The Picture Postcard as Art: Images from the Golden Era (#85MG) Closed Auction Info Advanced search ▼ Items per page 102550100100 Sort by DefaultTime LeftLot#Lot NameNewestHighest PriceLowest PriceBidsViewsDefaultDefaultTime LeftLot#Lot NameNewestHighest PriceLowest PriceBidsViews Filter By Categories Category match ANY of the aboveALL of the aboveANY of the aboveANY of the aboveALL of the above Featured Exclude closed lots Price Lot Number Results: Viewing items 1-100 of 1138. Previous|12345678...12|Next123456789101112 View Lot 1 Interesting mostly British Medical-related lot including civilian & military hospitals, nurses, ambulances, etc, some WWI-related, India 1913 "Inoculation against Plague", etc; also Dr Barnardo's Homes for Children group x9, condition variable but generally fine to very fine. Ex Bronte Watts. (32) View details Estimate$300StatusUnsold Symbolc Lot 2 British Africa group including Buchanan Sahara Expedition x3, Universities Mission to Central Africa Paintings of Churches x5 (superb), Basutoland real photo x2 both used at 'MASERU' (one to Queensland), British East Africa Figueira Mombasa views x2 (both used Mombasa to Bulawayo); Kenya "Masai women carrying firewood"; Nyasaland "Mkuzi Station"; Zanzibar superb set of 10 Cards in orginal wallet, etc, mostly unused and generally fine to superb. A very good lot. (28) View details Estimate$450Price Realized$360StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Symbolc Lot 3 An original holding of Cards from around the world with good representation from Great Britain including Wales, New Zealand, Canada, United States, South Africa & Europe especially Switzerland, lots of better subjects/views including trains & trams, castles & other popular themes, condition a bit mixed but generally fine to very fine, possibly some postmark interest. (600 approx) View details Estimate$400Price Realized$500StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Symbolc Lot 4 Decrepit old album of Cards from Egypt (many with ink captions) with some better subjects & France mostly of Amiens Cathedral, the Cards appear to be fine to very fine & mostly (all ?) unused; also some small tourist photographs. (120+) View details Estimate$100StatusUnsold Symbolc Lot 5 Large carton of consignment remainders with quantities of "moderns" & British double-entendre comic Cards, also an album of Hollywood stills, strong European content including embroidered Cards from Spain, chromolitho Gruss aus types & many other lovely Cards, some Australia including 1934 Melbourne War Memorial x6, a few advertising Cards, German New Guinea real photo, some scenic Postal Stationery, lots of Glamour, etc etc, condition variable but many are fine to superb. Patience required for View details Estimate$400Price Realized$850StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Symbolcps Lot 6 Large carton of consignment remainders another carton of remainders with a heap of British raunchy humour Cards, Portuguese Postal Cards with Buildings & Costumes (50 approximately, superb unused), British Star Series "National Album 72 coloured Post-Cards" (8th Edn, complete but with defective cover), some Australian Rose & similar real photo Cards, Talma (Melbourne) advertising Cards for "The King of Cadonia" x9 unused, some other better Cards noted. Again, take time to view & you will be glad View details Estimate$400Price Realized$440StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Symbolcps Lot 7 Display pages for subjects including Belgium 1913 Ghent Exposition x8, Spain Bullfighting set of 12, glamour, children, WWI National Institute for the Blind set of 6 & "Sketches of Tommy's Life" comic Cards set of 10, etc, also one-frame exhibits "The Story of Donald McGill" & "Kids' Capers: British Comic Cards", and numerous pages of "moderns" (not included in the valuation), condition throughout is apparently fine to superb. Ex Joe Duif. View details Estimate$250StatusUnsold Symbolc Lot 8 Large carton offered as received with a shoebox & albums of Cards with strong "ladies' subjects" including Children, Greetings, Actresses & Flowers etc, also a quantity of 1930s to 1950s tourist Cards predominantly from Europe including Costumes and Great Britain with hundreds of topographicals, we noted some better items throughout so inspection is likely to be well rewarded, the condition appears to generally be very fine & mostly unused. (Qty) View details Estimate$500Price Realized$460StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Symbolc Lot 9 West Indies large album with an array of attractive Cards including from Barbados, British Guiana, Dominica, Jamaica, St Lucia, and from non-British Islands including Danish & US Virgin Islands, Puerto Rico, Curacao, Cuba, Martinique & Haiti, many to Australia, also some postal stationery & covers, postmark potential, condition variable but many are fine to very fine. Ex "Cartophile". [See also Lots 473 to 475 & 691] (180 approx) View details Estimate$500Price Realized$600StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Symbolcps Lot 10 Album with many high quality Cards mostly from Australia with many real photo types including of Hobart with "Welcome to the Mineral Isle" arch, Empire "Kempsey Bridge" (NSW) & early Rose and Murray group, hand-painted Cards (one each from NSW & NZ, & two others unused), also some WA Postal Cards, some nice GB Cards & Jamaica real photo for Visit of "the Duke and Duchess" (plain back), etc, condition variable but many are fine to very fine. Ex DB McFarlane. (100 approx) View details Estimate$300Price