Sir Edward Ford Autographs Collection 25/06/2016 7:00 AM AWST - 30/06/2016 2:00 PM AWST View Advanced search ▼ Items per page 102550100100 Sort by DefaultTime LeftLot#Lot NameNewestHighest PriceLowest PriceBidsViewsDefaultDefaultTime LeftLot#Lot NameNewestHighest PriceLowest PriceBidsViews Filter By Categories Category match ANY of the aboveALL of the aboveANY of the aboveANY of the aboveALL of the above Featured Exclude closed lots Price Lot Number Results: Viewing items 1-40 of 40. Previous|1|Next Image Lot # Item Title Quantity Time Left Your Bids 1 LORD GEORGE ANSON (1697-1762, Admiral): 1745 (30th May) vellum Commission appointing Captain Charles Windham Captain of HMS Duke. Signed by the Commissioners of the Navy - Duke Of Bedford, George Grenville (later Prime Minister), Earl of Sandwich, Henry Legge, Tomas Corbett, Lord Anson & another. Paper seal of admiralty affixed. {A year after Anson's voyage around the world}. Estimate$300 - $400Price Realized$480StatusSoldBidding history(0 bids) View details 2 AUSTRALIAN AUTOGRAPHS: Collection including Cardinal Gilroy (1896-1977, Archbishop of Sydney, first Australian-born Cardinal) ALS; Robert Lowe (Viscount Sherbrooke, 1811-92, who lived in NSW 1842-50) ALS; H.C."Nugget" Coombs (1906-97, economist) LS; Ada Crossley (1874-1929, Australian singer) ALS. Estimate$100 - $150Price Realized$40StatusSoldBidding history(0 bids) View details 3 SIR JOSEPH BANKS (1743-1820, British naturalist who took part in Captain James Cook's first great voyage): ALS from Soho Square, London dated Aug.19th 1814. Estimate$500 - $700Price Realized$550StatusSoldBidding history(0 bids) View details 4 NAPOLEON BONAPARTE (1769-1821): Letterhead "Bonaparte 1e Consul De La Republique", dated 22 Fevrier 1801, signed "Bonaparte" to Gaudin, Minister of Finance, and relates to the death of Coneilleur d"Etat Dufrense. Napoleon asks Gaudin to arrange for a bust of Dufrense to be placed in the hall of the Treasury. Estimate$2,000 - $2,500Price Realized$3,000StatusSoldBidding history(0 bids) View details 5 NAPOLEON BONAPARTE (1769-1821): 1809 document signed by the initial "N" as Emperor, to General Clarke. {Clarke was one of the most influential and charismatic Franco-Irish generals in the French army during the Napoleonic period. As Minister for War, his role in thwarting the British invasion of the Netherlands in the Walcheren Campaign in 1809, lead to the emperor creating him Duke of Feltre}. Estimate$1,500 - $2,000Price Realized$1,900StatusSoldBidding history(0 bids) View details 6 SIR RICHARD FRANCIS BURTON (1821-90, explorer & translator of "The Arabian Nights"): Collection including ALS to Sir Henry Thompson on "Athaneum Club, Pall Mall letterhead; plus group of 1875-90 letters & cards from Lady Isabel Burton (11); 1890 holograph invitation to Sir Richard Burton's funeral. Estimate$1,000 - $1,200Price Realized$750StatusSoldBidding history(0 bids) View details 7 CHARLES X, KING OF FRANCE (1757-1836): Vellum document signed "Charles Phillippe" at Coblence, dated 10th Feb.1792, during the revolution, countersigned by the Duc de Broglie. Signed on behalf of himself, when Comte d"Artois, and of his brother the Comte de Provence, then styled "Monsieur" and afterwards Louis XVIII. Conferring on the Comte de Ste.Marie the rank of Commander of the 4th Brigade in acknowledgement of his "faithful and affectionate service to the King our brother (Louis XVI)". Estimate$300 - $400Price Realized$220StatusSoldBidding history(0 bids) View details 8 JOHN CHURCHILL, 1st DUKE OF MARLBOROUGH (1650-1722, one of Europe's great generals): 1711 (Oct.13) ALS, "My Lord: As we are now settling the Winter Quarters.. The Queen and the States have agreed to put as many troops as conveniently may be on the frontier..". Partly laid down, with engraved portrait. {On Sept 14th 1711 Marlborough invested Bouchain}. Estimate$800 - $1,000Price Realized$800StatusSoldBidding history(0 bids) View details 9 OLIVER CROMWELL (1599-1658): Document signed "Oliver P", being a warrant authorising payment to Lt.