymbolCGradeA View details Estimate$60StatusUnsoldBidding historyBidding history(0 bids) Lot 84 Queensland: Yangan: ‘Melotte The King of Cream Separators Barnes & Co Ltd Agents Yangan’’ advertising postcard (undivided back) with colour illustration of Separator ‘Over 600 Sold in Queensland’ , sent to Allora with QV 1d orange tied numeral-in-rays ‘81’ and ‘WARWICK/NO4/03/QUEENSLAND’ cds alongside, couple of minor blemishes. SymbolCGradeA- View details Estimate$60Price Realized$50StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history(1 bid) Lot 85 Sth Aust: Adelaide: ‘The City Beautiful’ QSL postcards x9 with various vignette views of the city including Tram on King William Street, unused. SymbolCGradeA View details Quantity9Estimate$40Price Realized$30StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history(1 bid) Lot 86 Sth Aust: Adelaide: ‘Grape Elevator at Work, Adelaide’ postcard showing workers shovelling piles of grapes from cart onto elevator, sent to Germany endorsed "printed matter" with QV ½d green pair tied ‘PORT PIRIE/JA17/06/S.A’ squared circle (corners removed), ‘CHEMNITZ/20.6.06’ arrival d/s, fine condition. SymbolCGradeA View details Estimate$50Price Realized$40StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history(1 bid) Lot 87 Sth Aust: Glenelg: 'The Beach at Glenelg near Adelaide' intermediate-size postcard (published by Ernest Gall, Photo-Type, Adelaide; undivided back) showing crowded beach with holiday-makers, tents & wagons and Jetty & Buildings in background, sent to England with QV 1d red tied 'GLENELG/JU26/04/S-A' squared circle under-paying 1½d foreign postcard rate and taxed with Adelaide 'T/5CTS' and London '1D/IS/F' cachets, couple of minor blemishes. SymbolCGradeA- View details Estimate$60StatusUnsoldBidding historyBidding history(0 bids) Lot 88 Sth Aust: Gumeracha: ‘Greetings from Gumeracha’ real photo postcard (published by GB & Co) showing vignette view of the District Hotel and road, sent to Malvern with QV 1d red tied ‘GUMERACHA/DE23/08/S.A’ squared circle, fine condition. SymbolCGradeA View details Estimate$40StatusUnsoldBidding historyBidding history(0 bids) Lot 89 Sth Aust: Kadina: ‘Taylor Street, Kadina’ postcard with storefronts including EW Marchant Photographers, Macrow & Sons Jewellers, ES Kempster Boot & Shoe Maker, also advertising hoardings, horse-drawn carriages, bicycles & pedestrians, unused, fine condition. SymbolCGradeA View details Estimate$40Price Realized$30StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history(0 bids) Lot 90 Sth Aust: Murray Bridge: ‘At Murray Bridge’ postcard showing Paddle Steamer ‘Murrumbidgee’ moored on Murray River in front of another paddle steamer, railway tracks and locomotive shed, sent to Germany with QV 1d red tied ‘PORT PIRIE/JA17/06/S.A’ squared circle (corners removed), taxed with ‘T/5CTS’ cachet converted to “10” in manuscript & ‘CHEMNITZ/18.2.06’ arrival d/s, couple of minor blemishes. SymbolCGradeA- View details Estimate$40StatusUnsoldBidding historyBidding history(0 bids) Lot 91 Sth Aust: Port Adelaide: ‘Railway Station, Port Adelaide’ postcard (published by J. Taylor Collotypist, Adelaide) showing Steam Locomotive and Train outside station with horse-drawn carriages awaiting passengers, sent to England with QV 1d red tied Adelaide ‘MY7/06’ cds, a few blemishes. SymbolCGradeA- View details Estimate$40StatusUnsoldBidding historyBidding history(0 bids) Lot 92 Sth Aust: Port Germein: three real photo postcards showing Port Germain comprising the Narrow Gauge Railway, Goods Wagons being loaded with Wool Bales, and Horse-Drawn Wagons with bags of grain in front of the WR Cave & Co, J Darling & Son and S.A. Farmers Cooperative Union warehouses, unused, fine condition. (3) SymbolCGradeA View details Quantity3Estimate$150StatusUnsoldBidding historyBidding history(0 bids) Lot 93 Sth Aust: Renmark: ‘Street Scene, Renmark’ postcard showing the ‘WH Holden, Bookseller and Chemist’ storefront and ‘SAIES’ shop next door with horse-drawn carriages out front, sent to England with Kangaroo 1d tied ‘MORGAN/24NO13/STH AUSTRALIA’ cds, fine condition. SymbolCGradeA View details Estimate$40StatusUnsoldBidding historyBidding history(0 bids) Lot 94 Sth Aust: Wirrabara: ‘Hauling Telegraph Poles from Wirrabara Forest’ postcard (published by HR James, Adelaide) showing Man standing on Horse-Drawn Carriage loaded with Poles, used under cover with message dated 1911, fine condition. SymbolCGradeA View details Estimate$40StatusUnsoldBidding historyBidding history(0 bids) Lot 95 Tasmania: 1906 Commemorations Examiner Launceston Centenary artist card, Tasmanian Tourist Association "Ceremony Clock and Chimes Opening..." and Mt Lyell Mining & Railway Co "Clock & Chimes Souvenir Postcard" (Train), the last with minor blemishes, used. (3) SymbolCGradeA/B View details Quantity3Estimate$100StatusUnsoldBidding historyBidding history(0 bids) Lot 96 Tasmania: ‘Harry Hadfield, A Tasmanian Walking The World’ real photo card showing Harry wearing two medals and a jumper embroidered “Walking Around The World”, couple of minor blemishes. [According to the Hobart Mercury of 28.05.1907 Hadfield was twenty-two years old and expected to take five years to complete the journey] SymbolCGradeA- View details Estimate$100StatusUnsoldBidding historyBidding history(0 bids) Lot 97 Tasmania: Burnie: real photo card (W Fairhall photo) showing Steamship docked at Burnie Wharf with Railway Wagons & Warehouse sent to Austria with Pictorials 1d red and ½d green tied ‘WARATAH/MY6/10/TASMANIA’ cds, couple of minor blemishes. SymbolCGradeA- View details Estimate$60Price Realized$50StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history(1 bid) Lot 98 Tasmania: Campania: ‘Railway Accident near Campania (Showing The Curve)’ real photo card (H. H. Baily, Photographer, Hobart) showing the aftermath with upturned Locomotive and Passenger Cars being inspected, used under cover with message on back, couple of light creases. SymbolCGradeB View details Estimate$100StatusUnsoldBidding historyBidding history(0 bids) Lot 99 Tasmania: Hobart: Ansett Airlines Flying Boat real photo postcard (published by Ash Besters, Hobart) showing the aeroplane moored in Hobart Harbour, unused, fine condition. SymbolCGradeA View details Estimate$40StatusUnsoldBidding historyBidding history(0 bids) Lot 100 Tasmania: Hobart: 'Return of Troops to Hobart' (arriving troopship & large welcoming party on boat & pier) undivided back card used 1906 at 'MARGATE'. Rare Tasmanian Boer War subject. SymbolCGradeA View details Estimate$80StatusUnsoldBidding historyBidding history(0 bids) Items per page 102550100100 Previous|123|Next Previous 1231 Next Previous 1231 Next