Australian & Colonial History 06 28, 2016 View ▼ Items per page 102550100 Sort by DefaultTime LeftLot#Lot NameNewestHighest PriceLowest PriceBidsViews Filter By Categories Category match ANY of the aboveALL of the above Featured Exclude closed lots Price Lot Number Results: Viewing items 1-26 of 26. Previous|1|Next Image Lot # Item Title Quantity Time Left Your Bids 199 Convict leg irons Estimate$800 - $1,200Price Realized$1,500StatusSold View details 200 Convict leg iron with ball and chain marked "T.G.R." Estimate$800 - $1,200Price Realized$5,250StatusSold View details 201 A folding iron bed, 19th century Estimate$2,000 - $3,000StatusUnsold View details 202 Convict leg irons with twisted links, N.S.W. origin, 19th C Estimate$800 - $1,200Price Realized$950StatusSold View details 203 A pair of articulated manacles with key Estimate$150 - $250Price Realized$240StatusSold View details 204 A pair of 19th century manacles Estimate$200 - $400Price Realized$150StatusSold View details 205 A STAY OF EXECUTION FOR SAMUEL GILBERT, 7th April 1826 letter written by Judge James Burrough, who had convicted Gilbert at Taunton Assizes and sentenced him to death for an assault on a young woman, Charlotte Smith. When commuting a death sentenceizes in the County of Somerset, Estimate$200 - $300Price Realized$150StatusSold View details 206 "The Hobart Town Gazette" of Saturday, October 4, 1828; with a fine strike of the TWO PENCE Newspaper Duty stamp at top right. The lead article requires Officers in command of Parties, Superintendents and others, "having Convicts under their charge or direction, are enjoined to read over to them.....that the offence of being found Drinking in unlicensed Houses,or purchasing Spirits from unlicensed Persons, will be recorded against them....." There also follows a list of 9 Convicts who have... Estimate$150 - $250Price Realized$300StatusSold View details 207 A MUSTER OF CONVICTS AT RICHMOND, VAN DIEMEN'S LAND23 July, 1830, the sworn statement of John Farrow headed "Richmond". In order to keep track of the convict population, regular musters were held to account for the "location of the felons." In this instance, convict John Farrow, assigned to the service of Mr William Kearney, had not attended the Muster at Richmond,but instead, visited the local inn, the Lennox Arms, where he was treated to a glass of rum by a free man, Peter McDonald. Fa... Estimate$200 - $300Price Realized$600StatusSold View details 208 CONVICT HENRY STEVENSON - VAN DIEMEN'S LAND & NORFOLK ISLANDHenry Stevenson was 13 when convicted at Liverpool Quarter Sessions in April 1836 for stealing a handkerchief. As this was not his first offence he was sentenced to be transported for seven years, arriving at Hobart in May 1837 aboard the "Frances Charlotte" together with 149 other young male convicts.This rare Convict Department Form No.62 is a summary of his penal record whilst under sentence in Van Diemen's Land. He was pun... Estimate$500 - $750Price Realized$380StatusSold View details 209 7th NOV. 1837 CONVICT "PASS" FROM VAN DIEMEN'S LANDHeaded "Roads Establishment Oatlands" the handwritten "pass" for Convict Alfred Stallard [ H.M.S. "Bardaster", in 1835; 7 years for larceny], to leave the road-gang at Oatlands to proceed to Ross, where he had been assigned to work for Mr Hugh Robertson, a prominent landowner there. A very rare document. Estimate$200 - $300Price Realized$500StatusSold View details 210 CAMPBELLTOWN POLICE MAGISTRATES COURT, VAN DIEMEN'S LAND "RECORD BOOK" 1839-1840 Estimate$5,000 - $7,500Price Realized$6,000StatusSold View details 211 THE END OF THE ASSIGNMENT OF CONVICTS:1840 (Oct.9) Ship letter from Sydney to London with Feb.1841 arrival backstamps. In part, the letter reads "Money and labour is much wanted & the Government, as if purposely to retard the advancement of the Colony has stopped the assignment of convicts & withdrawn their specie from the public at the very time it was most wanted." Estimate$200 - $300Price Realized$650StatusSold View details 212 A LETTER FROM THE PRINCIPAL SUPERINTENDENT OF CONVICTS IN SYDNEYMarch 1843 OHMS outer cover with imprint "Prin. Sup. of Convicts' Office, Sydney" at lower left and addressed to a magistrate in Van Diemen's Land. The contents are largely illegible but what is clearly illustrated by the postal markings is the privilege of FREE franking that was extended to the Principal Superintendent of Convicts under the 1835 Postal Act. Estimate$200 - $300Price Realized$150StatusSold View details 213 BROWNS RIVER PROBATION STATION:A small leather-bound New Testament [Cambridge, The British and Foreign Bible Society, MDCCCXXXVI]. Endorsed on the title page "Browns