Realized$300StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Symbolcps Lot 11 Album of real photo portraits mostly of children or women but including some men & group shots (65); and an album of greeting types including Christmas (one of 1908 with Father Christmas fallen prey to the infernal "diablo" craze!), Easter & a wide variety of Birthday types (158); condition variable but many are very fine to superb! Ex D.B. McFarlane. (223) View details Estimate$100Price Realized$300StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Symbolc Lot 12 Five original old-time albums in various states of decrepitude (one apparently feasted-on by rats!) but with most of the Cards unaffected, strong Australian content mostly from Victoria - an excellent component of Geelong & District - & NSW (especially Sydney Harbour nooks & crannies & Blue Mountains), artist Cards including by JA Turner, overseas array of mostly British Cards including Royalty, Army Regiments & lots of Scottish Cards, New Zealand including "Wreck of SS Kaipara...", etc etc, con View details Estimate$500Price Realized$1,000StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Symbolc Lot 13 Album of real photos apparently all from Australia or Great Britain with lots of children including school groups, events, etc, many other group shots with better items including St Augustine Orphanage (Geelong Vic) 'IRELAND A NATION' Float, "American Boys Tour 1912" (Perth WA), Rugby Team & Naval Cadets' "Visit to Candelo" (NSW) & overt advertising Cards for Mr Dickson's Dancing Classes (South Melbourne) & Rosella Tomato Products, condition variable but generally fine to very fine. An interesti View details Estimate$200Price Realized$480StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Symbolc Lot 14 Chromolitho selection comprising "Der Wassersturz im Victoria Park", "Souvenir de Boulogne sur Mer", "Chateau de Meudon" (small repaired tear), "Les Pyramides de Gizeh", "Tower Bridge", "First Avenue Hotel London" (a little aged) & "St Enoch Station Hotel Glasgow", fine to very fine unused. Gorgeous! Ex Shirley Jones. (7) View details Estimate$150Price Realized$120StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history SymbolcGradea/b Lot 15 Album labelled "Treasures" with an eclectic selection including a few chromolithos & other Gruss aus types, artist Cards including Art Nouveau, some stunning Italian Cards, H Cassiers Dutch subjects x5 and Pastel PostCard "London Under Snow" x7 & "London at Twilight" x8, commemorative types from Austria & Switzerland, Glamour & Bathing Costumes, even North Borneo "Crocodile" with a group of onlookers, etc etc, condition a bit variable but generally fine to very fine with many being unused. A lo View details Estimate$1,000StatusUnsold Symbolc Lot 16 Neat collection of Cards that relate in one way or another to Shirley Jones' forebears from the Bawden & Penhallurick Families with a good selection from Cornwall x40+ & the Scilly Isles x7, Egypt WWI x5 including of British Soldiers Swarming over the Sphinx and a Dray & Driver with Aussie soldiers, Palestine x4, then Australia with Ballarat (Vic) x12 & Buchan Caves x3, New Zealand x12, & a few others, condition variable but generally fine to very fine. Ex Shirley Jones. (126) View details Estimate$150Price Realized$380StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Symbolc Lot 17 Useful consignment remainders including an album of mostly Australian real photos etc from unidentified towns - forensic detectives needed - with subjects including forms of transport, events, buildings etc; and an album of Gardens & Conservatories; etc, perhaps half are "moderns", condition variable but generally fine to very fine. Ex Shirley Jones. (450 approx) View details Estimate$250Price Realized$460StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Symbolc Lot 18 Album with some better Cards including "The Official Concert Party of the Association of the Blind", many are Australian including for Australian Women's Bagpipe Band World Tour & Opening of the Sydney Harbour Bridge, some beautiful British Army Regiment Cards & 1907 Oxford Pageant x4, condition variable but generally fine to very fine. (140 approx) View details Estimate$200Price Realized$200StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Symbolc Lot 19 Carton with a wide-ranging array of "Ladies' Subjects" including Christian Names (notably one hand-painted on New South Wales 1d Postal Card; rare thus), Floral, Glamour, soppy Bamforths, a few "Silks" etc, also a quantity of mostly British topographicals most of which are real photo types with Exhibitions, Scotland & a few Ireland noted, Australian Cards including a ripper of Aboriginal Boys at Lake Tyers, others from Canada, Aden, Rhodesia etc, plus some smutty British humour, finally an array View details Estimate$500StatusUnsold Symbolc Lot 20 Large carton with 8 albums & a box all packed with "Moderns" mostly British with a terrific array of reprinted images of Railways & Trains x493 including Steam Locomotives & 1940 Balham Station Disaster x3, Postal Services x216 including Post Boxes/Pillars, Post Offices, Delivery Vehicles & 19th Century PMG Greeting Cards, Rare Stamps x64, etc; also Australia with South Australian Museum 1982 Wildflowers x200+ & 1987 America's Cup x45; & overseas with Railways x170 & Postmen of the World x47 (Br View details Estimate$300Price Realized$280StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history SymbolcGradea+ Lot 21 Fascinating bundle with fire stations, equipment & firemen mostly from America plus