-Col. Thomas Kelsey, Governor of Dover Castle for his expenses, given at Whitehall April 30th 1655. On the reverse is Kelsey's receipt, dated 24th May 1655. Estimate$5,000 - $7,000Price Realized$1,500StatusSoldBidding history(0 bids) View details 10 CHARLES DARWIN (1809-82): [16th Feb.1849] ALS from Down, Farnborough, Kent to Smith, Elder & Co. regarding sales of his Geological Observations on South America; Coral Reefs and Geological Observations on Volcanic Islands. [Darwin Correspondence Project Letter No.1217]. Estimate$1,500 - $2,000Price Realized$8,500StatusSoldBidding history(0 bids) View details 11 CHARLES DARWIN (1809-82): 8th [August 1850] ALS from Down, Farnborough, Kent to Nathaniel Thomas Wetherell regarding not completing his description of Loricula; wants permission to take his specimen to be drawn by Mr James De C. Sowerby; does he have any other fossil Cirripedia. [Darwin Correspondence Project Letter No.1267]. Estimate$1,500 - $2,000Price Realized$9,500StatusSoldBidding history(0 bids) View details 12 CHARLES DARWIN (1809-82): Jan.23rd [1861?] ALS from Down, Bromley, Kent with thanks for memoir "on the most interesting scientific point which has occurred for many years". [Darwin Correspondence Project Letter No.13873]. Estimate$1,500 - $2,000Price Realized$6,500StatusSoldBidding history(0 bids) View details 13 CHARLES DARWIN (1809-82): [22nd July 1864] ALS from Down, Bromley, Kent to Daniel Oliver asking "perhaps you will observe this one point - whether a leaf with a pitcher has ever fairly and closely wound round a stick or support". [Darwin Correspondence Project Letter No.4566]. Estimate$1,500 - $2,000Price Realized$11,000StatusSoldBidding history(0 bids) View details 14 CHARLES DARWIN (1809-82): 1870 (Nov.11) ALS from Down, Beckenham, Kent to Philip Sclater regarding the correction of proofs for Descent. Mentions "Mr Hudson's paper is very interesting & it pleases me to see so staunch a hater of evolution a little staggered at the end of his paper". [Darwin Correspondence Project Letter No.7366]. Estimate$1,500 - $2,000Price Realized$16,000StatusSoldBidding history(0 bids) View details 15 CHARLES DARWIN (1809-82): Signature on lower left corner of 1868 (June 15) cover front addressed to "D.Hooker FRS, Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, London". Together with two illustrations of Charles Darwin. Estimate$400 - $500Price Realized$800StatusSoldBidding history(0 bids) View details 16 CHARLES DICKENS (1812-70, most popular English writer of the Victorian era): 1849 (19th Oct) ALS from Devonshire Terrace to James Gilbert, accepting an invitation to preside at the first public dinner of the Newsvendors' Benevolent and Provident Institute. Estimate$500 - $600Price Realized$1,500StatusSoldBidding history(0 bids) View details 17 ARTHUR CONAN DOYLE (1859-1930, british writer most noted for creating fictional detective Sherlock Holmes): Signature on piece, laid down on page with his calling card, answering the question of whether Joseph Bell was Sherlock Holmes. Estimate$200 - $250Price Realized$3,000StatusSoldBidding history(0 bids) View details 18 EDWARD JOHN EYRE (1815-1901. explorer in Australia & controversial Governor of Jamaica): ALS from Adderley Hall, Market Drayton dated 1st Dec.1866. Letter states "As yet I am quite ignorant of what the so called Jamaica Committee are doing or intend doing - tho doubtless they will give me all the trouble and annoyance they can". Together with carte-de-visite photograph of Eyre. Estimate$200 - $300Price Realized$340StatusSoldBidding history(0 bids) View details 19 SIR CHARLES AUGUSTUS FITZROY (1796-1858, 10th Governor of NSW), signature on 1847 "New South Wales - Absolute Pardon" document for Alfred Toogood, with seal of Colony of NSW. Estimate$150 - $200Price Realized$260StatusSoldBidding history(0 bids) View details 20 KING GEORGE II (1683-1760, King of Great Britain from 1727 until his death), document signed, Kensington, 18th July 