Stamps, Coins and Postal History (#48MG) Closed Auction Info Advanced search ▼ Items per page 102550100100 Sort by DefaultTime LeftLot#Lot NameNewestHighest PriceLowest PriceBidsViewsDefaultDefaultTime LeftLot#Lot NameNewestHighest PriceLowest PriceBidsViews Filter By Categories Category match ANY of the aboveALL of the aboveANY of the aboveANY of the aboveALL of the above Featured Exclude closed lots Price Lot Number Results: Viewing items 1-31 of 31. Previous|1|Next View Lot 1568 Bundle of registered WWII Military Post Office covers including from Darby No 1, Dhurringile, Foster No 1, Geelong No 1 (2, different cds), Gherang, Ivanhoe, Mangalore, Rowville, six different Seymours, Torquay & Wangaratta etc, plus a few unregistered including from Lysterfield Hills & Mornington (PPC with 'RELIEF/No 8' cds), some mostly minor toning. A very difficult group to assemble. (27) SymbolcGradea/b View details Estimate$600Price Realized$460StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 1569 1968-76 philatelic covers unaddressed or self-addressed by John Bell including from 'BULLA' SDL (rated RRRR), 'BYADUK/VIC-3285', "FRASER" with quotation marks!, 'INVERGORDON NORTH' with 'INVERGORDON' label, 'LONE PINE', 'MERRIJIG' SDL, 1951 'CIC MILDURA', 'MIRRIMBAH' SDL, 'MORWELL UPPER', 'PEECHELBA EAST', 'SEAHOLME __' (area code removed, SDL), 'SPECIMEN HILL' & also fitted with SDL including from 'COOMA', 'JEERALANG JUNCTION' & 'PINE LODGE', 'YARROWEYAH' SDL etc, several record dates, some fr SymbolcGradea/a- View details Estimate$500Price Realized$650StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 1570 1935-47 philatelic covers from 'INDENTED HEAD', 'LORNE NORTH' & 'OAKLEIGH SOUTH' each with provisional labels (the first two both with 'No 001'), and non-registered from 'ASCOT VALE WEST W2' & 'TOTTENHAM EAST W12', all cancelled on the Opening Day of the offices. (5) SymbolcGradea/b View details Estimate$150StatusUnsold Lot 1571 1967 covers to a radio station competition mostly from central Victoria & southern NSW POs including CDS fitted with SDL 'COOMA' (Vic), 'DUNBULBALANE', 'GOBUR', 'GOULBURN WEIR', 'LOCKSLEY', 'MOGLONEMBY' & 'YABBA NORTH' etc, also noted 'MOLYULLAH/VIC-AUST', lots of duplication including of scarce types. (500 approx) SymbolcGradea/a- View details Estimate$200Price Realized$400StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 1572 Collection mostly on KGV values on piece with many scarce to rare items including double-oval 'POST OFFICE/ASCOT VALE' (rated RRRR), 27mm 'BOLTON' (RR), 'FAWCETT' (RR), 'GUY'S FOREST' (RRRR), 27mm 'HATTAH' (the ERD of only 2 strikes recorded), 'HOTHAM HEIGHTS', 'JEERALANG', 'PELLA', 'ST BERNARD HOSPICE' (ERD; RO period), 'YEODENE' etc. (100s) SymbolsΔ View details Estimate$500Price Realized$900StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 1573 Untidy collection in two albums but lots of better KGV-KGVI period material noted including 'BARWIDGEE SETTLEMENT' (rated RR), 'BETHANGA BRIDGE' (previously unrecorded; open 10 months only), superb 'BLACK LEAD' (RRR), 'BOOMAHNOOMOONAH' (RR), double-oval 'MONEY ORDER/CASTLEMAINE' (RRR), oval 'POST OFFICE/CHELTENHAM S22' (RRR), 'CHIRRUP' (RRR), 'C'WEALTH OFFICES', 'ECHUCA VILLAGE' (RR), 'EVELYN' (LRD; RRRR), 'GEELONG (FORD'S WORKS)' (RR), 'PO GOULD' (RR), boxed 'MOO/KYNETON', 'RYNABY', boxed 'MONE SymbolsΔ View details Estimate$1,000Price Realized$1,800StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 1574 Single volume collection of Barred Numerals including duplexes & pre-1913 cds, no rarities noted but there are numerous fine to superb strikes, many are on piece. (many 100s) SymbolsΔ View details Estimate$250Price Realized$400StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 1575 Small box of stampless late-1959 OHMS pieces with a duplicated array of mostly Victorian cds including 'MO ARMADALE' LDL (rated RRRRR), 'ASHBURTON SE11' WWW #50B (RRRR), 'MONEY ORDER/BENALLA' SDL (RRRR), 'BOWSER/VIC-AUST' (RRRR), 'COBURG NORTH N14' (RRRR), 'EVERTON' SDL (RRR), 'McKAY CREEK', 'MO MARKET SQ GEELONG' LRD (later of only two recorded), 'PEECHELBA EAST/VIC' SDL (LRD) & 'PEECHELBA EAST/VIC-AUST' (ERD; narrowing the changeover from 5 years to 16 days!), etc, strikes are generally fine t SymbolΔ View details Estimate$200Price Realized$1,000StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 1576 Shoebox of mostly 1938-40 covers to the "Bendigo Advertiser" including about a dozen Press Parcel envelopes, cds include 'AXEDALE', 'BAGSHOT', 'BROOMFIELD', 'EMU CREEK', 'FOSTERVILLE', 'HARCOURT NORTH', 'JANIEMBER EAST', 'KNOWSLEY', 'LEICHARDT', 'McINTYRES', 'OMBERSLEY', 'PINEGROVE', 'SEDGWICK', 'SUTTON GRANGE', 'WILD DUCK CREEK/VIC' & '.../VIC.