a couple from New Zealand & South Africa, other overseas Cards including South Africa "Cyanide Works", WWI "Australian Troops March through London" & real photo of a biplane endorsed "AFC [Australian Flying Corps] Halton Camp, Wendover", better Australian Cards including "Australian Ladies Pipe Band on Tour of the World", "The Chapman-Alexander Mission Party 1912-13", "Australia Day July 27th 1917" (Nerriga NSW) View details Estimate$500StatusUnsold Symbolc Lot 22 British Africa bundle from Sudan x22, Rhodesia x25 (mostly related to Victoria Falls or Rhodes' Grave), Uganda x2, Tanganyika x3, Kenya x8, Zanzibar x5, and a couple of others, condition variable but generally fine to very fine & mostly unused. Ex Keith Harrison. (67) View details Estimate$300StatusUnsold Symbolc Lot 23 British Africa bundle from Gambia x6 (all but one with Undivided Backs), Gold Coast x13 (five with Undivided Back & three "Oilettes"), Northern/Southern Nigeria x20 - several used from 'ODE ONDO/WCA' or 'ODE-ONDO/SOUTHERN NIGERIA' - including "Winner of Jebu Handicap Stakes...1904", and Sierra Leone x26 (many with Undivided Backs including Lisk-Carew Upper Case Captions x4 & Lower Case x5, others by Jacob Vitta & WS Johnston) including of 1906 with superb 'BO' cds & two of 1908 with light but id View details Estimate$500Price Realized$600StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Symbolc Lot 24 European selections from Belgium x14 & Belgian Congo x3; Finland x8; Greece x25 including Greek Islands & Salonika Fires on 18/8/1917; Italy x32 including Volcanic Eruptions of Vesuvius in 1906 & Etna in 1928; Italian Colonies Eritrea x6 & Libya x8; Holland x9 including Windmill Watercolours set of 6; & a couple of others; mostly unused but some postmark interest, condition variable but generally fine to very fine. Ex Keith Harrison. (105) View details Estimate$240StatusUnsold Symbolc Lot 25 British Empire selection including Rhodesia Penhalonga multi-view used in Mozambique; Mauritius x8 including real photo "Infantry Barracks"; St Helena "The Wharf", unused; others from India, Malaya, etc, condition variable. Ex Keith Harrison. (40) View details Estimate$250Price Realized$280StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Symbolc Lot 26 Stray Australasian Cards ex Keith Harrison with Australia x19 including 1904 unusual size "View of Lake Wendouree" (Vic) & a few comic artist Cards, also GB Tuck's "Souvenir 1901/Advance Australia" (very fine unused); New Zealand Undivided Backs x12 including Tourist Bureau chromolithos x6 and three others with illustrations on both sides; Fiji x10 including Undivided Backs x8; and French New Hebrides; mostly used, condition variable. (43) View details Estimate$350StatusUnsold Symbolc Lot 27 Very early group comprising Austria 1885 & 1888 2kr Postal Cards with woodcut illustrations of 'Prebischthor' or 'Hoher Schneeberg' (now Pravcicka Brana & Decinsky Sneznik, both in the Czech Republic, the latter with 2-line 'POSTCONDUCTEUR IM ZUGE/KOMOTAU-BODENBACH No 916' Railway postmark); Belgium 1887 early court-size advertising Card for "Hotel de la Poste/.../Bruxelles"; Germany 1889 Dresden multi-view, very early hand-tinted; and France 1890 Eiffel Tower chromolitho (repaired corner, stamp View details Estimate$300Price Realized$230StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Symbolcps Lot 28 Beautiful collection of mostly 1890s chromolithographs from Austria x4 including Emperor's Golden Jubilee x2; Belgium x5; France x21 including Composers x5 (superb unused) & Months of the Year x8; Italy x9 including Thomas Cook & Son advertising Cards x2; Portugal x4; Switzerland x14 including Hotel advertising Cards x3; & a few others, many are unused, also some postmark/postal history interest, generally fine to very fine. A beautiful lot. Ex Keith Harrison. (66) View details Estimate$750Price Realized$850StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Symbolc Lot 29 Mostly foreign group with selections of Judaica, Esperanto (plus a few normal Cards with Esperanto messages or labels), Royalty etc, and a charming batch of Dance Cards including sets of 4 for the Tango & Cake-Walk plus "Madiah Sarith" (belly dancer) superb unused set of 6, & a few other "exotic dancers", condition variable but generally fine to very fine. (90 approx) View details Estimate$300Price Realized$280StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Symbolc Lot 30 Fascinating Doctored Images from France Levy Fils et Cie (LL) group comprising 1) "Les Gorges du Loup" c.1911 with 3 ladies & two later editions with their figures removed but their "ghosts remaining"!; 2) "Boulevard des Italiens" c.1905 with Horse-Drawn Bus & c.1916 now with substituted Mercedes bus!; 3) "La Place Clichy" c.1907 & c.1916 with that same Mercedes bus inserted!; 4) Daytime with Man on Railway Line at Aix-les-Bains & the same but at Night with same man threatened by a Thundering Tr View details Estimate$200Price Realized$150StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Symbolc Lot 31 British Africa selection including Somaliland 1927 "Post Office Bay", Rhodesia x5, SWA x5 (two from German Period), Southern Nigeria & Zanzibar x16 (a couple of very early Cards & 1906 - unfortunately defective - to British Central Africa, some postal history/postmark interest including World War I Indian Forces in Kenya & Tanganyika, condition variable. (31) View details Estimate$500Price Realized$380StatusSold Symbolc Lot 32 Oddments with German very early Zeppelin Card (unused) & confected photo of the Kaiser with German Nobility, also 