1759, Warrant for funds augmentation for Coldstream Guards, signed 'George R' at head of document, and with paper seal. Fair condition. Estimate$600 - $800Price Realized$450StatusSoldBidding history(0 bids) View details 21 ADMIRAL (VISCOUNT) SAMUEL HOOD (1724-1816): 1775 (July 26th) ALS from Catherington to Lady Chatham (wife of William Pitt the Elder), "the Lizard frigate has orders to go to Quebec & will sail from Portsmouth in about a week". {The Battle of Bunker Hill had been fought a month before; on July 3 Washington had assumed command of the American Army}. Estimate$100 - $150Price Realized$160StatusSoldBidding history(0 bids) View details 22 DAVID LIVINGSTONE (1813-73, Scottish medical missionary and explorer of the Victorian era, now best remembered because of his meeting with Henry Morton Stanley which gave rise to the popular quotation, "Dr. Livingstone, I presume?"):Two pages of ALS to Robert Moffat, written in the Bechuana country about two years before his great northern journey. Estimate$800 - $1,000Price Realized$600StatusSoldBidding history(0 bids) View details 23 MEDICAL AUTOGRAPHS: Collection with Joseph Lister (1827-1912, pioneer of antiseptic surgery) 3 ALS; Edward Swarbreck Hall (1805-81) 1869 Petition regarding Vaccination Act in Tasmania; St.George Mivart (1827-1900, biologist) ALS; Prof. James Hill (1873-1954, embryologist) ALS; Charles MacLaurin (1872-1925, Surgeon & author) ALS; Sir Gordon Gordon-Taylor (1878-1960, pioneer of blood tranfusion) 3 ALS & 2 Xmas Cards; Dr M.G.Candau (1911-83, Director of WHO) 2 LS; and others. Estimate$1,200 - $1,500Price Realized$800StatusSoldBidding history(0 bids) View details 24 SIR THOMAS MITCHELL (1792-1855, surveyor and explorer of SE Australia): 1836 (21 Nov) ALS from Craigend (NSW) to Captain Phillip Parker King, written just after his return from his Third expedition, with interesting postscript, "PS. I write in haste for the post - but I want to request, in case you should see Sturt - not to let him see my journal which I now send complete". Estimate$400 - $500Price Realized$2,200StatusSoldBidding history(0 bids) View details 25 SIR THOMAS MITCHELL (1792-1855, surveyor and explorer of SE Australia): 1844 (2nd Dec) ALS from Sydney to Captain Phillip Parker King, asks about the proposed settlement Northward, and concludes, "I wish I had had a conversation with you on the present prospects of discovery and exploration". Estimate$400 - $500Price Realized$800StatusSoldBidding history(0 bids) View details 26 SIR THOMAS MITCHELL (1792-1855, surveyor and explorer of SE Australia): 1845 (30 Sept) ALS from Surveyor General's Office Sydney to Captain Phillip Parker King RN, mentions final preparations for his fourth expedition into Queensland, including Barometers, two boats in halves under construction, and asks his opinion of A.W.Brignall late Commander of the Revenue Cutter who has offered his services. Estimate$400 - $500Price Realized$600StatusSoldBidding history(0 bids) View details 27 SIR THOMAS MITCHELL (1792-1855, surveyor and explorer of SE Australia): 1855 (26 July) ALS from Surveyor General's Office Sydney to Assistant Surveyor Bennett, regarding some Circulars sent to him in error. Estimate$300 - $400Price Realized$150StatusSoldBidding history(0 bids) View details 28 SIR THOMAS MITCHELL (1792-1855, surveyor and explorer of SE Australia): ALS from Surveyor General's Office Sydney to Captain Phillip Parker King RN, dated 26 April 1856 (sic), presenting King with a copy of his recently completed map of Port Jackson. Estimate$400 - $500Price Realized$320StatusSoldBidding history(0 bids) View details 29 GENERAL SIR JOHN MOORE (1761-1809): 1805 (25th October) ALS from the War Office. "... I am directed to acquaint you that the objection to your publishing the precise Stations of the British Forces still subsists in full force". Estimate$250 - $300Price Realized$120StatusSoldBidding history(0 bids) View details 30 LORD HORATIO NELSON (1758-1805): ALS from Lord Nelson to Sir William