Stamps & Postal History (#148MG) Closed Auction Info Advanced search ▼ Items per page 102550100100 Sort by DefaultTime LeftLot#Lot NameNewestHighest PriceLowest PriceBidsViewsDefaultDefaultTime LeftLot#Lot NameNewestHighest PriceLowest PriceBidsViews Filter By Categories Category match ANY of the aboveALL of the aboveANY of the aboveANY of the aboveALL of the above Featured Exclude closed lots Price Lot Number Results: Viewing items 1-31 of 31. Previous|1|Next View Lot 1 Australia: Pages from Gibbons "New Ideal Postage Stamp Album" with Kangaroos including First Wmk 2d unmounted, 5/- fine used with exceptional centring, and CTO 2d 6d & £1, Third Wmk £1 brown & blue and £1 grey, SMult Wmk complete set & CofA Wmk complete set (the £2 stained), Engraved 6d mint, KGV 4d lemon & 4d violet mint, Bridge 5/- commercially used, mint Victoria Centenary & ANZAC sets, etc, condition a bit mixed but generally fine to very fine. (110) Symbol*OV View details Quantity110Estimate$2,500Price Realized$2,800StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 2 Australia: 1913-1980s used accumulation on pages with Roos to £1 grey noted Second Wmk 2/- & SM Wmk 5/- plus 1d study in album, KGV Heads mostly complete by wmk plus 1d reds in quantity, KGV Commems complete often with extras including fine 6d Engraved x2 & 5/- Bridge x2, then range of KGVI & QEII issues, a few mint & CTO seen, condition a little mixed but overall fine. (100s) SymbolOGradeA/A- View details Estimate$500Price Realized$950StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 3 Australia: Stockbook collection with Kangaroos including First Wmk 2/- CTO, Second Wmk 2/- with cds cancel & 5/- with parcels cancel, SMult Wmk £2 and CofA Wmk 10/- £1 & £2, lots of KGV Heads including CofA Wmk 1/4d block of 4, Engraved 6d Kooka CTO, 1930s Commemoratives complete (the 5/- Bridge is CTO), KGVI issues including Robes both papers, £sd Navigators 7/6d CTO block of 4, duplicated earlier decimals, etc, also modest Colonies/States with a few pickings, generally fine to very fine. ( GST† GST on HAMMER for Australian residents onlySymbolOV View details Estimate$1,000Price Realized$1,200StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 4 Australia: Mint & used accumulation of mostly decimals with packs, FDCs, a few full sheets & Yearbooks, but also noted pre-decimals used with £1 Robes & 10/- Navs and small unmounted mint group including 'OS' punctured Kangaroos Third Wmk 6d blue & Small Multiple Wmk 6d brown, KGV Single Wmk 1½d green, 2d orange & 4d olive plus a few others, also 10 Gallon fuel ration ticket and 1941 US postal card with Australian 'CUSTOMS DUTY' label, condition variable but generally fine. (1000s) Symbol**/*OCGradeA/A- View details Estimate$400Price Realized$460StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 5 Australia: Eclectic accumulation starting with stockbook of used Kangaroos noted Third Wmk 5/- then KGV Heads including Single Wmk 1/4d 'OS' puncture CTO and 100+ mint but most with gum problems of varying degrees, 1919 telegram form with 'TELEGRAPHS/FREMANTLE' cds and other postmark interest, Yearbooks from 1996 & 2000-02, also a 1914 Schwaneberger world-wide album strongest in European issues especially Austria, loose stamps in boxes & envelopes, FDCs, a few coins & some literature, condition Symbol**/*OCGradeA/B View details Estimate$400Price Realized$800StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 6 Australia: Selection with mint KGV 1d red Single-Line Perf; 1d green annotated varieties in blocks of 4 x3, Pane VIII blocks of 10 - with imprint - & 18 and CofA Imprint pair (used); also No Watermark 1/6d claret x2 & Victorian Centenary Perf 11½ 1/-; and WWII "Spitfire" 6d; a few blemishes. (11 items) Symbol*/**OGradeA/B View details Estimate$250Price Realized$190StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 7 Australia: Untidy mint & used accumulation in albums, envelopes & boxes including Colonial issues & some on piece with potential postmark interest but also