1896 & 1897 Local Postal Card & Letter Card with Exhibition labels; France 1909 of H Fournier & his Biplane with 'POST-AVIATION/18-10/09/(SINE-ET-OISE)' machine cancel; United States 1909 "President-elect Taft and family..." to France & 1911 to China with French & Japanese Post Offices in China datestamps; and Tonga gorgeous 1d Postal Card "Blow Holes/Houma-Tonga" used to Germany. (8 View details Estimate$150StatusUnsold SymbolcpsGradea/b Lot 33 European collection in an album with useful Cards from France, Italy, Monaco, Switzerland, Russia & the Eastern Bloc, excellent postal history/postmark content including better frankings & unusual destinations, condition variable. Ex "Cartophile". (170+) View details Estimate$400Price Realized$250StatusSold Symbolc Lot 34 Iberian collection in an album with many better Cards from Spain & Colonies plus Balearic Islands, and from Portugal & Colonies including Bathing Boxes at Lourenco Marques !!, a few with advertising added, lots of postal history/postmark content, condition variable but generally fine to very fine. Ex "Cartophile". (240 approx) View details Estimate$500Price Realized$300StatusSold Symbolc Lot 35 Pacific Islands group x13 including London Missionary Society x6 including "Converted Cannibals of Lifu" & "Cricket at Kwato (Papua)", etc, also eight 18th century engraved bookplates - varying degrees of foxing - including "Captain Cook landing at Tanna", "Natives of New Zealand in their War Canoe" & "An Offering before Captn Cook in the Sandwich Islands" etc, plus Canada x8, condition variable but generally fine to very fine. (29 items) View details Estimate$150Price Realized$115StatusSold Symbolc/l Lot 36 Orlsortsastuff in a large shoebox with a wide range of subjects including Artist Cards, Humour, Exhibitions, Shakespeare, Music, Stereo PostCards, Silks etc, mostly duplicates or strays but includes French editions of G Howard Hilder's "Seduction by the Devil" set of 12 (very fine unused), lots of other useful material from GB & Europe, etc, condition variable but generally fine to very fine. Re-seller's delight. Ex Keith Harrison. (100s) View details Estimate$400Price Realized$320StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Symbolc Lot 37 Bundle of British Message Cards mostly by AM Davis & Co with all manner of greetings & quotable quotes, many beautifully illustrated in the Art Deco style, mostly used with the condition a bit variable but generally fine to very fine. An enchanting lot. Ex Keith Harrison. (75 approx) View details Estimate$150Price Realized$115StatusSold Symbolc Lot 38 Box of mostly modern tourist Cards but with a useful earlier group including Australia 1911 1d Coronation Postal Card used in 1915, WWI Patriotic "The Glory of a Lion is in his Mane", 1905 NSW Fraser & Jenkinson "Who's Been Pulling Your Leg?", 1906 "General Kuroki, Commander-in-Chief 1st Jap [sic] Corps", 1907 Zenana Bible & Medical Mission India "Making Curry Powder", handy Scottish group, etc, condition variable. (few 100) View details Estimate$150Price Realized$120StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Symbolc Lot 39 The balance of Keith Harrison's display pages with many better British items including early Postal Cards with illustrated advertisements plus ½d with 1891 & 1893 Eddystone Lighthouse Exhibition illustrations & commemorative datestamps, Joseph Myers & Co c.1870s illustrated envelope with fold-out pictorial insert, 1840s illustrated letterheads "Goodrich Castle" & "Abergavenny from the Usk Road" plus three later types & Albert Gray comic envelope all unused, four Cards of different churches all c View details Estimate$500Price Realized$750StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Symbolc Lot 40 Six albums of postCards with lots of "ladies' subjects" but also Sport, Mining, Transport, Caves & Post Offices etc, excellent topographicals from Australia - notably Victoria with Grampians & Gippsland groups - Britain & the United States etc, some advertising Cards, a selection of beautiful trade Cards, etc, condition variable but generally fine to very fine. (800+) View details Estimate$500Price Realized$850StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Symbolc Lot 41 The balance of Bronte Watts' expansive collection with all sorts of better and interesting Cards, completely disorganised but we noted Humour, Romance, lots of Sport including Olympics (notably Athens 1906 x3), numerous Animals including a couple of Whaling, riders on elephants & camels, Automobiles including a terrific 1915 real photo of "Sultan Ibrahim on his 120hp Mercedes", Famous Men including composers & a real photo of Robert Louis Stevenson, large array of embossed types with lots of Gre View details Estimate$600Price Realized$1,800StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Symbolc Lot 42 Box with bundles of Cards from Germany & Austria x60 approximately, Gibraltar x28, India x33, Italy x76, Holland x49 with lots of Costumes, and a mostly modern array from Hawaii x150, condition a bit mixed but generally fine to very fine. (400 approx) View details Estimate$200StatusUnsold Symbolc Lot 43 Box of Cards with strong British content including a bundle of Hildesheimer artist Cards, Cadbury Bourneville Village advertising Cards x5, Valentine Cathedrals/Arms x6, Tuck Oilettes, good Bournemouth group, small towns, Cornwall x30+, a few Ireland, Westminster Abbey x7, Misch & Stock artist Cards including Wales x5, Peacock Aquarelle William Shakespeare x11 etc; also useful groups from Ceylon, Egypt including artist Cards x11, France & Gibraltar, condition generally fine to superb with many u View details Estimate$600StatusUnsold Symbolc Lot 44 An eclectic lot including Crown Studios "Samarai Wharf" (Papua), "Pahang - Sakai dwelling", four Nigerian women with massive bare breasts, attractive Fijian group x11, Indo-China x5, Sydney Short Line "Surf Board Riders of Hawaii" still attached to ship's menu Card, German World War I x4 (terrific photos, one of the Kaiser & King Ferdinand of Bulgaria), two-panel panorama of Lourenco Marques used to Australia, etc, condition variable but generally fine to very fine & mostly unused. (30) View details Estimate$400Price Realized$300StatusSold Symbolc Lot 45 Australia with advertising ship Cards for E&A Line and Aberdeen Line, wildlife group, NSW scenes etc, condition variable; New Zealand x15 including a couple of Maori subjects, generally very fine; also portraits, actresses, greetings, etc, condition variable; plus a bundle of mostly unused modern cricket Cards including national teams, numerous humorous types & many reproductions of 1890s-1930s subjects, very fine unused. (250 approx) View details Estimate$200Price Realized$300StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Symbolc Lot 46 World War I group apparently all collected by or from one Australian soldier with strength in Egypt including two impressive panorama types (rolled-up but can be flattened) & three booklets of Cards plus another from Belgium, one datelined "Christmas 1915/Gallipoli", also England Wales & Ireland, a few "silks" including two with the original inserts, etc, condition variable. (150 approx) View details Estimate$150Price Realized$480StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Symbolc Lot 47 Pacific Islands group from Solomons x5 including three real photo types (two by Beattie from Hobart), Fanning Island, Cook Islands x2, New Hebrides undivided backs x7, Norfolk Island, Samoa x7, Tonga x9 including real photo type of the King's Wedding, and 1d Postal Cards "NUKUALOFA" & "PINE-APPLE PLANTATION" both with 'AUCKLAND/LOOSE LETTERS' cds, New Caledonia x5 including a guillotine (!) & Tahiti x4, etc, condition a bit variable but many are fine to superb. Ex Bronte Watts. (50) View details Estimate$400Price Realized$600StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Symbolc Lot 48 Original traveller's album commencing in South Africa with Zulu subjects including topless damsels, Italy with Pompeii x4 & Edizioni d'Arte Donadio artist Cards of Capri x11, England including Photochrom sepia views x23 & Valentine views of Tunbridge Wells x4, garish American linen group including Fiji x6, etc, generally fine to very fine unused; also an array of photographs mostly smaller sizes but including two lively Pyramids & Camels shots (240x180mm) and a New Zealand whare (205x155mm). An View details Estimate$150Price Realized$220StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Symbolc Lot 49 European collection of mostly better scenes/subjects with some lovely chromo-litho Gruss aus types including for Davos, Bergen & Copenhagen, Italy with beautiful artist Cards including "Catacombes de St Calliste" x2 & "Pompeii - Casa de Vettii" x2, others from Bulgaria including 1913 real photo of soldiers in a trench, Monaco, Scandinavia, Switzerland, Spain, Greece, etc, condition variable but generally fine to very fine. Ex Bronte Watts. (140+) View details Estimate$400Price Realized$440StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Symbolc Lot 50 British Empire selection of mostly better scenes/subjects with Ascension x3, Malaya including 1922 Johore to Australia, India court-size artist Cards x4, "Funeral Pire" of a pile of corpses & three Australian Mission Cards, Ceylon, Aden, Malta, Mauritius, St Helena x2, South Africa real photo "Cango Caves - Visitors stopping for refreshments", useful group from Jamaica, the lesser West Indies & British Guiana, etc, condition variable but generally fine to very fine. Ex Bronte Watts. A very good View details Estimate$750Price Realized$1,100StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Symbolc Lot 51 Foreign collection with lots of better Cards from the United States (one to Persia) & Hawaii, European Colonies including Senegal, Belgian Congo, Canary Islands & a good range from the Dutch East Indies, Latin America, Korea x4, Ottoman Empire, Holy Land artist Cards, etc, condition variable but generally fine to very fine. Ex Bronte Watts. (150 approx) View details Estimate$450Price Realized$650StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Symbolc Lot 52 Raphael Tuck & Sons collection with a Tuck's advertising Card, some early chromolithos, a few delightful Art Deco/Art Nouveau types including three embossed types produced in Paris, many "Oilette" overseas views including USA State Capitols x30, Queen Mary's Dolls House x18 from various series, "Punch" cartoons x6, etc etc, condition variable but generally fine to very fine with many being unused. Ex Bronte Watts. [See also lot 611] (180 approx) View details Estimate$250Price Realized$460StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Symbolc Lot 53 Carton of "Moderns" from around the world. (100s) View details Price Realized$80StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Symbolc Lot 54 Attractive collection of mostly Great Britain & New South Wales Cards in three abominable el cheapo photo albums. Some will be retrievable but... 