-AUST.', 'WOODSTOCK-ON-LODDON' etc, condition a bit mixed. (250+) Symbolc View details Estimate$250Price Realized$900StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 1577 Butterfly '1' of Melbourne, and Barred Ovals '3' (rated R) of Williamstown on horizontal pair, '5' of Bendigo Creek, '18' of Portland, '34' (R) of Horsham & '37' of Castlemaine, all on 6d orange Woodblocks with full margins, the last of which is an enormous marginal stamp from the top of the sheet, Cat £133++. A desirable group. (6 items) SymbolsGradea/b View details Estimate$150Price Realized$140StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 1578 Range all on the 1927 1½d Canberra with many scarce/rare markings including 'ARNOLD RS' (rated RR), 'BARING' (RR; ERD), 'BRIT BRIT' (RR; ERD), 'BUCKLAND LOWER' (RR), 'FOSTER NOR[TH]' (RRR), 'GOWANFORD' (RR; ERD & in violet), 'KAMAROOKA EAST', superb 'LE ROY', 'McINTYRES', 'MT BUTE' with arcs (ERD), 'NINE MILE', 'STRATH-ALLAN', 'TATONG' with 3mm arcs (recorded 1924-1929 only), 'TOWAN', 'VASEY', 'WAGANT', 'WOODSTOCK WEST', etc, mostly good to very fine strikes. (120) Symbols View details Estimate$400StatusUnsold Lot 1579 Fake Cancels group comprising 'VICTORIA'-in-Bars x3, forged English Mail TPO duplex, & various Melbourne duplexes on Stamp Statute values to 5/- & a few Stamp Duty including £8 red/yellow on linen-backed piece. (16) Symbolo View details Price Realized$440StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 1580 Collection in 64pp Leuchtturm stockbook with strength in the KGV Period, no howling rarities noted but lots of scarce strikes & numerous closed offices represented including 'AERODROME ESSENDON W6' (Opening Day of Post Office), 'BUNDALONG', 'CARINA', 1953 'ESSENDON AIRPORT W6' (rated RRRR), 'LOCKSLEY', first type 'MERRINEE', 'MOOLORT', etc (600+); also an array of mostly rubber modern types again including many scarce items (450+); the strikes are generally fine to superb. (1000+) SymbolsΔ View details Estimate$300Price Realized$750StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 1581 Border Post: very fine unframed oval 'BORDER POST/[crown]/MA*12/1853/VICTORIA' across the flap on entire from Melbourne to "Border Inn" with Queen-on-Throne 2d (surface fault). Renamed from Munro's Inn c.-/12/1849; renamed Lindsay (1) on 1/1/1854. SymbolcGradeb View details Estimate$100Price Realized$160StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 1582 Bromley: 'BROMLEY/-AU27/[V]IC' almost fine strike on 1½d Canberra. Rated RRRR. Renamed from Burnt Creek 1/2/1885; closed 30/6/1942. [Goldfields; 4km SE of Dunolly] SymbolsGradea b2 View details Estimate$100Price Realized$120StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 1583 Carboor: 'CARBOOR/12DE59/VIC' very fine strike in violet. Rated RRRRR: the first non-archival example recorded. TO only c.1913; closed 11/9/1967. The other details in WWW are wrong: a very rare error indeed in this work. [19km SW of Myrtleford] SymbolΔGradea a1 View details Estimate$150Price Realized$280StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 1584 Deep Lead Railway Camp: 'DEEP LEAD RLY CAMP/9JE34/VIC' virtually full strike on KGV 2d red. An exciting new discovery & by far the superior of the two recorded examples. Rated RRRRR. PO c.1933; closed 3/8/1934. [Central Highlands, 15km NW of Stawell] SymbolsGradea a2 View details Estimate$400Price Realized$440StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 1585 Dondangadale: 'DONDANGADALE/5JL27/VIC' (ERD) very fine strike on 1½d Canberra. Rated RRR. RO 24/6/1922; PO 1/7/1927; renamed Dandongadale (seriously!) on 28/6/1943. [28km SSW of Myrtleford] SymbolsGradea a2 View details Estimate$100Price Realized$75StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 1586 Dutson: 'DUTSON/20MY27/[VIC]' (LRD) largely very fine strike on 1½d Canberra. Unrecorded by Watson Webster & Wood: the later of only 2 recorded examples - & the only one in the Post Office period - so rated RRRRR. PO 5/11/1889; RO 20/8/1919; PO 1/7/1927; TO 