Hamilton, written from his flag-ship off Naples, and dated 12th December 1798. it is written with his left hand, for his right arm had been amputated about 12 months prior to this. Estimate$3,000 - $4,000Price Realized$3,800StatusSoldBidding history(0 bids) View details 31 FLORENCE NIGHTINGALE (1820-1910, the founder of modern nursing): 1856 (Dec 14) 6-page ALS giving details of the work done by the Nuns in the Crimean War. It also has an amusing reference to begging letters. Estimate$800 - $1,000Price Realized$2,200StatusSoldBidding history(0 bids) View details 32 FLORENCE NIGHTINGALE (1820-1910, the founder of modern nursing): 1861 (July 22) 3-page ALS from 30 Old Burlington Street to General Sir William Codrington, notes that due to ill health "I have not quitted these walls for 7 months, and of late have been confined to my bed", and is glad her present to his Soldier's Reading Room has afforded them pleasure. Estimate$600 - $800Price Realized$450StatusSoldBidding history(0 bids) View details 33 FLORENCE NIGHTINGALE (1820-1910, the founder of modern nursing): c1865 part ALS (pages 2-3 of 3) to MP J.S.Mill regarding work "very near my heart - the India Sanitary Service". {John Stuart Mill (1806-73) was a philosopher, political economist and social reformer. He was the first MP to call for women to be given the right to vote}. Estimate$500 - $700Price Realized$850StatusSoldBidding history(0 bids) View details 34 FLORENCE NIGHTINGALE (1820-1910, the founder of modern nursing): Carte-de-visite photograph of Florence Nightingale c1860. On reverse "By Appointment, Mr Kilburn, 222 Regent Street. H.Lenthall, Successor". {Nightingale had a principled objection to having photographs taken or her portrait painted}. Estimate$200 - $250Price Realized$160StatusSoldBidding history(0 bids) View details 35 SAMUEL PEPYS (1633-1703, famous diarist, Secretary to the Admiralty): A document regarding a contract for the sale of canvas to the Navy dated October 1665. It is signed by Samuel Pepys and the Lords of the Admiralty - Lord Brouncker, Sir John Mennes, Sir William Batten & Sir William Penn. The actual contact is on reverse, signed by Pepys and John Harbin. Together with an engraving of Samuel Pepys. Estimate$1,500 - $2,000Price Realized$1,000StatusSoldBidding history(0 bids) View details 36 PRIVY COUNCIL: 1739 (15th June) Document re the establishment of press gangs, to George Dodington, Custos Rotulorum of Somerset, "His Majesty's Service doth at this time require a speedy supply of Able Seamen and Seafaring Men... to Mann His Majesty's Fleet". signed by the members of the Privy Council -John Potter (Archbishop of Canterbury), Spencer Compton (Britain's 2nd Prime Minister), 7th Earl of Abercorn, Earl FitzWalter, Viscount Torrington, Sir Charles Wager & Arthur Onslow. Estimate$300 - $400Price Realized$550StatusSoldBidding history(0 bids) View details 37 GEORGE BERNARD SHAW (1856-1950, Irish playwright): 1947 (9 July) ALS (card) to Malcolm Morley, The Everyman Theatre, Hampstead, giving permission to do his play "Overruled", and providing notes on casting the characters. Estimate$200 - $250Price Realized$900StatusSoldBidding history(0 bids) View details 38 WILLIAM WILBERFORCE (1759-1833, English politician, leader of the movement to abolish the slave trade). 1812 (Aug.20th) signed letter from Sandgate, W.Folkestone to Rd Conyers Esq. Estimate$100 - $150Price Realized$260StatusSoldBidding history(0 bids) View details 39 "The Bishoprick and Citie of Durham" by John Speed [London, c1612-76], engraved map with later hand-colouring, framed & glazed, overall 54x42cm. Estimate$400 - $500StatusUnsoldBidding history(0 bids) View details 40 "Cornwall. Described by the travills of John Nordern augmented and published by J.Speed" by John Speed [London, c1612-76], engraved map with later hand-colouring, framed & glazed, overall 54x42cm. Estimate$1,000 - $1,200StatusUnsoldBidding history(0 bids) View details Items per page 102550100100 Previous|1|Next Previous 11 Next