'Nuff said. (180 approx) View details Price Realized$120StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Symbolc Lot 55 "Moderns" galore crammed into two small cartons. (1000s) View details Estimate$100Price Realized$20StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history SymbolcGradea Lot 56 POSTCard LITERATURE: including "Picture PostCards in Australia" by Cook, "A History of PostCards" by Willoughby, "Naughty PostCards" by Howell, "PostCard Collecting" by Range, five titles by Ronnie Barker, "NSW...Bulletin" 1990-97 & 2001-07 hardbound in 5 volumes, & a couple of others. (17) View details Price Realized$90StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history SymbollGradea Lot 57 ADVERTISING: Mostly British & American Cards for alcohol & other beverages including an unusually stout (pardon the pun) set of 6 "My Goodness - My Guiness", Cadbury Chocolate x6, Pears' Soap x3, "Girls Own" Magazine x6, French Neerlando-American Line Card, political campaign Card, "Montana Bill" promotional Card, Australia mostly post-WWII x8 but including early Wertheim Pianos x2 & 1924 Bridestowe Lavender Farm (Tas), etc, condition rather variable but many are fine to very fine. Ex Bronte Wat View details Estimate$500Price Realized$380StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Symbolc Lot 58 ADVERTISING: Group of mostly British Cards for Hotels Charterhouse, Cecil and Imperial (all in London), Hotel Redcliffe (Paignton, illustrated on both sides), Metropole (Brighton), French Grande Hotel du Parc & Russian Hotel Victoria, also for Dominguez Cafe (Mexico) & 1951 multi-view for Lyndhurst Guesthouse; for Publications "The Great Home Journal", "TAT", "John Bull", "The Gentlewoman" & Russian "Pravda"; and for the Play "A Little Bit of Fluff" (Art Nouveau); also & delightful real photo of View details Estimate$500StatusUnsold Symbolc Lot 59 ADVERTISING: ALCOHOL: Group of mostly British Cards including "poster" Cards for Black Swan Distillery ("Private Horse Parade..."), "Black & White" Scotch Whisky (Polo, with Indian agents' details added), Old Orkney Whisky (Love Boat), W&A Gilbey's Ports ("Leaving the Vineyards", toning on address side) & Japanese Asahi Beer x2 (pro-British subjects), also for J&F Martell Cognac (1908 Franco-British Exhibition), Messageries Maritime Card with 'Whisky Dewar, White Label' overprint (Nile River at View details Estimate$750StatusUnsold Symbolc Lot 60 ADVERTISING: CHEESE: French Société des Caves et des Producteurs Réunis a Roquefort series of c.1901 Topographicals with illustrated advertising on the address side, on pale blue Card x22 or pale yellow Card, very fine to superb unused; plus the original packet in far above-average condition for a set of 24. Ex Keith Harrison. (24 items) View details Estimate$120StatusUnsold SymbolcGradea/a+ Lot 61 ADVERTISING: CHOCOLATE: British Nestlés Swiss Milk chromolithos with military scenes, a little aged, unused. Ex Keith Harrison. (4) View details Estimate$200StatusUnsold SymbolcGradeb Lot 62 ADVERTISING: POSTCardS: Mostly British bundle of mainly Topographicals overprinted handstamped or roneo'd on the address side for postCard wholesalers including Owen Meredith, John Thridgould, GW Wilson, Sandle Brothers, Rock Bros (including a discounted Card!) or the German firm Gustav Liersch; others soliciting original business including a marvellous real photo Card for FR Hinkins & Son (Alton); another offering Card-stock plus a Wellington & Ward packet with illustrated packet-label & four s View details Estimate$750StatusUnsold Symbolc Lot 63 ADVERTISING: SEWING MACHINES: c.1910 (?) American postCard-size Cards with advertising for the Singer Manufacturing Co being artist Cards featuring National Costumes & Sewing Machines used in some unlikely places including Albania, Georgia & Turkestan, some aging/toning on the reverse does not affect the very fine facial appearance; also a large-part packet for the set of 18; and Australian "Familiar Australian Singers" (Birds), unused. (18 items) View details Estimate$150Price Realized$115StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history SymbolcGradea-/b Lot 64 ADVERTISING: SHIPPING LINES: Group of mostly British artist Cards including "poster" Cards for Union-Castle x3 (gorgeous Cards, superb unused) & Belfast Steamship Co, also for Aberdeen Steam Navigation x2, Carron Line, Natal Line, American Colonial Navigation Co, Italian Florio-Rubattino and Dutch Batavier Line (little Dutch girl), a couple of others plus for Royal National Life-Boat Institution x3, condition variable but generally fine to very fine. Ex Keith Harrison. (16) View details Estimate$600StatusUnsold Symbolc Lot 65 ADVERTISING: TOBACCO: British WD & HO Wills Tobacco & Cigarette Brands chromolithos with young ladies x2 (not smoking!), Old Salt with Pipe or American Indians with Peace Pipe, unused. Ex Keith Harrison. (4) View details Estimate$300Price Realized$240StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history SymbolcGradea Lot 66 ALCOHOL: Selection of mostly British Cards with "Hop Picking Series" x12, a couple of real photo types including a multi-view of 28 different pubs!!, a few advertising Cards & some amusing comics including Austrian 1912 "Drunken Village", etc, also Rudolf Blind Aggressive Temperance set of 6 artist Cards (superb unused), condition variable but generally fine to very fine. Very entertaining. Ex Keith Harrison. (51) View details Estimate$350StatusUnsold Symbolc Lot 67 ARTIST CardS: A mounted collection of British, French & American "Glamour" Cards by various artists including Phillipe Boileau, Earl Christy, Harrison Fisher, Pearle Fidler Munyon (and a few in her maiden name Alice Luella Fidler), WA