31/12/1927; closed 11/4/1961. [Gippsland: 13km ESE of Sale] SymbolsGradea a2- View details Estimate$250Price Realized$550StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 1587 Goon Nure North: 'GOON NURE NORTH/27SE37/VIC.' very fine strike on Boxsell cover with red 'GOON NURE' registration label amended by hand. Rated RRRR. PO 19/2/1929 when Goon Nure was downgraded to a TO; closed 31/12/1939, & from 1/1/1940 Goon Nure was again upgraded to a PO. [Gippsland; 13km WSW of Bairnsdale] SymbolcGradea a1 View details Estimate$150Price Realized$220StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 1588 Hotham Heights: 'HOTHAM HEIGHTS/23MY25/VIC.' (ERD by 5 years) superb strike on KGV 1½d red perf 'OS'. Telegraph Office only 1/9/1926; closed c.1970. Apparently it was open at least 16 months earlier, perhaps as a Receiving Office. [Australian Alps 11km SE of Harrietville] SymbolΔGradea a1+ View details Estimate$150Price Realized$550StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 1589 Kalimna: 'KALIMNA/2OC67/VIC-AUST' (SDL) fine strike on Tatts cover with typed provisional registration label. Rated RRRR; recorded 1962 to 1969 only. RO c.1902; PO 1/7/1927; closed 30/4/1970. [Gippsland: 2km W of Lakes Entrance] SymbolcGradea a1- View details Estimate$150Price Realized$280StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 1590 Koorooman: 'KOOROOMAN/JA6/88/VICTORIA' legible strike on defective cover, 2d with partial 'MD/92' cancel (unrated, but rare before the name change). The earlier of only two recorded examples. PO 1/10/1887; renamed Leongatha 1/6/1891. [Gippsland] SymbolcGradec c1 View details Estimate$100Price Realized$320StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 1591 Lyons: 'LYONS/17JE58/[VIC]' (TO period) largely very fine strike on QE 4d claret. The first example recorded: rated RRRRR. PO 5/10/1889; TO 15/7/1918; closed 5/7/1971. Prior to this recent discovery, the cds was known only from archival strikes with SDL. [20km NW of Heywood] SymbolΔGradeb a2- View details Estimate$200Price Realized$300StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 1592 Melbourne: Large stockbook with an extensive collection from early duplexes to 1912 with a high percentage on piece & numerous excellent strikes throughout; also a group of covers with early machine cancels. Lots of "bang for your buck". (many 100s) SymbolsΔc View details Estimate$200Price Realized$320StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 1593 Melbourne: oval 'L.C.9/MY21/1885' superb strike on face of locally addressed Postal Card also with boxed 'UNCLAIMED AT/MELBOURNE' h/s. Rare Letter Carrier usage: see Philately from Australia of March 2014 at pp7-12. SymbolpsGradea a1+ View details Estimate$300Price Realized$230StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 1594 Perry Bridge: 26mm 'PERRY BRIDGE/20MY20/VIC' almost fine strike on KGV 1½d brown on Shierlaw front to Adelaide. A new discovery & the only recorded example. PO 10/12/1879; closed 30/4/1956. [Gippsland: 16km E of Stratford] SymbolcGradea b1- View details Estimate$125Price Realized$140StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 1595 Prooinga: 'PROOINGA/2JY27/VIC' largely very fine strike on 1½d Canberra. Only four strikes recorded. RO 15/12/1922; PO 1/7/1927; TO 1/1/1941; closed 28/2/1958. [Mallee: 14km ENE of Manangatang] SymbolsGradea a2- View details Estimate$100Price Realized$100StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 1596 Willah: 'WILLAH/6JY27/VIC' almost very fine strike on 1½d Canberra. The first example recorded. RO 8/9/1926; PO 1/7/1927; closed 5/10/1934. [Mallee: near Red Cliffs] SymbolsGradea- a2- View details Estimate$150Price Realized$200StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 1597 Wonyip: 'R.O. WONYIP/3AU32/VIC' (LRD before the 'RO' was removed) almost very fine strike on KGV 2d red. RO 5/11/1905; PO 1/7/1927; TO 16/2/1968; closed 30/6/1970. As a class 'R.O.' datestamps are rare; particular examples moreso. [Gippsland: 25km E of Yarram] SymbolΔGradea b1- View details Estimate$150Price Realized$140StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Lot 1598 Yarroweyah: mss "Yarroweyah/13 9 05" on 1d pink. SymbolsGradea- a1 View details Estimate$50Price Realized$100StatusSoldBidding historyBidding history Items per page 102550100100 Previous|1|Next Previous 11 Next Previous 11 Next