a smattering of mint noted Kangaroos CofA Wmk 9d block of 4 and 10/- marginal single, KGV 4d block of 9, 5d strips of 3 x2 & 1/4d pair plus 1/- Victorian Centenary x5 & 9d Macarthur block of 6, then modern decimal issues in packs, blocks & part-sheets with substantial face value, also quantity of FDCs and a few PNCs, condition of earlies mixe Symbol**/*OCGradeA/B View details Estimate$500Price Realized$1,400StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 8 Australia: Hagners with Roos Second Wmk 2/- with attractive blue cds & 5/- 'OS' with 'DARWIN' cds both quite well-centred, KGV Heads including varieties, etc, also Colonies/States with values to 2/6d, plus New Zealand 5/- Mt Cook and Postal Fiscals to 10/- with 6/- rose postally used, a few mint & CTO seen, condition overall fine. (100s) SymbolO*GradeA/A- View details Estimate$400Price Realized$550StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 9 Australia: Carton of albums with Roos to 5/-, Robes to £1 mint, duplicates in packets, KGV Heads, Kangaroos including pairs, strips of 3, and blocks of 4 and 6, also KGVI mint and postally used imprint blocks of 4 and 6, inspection should reward. (100s) SymbolO*/** View details Estimate$750Price Realized$1,100StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 10 Australia: Miscellany on Hagner pages with lots of pickings including a page of mint KGV Heads to 1/4d x2 in very mixed condition, Kangaroos Redrawn 2/- imprint block of 32 (4x8 **), KGV 1d green Die II block of 4 (small ink stain on the face), 2d Bridge optd 'OS' commercially used pair, 6d brown Airmail used block of 4, KGVI 3d White Wattles mint & 2d scarlet Coil Join pair mint, other coil pairs & strips plus KGVI 2d purple pair & £8 coil leader, 1942 Wmk 2d pair ** and Queen Mother 2d pair & Symbol*/**O View details Estimate$600Price Realized$550StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 11 Australia: Pre-Decimal used collection with a few KGV Heads then Commemoratives apparently complete including Kooka M/S (non-contemporary cancel), Kingsford Smith 'OS' overprints (2d with short perf), 1/- Lyre 'OS', 5/- Bridge CTO (no gum), Robes Thick & Thin Papers & Navigators Cream Paper set, most with neat corner cds cancels & generally fine condition. (100s) SymbolOVGradeA/A- View details Estimate$400Price Realized$400StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 12 Australia: Mint & used collections both with no Roos but then almost complete simplified from KGV Heads to 2000 including 5/- Bridge mint & CTO, the Kingsford Smith 'OS' overprints CTO only, also AAT issues complete & some Postage Dues, considerable face value in the Decimals, some minor toning but condition generally fine. (1000s) Symbol*/OGradeA/A- View details Estimate$1,000Price Realized$1,300StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 13 Australia: Useful collection with Roos including Second Wmk 5/- punctured 'OS', Third Wmk 10/- & £1 grey, SMult Wmk set with a very fine £2 and CofA set, KGV Heads largely complete, 5/- Bridge commercially used, post-WWII largely complete to 1973 (no £2 Navigator) including QE 5c booklet pane, BCOF set to Thick Paper 5/- on registered cover from Japan, etc, condition variable but many are fine to very fine, some fake cancels noted including BCOF set with both 5/-. Inspection recommended. (100 SymbolOC View details Estimate$1,750Price Realized$2,200StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 14 Australia: Basic collection but including Kangaroos CofA set (the £2 egregiously centred), Victoria Centenary both perfs, Macarthur & ANZAC sets, £sd Navigators (fake cancels), etc, a few varieties, condition rather mixed. (100s) SymbolO View details Estimate$400Price Realized$420StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 15 Australia: Collection on Seven Seas pages with Kangaroos including First Wmk very fine 2/-, Third Wmk 10/- perf 'OS' commercially used (very scarce thus), SMult Wmk well centred 10/-, CofA well centred 10/- & £2, etc, later