Barribel, Kathryn Elliott, Angelo Asti & many unattributed including a divine series of sumptuous hats, also a couple of Tuck chromolithos, virtually all unused & all those we checked are very fine to superb. A delightful study of "Edwardian" haute couture. Ex Joe View details Estimate$500Price Realized$460StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Symbolc Lot 68 ARTIST CardS: Album of beautiful Japanese art Cards in various media, some soiled on the reverse which does not affect the view sides. Ex Derek Pocock. (97) View details Estimate$300Price Realized$230StatusSold SymbolcGradea/b Lot 69 ARTIST CardS: Non-British collection mostly from France & other European countries with some really beautiful Cards notably Art Nouveau designs by R Jafuri set of 6 (all used in Egypt), "LM/1901" Water Birds x5 (addressed but unused), D Mastroianni x14 mostly based on Classical themes & two superb Russian Cards, others including Swiss Mountain Trolls x3, Belgium Impressionist Scenes by H Lassier x16, Italian Pointilist/Impressionist Paintings by Alfonso Corradi set of 10, Greece Views of Salonik View details Estimate$500Price Realized$375StatusSold Symbolc Lot 70 ARTIST CardS: Delightful selection of early Glamour/Nudity Cards by various French artists including several sets of 6 & A Jarach set of 7 with the original packet, mostly unused, condition variable but generally fine to very fine with some being superb. Ex Keith Harrison. (81) View details Estimate$1,000Price Realized$750StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Symbolc Lot 71 ARTIST CardS: French Lévy et Neurdein Réunis (LL) bundle of sepia Museum Cards of French masterpieces including Medieval & Napoloeonic themes, also Franco-Prusiian War, etc, mostly unused & generally very fine. (61) View details Estimate$100Price Realized$75StatusSold Symbolc Lot 72 ARTIST CardS: EVA DANIELL: British Raphael Tuck "Modern Art" complete set of 6 with Undivided Backs, unused. Superb! Magnificent Art Nouveau Cards. Ex Keith Harrison. (6) View details Estimate$500Price Realized$380StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history SymbolcGradea+ Lot 73 ARTIST CardS: CHARLES DANA GIBSON: Mounted display including "Gibson Girls" (some coloured), sepia studies from various series, some with coloured borders, many with romantic content, others with cutting commentary on social climbing & the class system, some are quite humorous, virtually all those we checked are very fine to superb used or unused. Ex Joe Duif. (47) View details Estimate$350StatusUnsold SymbolcGradea/a+ Lot 74 ARTIST CardS: One-frame exhibit of the "Gibson Girl" from various series including "The Education of Mr Pipp", "Pictorial Comedy" & "Life's Comedy", also a couple of WWI patriotics & a superb "Golf" set of 6 in the original packet (which, unusually, is very fine), many with entertaining/humorous social commentary, mostly unused & generally very fine to superb. Ex Joe Duif. (41 + packet) View details Estimate$300StatusUnsold Symbolc Lot 75 ARTIST CardS: Another unmounted selection again from various series including "The Education of Mr Pipp" x2, on pale blue Card & with coloured borders, some minor duplication noted, some minor problems but many are very fine to superb used or unused; also an almost very fine Ward Lock & Co (Melbourne) envelope for "Pictorial Comedy Set A7". Ex Joe Duif. (45 + envelope) View details Estimate$350StatusUnsold Symbolc Lot 76 ARTIST CardS: Gibson Cards for James Henderson & Sons (London), "Gibson Girl" sepia prints with embossed oval frames, a few minor blemishes, unused. (8) View details Estimate$100StatusUnsold SymbolcGradea/a- Lot 77 ARTIST CardS: JEAN JAM: early-1900s Libraire de l'Estampe "Les Baigneuses" (Ladies in Bathing Costumes including with a Crab, a Camera & two with a Bathing Box) set of 7, very fine unused; also the original wrapper in unusually fine condition. Ex Keith Harrison. (8 items) View details Estimate$250Price Realized$190StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history SymbolcGradea/a+ Lot 78 ARTIST CardS: RAPHAEL KIRCHNER: 1897 Undivided Back "Gruss aus Wien" (Music Hall) with overprinted advertisement for Dalmatian Red Wine, light damp spotting on the address side, unused. Ex Keith Harrison. [From Kirchner's first postCard series] View details Estimate$100Price Realized$180StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history SymbolcGradeb Lot 79 ARTIST CardS: "Santoy" Numbers I III V & VI with Undivided Backs, unused. Gorgeous series. Ex Keith Harrison. View details Estimate$400StatusUnsold SymbolcGradea/a- Lot 80 ARTIST CardS: "Légendes" Numbers I to VI complete with Undivided Backs, minor corner blemishes, unused. Ex Keith Harrison. (6) View details Estimate$500Price Realized$1,000StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history SymbolcGradea- Lot 81 ARTIST CardS: Austrian edition Half-Views of Fashionable Ladies & their Accoutrements with Grey Border at Right, unused. Superb! Ex Keith Harrison. (5) View details Estimate$500Price Realized$1,000StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history SymbolcGradea+ Lot 82 ARTIST CardS: Austrian edition Fashionable Ladies with Eggs, unused. Ex Keith Harrison. (4) View details Estimate$300Price Realized$380StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history SymbolcGradea/a+ Lot 83 ARTIST CardS: ditto, two further designs for PM & Co (London) but "Printed in Austria", unused. Ex Keith Harrison. View details Estimate$200Price Realized$380StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history