River Probation Station" and in another hand "J. Skene" and with the "broad arrow" brand on the front cover. Also, a matching leather-bound volume titled "Reflections on the Wisdon, Power, and Goodness of God. Selected from Sturm's Reflections." [Dublin, John Jones, 1828] 180pp. Scarce survivors of the sea jou... Estimate$1,000 - $1,500Price Realized$750StatusSold View details 214 THREE CONVICTS ESCAPE FROM PORT ARTHURNovember 1843 hand-written letter from a Police Magistrate enlisting help in the re-capture of three escapees. The letter reports that two men had demanded provisions from a Mrs Brown at Muddy Plains; and that it was supposed that these were two of the three men who had escaped on Sept.25th 1843. The third escapee, William Westwood, also known as "Jacky-Jacky" was a notorious bushranger from NSW but he had already been recaptured in October. Estimate$200 - $300Price Realized$1,400StatusSold View details 215 ELIZABETH DAVIS, LEFT A PAUPER FOLLOWING HER HUSBAND'S CONVICTION March 18th, 1844 printed form from The Guardians of the Poor of the Atherstone Union, about the cost of keeping Elizabeth Davis, a pauper from Tamworth. Estimate$200 - $300StatusUnsold View details 216 A FATHER ASKS ABOUT HIS SON, TRANSPORTED TO VAN DIEMEN'S LANDJune 1844 OHMS outer cover from the Secretary of State's Office (Whitehall) together with the original enclosure; a response to the enquiry about a convict, one John Duffield. Particularly scarce. (2 items)John Duffield had been convicted at the Lent assizes in Derby in March 1819, of sheep stealing and sentenced to death. The sentence was respited by Mr Justice Burrough on 28th April 1819 and the sentence reduced to transporta... Estimate$300 - $400Price Realized$240StatusSold View details 217 ESCAPE AND RE-CAPTURE - THE LIFE OF A CONVICT AT PORT ARTHURJuly 1844 letter from the Chief Police Magistrate at Hobart regarding the convict Michael Ryan who had absconded "from the Settlement at Port Arthur with no good cause". He was recaptured seven days later; both events being advertised in the Gazette. Estimate$200 - $300Price Realized$200StatusSold View details 218 N.S.W. CONDITIONAL PARDON, dated 13th July 1847 Estimate$400 - $600Price Realized$3,000StatusSold View details 219 CONDITIONAL PARDON FOR CONVICT WILLIAM SWEENEY Estimate$200 - $300Price Realized$700StatusSold View details 220 CRIME & PUNISHMENT: Group of 5 Government blue papers; "Convicts, 1851, Victoria", "Returns, Penal Establishment, Pentridge, 1851", "Police Reward Fund. Victoria 1854-5", " Transportation. Victoria 1856", "Regulations for the Employment of Convict Labor. Victoria 1856-7". Estimate$80 - $100Price Realized$50StatusSold View details 221 CONVICT SHIP "RODNEY" and SALTWATER RIVER PROBATION STATION:A small volume titled "An Alarm to Unconverted Sinners..." By Joseph Alleine [London, The Religious Tract Society] 198pp. Endorsed on the inside front cover "Rodney C.S. 69" and numbered "69" on the leather spine. Also endorsed on the title page "Salt Water River Station, Nov.1853".Also, a matching volume titled "Memoir of Harlan Page....." by William A Hallock [London, The Religious Tract Society] 176pp. Endorsed on the inside ... Estimate$1,000 - $1,500Price Realized$1,300StatusSold View details 222 WILLIAM BUCKLEY, THE WILD WHITE MAN:"THE NEWSLETTER OF AUSTRALASIA" Number XIV - August 1857 [George Slater, Melbourne] with an engraved portrait of William Buckley by Frederick Grosse and a lengthy manuscript letter dated July 1857 and concerning the better pay and employment prospects to be found in Victoria, at the "gold sinkings" or working as a bricklayer.William Buckley [1780-1856] was an English convict who was transported to Australia, escaped, was given up for dead, and lived in... Estimate$500 - $750Price Realized$5,500StatusSold View details 223 A CONVICT WHO MADE GOOD - CHARLES DAVIS OF HOBARTLarge advertising card for Charles Davis, Wholesale and Retail Furnishing Ironmonger, Importer of English and American Hardware, incorporating an albumen print (by the Anson Brothers) of his premises in Elizabeth Street, Hobart. Backed by a similar ornate advertisement for Calder, Bowen & Co., General Printers of Liverpool Street, Hobart. Estimate$200 - $300Price Realized$400StatusSold View details 224 PORT ARTHUR: A group of (4) mounted albumen prints including 2 from the Anson Brothers Studio in Hobart. Includes views of the interior of a cell, the remains of the Commandant's carriage, the interior of the chapel and a general view of the prison buildings and officers' houses. Estimate$300 - $400Price Realized$180StatusSold View details Items per page 102550100 Previous|1|Next Previous 1 Next