pickings, condition variable. (100s) SymbolO View details Estimate$750Price Realized$1,500StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 16 Australia: Decimals mint accumulation with blocks & part-sheets, booklets with Prime Ministers & Famous Australians, face value $1500+; also some used including Pre-Decimals with ANZAC 1/- and a few FDCs. Symbol**/OC View details Estimate$500Price Realized$950StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 17 Australia: Album with Kangaroos Second Wmk 2d & 2½d mint, Third Wmk up to 5/- used & CofA 'SPECIMEN' set, KGV complete by wmk & perf mostly used but noted SMult Wmk Perf 14 1/4d deep shade mint, Kooka M/S (aged gum) & Kingsford Smith 'OS' overprints CTO, then used with most Commems (no 5/- Bridge) and Pre-Decimals reasonably complete, Decimals complete unmounted to 1986; plus album of duplicates with more Roos & KGV, Decimals in blocks and a couple of binders of FDCs, condition variable but gen Symbol*/OC View details Estimate$500Price Realized$950StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 18 Australia: Huge accumulation with Kangaroos to 5/-, KGV Heads & Pre-Decimals in quantity used and apparently unchecked for varieties & postmarks noted ANZAC 1/- punctured 'G/NSW', £1 Robes, £2 Arms & Navigators, a few mint scattered throughout, Decimals mostly used but also some unmounted face value, plus a few Territories, then albums of Colonial issues noted NSW 10/- 'POSTAGE' overprint used, South Australia with Long Types to 10/- used, Tasmania 1863 Fiscal St George 3d green apparently Symbol**/*/OGradeA/B View details Estimate$800Price Realized$1,500StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 19 Australia: 1913-1965 Used Collection on pages (no Kangaroos) with 6d Engraved, KGV Heads apparently complete by wmk & perforation also a few shades, varieties & inverted watermarks, complete 'OS' overprints & some 'OS' punctures including SMult Wmk Perf 13½x12½ 4½d violet, then complete from 1930s onwards with 5/- Bridge, Commems 'OS' punctures & overprints, Robes both papers, Navigators including white papers, BCOF overprints set, range of Postage Dues with values to 5/-, selected quality... GST† GST on HAMMER for Australian residents onlySymbolG/VGradeA/A- View details Estimate$800Price Realized$600StatusSold Lot 20 Australia: 1914-36 KGV Commemoratives & Definitives used selection on leaves including many multiples with 6d Engraved strip of 3 & pair, 6d Kingsford Smith & 9d Macarthur blocks of 4, 1/- ANZAC strip of 4 & pair, SA Centenary gutter pairs, also 'OS' overprints & punctures with 3d Bridge 'OS' block of 4, some imprints & plate numbers, a few covers including Kingsford Smith 2d FDC & Plate #5 block of 4 on flight cover plus 1935 Jubilee set to 2/- registered airmail to USA, overall fine condition. GST† GST on HAMMER for Australian residents onlySymbolO/C View details Estimate$600Price Realized$460StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 21 Australia: 1930s-1980s Accumulation with many imprint blocks and part-sheets noted KGV Jubilee 2d plate number blocks set (6) **, KGVI ½d Roo CofA wmk coil pair ** with coil starter (960) strip, Robes 5/- thin paper Authority imprint block **, AIF 6d McCracken imprint block used, also a few Postage Dues, then array of mint Decimals up to early 1980s with fair bit of face value, minor toning on some earlies but condition generally fine. (1000s) Symbol**/*OGradeA/B View details Estimate$400Price Realized$550StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 22 Australia: 1956 Melbourne Olympics illustrated commemorative cancels on 'PICTORIAL POSTMARK' postcards set of 52 (couple with minor blemishes; advertised retail $650) plus a few FDCs & flight covers, then some 1980s-90s mint including Sydpex M/S x100+ & stamp packs, condition mixed but generally fine. (100s) Symbol**/*OC View details Estimate$200Price Realized$190StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 23 Australia: Odds n sods with a modest batch of