SymbolcGradea Lot 84 ARTIST CardS: ESW (Austria) Pierrot & Clown in red & white, unused. Ex Keith Harrison. View details Estimate$75StatusUnsold SymbolcGradea Lot 85 ARTIST CardS: Flowers in the Hair Series set (?) of 9 with Undivided Backs, light damp spotting on the address side, all locally used at 'ISMAILIA' (Egypt) in 1900. Ex Keith Harrison. (9) View details Estimate$350StatusUnsold SymbolcGradeb Lot 86 ARTIST CardS: SEW (?) "Enfants de la Mer" set (?) of 10 with Undivided Backs, a few with minor spotting, unused. Saucy frolicking at the beach. Ex Keith Harrison. (10) View details Estimate$350Price Realized$420StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history SymbolcGradea/b Lot 87 ARTIST CardS: Leroy et Cremieu (Paris) "Les Péchés Capitaux" (= The Seven Deadly Sins) set of 7 with Undivided Backs, unused; also the original packet (part of the flap is missing). Gorgeous & superb! We like the expressive Pierrot. Ex Keith Harrison. (7 + packet) View details Estimate$600Price Realized$1,000StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history SymbolcGradea+ Lot 88 ARTIST CardS: HM & Co (London) "Marionettes" with Undivided Backs, different designs of a scantilly clad female puppet-master manipulating a courting couple, minor blemishes, unused. Ex Keith Harrison. [These Cards feature geometric symbol "perfins" that are evident from the address-side but don't quite puncture the stock. We have never before seen the use of this technique] (6) View details Estimate$500StatusUnsold SymbolcGradea-/b Lot 89 ARTIST CardS: French "Vieux Temps" set of 6 erotic nudes, all used with French 'ST GERMAIN EN LAYE A PARIS/13/JANV/01' railway datestamp, ink notations on the view-side still very fine. Ex Keith Harrison. (6) View details Estimate$300Price Realized$340StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history SymbolcGradea Lot 90 ARTIST CardS: Leroy et Cremieu (Paris) "La Mer fleurie" (risqué bathing costumes), unused. Ex Keith Harrison. View details Estimate$75StatusUnsold SymbolcGradea Lot 91 ARTIST CardS: Reinthal & Newman (New York) "Expiation" (Pierrot's Head on a Platter), unused. Great design! Ex Keith Harrison. View details Estimate$100StatusUnsold SymbolcGradea Lot 92 ARTIST CardS: M MUNK (Vienna): early-1900s Divided Backs Erotica "Ah! qu'on s'ennuie!" & "Petit dejeuner matinal", set (?) of 8 with Topless Ladies & Amazing Hats (a few minor blemishes), six of Stylish Ladies with Plain Backs (proofs?, plus one of these designs - Divided Back - used under cover in 1907), unused. Superb! Ex Keith Harrison. (17) View details Estimate$500StatusUnsold SymbolcGradea+ Lot 93 ARTIST CardS: A PENOT: early-1900s R et Cie Glamour & semi-Nudes x12 from various series, plus Leroy et Cremieu saucy "Tennis" Cards x5, a few blemishes, unused. Ex Keith Harrison. (17) View details Estimate$250Price Realized$190StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history SymbolcGradea/b Lot 94 ARTIST CardS: K VON MERIZZI: British PM & Co "Months of the Year" Art Nouveau complete set of 12 with Undivided Backs, unused. Superb! Ex Keith Harrison. (12) View details Estimate$500Price Realized$380StatusSold SymbolcGradea+ Lot 95 ARTIST CardS: LOUIS WAIN: c.1902 Undivided Backs British "Write-away" Cards of a Cat Swimming (very fine used DE23/02), Drinking (a bit grubby, 1903 usage on the Isle of Wight), or Fishing (French edition, very fine used in 1903); also Raphael Tuck "Marie Dainton in the Chinese Honeymoon" (corner stains, very early usage AP28/02). Ex Keith Harrison, who noted the earliest recorded date for a Louis Wain Card is 5/3/1902. View details Estimate$250Price Realized$300StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history SymbolcGradea/c Lot 96 ARTIST CardS: c.1902 British Hartmann embossed Cat (Horse Racing) Cards with Undivided Backs "In the Weighing Room" & "Welsher" (a reneging bookie), superb unused. Ex Keith Harrison. View details Estimate$200Price Realized$240StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history SymbolcGradea+ Lot 97 ARTIST CardS: British Divided Backs Raphael Tuck Cats "You Will Be Lucky In Love" (soiled on the address-side, used in 1908); Valentine's "Isle of Man: We won't go home till morning" (Dancing, unused) & "Be It Ever So Humble, There Is No Place Like Home" (Rooftop Orchestra, used at Douglas Isle of Man in 1912). Ex Keith Harrison. View details Estimate$200Price Realized$150StatusSold SymbolcGradea/b Lot 98 ARTIST CardS: British pre-World War I Max Ettlinger & Co Three Cats "Fishermen" and "Motorists", unused. Ex Keith Harrison, who noted these are among the scarcest Cards in Louis Wain's catalogue. View details Estimate$300Price Realized$240StatusSold SymbolcGradea-/a Lot 99 ARTIST CardS: British Davidson Brothers Strutting Owls "We shall be home at...", unused. Ex Keith Harrison. View details Estimate$100Price Realized$80StatusSold SymbolcGradea- Lot 100 AVIATION: Mostly British group with real photo types 1912 Daily Mail "Mr BC Hucks on his 70hp Bleriot", c.1921 of very stylish Aviators & Their Biplane with a Crowd Behind, Topical PostCard Co "Handley Page Monoplane" & 1929 "The Schneider Trophy Race" set of 6 (contemporary notes on reverse otherwise superb) & the original packet (faults), also c.WWI Austrian Emperor Inspecting Biplane, etc, a few 1970s reprints of early aircraft, a few artist Cards plus humorous group x6 including "A Peep Into View details Estimate$300StatusUnsold Symbolc Items per page 102550100100 Previous|12345678...12|Next123456789101112 Previous 1234567891011121 Next Previous 1234567891011121 Next