pre-1913 covers, a scrappy group of South Australia Perkins Bacon issues, NSW 1/- with diagonal 'SPECIMEN' Overprint, & a very fine c.1930s linen-backed tourist map of Victoria. No Reserve. SymbolOCL View details Estimate$50Price Realized$80StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 24 Australia: 'OS' OVERPRINTS: Selection on pages largely complete postally used (Kingsford Smith duo are CTO), KGV 2d on 1932 OHMS cover from Sydney, and Bridge 2d on 1937 OHMS cover with 'THE STATE TREASURY/MELBOURNE' imprint. Ex Neil Russell. (42 + 3 covers) GST† GST on HAMMER for Australian residents onlySymbolOVC View details Estimate$400Price Realized$300StatusSold Lot 25 Australia: CINDERELLAS: Accumulation with WWI Liberty Loan x5 with different types, 1938 NSW Sesqui complete sheet of 30 (minor marginal faults) plus extra singles, WWII Lady Gowrie block of 10, Olympex se-tenant pairs, then extensive range of Post Office labels including Air Mail blue/green emergency printing on cover x3, Express, SAL, Air Parcel, International Priority etc, many in larger multiples, condition overall fine. (100s) Symbol**/*OC View details Estimate$300Price Realized$360StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 26 Australia: THE BUSINESS OF THE AUSTRALIAN ELECTORAL OFFICE: Fascinating eight-frame exhibit all on double-pages with numerous better items including 1898 NSW Elector's Right, 'GOVERNOR-GENERAL' Frank cover used at Sydney JA2/01 (first day of business of the Commonwealth), 1901 WA OHMS with printed 'ELECTORAL' Frank, 1901 with Senate imprint in rosine, Federation PPCs, 1905 'ELECTORAL' letter sheet with 'PAID AT/MITIAMO' (Vic) h/s, 1927 Opening of Parliament House Canberra PPC, 1935 completed bal SymbolCPS View details Estimate$1,800Price Realized$1,500StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 27 Australia: LITERATURE: "The Royal Philatelic Society of Victoria Library: A History & Catalogue" by Geoff Kellow & Russell Turner 500+pp Subscribers' Edition Number "59" of only 75 hardbound in slipcase. Never used. SymbolLGradeA View details Estimate$75Price Realized$70StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 28 Australia: LITERATURE: Tub of Australian titles with good Military content including key works by Proud, Emery (both volumes), Collas and Little plus Colonies including "Australian Mails via Suez" by Kirk, "NSW TPOs" by Peck, NSW "Maritime Mails" & "Train Mails" both by Tobin & Orchard, etc. SymbolLGradeA/B View details Estimate$150Price Realized$120StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 29 Australia: LITERATURE: Carton of mostly Australian titles including "Fundamentals of Philately" (2nd Edn), "The Ray Chapman Collection" leatherbound subscribers' edition, "Postal History of NSW", "The Australian Military Campaign at Gallipoli" by Diffen, "Frank & Free" by Karman, "Australian Numeral Compendium" by Campbell, "Queensland Postal Rates & Charges" by Campbell, "Australian Private Perfins" by Matthews (2003?), etc, generally very fine to as new. SymbolLGradeA View details Estimate$120Price Realized$240StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 30 Australia: LITERATURE: Carton of non-philatelic works comprising "Victoria & Its Metropolis" in two large leather-bound volumes (1888), some foxing; "A History of Australia" by Manning Clark in six volumes, all with d/j; and "El Dorado Colombian Gold" catalogue for the travelling exhibition in Australia (1978). No reserve. (9) SymbolL View details Quantity9Estimate$50Price Realized$70StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 31 Australia: LITERATURE: "The JA Kilfoyle Gold Medal Collection" HR Harmer (London) auction catalogue (16-17.10.1961). One of the great collections. [The standard edition, not the el cheapo airmail edition printed on tissue paper] GSTaSymbolLGradea View details Estimate$100Price Realized$140StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Items per page 102550100100 Previous|1|Next Previous 11 Next Previous 11 Next